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Almost Perfect

Page 28

by Doyle, Dawn

  “Another sexy message?” she asked, grinning.

  “Was yours?” I fired back.

  She shrugged and her lips turned down for a second. “Maybe. Cash may or may not have told me his plans for my body.” She lifted her phone and wiggled it. “I better leave you to your sexting, while I see to mine.”

  And I did, right up until Maddoc had to drive. In a short while, he knocked on my door, and made good on his promises.

  Waking up with him the first time in his bed was strange, yet wonderful, and in my bed, his arms around me, our legs intertwined, it was the best feeling imaginable. It was as though it was everything I’d been waiting for, and then some, like he was always meant to be there.

  It felt right.

  Maddoc had insisted I stayed in bed while he went to practice, saying I needed my energy. I’d laughed at him when he’d picked me up, cradled me against his chest, and deposited me back in bed when I tried to go with him.

  “No, you need to rest. It’s five in the morning, and you have a busy day ahead of you,” he said. He kissed my forehead, then my lips. “I have a team meeting afterward, so I’ll let you know when I’m done.”

  I’d already showered and got changed into navy leggings and a long, black sweater that hugged my thighs while covering my ass. After brushing my hair and slipping my sparkly band on my head, I applied a coat of mascara to my lashes.

  I grabbed my phone when it beeped, grinning happily when ‘Donut’ flashed on the screen.

  ‘Hey, baby. I’ve got four walls and a ceiling to introduce you to. I’m sure you’ll find them quite fascinating.’

  I had yet to go over there, mainly to keep tongues from wagging, but it was pointless. Maddoc and I had been seen together around campus a lot more, and without the usual back and forth people would normally see. Today was the day I went over to his place, and my stomach was in knots as I thought about seeing the other guys there, and what they’d say.

  I giggled and replied, ‘I’m sure they’re exquisite.’

  His reply came instantly. ‘You’ll have to come over and find out, cupcake.’

  ‘I’ll be there soon.’

  ‘Remember your books. I know you just want to come over to get in my pants, but you have an assignment to finish. Besides, I’m not that kind of girl.’

  I laughed at his text, but old memories punched me square in the gut, taking my breath away. I would’ve said something snarky in response, probably berating him for being an asshole, but this was Maddoc. I got it. It had taken years, but now I finally got it.

  Tears pricked my eyes and my heart leaped in my chest. I didn’t deserve for him to be so good to me, not after what I’d put him through, said to him, thought of him, no matter how ignorant I’d been to the details. He’d never deserved any of it.

  And now was the time to show him that I was sick of being a scared little girl, afraid of my brothers actions, the unwanted media attention that they could bring to me. They could go to hell if they thought I was going to put up with their shit any longer.

  The journey took longer than I remembered, the desire to see Maddoc so much stronger that the minutes to get to his place felt like hours. When I pulled up outside the massive building, I took in the light-blue exterior, and thought back to the last time I was there—the time Maddoc had danced, irritated the hell out of me, then brought us home safe. He’d looked after me, made sure I was okay, that I was cared for… How stupid had I been not to see how great he was? How much of a good person he was. But no, I’d allowed my veil of denial, the pain of seeing him everywhere and still wanting him, to cloud exactly what was right in front of me.

  I grabbed my backpack from the passenger seat, then got out of my Mini without taking my eyes off of the window on the second floor.

  I wonder which one’s his?

  I knew there was more around the back, two large windows there where there were three on the front. There were smaller ones next to each other on the sides, the frosted panes suggesting bathroom windows.

  “Hey, Kaia!” a voice yelled from the front, grabbing my attention, and my eyes landed on Bobby. He scratched at his beard while beckoning me over. “Maddoc’s upstairs, but Chan’s gone to tell him you’re here.”

  I felt my blood rush from my face at the same time my breath caught. Had Maddoc told them about us? From the grin on Bobby’s face, it was possible, but he always did that when he saw me, a knowing look but I wasn’t wise to the information.

  “Okay, thanks, Bobby,” I replied, making my way slowly to the steps.

  “Jeez, girl, anybody would think you were afraid of us.” He shook his head, his dark, unruly hair waving about. He held the front door wide, then held his arm out, gesturing for me to go inside. “Go on through to the kitchen, I’m sure Maddoc won’t be long.” He eyed my backpack as I made it to the top of the steps, and then passed him.

  The kitchen looked enormous without all of the bodies crammed inside. A center island that was covered in grocery bags, the marble top barely visible underneath. Now that the space was empty, I could see that the other counters matched, and the lower and upper cabinets along the far wall all had co-ordinating glossy white doors, complementing the gray streaks in the marble.

  “Kaia’s here,” I heard a low voice say, and I turned to the wide arched doorway to see who it was, but they were out of sight. “Do you think she knows?”

  Knows what? What are they talking about?

  Another guy chuckled low, doing a poor job of disguising his laughter. “How can she not?” Yeah, I recognized that voice. “You’ve seen how he looks at her, man. I’m surprised he’s offered to help her with her assignment,” Channing said, and my pulse spiked. I couldn’t hold back the smile tugging at my lips. “I doubt he’ll be able to concentrate without an audience to control himself. I wouldn’t. Shit, I’d be so fucking tempted to try to get my hands on that, I swear.”

  The pair walked into the kitchen, wearing their matching jerseys, and stopped dead when they saw me. “Hey, Kaia,” Channing said, his eyes rounded and glancing to Jonah. “I didn’t know you were in here.”

  Jonah left Channing’s side and headed over to me. He pulled a grocery bag toward himself and looked inside the brown paper. “How’s things?” he asked, pulling various items out. “I haven’t seen you around lately.”

  I frowned. “Um, I don’t see you that often, so…” I trailed off, my attention turning toward the hallway when I heard heavy footsteps racing down the stairs. “I guess that’ll be why.”

  Jonah chuckled. “Yeah, probably.” He threw up a can of something, and caught it again before rolling it in his palm. His eyes roamed over the length of me, and I curled my shoulders forward as usual, allowing my black sweater to hang loose over my chest. “I guess we’ll be seeing more of you around here now, huh?”

  I blanched. “Excuse me?”

  He gestured to my bag with his full hand. “Mad helping you out.”

  “Yeah, let’s fuck off outta here, guys” Bobby said, coming up behind Channing who was still staring at me, slapped his hands down on his shoulders, then squeezed.

  “What are you fuckers doing?” Maddoc asked, his voice carrying in before I even saw him. “Are you gonna put the groceries away some time today?” He turned the corner and I swallowed hard. His crisp, white T-shirt clung to him like a second skin, his light jeans hugging his muscular thighs…

  Oh, yeah, they’re not going to stay on for long.

  I looked back up to his face, his eyes locked on me, penetrating, darkening… I couldn’t stop myself from licking my lips.

  He lifted his hand and ran it through his wet, freshly showered hair. “Hey, I didn’t know you were here,” he said, glancing cautiously to his friends who were eagerly watching us.

  “Chan, didn’t you tell him?” Bobby asked, digging him in the ribs.

  Channing winced. “Fuck, Bobby,” he groaned. “I called through, but he was in the shower.”

  The longer Maddoc stared, the
more the heat surged through me, only getting hotter, burning me right down to my toes. The urge to run to him was growing stronger with every second, and hiding away, even just this week, was becoming unbearable.

  This has got to stop.

  His brows dipped when I smiled, a wickedness tilting my lips in the corners. I walked over to him, ignoring the stares of the other guys, and then dropped my backpack to the floor. I lifted my hand, cupped Maddoc’s neck, and pulled him down to me. I pressed my mouth to his, and as I did, his hands gripped my waist, then snaked around me. I parted my lips, and so did he, our tongues swirling over each other for a second until I pulled away.

  “Fuck. Me,” somebody drew out.

  “Hi,” I whispered to Maddoc, my lips brushing over his.

  “Hey,” he replied. “What are you doing?”

  I turned my head to the guys who watched with wide eyes. “The groceries aren’t going to put themselves away.” I looked pointedly to the items. The three guys grabbed the bags, still staring at us. I turned back to a thoroughly amused Maddoc. “I believe you have a room to show me?”

  He snorted a laugh and shook his head. “Fuck me, cupcake, you’re insane.”

  I shrugged. “Yeah, we make a great pair. Let’s go to your room.”

  Maddoc wasted no time. He took my hand, picked up my backpack, and led me out of the kitchen and up the stairs.

  Maddoc pointed to the door at the end of the landing, and I walked in, his sexy as sin scent hitting me square in the face. I sighed inwardly.

  I surveyed the tidy space, my attention landing on a plain desk with a rack on the wall above it. It held the stick I’d seen Maddoc use, and a smaller one that looks like it would fall apart with the slightest touch.

  He locked the door behind us, then turned to me. “Wanna tell me what that was all about?” he asked, slipping his arms around me and pulling me close. “I thought we had to keep things quiet for now.”

  I pressed myself against him, and ran my hands under his T-shirt, stroking my palms over the ridges of solid muscle. “I doubt they’d tattle on you,” I whispered, then stood on my tiptoes to capture his lower lip between mine. Maddoc groaned, his eyes closing when I ran my tongue over the hot flesh. His hands ran down my back, over my ass, then gripped me tight. “If they know what’s good for them, they’ll keep their mouths shut.”

  He chuckled. “I’m sure they’ll manage to keep it to themselves.”

  I nipped his lips again. “They better.” Then I yanked at his T-shirt, his arms going up and helping me to pull it off of him. I pressed my mouth to his chest, then snaked my tongue over his scorching skin, loving the sound he made in the back of his throat when I trailed over the plains of his torso.

  Maddoc’s hand slid down under my ass, squeezed the back of my thighs, then I was airborne, my legs wrapping around him. Once my back hit the bed, we frantically removed each others’ clothes, discarding them without caring where they landed.

  Our mouths moved together, lips sucking and sliding, tongues swirling as we moved up the deep green covers.

  Hands explored hot flesh, kneading, squeezing, exploring, fingers delving in and out… lips sucking, tasting, Then, he was inside me, rocking back and forth, his hips crashing into mine as we continued kissing passionately.

  I ran my hands over his back, my nails raking over his skin as pleasure rippled through me, his cock doing things to my insides that had me arching my back, my breath hitching, and my eyes to roll back in my head.

  “Fuck, you feel so damn good, babe,” Maddoc ground out. He slammed his hand next to my head while the other dug into my hip, holding me in place while he pistoned in and out of me.

  I was so close, the pressure building, the tingles of the inevitable climax growing stronger until I could barely breathe. “Maddoc,” I whimpered against his mouth, our kisses now awkward and out of synch as we fought for control. Our heavy breaths grew louder, with my moans and his groans of pleasure turning me on even more.

  Beads of perspiration broke out over his forehead, his brows furrowed, and his lids scrunched tight. His jaw flexed, and his lips pursed. “Fuck!” he bit out.

  His body lifted from mine, stealing all of his heat with the movement, but he didn’t pull out of me. Both hands gripped my hips, and he pulled me up his thighs as he sat back, my shoulder blades resting on the bed. He kneeled up and increased his thrusts, hitting the spot inside me with such precision, I saw stars.

  “Maddoc!” I squealed when he ran his thumb over my clit, sending electricity firing through me so fast, I jerked violently. “Yes!” He circled again, then pressed down. When he pinched the sensitive bud, I lost control. My entire body spasmed, I couldn’t breathe, the air catching in my throat as I tried to suck it in.

  He looked down to where our bodies joined, his dick disappearing inside of me over and over. “Jesus Christ this looks fucking amazing.”

  I lifted my arms and gripped the thick slats of the wooden headboard behind me as Maddoc fucked me harder and harder, my breaths coming quicker, my nipples pinching tighter as my core clenched, my walls clamping around him. “Oh-oh-oh!” My toes began to curl and my thighs squeezed around him as my climax hit me like a freight train, slamming into me without warning. I was coming hard, and I couldn’t stop the cries from filling the room as my orgasm ripped through me.

  Maddoc gritted his teeth, his voice strained. “Fuck, cupcake, I’m gonna come,” He threw his head back, his muscles tensing so hard, the veins in his neck protruded. “Kaia,” he whispered as he continued to pump into me, his movements slowing.

  When he stilled, he leaned over me, letting me slide back down his thighs, but he didn’t pull out. I lifted my legs higher, wrapping them around his waist. He pushed my messy hair back, and smiled so sweetly, my heart squeezed.

  I banded my arms around his shoulders, and held him against my bare breasts, and lifted my head. Maddoc dipped at the same time, kissing me softly, deeply, and so tenderly that I felt a sting forming in the bridge of my nose. I swallowed it back, and bit back the words that threatened to escape my mouth.

  We kissed for a little longer, then Maddoc pulled back. He gazed into my eyes, and I swear I saw something, but it was gone the second I blinked.

  “I could stay here all day,” he said against my jaw, then worked toward my neck. “Keeping you naked wouldn’t be a burden.”

  I beamed. “Neither would keeping you naked,” I replied, sliding my hands down to his ass.

  He groaned against my skin, gently pulled out of me, then moved to the side. He cupped my cheek, then stroked down toward my chest, taking a breast in his hand, but his eyes never left mine. His lips parted as though he were about to speak, but then he snapped it shut, smiled coyly, then slid away from me. He stood, then held his hand out for me to take. “You know I’m not finished with you yet, cupcake.”

  And hell did I know it. I followed him to the bathroom where we started all over again.


  “I don’t know how you did it, but you fucking pulled it off,” Jonah said, pacing up and down my room while I lay on my bed. He jammed his hands in his hair and wore a fucking strip in the carpet with his worrying. “You know what I’m talking about, man.” His eyes cut from the floor to me, wide and full of excitement.

  “Actually, I don’t,” I replied while spinning my twig in my hands. The smooth surface of the carbon fiber slid easily in my palms, the blade rotating quickly as it turned. “Jonah, you’re giving me a fucking headache with all your pacing, so either stand still and tell me what you barged in here for, or go and barge yourself the fuck out.” When he didn’t answer right away, I resumed thinking about my beautiful woman.

  For the past week, she’d come to training with Daria every morning—which I was so fucking glad for. I understood why Cash liked having Daria there. Having your girl watching was awesome, and I got off on the fact that I could go over and touch her, kiss her, without hiding. Between training, classes, and making use of every su
rface available in my room and her apartment, we just about managed to squeeze in a little study time for her assignment. I’d loved every minute of helping her decipher her poem, writing the annotations for each line, and fucking melting when she beamed at me.

  “You’re so good at this. You make it look so easy,” she’d said, her breathy tone making my dick perk up all over again.

  Fuck, I’d never had so much sex in such a short time—never thought it possible. I’d had more in one weekend with Kaia than I’d had in five months, but with her, I couldn’t get enough. It was as though my dick and my head were working together, plotting against me to make sure I claimed everything I’d missed out on over the years, energy be damned.

  And I hadn’t even gotten started.

  There were places on her body that I hadn’t explored yet, parts of my anatomy too eager to be inside her that my mouth hadn’t gotten it’s turn at tasting that sweet center I’d been dying to feast on, and I was fucking hungry for it.

  “Nah, just used to my dad spouting this around the house since I was a kid,” I’d replied. “There’d be papers all over his desk with lyrics scribbled down. Some were lengthy songs, some short, but he’d always have the real story written down as if he were transforming it from regular words to some sort of rhyming code.”

  Damn, her fucking face when she’d held onto my every word, looking at me like I was some fucking God that had been bestowed upon her, my greatness and power falling from my mouth. If only that were true. I didn’t want to fuck up; I didn’t want to look into her eyes and see disappointment. I wanted her to look at me the way she did right after we’d had sex under the running water in the shower, her slick, soapy body weak from another orgasm, her lips parted as she panted hard, her head tipped back and her big blues gazing up at me like I was the only thing in her fucking world that she could see.

  I swallowed hard, trying to shove down the emotional crap that I’d never thought I’d ever feel—for anyone—but it was growing stronger all the fucking time. It was getting so bad, I’d almost, almost, let that little nugget slip from my mouth while I held Kaia from behind, her back to my front while I slid in and out of her so painfully fucking slow I swear I could’ve fucking cried.


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