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Paladin's Hell

Page 26

by Manda Mellett

  “A few days at most,” Demon’s eyes stare at mine. “That’s all I’m asking. If he’s innocent, what we do to him might turn him on the club if he hasn’t gone against it already. Even as a prospect he knows too much. We could be signing his death warrant, even if he’s not guilty. Don’t want to go down that route if we don’t have to take it.” His tone is pleading.

  Lowering my head into my hands, I know he’s right. If we take Runt to the basement, guilty or not, there’s a very good chance he won’t be walking out. We could lose a good man for nothing. End up killing an innocent man because he’s been wrongly accused.

  “Look at it this way, Hell. If Runt was behind it, he made sure the drive-by happened at a time no one else would be injured. That suggests he’s not looking to kill or hurt anyone else.”

  “And if it’s not? We’ve got people gunning for us who didn’t give a damn if there were women or brothers outside at the time. As most times there would have been, were we not having a barbeque that day.”

  Demon raises his chin. “So, we’re at more risk if we’re barking up the wrong tree. If it’s not Runt, and we divert our attention away from the real culprits, something could blindside us. Something serious leaving some of us dead.”

  It’s times like this I hate being the prez. Having to make decisions and hope that they’re right. If we accuse Runt, could be I’m responsible for killing an innocent man. I’m sitting here, discussing that, feeling no remorse. Am I more like Blackie than I thought?

  My son and I are close. Closer maybe through the bonds we share. He was born my brother, but I’ve raised him as my child. Through both nature and nurture we’ve got strong links. Is it any wonder at times it’s as though he can read my mind?

  He’s staring at me intently, giving me a moment to pull my thoughts together, before saying, “We’ve both got a bit of Blackie in us. Sometimes we might need to call on it, Prez. Can’t run a one-percenter club without breaking a few heads.”

  Barking a laugh, I set him straight. “If Blackie was here, he’d already have Runt in the basement. He’d be a dead man walking by now.”

  I turn away. Am I showing my weakness by not being able to make a decision? All my life I’ve tried to be the opposite of my father. Am I taking it to extremes, and leaving the club exposed as a result?

  Demon stands to leave, pausing to pat my shoulder. “A few days, Prez. If there are no other leads and fingers still point toward Runt, then he’s visiting the basement.”

  Chapter 30


  This evening has been like old times. Jayden and I playing pool. Already the brothers here seem wary of taking her on, but I don’t mind being beaten by a woman. Teaching her pool had been my way of getting her out of her room, back when she first arrived at the Tucson club, giving her something to focus on rather than feeling everyone was looking at her, wondering how she was doing. It had also been a way of me being able to keep close to her, without attracting criticism. I’m proud as fuck when she beats me.

  “Yay!” She’s jumping up and down. “Ready to concede, Pal? That’s three times in a row.”

  I lean down, speaking into her ear, “You just got lucky tonight. Ouch.” I jump back as the minx bats at my arm, pretending to rub a sore spot that doesn’t hurt at all.

  “Lucky? You have to admit I’m the better player.”

  That she might be. But wild horses wouldn’t pull that fact from me. “Nah, that’s me, Doll.”

  During the evening Jay’s talked to a lot of my new brothers. Pyro vowing he’ll never play against her again, making me laugh. I got a few slaps on my back for being brave enough to take her on, and was cheered when I did beat her—before her final winning streak. She seems comfortable here, more animated and like her old self, than she’d been at Moira and Hell’s, it’s almost as if being on lockdown gives her a sense of security. Watching her talking to Runt who’s sitting on the sofa, checking he’s comfortable, I frown. I haven’t considered it before, but maybe her independence and freedom will be more of a challenge for her. For more than two years she’s lived with the fear of being taken again. Something I’ll need to work on. After the lockdown is lifted I’ll need to buy her that car, teach her to drive, and help her get to the place where she can enjoy her new freedom.

  Fact remains, though it’s a strange club to her, she’s relaxed here. She’d make a great old lady.

  Slow, Pal, slow.

  She’s sitting beside Runt now, laughing at something he’s said. A kernel of jealously starts to burn inside me. I’ve always said if she ends up not wanting me, I’ll accept it. I lied. Seeing her with another brother? Nah, couldn’t take it. Perhaps it’s time to stop pussying around. Step up and show her what I’ve got to offer. This morning had certainly been a start in the right direction.

  When I’d first seen her, when she’d put her trust in me, I knew she was going to be mine. My feelings have only become stronger as she’s grown into a woman. She’s it for me. If I’m not the one for her, I need to know.

  Fuck it. Runt’s got his hand on her knee as he leans forward to whisper into her ear. Throwing the cue stick on the table, I march over. “Ready for bed, Jay?” If there’s a double entendre in my words, it’s meant to be there. A strong message for the prospect.

  Runt catches my eye. Grinning, he leaves his hand exactly where it is. His eyes find mine in challenge. “We were talking.” A definite message that I was interrupting.

  I eye the prospect. Runt was obviously named as he’s a scrawny kid, probably around my age. He’s tall, but built more like a runner than a fighter. Though I’ve not got much more when it comes to muscles, I still think I could take him on, even if he weren’t injured. In Tucson, it would have been easy. He’s a prospect, I’m a fully patched member. But here, for some reason, prospects are allowed to claim women.

  He’s not claiming mine.

  Jay’s looking between us. I’m sure she’s totally innocent, and unaware of the undertones between Runt and myself. She’s only showing concern for somebody injured. While his interest is clearly deeper.

  “Jay.” I hold out my hand.

  “If you want to talk to Runt, you stay where you are, Jay.” I swing around, glaring at Moira who’s come up behind me.

  Jay’s starting to look confused.

  Runt smirks and pats her fucking leg again with the hand he’s about to lose. “That’s right. You stay where you are, Jay.” Then to me, “You haven’t claimed her.”

  He’s right. I haven’t. But everyone knows that she’s off limits. Don’t they? Just in case, I make it clear to him. “She’s mine, Runt.”

  “She’s not yours, Pal. She’s her own woman with her own mind.” It’s Moira again. Why can’t she butt out? Why is she pushing the prospect and Jay together? “Mo, I know you mean well, but this is between Jay and me.”

  “I’m looking out for her. Just like I promised her sister,” she explains. Her eyes challenging.

  I hadn’t noticed, but the room’s gone quiet as our voices have got louder. Jay’s looking confused. She starts to stand; Runt pulls her back down. That’s enough for me. I start to move forward; my progress is halted by a strong grip on my arm.

  “What the fuck is going on here?” It’s the VP. As Runt opens his mouth, Demon shuts him down. “Not you, Prospect. Pal, explain.”

  “Prospect’s got his hand on my woman.”

  “Your woman? You’re claiming her?”

  Jay’s eyes are wide open. She looks at me, then at Runt. Then at the hand that’s still on her fucking knee.

  “I’m claimin’ her.” There’s no doubt in my mind. The sight of another man touching her has brought all my possessive instincts to the fore.

  “He can’t fucking claim her,” Mo all but screeches. “She’s not seventeen yet.”

  “Citizen fuckin’ rules, Mo.” Oh shit, Prez is involved now. “And claimin’ and fuckin’ are two different things. If they’re committin’ to each other, none of our fuckin’
business what goes on behind closed doors.”

  “I’m not having it!”

  “It’s what me and Jay…” Fuck! My hand goes to my cheek as the sound of the forceful slap that’s just landed echoes in the sudden silence. My fists clench, my muscles tense. But not only was it a bitch who slapped me, it was the Prez’s old lady. I can’t retaliate.

  Moira’s sharp intake of breath makes me suspect she knows she’s gone too far. I look over her head to see Prez raising his chin, letting me know he’ll handle it. Me? I don’t trust myself to speak to either him, or her.

  “Jay, come with me,” I turn to her instead, holding out my hand. “We’ve got things to talk about.”

  “No…” Runt starts to protest.

  Demon steps past me and up to him. “Prospect. You don’t question a member.”

  “It’s up to the girl…”

  He clearly doesn’t know when to shut up. Despite his mother’s views, Demon appears to be on my side.

  “On thin ice, there, Prospect,” VP snarls out. “Now let the girl go.”

  At last, Runt lifts his hand away. Jay stands, comes slowly over to me. Her beautiful eyes on me the whole time.

  “Pal?” she says, hesitantly, wincing a little as her eyes focus on my cheek where I suspect a reddening handprint is appearing.

  “We’ll talk in private.” I place my hand at the small of her back, and lead her to the stairs, feeling Moira’s glare burning into my back every step.

  I’d forgotten to lock my door again. There, in the middle of the bed, is Bitch. Her presence breaks some of the tension between us. Jay steps quickly across the room, ignoring my sharp warning about staying away from her claws, and sits beside the cat, lifting her into her arms. The fucking cat purrs. Me? I’d have got scratched.

  Using the cat as armour, Jay nuzzles its fur, then looks at me. “What the hell was all that about, Pal?”

  I pace toward the bed, stopping just short as Bitch is watching me with her calculating green eyes. “I got jealous when you were talking to Runt, okay? He was pushing my buttons. He shouldn’t have put his hand on your fuckin’ leg.”

  “I didn’t really notice. He was just being friendly. Asking what I thought of the club and how different it was from Tucson.”

  “Friendly? He’s a man, Jay. And you’re an attractive woman.” I sweep back my hair in exasperation.

  She peers up through her eyelashes. “You think I’m attractive?”

  “Of course I fuckin’ do.” Once more, I eye the cat. “Jay, please, put Bitch outside.”


  Because I want to hold you. “Because she’s glaring daggers at me. It’s distracting.”

  With a giggle, she stands, cat in her arms, walks to the door and puts the feline outside. With a better memory than mine, she locks the door behind it. Then turns. “Now what?”

  I pace toward her, rest my hands on her shoulders, and lower my face. When my lips find hers, she responds. Her arms go around my back. Unlike the kiss earlier, it’s me taking charge, taking control. Moving one hand so it’s around the back of her head, I hold her to me. If she makes the slightest move to pull away, I’d stop, but she doesn’t.

  I’m learning her, she’s learning me. Our tongues mate together, teeth smash, we back off, angle our heads better. The taste of her I could get drunk on. She’s perfect.

  At last I pull back, resting my forehead against hers. “Lost it when Runt was pushing me, Jay. Made me realise, if I don’t make a stand, anyone here could try and take you from me. Wanted, needed, to claim you. Make those fuckers understand you’re mine. Put you off limits.”

  My cock’s hard, throbbing. I press closer to her, knowing she can feel it when she gives a small gasp.

  “Pal, I…”

  “I know you’re not ready, Jay. I’ll wait until you are. But I need to know if it’s worth waiting. If it’s not, tell me now. Fuck knows, it will kill me to watch you with anyone else. But if that’s what’s going to happen, if I’ve not got a chance, tell me now, please, Jay.”

  “I don’t want anyone else,” she says softly.

  The words I want to hear. But I can’t forget what happened downstairs, nor how Moira had me sent to the strip club last night. Something’s happening that I don’t know about. “What’s Moira got to do with this, Jay? What’s she been saying to you?”

  It’s her who takes the lead. Holding my hand, she leads me to the bed and sits, When I lower myself down beside her, she draws one leg up under her, sitting sideways to face me. My hand still in hers, she looks down at it, entwining her fingers with mine.

  “I don’t know what’s got into Moira. Ever since I’ve been here she’s been making me question what I feel for you.”

  I can’t suppress my snarl. “What the fuck has it got to do with her?”

  “She seems to have it in her head that you’re going to force me…”

  “She thinks I’m going to rape you? For fuck’s safe.”

  “No,” she says quickly. “She just thinks you’ll pressure me. That I’m too young to know my mind, that I should explore my options…”

  “Explore your fuckin’ options? Is that what you were doing with Runt? You got the hots for him, Jay?”

  “You asked, Pal. Now you’re not letting me explain.” Her calm words, in response to my burst of anger, make me take a deep breath. “We’ve known each other for ages, have never been allowed to be more than friends. We, everyone, expects us to take the next step, eventually. I don’t know how to go from being what we are, to getting physical. Moira’s said you probably haven’t waited for me. That you’re a man, with needs. I need to know if that’s true. I need to trust you. Since I met you, since you promised me, Pal,” her voice grows shaky as though afraid of the answer, “have you ever been with anybody else?”

  I close my eyes. If I move too fast, I might scare her. Move too slow, she might not think I care and I’ll lose her. Tell her the truth, she might run a mile. I realise I’ve got no option. I turn her hand over and hold it tight. “Jay, I haven’t been with club whores or anyone.”

  Her lips press together, her eyes find mine and hold them. “Since when, Pal? Since we met? Since you said you’d wait? Or since we’ve been here?”

  “Since ever,” I admit in a low voice. “I’ve never had sex.”

  She looks at me sharply. “What?” Her tone is disbelieving.

  “I’ve got no experience, Doll.” A few ideas. I might not have done it myself, but I’ve certainly been exposed and I’m not ignorant.

  “You’re a virgin?” She sounds incredulous.

  “Yeah.” I can’t read if that’s a good or bad thing.

  Her eyes grow big. As a tear slides from one, I can’t help myself, gently touching my forefinger to her cheek, I wipe it away.

  “I’m not,” she admits.

  I move fast. My hands holding her arms, I stare at her until she looks at me. “What did I tell you, Jay? That you might have had sex, but you’ve never been made love to. In all the important ways, you’ve never had a first time.”

  “Neither have you?” she questions again.

  “Neither have I.” I confirm.

  When I thought about us taking the next step, when I’d allowed myself to imagine it, it had been me taking things slow, moving things on gently. Taking my time so as not to scare her. Waiting, I don’t know, until at least her seventeenth birthday, treating her like a queen, making her see how special she is to me.

  What I never expected was for her to stand up, take a deep breath, then rip off her tee, and stand in front of me in her plain white bra. I’d seen her around the pool in a more revealing bikini, but something about the innocence of the garment she’s wearing goes straight to my fucking cock which swells almost unbearably, as I feast my eyes.

  “Jay.” I can only say her name, completely lost for words. It’s an invitation, pure and simple. My head shakes side to side, my whole body’s trembling in anticipation.

  Moving fast,
as though wanting to complete the action before she can regret it, she takes off her jeans.

  “Jay, for fuck’s sake.” My heart’s pounding. I can’t take breath into my lungs.

  Seeing my chest heaving, she misinterprets my non-verbal communication. “You don’t want me?”

  I stand, our bodies inches apart. “Fuck, Doll. I want you more than I want my next fuckin’ breath.” My hands itch to reach out and take her. My brain says it’s too soon. Too fast. My own fear of doing the wrong thing coming between us. “Doll, why did you get undressed?”

  “To force a reaction from you, Pal. You’re always the gentleman. Never touching, never taking advantage. Never giving me an indication that it’s me you really want. I wanted to see what you’d do.”

  I grab hold of her hand, place it on my cock. “Is this reaction enough for you, Doll? One chance to get dressed. You don’t? I’m going to be taking this for a test ride very soon.”

  Fuck me, she giggles. I move my hand away, hers stays on my throbbing, aching cock, squeezing it gently, exploring it, making me hiss. “Test ride? Trust a biker to describe it like that.”

  Maybe not the best terminology, but I chuckle back. “Just hope you’re going to decide to buy afterwards.”

  Her hands go to the bottom of my own tee. I help her, sliding out of my cut and grabbing the back of my shirt behind my neck. Once my top half is naked, her hands land on my pecs, her fingers exploring my small nipples. Again, air whistles in through my teeth.

  “Fair’s fair,” I say softly, as I reach behind her to undo her bra.

  She giggles again, putting her hands on the front clasp of her bra and undoing it herself. “Guess you’re kinda proving you don’t have experience.”

  “I know enough what to do,” I threaten, remembering a bizarre conversation around the table in Tucson. Can’t remember who said it, but it sounds apt. “Part A,” I touch her hand over my cock, “Goes into slot B,” I touch her, fuck me, damp panties.

  “That’s all there is to it?” She chuckles, but her eyes flash in challenge. Her breathing has sped up; her face is flushed. Could be because I’ve now moved my hands and am playing with those gorgeous tits. Pinching her nipples slightly between my fingers and thumbs. The first time in my life I’ve had an almost naked female that’s mine to do what I want with.


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