Her Greek Bodyguard (The Greek Brothers Book 3)

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Her Greek Bodyguard (The Greek Brothers Book 3) Page 6

by Amanda Horton

  “We need to meet. Now.”

  “Tell me what’s going on,” Piotr demanded.

  “I need to keep moving. Meet me by the old church. Be careful. You were followed.”

  “Can the problem be dealt with?”

  “You bring them to us and we’ll deal with them.”

  Them? Suddenly Piotr realized how reckless he’d been out on the overlook. They’d been followed, even though they’d taken many precautions, and while he’d been busy kissing Kassi, they could have easily been taken out or captured.

  He stalked towards the balcony stairs and looked up at her where she stood, silhouetted in the moonlight. “Come down here. Now.”

  His voice was harsher than he intended it to be and he felt badly for taking the smile from her face and her eyes. “I asked you to go inside and I need you to do it. Now. Lock the door and don’t answer it. For anyone. I have the code and will let myself back in.”

  Kassi shook her head, “Where are you going?”

  “I have something I need to take care of. We’ve been careless this evening.”

  “I don’t understand…”

  “Kassi! I don’t have time to explain what’s happening to you. I need you to trust me and go inside so I can lock the door. Right now.” Piotr opened the door to the villa and all but shoved her inside. “I don’t know how long I’ll be. Don’t wait up for me. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  He pulled the door shut and engaged the lock. As he made his way towards the old church he couldn’t erase the look of hurt in her eyes, but he’d rather her cry herself to sleep than end up dead or a hostage of his uncle. The game had just gotten real and Piotr wasn’t willing to sit on the sidelines any longer. His uncle wanted to play, he’d better be prepared to bring his best game or prepare to lose.


  Kassi couldn’t believe she’d done it again. She’d let down her guard and let Piotr get too close and he’d hurt her. He was keeping something from her and he’d shoved her into the villa, without even attempting to explain what was happening to her, and he’d locked her inside. She was partly tempted to take off, but she didn’t know the countryside, didn’t have a means of transportation, and the threat against the Moustakas family was real. There was also the problem of the locked door.

  Instead of running away, she headed up to the master bedroom, the one Piotr had insisted she take while they were here. She stripped her clothes off, tossing them into a pile in a corner of the room and then headed for the shower. She started the water and that’s when the tears started.

  She stood beneath the hot water, letting her tears mingle with the rivulets of water running from the showerhead and giving into the self-pity that filled her chest.

  When the water cooled, she finally got out of the shower, dried off and dragged a comb through her hair. She didn’t bother finding her night clothes, she simply crawled between the sheets and buried her face in the pillows. Her heart hurt and now her head and eyes hurt because she’d been crying.

  She lay there in the dark, wishing Piotr would come back home and explain things to her. Say something, anything, that would make this god-awful ache go away. She laid there in the dark wishing for something that never happened. As her tears dried up, she decided she would call Leo in the morning and demand that he send someone to come and get her. She’d rather take her chances with whatever threat was lurking out there than spend another day with Piotr and risk falling beneath his spell again. It just hurt too bad.

  Chapter 10

  Hours later…

  Piotr let himself into the villa, quietly closing the door and making his way towards the guest bathroom behind the kitchens. The last few hours had been eye-opening and not ones he wanted to ever live through again.

  After leaving Kassi so abruptly, he’d made his way towards the old church, easily picking up the presence of his two followers along the way. The two security guards who had followed he and Kassi up to the village had been lying in wait and easily subdued the two men. As he’d expected, they both worked for Andronicus and had been unwilling to speak. Even upon threat of losing their lives.

  It was now 3 a.m. and he dialed Leo’s personal cell phone, not caring about the time.

  “This had better be good,” Leo growled into the phone moments later.

  “We were followed.”

  “What? Is Kassi okay? Are you?”

  “We’re fine. I had two of my men act as backup security and they spotted them earlier tonight. They won’t be causing any other problems,” Piotr told him in a cold voice.


  “Leo, this has to end…”

  “I’m going to handle things. I finally made contact with someone inside their organization and I have a meeting set up. I’ll get them to back off.”

  Piotr listened to Leo talk about his strategy a few more minutes, his mind reeling with indecision over the information he hadn’t provided the Moustakas brothers yet. He knew he could probably appeal to his uncle in some way, but then he would be forced to give up his connection to Andronicus and his entire life would change. In his opinion, not for the better.

  “How much longer do you want me to keep her up here?” Piotr asked, knowing Kassi was probably furious with him.

  “I don’t know. I’ll be in touch once I know more. Just keep her safe,” Leo demanded.

  “That is my only goal,” Piotr assured him, disconnecting the call.

  He spent a few minutes clearing his mind before climbing the stairs and pushing the door to the master bedroom open. He immediately spied Kassi lying in the middle of the large bed, the sheet tangled around her hips, her bare back visible in the moonlight that slid through the crack in the curtains. She was half lying on her stomach, a pillow cradled to her chest, and as Piotr quietly walked towards the bed and her profile came into view, he felt like the lowest scum on the earth.

  Tear tracks still lingered on her cheeks and every once in a while, she shuddered in her sleep. It was obvious she’d cried herself to that state and Piotr had nothing else in mind except to soothe her and offer her the comfort she needed.

  He stripped off his clothes soundlessly, laying them over a side chair, and then slid onto the mattress. He skimmed a hand down her back, watching as she arched into the light caress, even in sleep knowing his touch. He slid onto his side, moving her hair away from her face and brushing her cheeks with his fingertips. He leaned forward and kissed her lightly, nibbling on her bottom lip until it relaxed, and she let him in to deepen the kiss.

  She turned towards him and he rolled her to her back, his hands molding themselves to her body as it learned her curves. One hand lingered at her breasts, rolling one nipple until it peaked hard before moving to the other. His other hand slid through her hair, holding her head still as he deepened the kiss.

  Piotr knew the moment she awakened because she reached for him with a soft cry and closed the distance between their bodies. When Kassi pushed her hands between them, heading for his groin, Piotr broke their kiss and captured her hands, pulling them above her head and holding them there in a light grip. “I’m too close to the edge for you to tease me right now,” he whispered against her lips.

  He trailed the fingertips of his other hand up to her face and neck before moving it back down the center of her chest, his palm pressing lightly against her skin. He let his lips follow the path of his hand, planting little butterfly kisses across her breasts. When she was writhing in his arms, he latched onto the closest nipple, suckling hard at her flesh and pulling forth a moan of pleasure from her swollen lips.

  Piotr hadn’t forgotten how much Kassi liked having her breasts toyed with and he paid extra attention to them before letting his lips trail down to her stomach. He’d not been sure that she was fully awake until she spoke to him, her voice pleading for him to end this sensual torment.

  “Piotr, please don’t tease me anymore. I can’t take it.”

  “Yes, you can.” Piotr swirled his tongue in her bel
ly button and then placed little nips along the slight swell of her stomach. He used his free hand to seek out her warmth, groaning in expectation when he found her burning up and already wet in anticipation of his possession. He moved his mouth lower, letting the tip of his tongue stroke up the seam of her legs, smiling when she eagerly parted her thighs and gave him unfettered access.

  Piotr paid homage to her womanhood, licking and sucking at her tender flesh until she was crying his name and yanking to release her hands. Only when she sounded desperate for release did he move back up her body, making room for himself between her legs.

  He kissed her and then released her hands. “Wrap your arms around my shoulders and hang on tight.”

  Kassi didn’t argue, but did as he requested, arching up to meet him when he slowly entered her wet heat. He kept up a slow advance, swallowing back the urge to thrust into her in an effort to make this as good for her as possible. When he was finally seated balls deep inside of her, he kissed her once more and began to move in an age-old dance that soon had them racing for the stars.

  As paradise lurked just out of range, Piotr reached between them and found the hard nub at the top of her slit, rubbing it and urging her to find her pleasure. “Kassi, let go. I’ve got you.”

  “I…I’m so close,” she told him in a panting voice.

  “Let go,” Piotr urged her. “Our bodies know what’s right even when our heads screw it all up. I’m sorry.”

  His apology seemed to be what she needed to hear, and she let go, screaming his name as pleasure gripped her, sending him over the edge right after her. He held her close as tremors wracked his body, the pleasure of making love to Kassi more intense than anything he’d ever experienced. Except with her.

  They fell asleep in one another’s arms and throughout the remainder of the night, Piotr held her, kissed her, and made love to over and over again. As the light of morning peeked through the curtains, he felt her stir and rolled her over so that he could wake her up with kisses and sensual touches.

  She opened her eyes when he placed his palm on her stomach and he kissed the tip of her nose, “Kalimera.”

  “Kalimera,” she offered back with a siren’s smile. “Last night was…”

  “Amazing. I agree,” he told her with a slow smile. “Agapi mou. Se hriazome.”

  Kassi giggled and reminded him, “I love you too and you’ve had me…I’ve lost count.”

  “Then we should start again. I’se o’ti kali’tero mou e’hi simvi’. I know I’ve pushed you away, but I truly mean that. You are the best thing to ever come into my life.”

  For the first time in his adult life, Piotr could see his future and without Kassi by his side it looked bleak and lonely. He remembered his parents’ last wish and suddenly hope bloomed in his chest that maybe, with Kassi, he could honor their request. Maybe with Kassi by his side he could get married and become the Greek son his father had always longed for. Kassi gave him purpose and a strength to be a better man.

  Chapter 11

  Kassi woke up and started to stretch, only to find a heavy male arm draped across her middle, pinning her to the bed. She turned her head and smiled at the picture of Piotr sleeping so peacefully. He still looked tired, so she slowly wiggled out from beneath his arm and tiptoed into the bathroom.

  She showered quickly and then dressed in a pale-yellow linen shirt and a pair of khaki shorts. She picked up her sandals and carried them with her to the front door. She grabbed her purse from the hall table and then slipped from the villa. She had awakened with the idea of cooking for Piotr and yesterday they’d passed by a wonderful looking little market in the center of the village.

  It was less than a mile and Kassi set out on foot, planning to shop and be back before Piotr even began to wake up. In all the time she and Piotr had been together in various situations, she’d never cooked for him. She intended to change that.

  She reached the market and picked up a basket, making her way down the tables laden with produce and selecting only the best and fully ripe vegetables as she went. She visited the meat aisle and selected two thick lamb chops which she intended to stuff with a mixture of herbs, olives, and bread crumbs.

  She headed for the canned goods aisle and then the frozen section and soon was headed to the front of the store to check out. She wasn’t paying much attention to her surroundings, her head filled with thoughts of what she needed to cook first when she arrived back at the villa.


  Kassi looked up at the pleasant-sounding voice and nodded at the refined gentleman standing in front of her. “Kalimera.”

  “It is a beautiful day. You are new to the village?” he asked kindly.

  Kassi nodded, “Just visiting, although my…friend, spent some time here as a young child.”

  “Your friend? A man perhaps?”

  Kassi blushed and nodded, “Piotr. His grandparents owned the villa at the top of the hill.”

  “Ah! Piotr is back for a visit. I haven’t seen him since his parents’ funeral. So sad to die so young.”

  Kassi stared at the man, “You knew Piotr and his parents?”

  “But of course. I grew up with Piotr’s father. We were very close at one time.”

  “You’re welcome to come by the villa and say hello. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.”

  “Thank you. So, how is he adjusting to the life of a business man.”

  Kassi was confused, “Business man? You mean his security business?”

  “No, his father’s business empire. Piotr now runs it, does he not? He was his parents’ only child and therefore the only heir.”

  Kassi shook her head. “I’m not sure what you’re talking about.” She’d never heard Piotr talk about business or anything resembling an empire, although, he did seem to have quite a bit of money…

  “How well do you know Piotr?” the stranger asked.

  Kassi was beginning to get a bit suspicious and was wondering that herself. Instead of letting her mind go down that road, she asked a question of her own rather than answering. “What did you say your name was?”

  “My friends call me Cy. I hope you will do the same,” the man told her with a smile

  “Miss? Are you ready to checkout?” the cashier asked.

  Kassi nodded, “Yes, I am. Cy, it was nice talking to you. I’ll let Piotr know I ran into you. I must go.” The man had a strange look on his face when she finished speaking but the cashier was becoming impatient.

  “You as well. Take care.” Cy gave her a speculative look and then a smile.

  Kassi watched as the man walked away. He was devastatingly handsome, with dark hair that was greying just at the temples. A clean-shaven face, ice-cold blue eyes and an accent in his voice she hadn’t been able to identify. It was very cultured, with a hint of European in it, but still decidedly Greek. He had a typical Greek profile with a nose that showed it had been broken more than once. It didn’t detract from his handsomeness one bit and Kassi was sure that if the man had been twenty years younger she would have found him very attractive. Possibly even been tempted to flirt with him, but he was clearly old enough to be her father and she’d never been attracted to men that age.

  The cashier gave her the total and Kassi paid, thinking about the strange man and wondering how many other people remembered Piotr from the past. It was such a small village, she imagined many of the older people knew of Piotr’s grandparents and about his parents’ untimely deaths. And yet, as they’d walked around, no one seemed to have recognized him or if they had, they’d kept that information to themselves.

  Pushing aside those niggling concerns, she headed out of the market and smiled at the sunshine and fragrant flowers that greeted her. She headed back to the villa and after setting her bags down on the kitchen counter, she went to see if Piotr was awake yet. He was just walking out of the bathroom and she could hear the shower already running.

  “I was just coming to look for you,” Piotr told her, striding to her wearing not
hing but a towel wrapped around his hips.

  Kassi bit her bottom lip and gave serious thought to giving the towel a nudge and watching it slither to the ground. Revealing his body to her gaze. The images that flashed through her head had her heart rate racing and anticipation tightening her entire body.

  “You were sleeping.” Kassi let him wrap her up in his arms and then kissed him. “Is that the shower I hear?”

  “Yes. Se peth ymisa poly.” Piotr kissed his way down her throat, stopping to nibble at her collar bones before bending his knees and latching his mouth onto one turgid nipple.

  “I missed you as well.” Kassi let her head fall back as Piotr used his mouth to worship her body. After several long moments, she tugged his head back up and whispered, “Can I share your shower?”

  Piotr smiled against her neck and then answered her by sweeping her up into his arms, clothes and all. He carried her straight into the shower, the hot water making her clothing stick to her skin and revealing the treasures to be found underneath. His hands molded the wet fabric of her shirt to her breasts and Kassi ripped the towel away from his hips.

  While his fingers were busy exploring her intimate secrets, Kassi was having some fun of her own. She let her fingers travel to his groin only to have Piotr grab them and press them above her head. “No teasing this morning. I need you too much.”

  I need you too much. It was like music to Kassi’s ears. She tipped her head back, all thoughts of telling him about the meeting at the grocery store faded away as Piotr made love to her, first with his mouth and hands, and then with his entire body.

  “Kanis tin zoi mou pio ómorfi,” Piotr whispered against her ear as he worked his way back up her body.

  She made his life beautiful? She could live with that.

  “Kassi, I don’t know why I’ve pushed you away for so long. S’agapo. I love you with every breath of my being. Be mine?” Piotr asked as he removed the last article of wet clothing from her body and pressed her back against the tiled wall.


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