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Almost Perfect

Page 13

by Doyle, Dawn

  Holy shit.

  He had a washboard stomach that, if I hadn’t seen with my own eyes, I would’ve sworn it was photoshopped on him.

  “Eyes up here, cupcake.”

  I snapped my attention back to his face, my own blazing hot as I blushed furiously. “I should go. I have studying to do and some other stuff...” I trailed off, stopping myself from blurting out my plans, “that isn’t your business.”

  Maddoc smirked and turned to his locker, giving me a great view of his covered back and… his pert ass that I could make out even in his loose hockey shorts.

  “Gotta go.” I spun on my heel and walked out of the locker room before I got to see a lot more than I could handle.

  Chapter 9


  I flexed and extended my hands, surveying the damage. Redness with shades of purple coated my right hand, making my scar stand out against the darker shades. Fucking Trent and his big mouth. I knew he’d go off on me, and I’d needed him to, to see through what we’d planned, but when he said the shit he did, there was no way I was gonna be able to stand there and take a hit from him.

  Asshole got what he deserved, and seeing him taken off the ice on a fucking stretcher was worth the verbal assault we got from coach, telling us we’d fucked up, that we were lucky not to have been banned for the rest of the season. Oh, but we weren’t getting away with it. Every one of us that took part in orchestrating the play against Trent was going to be punished—banned from a single game. Fine by me. I could still train, and I needed some time to get my shit together with my classes. There was also somebody else I needed to focus my attention on.

  “All set for the weekend?” Cash asked, ducking his head into my room.

  I finished zipping up my case and hauled it off my bed, creasing the red covers. “Just a few things to go,” I replied, then extended the handle. “Everything in place?” At seven in the morning, it was way too early for me after a game, but it was necessary.

  He grinned and nodded. “Yep.” He held up his hand. “But, remember, don’t let her get any idea of why you’re doing this.”

  I deadpanned, my shoulders dropping. “Do you think I’m a fucking airhead?” I asked, then pointed to my hair. “Blond doesn’t mean dumb, dipshit. I know the risks of her finding out.” I still didn’t care, though. Making sure Anton stayed the fuck away from her was my objective, no matter what happened.

  And my stomach rolled over at the prospect of seeing her again.

  The way she looked at the game, watching us, her concentration unwavering as we dealt our retribution to the Cats. I’d seen the study book on her lap, the text going unread as the game went on. And in the locker room… Fuck, I’d almost crossed a line I couldn’t come back from, especially while the guys were there. I hadn’t told them anything, nothing about my feelings, nothing about how Kaia being right there after the fight messed with my ability to think straight. God, she was fucking breathtaking up close—hell, even from far away. But, she’d never wanted anything to do with me, even before I took it upon myself to be her personal irritant.

  I rubbed over my still sore hand, then checked my face in the round mirror over my dresser. Willow was going to freak out when she saw the blueish shadow around my left eye, on the left side of my jaw, and the cut over my right eyebrow.

  “She’s leaving in five!” Cash yelled up the stairs. “Gotta go if you want to catch her.”

  “Shit, all right, I’m coming,” I said, cradling my side as I lifted my case. Fucker had landed a dig to my ribs, close to my kidneys, right where it’d cause the most pain.

  I tossed my small case in the bed of my truck and rolled the cover over, and securing it. I’d been instructed to use my carry-on, not that I had that much crap to take home that’d need anything larger, but this one was specific.

  The drive to Kaia’s and Daria’s apartment was on my way, anyway, and just like Cash had said, she was there, and she was lifting the hood of her car.

  “Hey, cupcake,” I greeted her, smiling when her annoyance showed the instant she heard my wondrous voice. “Car trouble?”

  “Yeah,” she replied, then got back to her task.

  “Need some help?”

  “I got it.” She scanned over the engine, then rubbed her small hand over her forehead. “Fuck, I haven’t got it,” she mumbled. She sighed and dropped her head back before turning her head toward me. “My car’s dead. It was fine yesterday, but now, it won’t turn over.”

  It wasn’t fine; from the noises it made, that car was one journey short of a breakdown, I could tell.

  I turned off my engine and got out of my truck. I stood next to her, taking in her appearance while she stared down as though she could fix it with her mind.

  Skinny jeans covered her slim legs, the black denim tight to every curve of her thighs, and up over her pert ass as she leaned forward. She reached over, her slender arm poking out through a dark-pink, three-quarter-sleeve shirt. The buttons were open, concealing the side profile of her torso.

  “Want me to take a look?” I asked, still staring like a creeper. I couldn’t help it, though. Her long, dark hair was swept over one shoulder, her bare neck exposed to me, and fuck did I want to slide my tongue over her skin.

  “Of course, because as a female, I obviously have no clue about my own car,” she grumbled sarcastically, holding her hand out toward the engine. “My distributor cap’s missing.” Sure enough, the black cap that covered the spark plugs was gone. There was no way she was going anywhere in that thing, not without a replacement. “Some asshole’s stolen it.”

  I feigned shock and leaned over, noticing how she tilted in the opposite direction. I turned to face her and breathed in, smelling her light, sweet-scented perfume. “Violets,” I said out loud without meaning to. But, what the hell, I hardly ever held my tongue.

  Her brow furrowed. “Excuse me?”

  “Your perfume,” I replied, tipping my head toward her. “Smells like violets.”

  Her cheeks flushed, and she swallowed hard. “I’m not wearing any perfume, but okay.”

  I narrowed my gaze. “You sure? Smells a whole lot like perfume to me.”

  “Maddoc.” Kaia blew out a long, exasperated breath, already tired from my presence. “I really have to sort out this situation, so unless you have a magical solution, I’d prefer it if you didn’t stand so close to me.”

  You didn’t mind at one time.

  I smirked, the corners of my lips curling further the more Kaia’s flush deepened. “As it so happens, I do have a magical solution.” I pointed to my truck. “I can give you a ride.”

  Her head whipped back and forth, the movement comical, and I fought back a chuckle. “You can give me a ride?” she repeated.

  “Isn’t that what I just said? It’s no problem.” I watched her mouth as she chewed the inside of her cheek, her hand lifting to toy with the pendant around her neck. That’s when I noticed the black tank underneath her shirt, the neckline low enough to see a hint of cleavage. And, fuck me, was it a glorious sight. I had no idea Kaia Levine was hiding that body underneath her baggy tops and oversized sweaters.

  My eyes snapped up when she looked up at me, her ocean colored irises trained on mine.

  “It’s out of your way.”

  “It’s not,” I argued. “Still in Kistonville?”

  Kaia nodded. “What about Willow?” she blurted out. “Wouldn’t she mind?”

  I squinted at her, wondering why the hell she was so concerned with Willow’s feelings. “Why would she care?” I asked. After thinking long and hard about it, I kinda had an idea why, but I wasn’t going to say anything; it was more fun this way. I’d come clean eventually. I had to, to get what I wanted.

  “Wouldn’t she be pissed if she found out you gave me a ride? Maybe you should give her a head’s up—I don’t want her getting the wrong impression.”

  I shook my head and pulled my phone out of the pocket in my gray sweatpants. I opened my messages and typed on th
e screen. A few seconds later, it pinged with a reply.

  “Look. She’s fine with it,” I said, turning it so Kaia could see.

  ‘Hey, Will, I’m giving a friend a ride home. She’s having car trouble, so I’ll be a bit later.’

  ‘Okay. Just be careful, and I’ll see you when you get here. X’

  “Wow, she must trust you,” she said, and I didn’t miss the accusation in her harsh tone.

  I quickly glanced around, needing to get the fuck out of here. “Of course she does. So, if you want to leave now, we should head out.”

  Kaia’s shoulders dropped in resignation, and she opened her tiny trunk and hauled her carry on case out of the small space. “This is all I have.”

  “Sweet. Let me take it.” Before she could protest, I took the case and put it in the bed of the truck with mine. “Your chariot, cupcake.” I opened the passenger door, bowed low, and held my arm out. I was a gentleman, after all. Okay, I was far from that, but I had manners and shit.

  “Don’t call me cupcake.”

  I snorted a laugh, then closed her door. As I walked around to my door, I fired off a text to Cash. ‘Mission accomplished.’

  “So,” I began, buckling my seatbelt. I waited for Kaia to turn to me. “Two hours together, huh? This is going to be exciting.” I pumped my brows for effect. I watched her eyes close, and allowed myself the short moment to watch her take a slow breath, her lightly glossed lips parting as she did, and fuck did the space in the cab feel so much smaller. I stopped myself before I leaned over toward her, to remind her of when we’d been close before.

  “Oh, God,” she groaned.

  My phone pinged, snapping me out of my memory, and I grinned when I saw the picture message from Willow. “Wow, that’s something,” I said, my tone low. “Willow sent me a filthy picture. Wanna see?”

  Kaia’s head spun to me, her eyes wide and her mouth wide open. “No! Why the hell would I want to see?” she asked, her voice high and her face bright pink.

  “Oh, come on,” I drew out. “You really wanna see this, Kaia. It’s sinful in so many ways.” I turned the phone toward her, but she screwed her lids shut and turned away, so I elaborated on the image. “Four layers of cake, filled and covered with blueberry cream, and topped with shaved chocolate.”

  Kaia faced me again. “What?” When her eyes dropped to the screen I still had up for her, she focused on the image, and I laughed my ass off when she scowled. “Cake?”

  “Good, huh? Pure food porn right there.”

  “You’re an insufferable—”

  “Careful, cupcake,” I cut in and pulled away from the curb, just as a figure appeared in my rearview mirror. “We don’t want to upset our friends by falling out, do we?” Satisfaction enveloped me as Kaia muttered under her breath about my immaturity, my attitude, and my exceptional ability to annoy the shit out of her with no effort.

  This is going to be so much fun.


  Twenty agonizing minutes had gone by in silence, except for the radio playing the latest hits. Maddoc and I were alone, and we’d only been like this once before. The ride in the back of his truck didn’t count; I didn’t remember it. The air was thick with tension, no doubt all my own, and my pulse hadn’t slowed much from when I’d stupidly agreed to accept the ride from him.

  But he did, so be grateful; he’s helping you out… Again.

  I could barely look at him without thinking of that night, and we’d only kissed. It was nothing, just a stupid thing between two teenagers that never happened again, yet I continued to hold onto it like it was more than what it was.

  All I could do was watch the scenery whizz by by as Maddoc drove down the long stretch of highway toward my parents’ home. There was nothing but fields, except for the occasional small town in the distance, and with the warming season, the trees were in full bloom as well as the wildflowers and vegetation.

  Damn, I loved it all. The smell of the outdoors, hiking up trails in my walking boots with nothing but my music and the sounds of nature.

  I needed this weekend to wind down, to vent out some of the frustrations that had built up over the past few weeks. Still, it wasn’t all going to be peace and tranquility; my dumb-ass brothers had seen to that for me. I was still mad at them, but I wasn’t sure why. Sure, they were knuckle heads with a penchant for interfering with my life, but when I sat alone, listened to my mind, I couldn’t understand why I harbored so much resentment toward them.

  You know, you just won’t admit it.

  “Something interesting out there?” Maddoc asked, breaking my thoughts. “It’s the same thing over and over.”

  “It’s all interesting,” I replied, still resting my chin on my hand with my elbow on the door sill. “It’s beautiful.”

  “You’re right, it is.”

  I turned a little to glance out of the corner of my eye at him, but he was looking straight ahead. “We actually agree on something.”

  The corners of his mouth turned up, and while his focus was ahead, I turned a little more to get a better look at him. His bruises on the left side of his face had looked sore, but now I could see the white strip covering the small cut on the right. There didn’t seem to be much swelling, but from where it was above his eyebrow, it was no doubt uncomfortable whenever he smiled, which was often.

  I paid attention to the rest of his handsome face. His straight nose was slightly rounded at the tip, and his lips stood proud, the bottom one pulling in every couple of seconds. I snorted a light breath at his stereotypical ‘hot-guy’ jaw, strong, sharp, and his chin flawlessly angled with the rest of his features. Or, I was biased because Maddoc Dass was the most stunning man I’d ever laid eyes on. Not to mention I was engulfed with his fresh scent. No matter how much I inched closer to the door, it was potent, permeating every inch inside the cab of his modern, comfortable truck.

  And those thoughts had me averting my gaze, returning to the stunning scenery outside.

  “Something on your mind?”

  “No,” I replied right away.

  “Sure there is,” Maddoc argued. “I can tell by the way you’re staring out of that window.” He blew out a breath and tapped the steering wheel with his thumbs.

  “How can you tell that if you’re watching the road?” I countered.

  He chuckled, low and gruff. “Cupcake, I can see you just fine.”

  My head slowly turned, my brows drawn and lips parting in apprehension. “What does that mean?” I asked, hoping that he hadn’t seen me staring. He glanced to me, then back to the road, but said nothing, only smiled in his usual way when he seemed to know more than I wanted him to. I held back a snarky comment, for him to mind his own business, to not worry about what I was doing or thinking because he should be concerned with a certain other person’s feelings, but I kept it to myself. “Okay, I’m wondering who the hell took my distributor cap.”

  “Oh, don’t worry about that. I texted Cash to replace it. It’ll be fine when I take you home.”

  “You’re going to bring me back, too??”

  “Of course. Why wouldn’t I? Here.” He picked up his phone from the console. “Call yourself so I have your number, and you have mine. When you’re ready to leave, let me know and I’ll be there.”

  My mouth opened and closed a few times, but instead of blurting out some random garbled mess, I settled for, “Thank you.” I quickly called myself, and ended the call as soon as I heard the ring tone.

  “You’re welcome, cupcake.”

  I sagged against the seat and groaned. “Could you not call me that?”

  He chuckled again. “I think it suits you.”

  Count to ten, Kaia, and breathe. You promised Daria.

  “I think we should stop talking.” I reached over to the stereo and turned up the music.

  “Never touch a guys’ stereo,” he said, wagging his finger at me. “However, this music sucks, so you have my permission to choose something to your liking.”

  “I don’
t know how to,” I said, staring at the touch screen. The console had many other buttons that I wasn’t used to, and the screen was set up completely different to my dad’s car. It’d take a while to figure it out.

  With barely a flick of his eyes, Maddoc had the screen set to pair a device. “Here, pair your phone, and you can put on whatever’s on your playlist.”

  I held back my smile as I took out my phone. I hoped he was ready for some kick-ass tunes, because he was right about one thing—he shouldn’t let me touch his stereo.

  Once I’d followed the instructions and my phone was paired, I chose one of my favorites. “Are you ready for karaoke?” I asked as soon as the light notes began.

  “I don’t sing,” he replied, eyeing me.

  I reared back. “Ever? That doesn’t matter—nobody’s gonna hear it but me.” He shook his head. “Well, that’s a shame, because this is a classic.”

  Oh, this is gonna be good.

  And then, I sang along with I want it that way, badly, leaning into the chorus with vigor.

  Maddoc said nothing. All he did was smile as I danced along with my music, placing my hands on my chest at the right places, did the hand gestures I remembered from the music videos, and pointed at him at pertinent parts in the songs. I even closed my eyes to belt out the high notes I didn’t even try to hit properly. After that, Backstreet’s Back was my best friend, then I fully embraced Larger Than Life.

  It was a short time later when the beats to Passionate started, that I quickly switched it off.

  “Hey, that’s our song,” Maddoc complained, his smirk mocking me.

  “No, it isn’t,” I grumbled. “You ruined that song for me.”

  He snorted a laugh. “How?”

  I shifted in my seat. “Because, whenever that song comes on, all I can think about is you dancing—”

  “Ooo,” he drew out with a wicked grin. “You think about me.”


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