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Everything for You (Unforgettable)

Page 13

by Natalie R Allen

  My cousin grinned and wiggled his eyebrows, but when I let my hand fall, he looked at Simon and settled his scowl back into place.

  I rolled my eyes and stood, standing between them, and faced Simon. He was standing behind my chair, his arms resting on the back of it, and he winked at me.

  Before I got too caught up in him, I gestured my head toward his truck. “Can you take me to the main road, please?”

  He nodded and placed his hand on the small of my back when I passed.

  “Hey,” Parker piped. “Hey, where do you think you’re going?”

  I glanced over my shoulder and saw him get to his feet. My aunt and uncle chuckled as Parker strode toward us. Out of the side of my mouth, I said to Simon, “Run, or you’re going to end up in the lake.”

  He glanced back at Parker, cursed, and grabbed my hand, running for the truck. Simon practically threw me in through the driver’s side and climbed in beside me, shutting the door and hitting the lock just in time for Parker to glare at us through the window. I righted myself, sitting up beside Simon, and panted as I grinned at Parker. He rolled his eyes and, just to get his goat, I took Simon’s face in my hands and kissed him thoroughly. It was meant to be a quick, provoking kiss, but the only thing it provoked was an encore. Especially when Simon’s hand crept up the back of my neck, I forgot about Parker, whose shouting was muffled because he was locked out.

  I’d forgotten my phone again and only remembered once we were at the main road. I cursed Parker for being so obnoxious. Had he not caused a scene, I’d have remembered to get my phone from my uncle’s truck, and I didn’t want to argue with another unhelpful nurse again.

  “Tell you what.” Simon chuckled after I cussed about Parker out loud. “Why don’t I call, pretending to be someone important, and see if I can get through to Jesse?”

  I grinned and took the phone from him, dialing the hospital, the correct extensions, and then handed the phone back to Simon. He cleared his throat and straightened as though he was playing the role in person. I stifled a giggle with my fingers pressed to my lips as I waited.

  “Yes, this is Dr. Curtis, calling to speak with Jesse—” He looked at me for a last name, and I mouthed “Pickett.” “Pickett, please.” He raised humored eyebrows at me and then looked away. “He’s not? Well, I was just inquiring about our patient, Samuel, and his sister Samantha—Brown. “What’s their status this morning?”

  My heart fell; if they didn’t give that information to me, they couldn’t do it for Simon, or so I thought. He grinned at me with a thumbs up and quickly put the phone on speaker, holding it between us.

  A woman’s voice came on that I didn’t recognize, so I assumed she wasn’t the unpleasant lady I’d spoken with previously. “Samuel Harley…” she muttered and I knew she’d be looking up his chart. “Oh, yes. Samuel.” Her voice had softened by degrees, and my stomach twisted in knots. I clicked two of my fingernails together impatiently. “This is day three that Samuel’s body has rejected any sustenance or treatment. We’re currently making him as comfortable as we can, and Dr. Ryder will be on today. If you want to inquire further, you’ll have to reach out to him.”

  I held an arm around my stomach with one hand, the other pressed to my lips. I felt so sick and upset that I couldn’t reply. Simon thanked the woman, and we both remained muted by the news of the poor boy losing the battle. The ache in my throat urged tears to my eyes, and I closed them, fighting the grief. Samuel isn’t gone yet, I told myself.

  My thoughts were a whirlwind. I should’ve stayed behind; I could’ve helped. Was there something else they could be doing for Samuel? What was the plan for him now?

  “Kate, are you alright?” Simon asked quietly and rubbed my shoulder.

  I blinked, finally, and took a shaky breath. “I-I don’t know.” I met his worried frown, and the compassion in his eyes was overwhelming. He was sweet to care so much, but right now, all I could think was… “I need to go,” I breathed. “I need to go see what’s happening.” I shook my head, feeling out of sorts. “I don’t know if there’s anything else to do for him, but if he’s not going to make it, then I want to say goodbye.” I blinked tears away and focused on Simon. It’d be difficult to leave him after having him near, but I’d never forgive myself if Samuel passed away and I didn’t say goodbye. I scooted closer to Simon and touched his face. “I’m sorry to leave like this, but I can’t not go.”

  Simon put a hand over mine on his cheek, and he seemed to be having an inner struggle. “I’ll take you,” he offered. His eyes shifted, searching mine, as though he was afraid I’d refuse him.

  Would I? This man had broken my heart, and here he was asking to come along. If I did this, he’d get a glimpse into my life, my real life. I wouldn’t be the Kate-on-vacation he knew. He would see where I grew up; where I work. My friends at work would see him, meet him, and I wasn’t sure if I could handle him stepping into my life for a brief moment, only to steal away again. If I didn’t let him come, I’d lose the time with him that I wanted, that I needed, to have some understanding about our past.

  “If you’ll let me…” he finished. He knew then what it’d mean to have him come with me. It wasn’t something either of us took lightly, it seemed.

  The choice was mine. I ran my thumb along Simon’s bottom lip, and my chin trembled at the risk I was taking with my heart. I looked into his eyes and nodded slowly. I wasn’t sure what to expect when I went home, but I could use someone’s support. Simon’s support.

  The apprehension in his eyes lifted, softening his gaze. His lips turned up at the corners, and he nodded. “Alright then,” he said softly. He leaned in and kissed me. “Thank you, Kate.”

  Chapter 15

  We pulled up to the hospital, and I couldn’t have been more grateful to have Simon with me. He stayed at my side when we went back to camp to tell my family what was going and that we’d be gone all day. Aunt Chantelle offered to come, although I knew she really wouldn’t want to be there. She was a wonderful, compassionate nurse, but she had a very hard time when a patient passed away. Typically, she preferred to keep the pleasant memories of those she cared for, if at all possible, rather than seeing them at death’s door.

  Simon was the perfect companion for the long drive. He distracted me with funny memories and talked of my cousins. He kept his tone light, but made sure to ask how I was doing every so often. I assured him I was okay and just wanted to get there. It was hard to be in a hurry-up-and-wait scenario as we made the drive to Denver.

  Having so much time with Simon was nice for me. I didn’t ask the hard questions yet. My emotional state was a fragile one, and I wasn’t sure I could handle anything too deep and raw between us.

  While I didn’t ask the hard things, I did inquire more about Caleb and Simon’s life in Helena. Each answered question sparked my curiosity enough to ask another. The few main things I tucked away for further questioning were that Simon lived alone. He didn’t have a girlfriend, nor any prospects for that role. And another, although this was more of an observation; Simon was lonely. He seemed well enough in the new life he’d set up for himself, but I sensed a hint of melancholy that had me inwardly cursing his parents again.

  “Are you ready?” he asked as he parked under a large shade tree.

  I took a long breath to try and loosen the tight fist that had made a home in my chest. “As ready as I can be, I think.”

  Simon took my hand, and I looked over at him, comforted that it was him, of all people, here with me today. He smiled sweetly and squeezed my hand before we stepped out and made our way to the hospital entrance.

  The steps were so familiar to me as I walked through the hospital, but having Simon at my side made me hyper-aware of my surroundings. The bright white walls, hushed voices, and smells usually faded in the background, but not this time.

  I kept my gaze darting for anyone I knew, knowing I’d have to introduce Simon. It’d seem odd to announce him as a friend, when he played a significant role
in my life. The term casual friend rubbed me the wrong way. Even though that was all we were now, friends who were just trying to find our way with one another again.

  Simon’s hand found the small of my back as he ushered me into an empty elevator. After pressing the correct button for our destined floor, I stepped back and stood at his side. My heart hurt as it hammered against my tight chest. The closer we got to the difficult situation waiting for me, the more unsettled I became. I shifted, and shifted again.

  “Kate, we don’t have to do this now,” Simon gently told me. “You can wait until you’re ready…” He rubbed soothing circles on my back as I looked over at him with anxious eyes, and I shook my head. He frowned lightly but nodded and drew me into his side, kissing my forehead. I rested in the familiar comfort of his arm for only a few moments, and the doors opened.

  Had I known how many of my coworker friends would be working at that time, I probably would’ve reconsidered bringing Simon along.

  Angie ambushed us only a few steps out of the elevator and whistled dramatically when she laid eyes on Simon. I groaned inwardly. Angie was never afraid to speak her mind, and the way she was scoping out Simon guaranteed some embarrassment at my expense. “Katie.” She smirked, tossing her copper braid behind her shoulder. Her southern accent hadn’t faded since the day I’d met her a year ago. “You brought me the man of my dreams; how nice of you!” She grinned between Simon and me. I didn’t even have a chance to introduce him, as Angie took the task upon herself. “Angela Rullen, but you can call me anything you want.” She winked with a smile as she held out her hand, and I had the sudden urge to strangle her with that braid of hers for batting her eyes at Simon.

  Simon grinned at Angie and took her hand. “Simon Curtis. It’s nice to meet you, Angela.” He wore a casual smile, but he had no idea that even the smallest of his grins could make a woman weak in the knees. And the heart.

  Angela giggled and looked my way, her hand still clutching his. “And this Simon is your…” She raised her eyebrows expectantly.

  My mouth moved soundlessly. I racked my brain, trying to think of a pleasant way to tell her to get lost, but I had to work with the woman. “Simon is…” I glanced at him, meeting his eyes, which were full of curiosity and humor. I was sure he was wondering how I’d explain him as well. As if I wasn’t thrown enough by his expectant smirk, he winked.

  “Her future,” Simon finished.

  Angie made a noise of embellished disappointment and said something else, but I didn’t hear her. I was too busy having a heart attack as I stared at Simon in shock. His eyes had taken on the slightest of softening as he looked into mine, and he winked again. Was he serious, or was he playing a part for my friend’s entertainment? Yes, that had to be it. We were barely friends again. He couldn’t know that he wanted a future with me. I mellowed a little but felt a shot of disappointment at the same time. Would a future with me be so terrible?

  “Come and meet some of Katie’s other friends,” Angie sang as she took a few steps backward, her eyes darting between Simon and me. She turned her back on us, and at the sudden mention of my other female friends, I wanted to take Simon’s hand and run for it to keep him hidden.

  “We’re not running,” Simon murmured as though he could read my very thoughts. I pursed my lips, pouting that he’d denied my moment's desire. Simon gave me a warning look. “Don’t pout like that, or I’ll kiss you right here and give your coworkers something to chew on.”

  I gasped and let him usher me forward, following Angie’s bubbly footsteps.

  Simon chuckled again as he stood faithfully by my side in a staggered circle of my friends. It was just as bad as it’d been with Angie. Each of the ladies, no matter their age, ogled Simon and agreed with Paula’s assessment, that when I threw him over, he was welcome to come to them for rescuing. Even little old Beverly, nearly seventy, grinned at Simon with a twinkle in her eye and said she’d never in all her years seen someone so tall, dark, and handsome. It was her kiss to Simon’s cheek that currently had him chuckling. Simon seemed perfectly at ease with all the attention, and I guessed he must be used to it by now. He’d always been attractive. I didn’t mind old Beverly’s gesture. It was when Jennifer stepped forward, inquiring about his hair treatment. She mentioned it looked quite soft for how thick it was that I wanted to take the stethoscope dangling over her shoulders and do away with her in a similar way I’d wanted to do with Angie.

  Simon had been comfortable enough in the gaggle of women, but at Jennifer’s question about his hair, he inched noticeably closer to me, and I didn’t even mind when his arm came around my waist as though he was staking his claim.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me.” A man chuckled from behind Simon and me. I twirled around to see Jesse’s teasing grin as he looked between us. He scratched at his curly brown head. “This is him, isn’t it?” he asked with a curious smile, causing a crinkling near his brown eyes.

  I frowned a little and widened my eyes ever so slightly at him so he wouldn’t say anymore.

  I could see Simon watching me with curious features as well, and I pressed my lips in before nodding slowly. “This is Simon, yes,” I muttered, avoiding both sets of eyes. It was a bit awkward for me. Jesse knew more about Simon than Simon would probably like, and it was obvious in the way Simon stood a little straighter and reached for Jesse’s hand with a tight smile.

  “Simon Curtis.” Simon nodded and shook Jesse’s hand, peering down at him, as he had a good six inches on Jesse.

  Jesse chuckled good-naturedly and to my surprise—and Simon’s, I was sure—Jesse pulled Simon in and gave him a quick embrace and a pat on the back. “I’m glad you came for her.” Jesse’s voice was a low murmur, but I caught it. I stared with my mouth slack for perhaps the tenth time since I’d set foot on this floor today. What he said caused my heart to sputter and my eyes to sting, although I wouldn’t let tears embarrass me now. I wasn’t even sure why what Jesse said touched me so much, but it had.

  Simon didn’t reply as the men pulled apart but eyed Jesse with a softer look in his eyes than before. He nodded once at the man and said, “I appreciate you keeping Kate informed about the twins. She’s been worrying about them for days.”

  Jesse quirked a brow, which wrinkled his forehead, and looked at me. “Kate? Since when are you Kate?”

  I couldn’t help the grin that slipped into place, and I shared a glance with Simon at our secret.

  Jesse chuckled suddenly and held his hands up in surrender. “You know what? I don’t even want to know.”

  Simon and I stepped into the twins’ shared room, unnoticed, which was set up for long-term care. Pictures they’d colored were scattered across the walls beside their beds, and photos of their family and the staff here were framed lovingly above each bed. My breath caught when I saw how sickly Samuel looked compared to the last time I’d seen him; it’d only been a few days.

  Simon slipped his hand into mine, which I gripped like a lifeline. “Do you want me to stay?” he whispered against my ear.

  I nodded, tearing my attention away from Samuel, where he laid watching the TV across the room. I clasped eyes with Simon, certain he could see my need for support at the moment. He smiled sadly, and I raised up on my toes, kissing him softly. “Thank you for being here.”

  “Katie!” Samantha squealed suddenly. I jumped and looked over, ready to greet her with a big smile. “How come you’re here? You said you’d be gone eight days.” Samantha was sitting cross-legged on her bed, and she had a few dolls sitting up around her.

  I made my way toward her, Simon in tow, and smiled at her with wide eyes. “I missed you and your brother. I wanted to come in and say hello.”

  Samantha was looking past me, and I knew she had her eyes locked on Simon.

  “This is my friend Simon, from the phone call. He wanted to meet you in person.”

  The little girl pushed her blond hair away from her big brown eyes and suddenly grinned at him. After another moment,
she laughed. I glanced behind me just in time to see Simon stop making a funny face at her. When he saw me, he whistled with roaming eyes, feigning innocence. Samantha squealed a giggle at Simon’s show, and then he threw a wink at the smitten little girl.


  I turned my attention to the quiet call from Samuel and sat with care on his bed. His features were so strikingly similar to his sister, but his frail frame was a testament of how poor his body was really faring.

  My throat burned for release as I forced a smile for his sake and mine. “Hello there, Samuel. Have you been watching those turtles battle in the streets again?”

  He smiled with weakness and glanced at the TV before finding me again. It took a moment for his pretty little eyes to focus. “I like that they’re ninjas. I know how to kick like them.”

  I laughed a little and nodded. “I know you do.”

  Samuel talked again about the acrobatic turtles, and my heart was ripping in half with every word. It wasn’t fair. How could this little life be all this boy would have? It wasn’t right. He loved his turtles, and the color blue. He liked country music and knew a lot of the lyrics, which he’d serenaded me with many times before. Now, the sweet boy could barely turn his head to smile at Simon, who was down on one knee beside the bed.

  “Hey there, little man,” he murmured with a smile. “I’m Simon.”

  “I know,” Samuel said casually and rubbed his fists against his eyes. “Katie keeps waiting for you to come.”

  I stared at him for a moment, my stomach taking a leap. How on earth would he know about Simon? I didn’t ever recall mentioning him to Samuel before. Jesse must’ve been filling these kids’ ears with my stories.

  I looked at Simon, but he was still smiling at Samuel as though he hadn’t heard. He reached out and rubbed his forefinger against Samuel’s cheek as though he couldn’t help himself. “It took me a while, but I’m here now. Have you been keeping a good eye on Kate for me?”


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