Her Greek Bodyguard (The Greek Brothers Book 3)

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Her Greek Bodyguard (The Greek Brothers Book 3) Page 5

by Amanda Horton

The food was amazing. The conversation filled with laughter. And then a small band began to play soft, slow, sexy ballads and Kassi found herself back in Piotr’s arms. Everyone else had paired off and it had only seemed natural for them to turn into one another’s arms and join the dancing.

  It was also very easy for Kassi to let the lines they had drawn for friendship begin to blur. As the evening wore on, she felt her eyes grow heavy and naturally leaned against Piotr, trusting him to guide them around the dance floor without running them both into anyone else. Kassi was lost in a beautiful daydream when Leo’s gravelly voice sounded behind her.


  She felt his shoulders tense and she lifted her head to see him sharing a look with her cousin that brought a frown to her face. As Leo moved away, she looked up at Piotr. “What was that about?”

  Piotr shook his head and physically withdrew her arms from around his neck. “Nothing you need to worry about. I’ll make sure you have a ride back to the estate.”

  “You’re leaving?” she asked, incredulously.

  Without another word, he turned and walked away from her, leaving her standing in the middle of the dance floor, all alone.

  Chapter 8

  Piotr walked into Leo’s office, closing the door behind him when he saw the grim look on Leo’s face. “You wanted to talk to me?”

  Leo nodded and indicated Piotr should take a seat. “Where is Kassi?”

  “She’s watching Damien for a little while so that Gemma can get a haircut.”

  Leo stood back up after having just sat down. “Gemma left the estate?”

  Piotr motioned for him to sit back down. “No, take it easy. The hairdresser came here but Damien wasn’t being very cooperative. Kassi thinks he’s starting to get a cold so she offered to take him for a few hours. They are currently kicking a ball around in the gardens.”

  Leo relaxed and retook his seat. “This situation with Andronicus has me on edge.”

  “Any progress in making contact directly with him?” Piotr asked.

  “No. And the attacks on our shipping docks have increased over the last few days. I’ve done everything I can to try and figure out what they want but so far, I’m not getting any sort of response.”

  Piotr nodded his head, guilt eating away at his insides as he wondered if maybe all of this was happening because of him. “How can I help?” Piotr asked.

  “I’m concerned that the attacks might move on to other areas of our lives. Mainly, the women. Alexi and Aimee are on their honeymoon and not scheduled to return for a while yet. Their destination was kept completely secret, even from Aimee, so I’m not worried about this threat reaching them until they return to Greek soil.”

  “So, we just need to keep Gemma, Damien, and Kassi safe,” Piotr surmised.

  “I’m going to take care of Gemma and Damien. Tyler will be returning tomorrow, and I plan to send them all three off on a small trip to échase parádeisos. The island is easy enough to maintain a safe barrier around and I will be joining them no later than the weekend.”

  “Is Kassi going with them?” Piotr asked, wondering why Leo hadn’t asked him to go and provide security on the island.

  Leo took a breath and then let it out. “Frankly, I don’t want to wait until tomorrow to make sure Kassi is protected.”

  “I’m not sure I understand,” Piotr told him with a frown. Things had definitely been strained between them since he’d left the wedding rehearsal so abruptly, but Kassi’s schedule had been fairly tame the last few days and he’d only escorted her off the estate once, with Gemma and Damien to the private beach. Other than that trip, Kassi had remained on the estate and stayed mostly in her rooms.

  “I know you are aware that she is not happy at the moment. With her penchant for disappearing when she’s in this frame of mind, I don’t want to wake up tomorrow and find she’s flown the coop. I want her off the estate today and taken someplace where no one would ever think to look for her. I want you to take her and keep her safe.”

  “How is that going to help the situation with Andronicus?” Piotr asked. “You’re basically suggesting we hide the women so that Andronicus doesn’t have anyone to target.”

  Leo nodded. “I’m happy with that assessment. There is nothing wrong with wanting to keep our women safe. You forget I’ve already been at risk of losing Gemma once before. When Petrina took her out to the island and abandoned her there in the middle of a storm?”

  “I’ve not forgotten,” Piotr told him softly. Leo had been beside himself and had gone after her, against all advice from the Coast Guard and others. He’d found her collapsed in the small boat, floating aimlessly amidst huge waves and near death. Because of Leo, Gemma was alive today and the situation had forced them to finally declare their true feelings for one another.

  Then Aimee and Kassi had been kidnapped by the same individual who had sabotaged Alexi’s boat and caused him to be presumed dead. Piotr was frankly tired of having to rescue the Moustakas women and looking at both his employer and his friend, he knew Leo was just as tired.

  Piotr nodded as the perfect place came to his mind. “I could take her up into the mountains.”

  “That would be good. Where exactly are you thinking?”

  “Palaios Panteleimon.”

  Leo smiled. “The balcony of Olympus. You know, I doubt Kassi has ever been there. Just to be safe though, make it seem like you are just headed into town for some of her usual activities and then slip away.”

  Piotr nodded. “I’ll have my vehicle delivered to the underground garage at the edge of town and we’ll use the driver to get there. They won’t be expecting us to return in anything other than the chauffeured car and we’ll have plenty of time to leave Thessaloniki.”

  “Good, good. Make sure you explain where you are taking Kassi and get her agreement to behave, otherwise, this will just be adding another worry if she takes off in unfamiliar countryside.”

  “I’ll explain things to her and gain her consent to the trip.”

  “Good. I’d like you to leave within the hour.”

  “Why so quickly?” Piotr asked, thinking that was probably going to be a sticking point for Kassi.

  “I’m taking Gemma and Damien with me this afternoon while I handle some last-minute business details. I don’t want Kassi sitting around here a moment longer moping. Left alone with her thoughts she’ll react to her emotions. I don’t think either of us wants to deal with that.”

  “No, you are right. I will go speak with her directly and we’ll be headed out within the hour.”

  Piotr left the office and headed for the gardens. He found Kassi and Damien kicking a soccer ball back and forth between them and he watched from the cover of a tree for several minutes before making his presence known.

  “Kassi. I need to speak with you,” he called out. When she turned and looked at him, he waved her and Damien over.

  “We’re playing ball,” she told him as Damien ran up with the ball in his hands.

  “I can see that but this is important.” Piotr had grabbed one of the maids on his way out of the house and he gestured her forward, “Please escort Damien to his mother’s rooms and make sure she knows he has been returned.”

  The maid inclined her head and took Damien’s hands, “How about we stop by the kitchen and see if there are any cookies?”

  “Yes. With chocolate chips?”

  “Maybe,” the maid offered with a smile.

  Piotr watched until the maid and Damien were out of earshot before turning to Kassi. “A situation has arisen, and your cousin has requested we leave the estate for a short while.”

  “A situation? What situation is that?” Kassi asked, folding her arms cross her chest.

  Piotr looked at her and debated about telling her everything or spinning a story for her. In the end, he decided the truth was more likely to gain her compliance. At least, the part of the truth her cousins currently knew.

  “Your cousins began receiving threats f
rom a very powerful criminal organization before the wedding and they have escalated to the point that you, Gemma, and Aimee are all being threatened.”

  Kassi looked very concerned. “Does Alexi know?”

  “He does. He’s taking every precaution possible. Leo is doing the same with Gemma and Damien. Tyler will be arriving tomorrow, and they will all be going away until this threat is eliminated. That only leaves you and Leo has requested I take you somewhere it would be hard for the criminals to find you.”

  “Why can’t I just go with Gemma and Damien?” Kassi demanded to know.

  “Leo thinks it will be better if we split up. That will force the criminals to do the same and weaken their ability to actually hurt any of you.”

  “I guess that makes sense. So, where are we going?” Kassi asked, her voice only slightly more cooperative.

  “Have you ever been to Mount Olympus? The Palaios Panteleimon to be specific?”

  Kassi shook her head, “No, I’ve always wanted to go but never had the chance.”

  “Now’s your chance. We leave within the hour. Pack whatever you need for at least a week or two and I will meet you in the foyer. We will have the chauffeur take us into town.”

  Kassi frowned. “If we take the chauffeured vehicle, how will we get out of Thessaloniki?”

  Piotr grinned at her. “Just leave that to me. Go pack and don’t use any of the maids. No one is to know where we are headed.”

  Kassi nodded and then asked, “This is really serious? Leo truly believes we are in danger?”

  “Leo does and so do I. These men don’t make idle threats.”

  Kassi nodded and then strode towards the house. Piotr watched her go and then headed in the opposite direction to gather up some of his own personal belongings he would need for an extended trip.


  Kassi didn’t understand what Piotr hoped to gain by having the chauffeur drop them off without their luggage, but he seemed to have a plan and she decided to be gracious and let it play out. She allowed him to take her hand as they walked through the mall and headed for the closest elevator.

  They took it down to the basement level and Kassi was surprised to see Piotr’s elegant sports car waiting for them, along with their luggage. It had already been stowed in the vehicle and he immediately handed her into the passenger side and then made his way around to the driver’s door. He spoke briefly to the chauffeur who nodded and then Piotr slid into the seat and put the car into drive.

  Kassi was quiet as he made his way out of the city, thinking he’d been very well-organized in having all of the pieces in place. No doubt, Leo had helped orchestrate today’s little ruse and Kassi couldn’t help but smile at the thought that she was now part of it.

  “So, how long will it take us to get there?” she asked, looking at the scenery as it raced by.

  “A little over an hour. We’ll follow the coastal highway for most of the trip. So, how is it you’ve never been there?”

  “No particular reason, I guess it just never presented itself. You’ve been there?”

  Piotr nodded, “Many times. My great-grandparents lived there. I remember spending weeks there during the summer…they’re good memories.”

  “You almost never talk about your childhood,” she told him.

  “That’s because there are memories there I’d rather not think about.”

  Kassi could understand that and she turned her gaze out the window. Piotr was a complex man and while she’d love to know more about him, she wasn’t willing to disrupt the truce they seemed to have reached. She wouldn’t make the mistake of thinking his friendliness was anything other than him doing his job and that was where she needed to concentrate her energy. Forgetting how she’d felt when they’d been more than friends.

  Chapter 9

  Palaios Panteleimon…

  Piotr watched Kassi across the table, unable to stop thinking about how beautiful she was in the golden light of the tavern. Night had fallen over the small village and Piotr and Kassi had walked along the cobblestone streets in search of dinner.

  The village was a traditional Greek village situated at the base of Mount Olympus and a common place for visitors of all nationalities. That was one of the reasons it made such a perfect hiding spot, that and the fact that they were staying in his great-grandparents’ villa at the top of the village. The small four-bedroom house had been completely refurbished years ago, but still retained the rustic appearance of the original structure.

  White plaster walls, topped by red ceramic roof tiles, and a plethora of vines, perennial trees, flowering shrubs, and fragrant flower beds filled the landscape surrounding the main structure. A large tree stood sentry in the back yard and from the balconies one could see the gulf of Thermaikos and the coast of Pieria. The Castle Platamonas stood guard at the edge of the peak overlooking the tourist town below.

  It was like taking a step back in time and the romantic nature of the place was one Piotr was having a hard time ignoring. He watched Kassi as she savored her food and then asked with an indulgent smile, “Good?”

  “Very. I’m surprised there aren’t more people here, the food is that good,” she told him.

  “During the daylight hours the streets are filled with tourists, but at night they return to the large city and the nightlife to be found there.”

  “Ah. The allure of alcohol,” Kassi commented.

  “That and a good social atmosphere. I would offer to take you dancing but I don’t think that would fit with our need to keep a low profile.”

  “You don’t think I can contain myself?” Kassi asked, cocking her head to the side.

  “No, nothing like that. I just don’t think you are all that forgettable and people would remember your face.”

  Kassi gave him a small smile. “You really think that?”

  “Of course. Kassi, you know how desirable you are. You can’t walk into any place where there are men with blood running through their veins and not draw their attention.”

  Kassi looked stunned as he leaned forward. “You are beautiful. Inside and out. It shines from you for everyone to see.”

  Shei blushed and bit the inside of her bottom lip, clearly having trouble believing him. “Why don’t you believe that?” he asked.

  Kassi shrugged a shoulder. “I guess I don’t really put much stock in looks. They can be really deceiving.”

  “That is true.” Piotr finished his meal and then sat back and watched as she did the same, sipping the Greek coffee the small tavern provided their patrons. It was rich, smooth, and the perfect way to end a delicious meal.

  When Kassi pushed her plate away as well, he murmured, “Want to take a short walk before heading back to the villa?”

  Kassi nodded a bit shyly and Piotr had to remind himself they were just going to be friends. A thought that became harder to hold onto as he took her hand and they walked down the village square. Two large trees stood in the center, their bases surrounded by cobblestone walls, their green leaves providing shelter and shade for visitors and natives alike.

  Piotr led her towards the edge of the village and they stood looking out at the gulf, the lights from the nearby cities looking like brilliant golden paths of lava flowing towards the sea. A gentle breeze was blowing, and her dark hair tangled around her shoulders. Piotr reached out and wrapped several strands around his hand, feeling the silky smoothness with his fingers and inhaling the fresh clean scent of citrus and rosemary.

  “You never leave your hair down,” he murmured, releasing her hair as she turned towards him. “I like it.”

  “You do?” she asked him softly.

  “Yes. You should wear it down more often,” he told her. When she shivered, he pulled her closer, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. “Are you cold?”

  “Not really,” she told him, but she also didn’t try to pull away from his touch.

  Piotr wished he’d thought to bring a jacket with them, but then he wouldn’t have an excuse to hold her c
lose. “We should head back,” he told her softly, the night seeming to require a sort of reverence.

  “Just a few more minutes. The stars are so bright up here,” Kassi told him, gazing upwards.

  Piotr looked up but then dropped is gaze to her profile. “Beauty seems to be everywhere tonight.”

  Kassi dropped her gaze and sought his eyes with her own. Piotr leaned closer, gently touching their lips together for a moment. Kassi licked her bottom lip as he pulled away and it was suddenly like waving a red flag in front of a bull. Piotr pulled her against him and covered her lips with his in a kiss that left them both breathless and wanting more.

  He let his lips trail down her jawline and stopped to linger where her neck met her shoulder, smiling when she moaned in delight and let her head fall backwards, giving him even more access to her flesh. He used his hands to mold her hips to his own, pressing one thigh between her own and bringing her into intimate contact with his straining groin.

  He’d been hard since before he’d kissed her and now he felt like he was about to explode. He gave no thought to their surroundings and protecting her was the furthest thing from his mind. He needed to get his hands on her and the way she was clawing at the back of his shirt, he knew she was feeling the urgency right along with him.

  “Let’s go home,” Piotr murmured in her ear. He turned her around and kept her snug to his side as they began walking towards the villa. They had just reached the villa’s courtyard when Piotr’s pager went off. He’d only given the number to Leo and the two men who had followed he and Kassi up to the small village, without her knowledge, or course.

  “I need to make a phone call,” he whispered in her ear. “Wait for me inside?”

  Kassi nodded, but instead of heading in the front door, she headed around the side of the villa to the stairs that led to the balcony. Piotr wanted to insist she go inside, but his pager went off again and he had a horrible feeling in the pit of his stomach.

  He pulled out his cell phone and dialed the number showing on the pager. “Talk.”


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