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Medusa's Lair

Page 12

by Kenneth L. Funderburk

  As Chic and group went into the Waffle House, he could sense the man knew he was in trouble if he actually followed them inside. The more the man tried to look inconspicuous, the more he stood out to Chic.

  Chic kept the information to himself. No need to concern the ladies. Chic was confident that on the way back he would see the tail once again. Meantime, he was in a place he could talk. More importantly, he was packing. He had his .38 pistol in his pocket. It couldn’t be seen.

  They sat in the booth in the far corner next to the window.

  “Chic, I’ve not eaten in a place like this since I left Florida State. Thanks for reminding me that eggs and bacon are basically the same anywhere you go. The only difference is how much you are willing to pay.”

  “Doll, I have to tell you that I prefer a place like this for breakfast to a fancy restaurant. The eggs go down a little easier, but mainly, the people in here are not so full of themselves.”

  “I can appreciate that. There was a time, Chic, when my life was going nowhere. I had every material thing a woman could hope for. My husband is a successful businessman and banker. He has power, wealth, and high standing in the community. I had everything but piece of mind and happiness. Finally, I was driving home one day, brooding over my uselessness to the world, when I passed a Baptist church. I heard the singing. I saw the revival sign. I had not been in church since I was a child. I have no idea what led me to stop and go inside, but I did. Suzy, I was greatly moved by your conversion. I may not have gone into that church if not for your example. I felt like if it helped you, it could surely help me.

  “I’m here with you and Suzy for reasons I do not fully understand. I know you are after the gang that tried to kill Suzy. I believe my husband may in some way be connected to that gang of thugs. I know he is becoming a true demon. I’ve tried to save him, but he does not respond.”

  “Doll, do you understand that you are in danger? If you are right about your husband, then all of us sitting here are in danger. The information you have given me is very damaging to your husband and his partners. With this information, I can make money laundering charges on him stick. We are short on viable evidence of drug dealing and murder, but that information may become available. Money laundering charges will put them out of business for a long time. Of course, with money laundering, you always have the issue of tax fraud, which itself is serious.”

  “Help me understand, Chic, why David has become more violent and vindictive as I become more involved with the church. He can see that my life has changed. He can see that my soul is at peace. He knows I am more loving toward him, but all he does is rebel. So here I am with you trying to destroy the demon I see instead of being on my knees praying for David.”

  “The war between good and evil is never ending. Sin killed Jesus Christ, which brought us victory over the grave and salvation. He arose from the grave, which provides us salvation through grace. As we approach Christ, sin will fight us, using what we think are our strong points against us. We are led to see how much easier life would be if we only used our talents for our own personal gratification. We are sucked in toward what seems an easy road. In the end, that point of light we are following becomes the white-hot flame of death.

  “Sooner or later, sin is when we turn from God to our own way, which in the end is death. David is on that journey.”

  “I know there are many who would call me nuts for destroying my family. I know David’s group is responsible for destroying many lives. Many more will die if you and Suzy are not successful in stopping them.

  “David thinks you and I were intimate in college. He firmly believes you and I are lovers now, and nothing I say will change his mind. At his first opportunity, he will kill you.”

  “He has tried to kill both me and Suzy. He did manage to kill Suzy’s mother. As you said, we are all on his kill list. I regard his entire gang as a pack of killers. The battle is now at issue.”

  Suzy looked at Chic with her coy smile. “You are so dramatic, Chic. Don’t worry, Doll. I’ll be right behind you all the way.”

  “Thanks. You and Suzy know that if you need me, I will give you whatever help I can,” Doll said with her great smile.

  They finished an outstanding breakfast at Waffle House and headed back to the hotel, each with their own thoughts. Chic was, for the first time, certain he was on the right track with solid information. He noted that the tail was still there and still as obvious as ever. In a way, he was happy to know that everybody was aware that the game was on.

  Slowly, his upcoming performance tonight came into focus. A smile appeared on his face, his spirit lifted, and the fog of battle cleared. Within a few steps, a new man walked in Chic’s shoes. Chic silently thanked God for the power of music.

  The nationally televised telethon that night raised several million dollars for Alzheimer’s research. Everyone agreed the parody of Rigoletto Quartet number, performed at twelve thirty eastern standard time, was the hit of the show.

  Doll and Barbara pulled Chic off to the side when the show was completed and gave him a big hug and kiss. His cheeks actually turned a little red. Even Suzy thought his blush was funny as well as cute.

  “Chic,” said Barbara, “let me thank you for proving to me that you opera singers are not all a bunch of stiff britches. Next time you sing, Doll and I will be in the front row, acting a little like school girls.”

  “Look, I’m just happy to know all of you society women up in Boston can actually let your hair down. Any time you need me to sing at one of your benefits, please call me.”

  Doll pulled Chic and Suzy to her, wrapping her arms around both, and whispered, “Pray for me. I’m praying that when we meet again, you shall have tamed the dragon.”

  David received the tail’s report with keen interest. David knew that the report was delivered through the colored eyes of a warped mind. David made of the information what he would. What secrets did his wife tell his adversary? David was quite certain that Chic pulled his wife into his bed with Suzy, where they sucked her clean of all she knew about his business while enjoying her fleshy favors. David knew Suzy liked threesomes. That was all he could see when he saw the three together. David began to delight in the details of how he was going to make Chic suffer a slow and painful death. He was determined to have this pleasure.

  As he sat there, his anger grew. Screw what he told Sam. His rage overcame his discipline. David left and checked on Chic’s car, which was in the parking provided for the telethon. From the shadows, he could see Chic getting in the car without Suzy. Perfect. Just a gun battle between the two of them.

  David got in his car and waited for Chic to exit. It was late enough that traffic was no problem in downtown Atlanta.

  Chic exited in the Mustang, actually enjoying the night air, relieved that the performances had gone so well and that he had avoided a confrontation with anyone. At that moment, Chic saw the lights of a car quickly approaching. Chic knew an angry driver when he saw one. The driver approached quickly on Chic’s side of the car. Chic pulled out his .38. As the attacker drew even with Chic’s window, he fired two shots. Chic observed that the weapon appeared to be a 9mm.

  This was not Chic’s first ballgame. When the attacker approached, Chic slammed on the brakes at the right moment. He held his fire. The two shots the attacker fired missed their mark.

  The attacker made a decent brake turn and headed back toward Chic.

  The attacker was in a Mercedes two-passenger convertible sports car and was vulnerable to Chic, who was heading directly at him. The attacker checked out and swerved just in time to avoid a collision.

  Chic made an expert pivot and was now facing the attacker. At that exact point, he fired two shots, knocking out the attacker’s windshield and scaring the hell out of the attacker. The attacker accelerated around a corner, giving him cover, and quickly disappeared in downtown Atlanta.

ic couldn’t identify the attacker and didn’t have time to get a tag number. He did, however, have a couple of bullet holes in his Mustang. Chic called the police and made a full report. He reported this as a drive-by shooting and said that he was unable to get any identification other than the make of the car. With his credentials, the police made quick work of this report.

  The hard part, however, was telling Suzy, who rightfully would freak out.



  Chic and Suzy left Atlanta the next day after a very successful telethon. Chic didn’t alarm Suzy by telling her of the gun fight. He had decided it was too much. He blamed the bullet holes in the Mustang on a drive-by shooting. The six-hour drive from Atlanta to Pensacola, Florida, gave them plenty of time to review their progress in this case. They took a couple of extra hours in Columbus, Georgia, for Chic to visit the Infantry Museum at Fort Benning, Georgia. This is a state-of-the-art museum dedicated to the history of Fort Benning and the men in the infantry. They left the museum with a deeper appreciation for the heroes who have given their lives in the service of this country. If Chic could have his way, every school child in the country would be required to visit that museum.

  A short visit to the Schwob School of Music located at the River Center in downtown Columbus, Georgia, reminded Chic of the uniqueness of this venue as a mecca for the preforming artist.

  A dinner stop for fish at Hunt’s in Dothan, Alabama, rounded off what Chic should have been able to rate as the most fulfilling interlude in his life. With the murder of Suzy’s mother, it was not to be. They both were facing severe frustrations. Suzy’s anger was still overwhelming. Chic’s training and experience as a clinical psychologist proved inadequate. There was too much personal conflict to allow him to see things from a professional viewpoint. Did he bear some responsibility for Margie’s death? Had he called Suzy from Belize, would she have been able to warn her mother? This had crossed his mind, but he had concluded that Suzy would have been the target. He was beginning to believe that he had made a mistake in not at least letting Suzy know that he had been attacked in Lake Izabal.

  As they drove down the road in silence, Chic began to believe that he was in shock. He had never expected to be affected like this. On the good side, Chic had the name and location of Ken’s bosses in Boston. He could identify the cartel’s business by name, knew their location, and knew how they operated, all of which was going to give him a shot at the bosses themselves. This one thought gave him some hope that he would be able to forestall another attack on himself and Suzy. This possibility was far too tenuous, and Suzy was far too shaky to give her any kind of false hope.

  Chic knew from history that simply identifying a criminal, while essential, is only part of the job. Being able to nail them with specific crimes would be good, but this group of criminals would have to be eliminated for him and Suzy to feel safe.

  Chic was totally out of sorts that he had to run from a gun battle in Atlanta without being able to identify the villain, and that he had to fight for his life in Lake Izabal. Suzy looked over and with a troubled look in her eyes asked Chic, “Why didn’t you call me from Belize and let me know your life had been threatened? Maybe I could have warned Mother. What were you thinking? I needed to know you were hurt. I know that I’m in the middle of this, and I can’t just wish away the threat in our lives. But I’m having a difficult time dealing with my mother’s death and feeling like I’m helpful to you.”

  Suzy slid away from Chic as she drifted into a somber, defensive posture.

  Chic clearly understood this stance. Perhaps it would be totally unnatural had she not responded that way. His prayer was that this situation would not put a wall between them.

  “I have to confess, Suzy, that your mother’s death is a low blow to you. I’m sure it was intended to pierce your heart, which it did. At the same time, it was meant to pierce my heart, which it did. It’s my fault that I didn’t foresee this attack in Lake Izabal. I didn’t conceive that someone in the Renfro family would warn Ken’s gang that I was on the way to Belize and Lake Izabal. That gun battle left me in a state of shock.

  “Now I have to confess there was another attempt on my life tonight. I wasn’t going to tell you for fear that it would push you off the edge. Frankly, I’m still not sure I should have put this in your lap at this time. In truth, I plain need you. Whatever burden I have is not comparable to all that you have been through. So, while I need you, I hope that I can manage to help you bear the burden you are bearing.”

  “That’s very kind of you, Chic. You will need to give me time to deal with my soul. In my heart, we must be able to trust and rely upon each other if we are going to survive this ordeal.”

  Chic took her hand. She slid back over to his side. He placed his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close.

  “Here’s the problem, love. We have a cartel composed of men who are the best at what they do. The Boston group handles the money manipulation. The cartel does the dirty and wet work. The Mexican cartel controls the drug operations. Until I see them all together in Belize, we can’t really identify the cartel principals. Then we really don’t have a handle on their banking operations in Belize. But mainly, if we don’t put this crowd out of operation, our chances of surviving this are nil.”

  “How can you ever run this to ground?” asked Suzy.

  “That’s our problem. We’re only partway there. That’s one reason I need to lay my eyes on these people, quickly. It’s our only chance.”

  “I see your point, Chic. In a strange sort of way, the only person on our radar who has a relationship with the gang is Myra. Perhaps she, more than Doll, is actually the wormhole into the heart of the demon. Doll knows a lot about David, but only Myra knows anything about their activities and schedule.”

  Heath and Chic met the next day. Chic gave a detailed report on the information he had gathered along with his plan to go to Belize to see what he could find.

  “Heath, the cartel in Boston don’t have a joint meeting like this one in Belize but a couple of times a year. I really need to visually identify the Mexicans and the Boston group. Then we have Myra going down at the same time. She obviously has a close relationship with the Boston group. We’ve seen the cartel’s tracks, but this time I need to actually see the real actors. Heath, I can’t let this opportunity pass. Mine and Suzy’s lives depend on it. I’ve got to take them out.”

  “Chic, I hate to agree with you on this. You’re going to be exposed as hell, but you know the risks.”

  “Well, Heath, today is my time. My intuition tells me that I don’t want to miss the action I’ll see on this trip.

  “Heath, the one logistical problem I have is actually finding Myra and Larry when I get to Cancun and then keeping them under surveillance. I’m going to need some help to pull that off.”

  “Well, you’re in luck. Danny has a cousin in Belize who operates a fishing boat in Quintana Roo. I believe his name is Juan. Do you want me to line him up for you?” Arrangements were made to meet Juan in Belize City. Juan was to provide the boat.

  The gunfight in Atlanta had convinced Chic that at this point there was no hiding. They would be watching him as he watched them. They would be waiting for the first opportunity to take him out.



  Myra was tooling down a back mountain road outside of Nashville like a bat out of hell in her two-door Mercedes handmade sportster, top down, red scarf flying, experiencing the adrenalin rush she so craved. Springtime in the mountains. All nature was springing into growth after a hard winter. The sap was on the move in the trees in the miracle that brings new life every year. She could feel her own juices flowing as she envisioned the many pleasures she would experience with her lover, Larry, at the upcoming meeting in Belize.

  How blessed was she to be brought into the confidence of these bankers from Boston and Mexico. No wives were allowed. Onl
y she would actually meet the group in their sanctuary. She knew she fit into their plans and would perform any task assigned to her. Her contact with the Russians would be extremely important.

  Teaching a bunch of young pricks in college was useless. It was not exciting. What did it accomplish? The students had no real interest in literature. Where was the meaning? Well, on the good side, she decided that teaching gave her cover as a respectable citizen. People would never guess that she had a small part to play in a worldwide business venture. When you have power over the life and death of people, you approach a peak that elevates you above the crowd. Above the unnecessary people, the pissants you can stomp out at will. She was being called to the high place of power. She deserved it. She wouldn’t disappoint.

  The grand day of the meeting in Belize was at hand. All of the parties had made their separate plans to arrive at the company resort on their privately owned cay off Belize.

  Larry and Myra arranged to meet in Cancun where they would then drive to an elegant resort in Tulum. They met there yearly to carry out a task that could hardly be described as joyous. They first went to the hotel in Tulum, dropped off their bags, and Myra went to the veranda, waiting on Larry. Myra remained quiet on the veranda, her mind drifting back to her days in Oxford five years earlier. She’d been in England doing the final research on her thesis, and she’d also come to give birth to Sissy. For five years now, her daughter was a secret to everyone in the world, except for Larry and the little girl’s nanny.

  Larry and Myra talked little on the way back to Tulum. Neither would qualify as a fit parent. Myra was satisfied that Sissy was in good hands in the home of Carla. Carla was able to provide a proper home for Sissy.

  “Larry, you know I can’t decide if I need to keep up this visitation or not. I know I’m not the motherly type, but I have to confess that these visits have an effect on me. I can’t get into a partying mood until after we complete the visit.”


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