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Winter Nights

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by Baheya Zeitoun

Winter Nights

  Baheya Zeitoun

  A Poetry Collection

  (100 Poems)

  Copyright ©2017 by Baheya Zeitoun. All rights reserved.

  This e-book is licensed. Any reproduction of this book is strictly prohibited.

  Previous works by the author:

  Darkness Lay Ahead


  Winter Nights

  1. Alone

  Alone in the world

  Surrounded by noisy crowds

  Consumed yet detached

  Quickly swallowed whole

  Yet left completely intact

  A pure loneliness

  2. The Black Revenge

  Raven-haired vixen enters the room

  In all black attire she approaches the groom

  Fearful was the bride of this mistress of the night

  Darker was her heart than the grimmest sight

  Her eyes of coal stared through the bride in contempt

  But to harm her, they did not attempt

  It was he she sought after on this night

  It was his betrayal that fueled her might

  Tar-like was the substance she released from above

  Enveloping his figure like a glove

  Mortified was his bride on their wedding day

  A horrific revenge from a witch against her prey

  3. Boredom

  A sculpted boredom

  Cemented in their gazes

  Wishing for relief

  Biting through pencils

  In the massive exam hall

  No patience just wait

  4. Born in the Shadows

  She walked among the shadows

  And disappeared in the crowd

  Afraid of the gallows

  Worried her screams would be too loud

  The worst sinner on this Earth

  Destined to be a warrior

  But condemned at birth

  For being the bearer and the carrier

  A formidable creature

  Is found watching from afar

  Has the most admirable feature

  She is wounded but never scarred

  5. Breaking the Silence

  Silent as the grave

  Silent as the dead

  Silent out of fear

  Silent out of dread

  Words slay the darkness

  Words show the light

  Words set you free

  Only if you have the might

  Break the silence

  Scream the words

  Write them down

  Share them, let them be heard

  Because whether you are true

  Or whether you are not

  Your silence condemns you

  Because your words can mean a lot

  6. Calmness Within

  A calmness within

  When freed from trepidation

  A soothing quiet

  A needed balance

  Residing in purity

  An internal peace

  7. The Calm after the Storm

  After the violent winds

  After the strong rains

  After the lighting and the thunder

  Comes the calm after the storm

  When the clouds open up

  When the sun shines

  When the rain stops and the winds are softer

  Is the calm after the storm

  But the damage is done

  But the trees have been uprooted

  But the houses are ruined

  What’s the use of the calm after the storm

  Because it is peaceful

  Because it is serene

  Because it is clear

  Because it is the calm that can only come after a storm

  8. Ceaseless Catastrophe

  Catastrophic creatures

  Creating constant chaos

  Causing clear calamity

  Never ceasing

  Collective capability

  Coercive capacity

  Calculating casualties

  A consistent strategy

  9. Cherry Blossoms

  Cherry blossoms in the spring

  Rosy colored, smiles they bring

  On hard branches they always bloom

  For mere moments and disappear too soon

  Joyous trees without a fault

  Bright pink with soft edges that will eventually molt

  But for the spring, blossoms on branches are stuck

  And their sweet nectar the bees shall suck

  10. A Child Within

  Living with a child

  Deep within never growing

  Innocence is kept

  Purity remains

  Untarnished by corruption

  Carrying much hope

  11. China Doll

  Fragile china doll

  Such a beauty on display

  Nick her and she’ll break

  Well put together

  From afar, but full of cracks

  Small and delicate

  12. Chocolate Paradise

  Covering biscuits

  Covering fruits

  Covering none

  It still suits

  Heavenly delicacy

  Decorated elegantly

  Beautifully done

  Melting gently

  Cascading fountain

  Molten Mountain

  Morning bun

  Exquisitely rounded

  Edible sensation

  Godly creation

  Eliciting fun

  Through the smallest ration

  13. Confinement

  Confided inside

  Eagerly freeing myself

  But still feel entrapped

  Quite knowledgeable

  Yet drowning in ignorance


  Reality stunned

  Unable to cope with life

  Permanent limbo

  14. Confused Little Girl

  The confused little girl woke up this morning again

  Wondering when her life will begin

  Agitated and scared, a tantrum she threw

  Lashing out at everyone she knew

  Unable to comprehend they called her spoiled

  Causing her fury to further boil

  As reality crushed her down to the bone

  It turned a muscle into cold hard stone

  Bleak became the future through her eyes

  And unnerving was her slow demise

  Many tried to help piece her back together

  But she believed that hope was lost forever

  So sad was the reality she couldn’t bear

  And so real was the sadness she couldn’t share

  15. Cruel Kind Heart

  A cruel kind heart

  So passionate and tender

  Tough through its harshness

  Aggressive at times

  And violent when challenged

  The gentlest of all

  16. Culture of Carelessness

  Chaos, carelessness

  A culture of destruction

  Waiting to collapse

  Through incompetence

  The mighty become ashes

  Awaiting abyss

  17. Culture of Fear

  Instilled in us at a young age

  To tremble with fear at every stage

  Without it you would be lost to the wind

  Like a bird that hasn’t learned to sing

  Fear will protect you from your doom

  Hold on to it, or you’ll vanish soon

  An armor meant for the weak of heart

  Is given to us from the very start

  Not by choice, is what they say

  Wear it true or else you’ll pay

  To the skies
above you always pray

  For an alternative in any way

  Born free is every creature on this Earth

  To roam and wander in endless mirth

  But the iron weighs us to the ground

  Forced to constantly hammer and pound

  They who crave to seize control

  They who believe they can eat us whole

  They who don’t look to the skies above

  Because they don’t believe in enough

  18. The Darkest Night

  In the darkest night

  When you scream of fright

  When terror is at its height

  You pray for strength to keep going on

  In the depth of fear

  When you fight a tear

  When you’re paralyzed from toe to ear

  You ask for the power to keep you hoping

  It is that pain you need

  It is that anger you bleed

  It is that inner demon you heed

  It is the night that wakes you up

  19. Delicate Threads

  Thin delicate threads

  Woven together make life

  Slight motion they break

  In need of balance

  To always remain intact

  Tread with greatest care

  20. Do I Dare to Dream

  Is a dream too much to ask?

  Is it every person’s right?

  Or is life merely composed of tasks

  Do I dare hope for a life of my own?

  Do I dare wish for love?

  Or am I to settle for an existence I’ve outgrown

  Can I explore the world?

  May I experience living?

  Or would such requests never be forgiven

  If a dream is bigger than its dreamer

  If an ambition is too outrageous

  Could it still be pursued or would it be ridiculous?

  Am I insane to want to make the most out of life?

  Am I unnatural because I want to follow the path I choose?

  Or have people grown accustomed to being blind to what they truly desire?

  21. The Dollhouse

  Anxiety dreams

  Fallen teeth

  Aging professors

  Messy suitcases

  Heavy breathing

  Endless sleeping

  Racing heart

  Troubled insomniac

  What? Where?

  Who? How?

  Why? When?

  Always questioning

  22. Drumming Hearts

  He held her tightly

  Relaxed in his warm embrace

  Drumming were their hearts

  Intertwined bodies

  Passionate intensity

  A calm filled the room

  A silent beating

  Laced with soft security

  Total perfection

  23. Dying Bird

  The small dying bird

  Producing one final trill

  Silenced by captor

  A free life ended

  Becoming merely a feast

  For a heartless pest

  24. Ebony

  In ebony halls

  Are ebony walls, pitch black

  With just drops of white

  In a haunted house

  Filled with haunting memories

  Lies dear Ebony

  One day a beauty

  Now lifeless and motionless

  Ebony in white

  25. The Effects of Modern Expectations

  The line between what is real and what is not is blurred and faded away

  Thus the demons and doubts in my head decided to come out and play

  As they run around, I sit here on this silent night and pray and pray

  Wishing that God would hear my prayer and save my soul today

  For these fears and anxieties are driving me insane in every way

  And the darkness has consumed my all, leaving behind ashes of grey

  But I still dream of a future not too far, one that’s here to stay

  So I continue to plead in prayer “Dear God, please return what has been taken away”

  And once again I hope they’re heard, for the madness I cannot delay

  26. Empty

  In this empty room

  With empty cupboards

  And bare walls

  Is an empty person

  With an empty heart

  And little future

  In this uncertain future

  With little hope

  Is the path of life you need to take

  27. Failure

  Failing to understand, failing to succeed

  Fearing the failure that did the deed

  Burying yourself and dying inside

  So as not face it, you choose to hide

  But you will soon learn that this very failure will help you stride

  28. The Fallen Flag

  Defeated at last

  A fallen dishonored flag

  Natives take the land

  Foreign rulers leave

  While dragging their flag in shame

  Their ships take them home

  Allies are honored

  As civilizations merge

  Different is one

  Peace erased the past

  Foreign and native combined

  They create a whole

  29. Fear

  Fear is a warning

  A signal to stop and think

  Reassess your life

  A strong stabbing pain

  Ordering intervention

  Growing over time


  A paralyzing feeling

  Hiding true meaning

  Trusting your instinct

  Will kill the horror within

  Prisoner released

  30. Fictional Worlds

  In fictional worlds

  Molded, morphed and deceptive

  The mind wanders free

  Without restrictions

  Unbound by reality

  These worlds come to life

  In the mind one lives

  Away but within real truth

  Such is its wonder

  31. Fiendish Friend

  A sly fiendish friend

  Slithers in the darkest nights

  Shivering I lay


  The arrival of my doom

  Without fear or fright

  32. A Flash of Reality

  Reality flash

  When dancing in the surreal

  It passes quickly

  In a world of dreams

  Away from supposed truths

  Floating towards life

  33. Flaming Gem

  Luscious flaming gem

  Below watery surface

  A part of a past

  Gleaming from the depth

  And enchanting explorers

  A mighty jewel

  34. The Flame of Youth

  A youthful flame once burning bright

  Is now too weak for this draining fight

  As gusts of wind impede its growth

  It vows to break its solemn oath

  Afraid of burning out for good

  It screams louder than it probably should

  The screams and cries are muted each day

  Silencing the flame in every way

  Wishing for water to sooth its sores

  The mighty flame becomes no more

  35. Floating in the Emerald Kingdom

  Is this you I see in the hollow space?

  Almost disappearing without a trace

  Far beyond the forest bridge

  Is it you that hides among the trees

  Enjoying the mellow morning breeze

  In the depth of the emerald kingdom

  Is this your voice singing a tune?

  Merrily in the month of June

  Soothing all the passersby

  Is this you upon the lake?

like a single flake

  Enchanting all who behold your grace

  36. The Foreign Island

  Out of place in a home that is my own

  Out of touch in a world where I should belong

  Out of breath from running after a mirage

  Out in a little island, foreign to all but me

  Minuscule yet has an abundance of joy

  Petite yet visible in an ocean of sorrow

  Tiny yet full of will and courage

  Small yet dripping with unharnessed potential

  Its little heart beats loudly

  Its blood runs deep

  It aches from constant cruelty

  But its soul it is destined to keep

  A foreign island all alone

  A little island standing tall

  An unnoticeable island to those who can't know

  A peaceful island with dangerous waters below

  37. The Forest Path

  A long forest path

  Many creatures frequent it

  Woodland and urban

  Their lives intertwine

  The path leads to many trails

  Grounded on this Earth

  38. Free is the New Crazy

  How wrong is to want to just be?

  Or is it truly “to be or not to be”

  Is it insane to desire to be free?

  Or is free truly the new crazy

  Every being wants to run without facing any boundaries

  Every soul hopes to wander the world without restrictions

  But it is the mad that are really free

  Because the sane believe that being free is the same as being crazy

  For that, I wish to be mad

  I wish to be insane

  I wish to be crazy

  That way I can be free

  39. Friend

  Fierce companion in the hardest of times

  Reliable and supportive whatever the crime

  Ideal partner when you simply need to chill

  Eternal loyalty, such an admirable skill

  Never wanes when you are most in need

  Devoted to you; from the truest seed


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