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Almost Perfect

Page 33

by Doyle, Dawn

  I pressed my hand to his face, and he turned into it, kissing my palm. “You’re an ass.”

  “True, but you love me anyway.”

  I pulled him down until our foreheads touched. “I do.” I sucked his bottom lip in to my mouth, and gently nipped the soft flesh. “Maddoc?”

  He swallowed, his eyes flickering as though he was barely holding onto his control. “Yeah, cupcake?”

  I bit my lip, then purred, “Fuck me like you love me.”

  Maddoc’s eyes widened. “Jesus Christ,” he ground out through gritted teeth, and whatever he was holding onto snapped completely.

  He was rough as he fucked me, pounding into me so damn hard, his grip on my hip tight as he sped up, close to bruising, and I loved it. His hand slid down, around to my ass, and lifted, the new angle allowing him to go deeper still.

  My eyes fluttered, my mouth opened, and every muscle in my body began to spasm as my core erupted. “Oh, God!” I cried as my walls contracted, the rest of my body following, contorting me in ways that were so fucking good I never wanted it stop.

  “Keep your eyes on me,” Maddoc demanded, and I forced my lids open, focusing on him. His voice was tight as he said, “Fuck, baby, I’m coming.”

  I shattered around him, screaming his name as he grunted mine, his cock thickening, then warmth spilling inside of me as he came. We panted hard as his movements slowed, our orgasms ebbing, our bodies slick with sweat.

  His chest heaved as caught his breath, and he lifted a hand to brush my hair away from my face. As he slid out of me, he licked his lips before pressing them to mine, so soft, so tender, and lingered there, ghosting over each other.

  “Just like that,” I whispered.

  Maddoc beamed. “I’m not done,” he said, pumping his brows. He carefully lifted from me, then helped me to stand on my unsteady legs. He blew out the candles, then led me to my room where he showed me exactly how he much loved me.

  And it was amazing.



  Six months later.

  “Those boxes go in the spare room,” I said when Cash brought in another two. “Everything with my name on.”

  I stood in the middle of the apartment, surveying the space. It was almost identical to Kaia and Daria’s place—well, old place, with the same large window overlooking the street below, but the kitchen was to the left of the front door instead of the right. The bedrooms were the same, so I made sure the main one to be used wasn’t joined to the next apartment. I didn’t want the sounds traveling to next door, or theirs to ours.

  The couch that had once sat in my pool-house was now in its new place, right in front of the huge TV that used to hang on the wall there. My bed was already in the main room, with Kaia’s in the spare along with my piano, that had gotten a lot more use since Kaia loved to listen to me play. She’d never once tried to get me to do more, to go out of my comfort zone—to sing, and fuck if that didn’t make me love her more. Her support, her understanding, what I should’ve gotten from my parents but never did.

  Willow had been in tears when the removals truck drove away, containing all of my belongings. Kaia had consoled her with a promise—she had a room of her own whenever she visited, which made Willow cry even harder as she hugged us both.

  “Are you gonna move your ass, or are you gonna just stand there like the king of the fucking castle?” Cash asked. I spun around to glare at him, and he laughed. “Just fucking with you, Mad.”

  “Good job, dipshit, you were about to get my foot up your ass.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” he replied, walking out of the door.

  The second he left, a beaming face smiled at me from the doorway, complete with bright red nose. “Hey, roomie.”

  My fucking heart exploded in my chest at seeing my woman walking toward me, her sexy as fuck hips swaying as she went, even under the long, white, flowing skirt that hid the legs that I’d been between just that morning before I left to grab some boxes while she got ready. Her lack of loose shirt showcased every sweet curve that I had the pleasure of cuddling up to every damn night. Instead of hiding away, Kaia was wearing a light-pink, semi-fitted top, the short sleeves cupping her shoulders, the fabric looser at the chest and cinching in at her tight waist.

  “Hey, baby,” I replied, my voice low and gruff. “You look gorgeous.” She reached me, and I slid my arms around her waist, then down to cup her pert ass, loving how she squeaked when I gripped a little harder.

  She lifted onto her tiptoes and wrapped her arms around my neck. “And you look damn fine,” she purred.

  I narrowed my eyes as though wondering something. “I can’t help thinking there’s something different about you, though.”

  Kaia beamed. “Really? Like what?”

  I laughed and took the nose from her and pushed it into my pocket. “Much better.” I dipped low, pressing my lips to hers for a brief, but hard kiss. “What do you think?”

  “Mm, nice pressure, excellent delivery, but I’d say not long enough for my liking.” Her lips quirked when I cocked a brow.

  “I meant the apartment,” I growled, attacking her neck which made her squeal.

  “I know.” Kaia giggled, then looked around. “I can’t believe this is ours.”

  “Yeah, believe it, baby, because there’s no getting rid of me now.”

  “I never want to get rid of you,” she assured me. “Ever.”

  “Okay, you two, break it up,” Daria said, walking past us. “You’ve got all night to be all lovey-dovey and christening each room, but right now, we have stuff to move in and a bottle of wine to drink.”

  Kaia stuck her tongue out at her friend. “Spoilsport.”

  Daria flipped us both the bird and continued moving some of Kaia’s items to our bedroom.


  We’d picked up the keys the day before, a major step in our relationship. The lease was for six months, which we could extend for a longer term if we were good tenants. I knew we would be; I’d never risk fucking up sharing a home with my girl. It wasn’t going to be easy, though, but so far, neither of us had regretted spending every night together and waking up every morning for the past six months. So, to me, this would be a fucking cake walk. I just hoped Kaia felt the same way. With what had been going through my mind lately, six months was nothing.

  I saw the hesitation on her face, making my stomach sink. “Hey, if you’re worried about us living together, Cash will move in here with me if it’s too much for you. We agreed before we signed for this place that if you had doubts, it’d be just as easy to be neighbors.”

  Like fucking hell it would.

  I held my tongue, not wanting to burden her with the news that I’d be fucking devastated if she had second thoughts.

  Her eyes snapped to mine. “What?” she asked, her expression morphing into confusion, her brows drawn down. “You think I’m worried about that?” She cupped my face, and forced my head down until I was looking at her, her gaze boring into mine. “Maddoc, this is one of the best decisions I’ve made in a long time. I have zero hesitation about living here with you.” Her tongue darted out over her lower lip in that way that made me want to sink my teeth into it. “You’re going to be training a lot and playing away from home for the majority of games. I’m going to miss you like crazy.”

  My shoulders sagged, the air stuck in my throat blowing out in one long breath, relief washing over me. “Hey, we talked about this, baby. The times you can’t come, you’ll be sick of hearing my voice on the phone, and seeing my face on FaceTime.” I brushed her loose, dark hair back over her shoulders. “I’ll give you a little show every night we’re apart.” I ground my hips against hers, the very movements I’d demonstrated in the bar. “Maybe even a little strip tease, get my Magic Mike on so you can get off, and you can let me watch you do it, too.”

  Kaia’s lips pursed as she held back a smile, and she shoved my chest. “You perv.”

  I shrugged and blinked once. “Yeah, but you lov
e me.”

  He beautiful face lit up, her deep blue eyes glassy, her lids brimming with unshed tears. “I do. I love you so much, Maddoc.”

  I pressed my forehead to hers and whispered, “I love you, too, cupcake. Always.”

  She tilted her head back and closed her eyes. I kissed her again, in our living room, where our lives were just beginning.

  A couple hours later, and we’d moved in, all our boxes emptied and stuff put away. It helped that we only had to go next door for Kaia’s things, and I had barely anything I needed to bring over from the team house. Naturally, the guys weren’t pleased I was leaving, but I was giving them another teammate to room with. Tanner had earned his place in the house after doing exactly what was asked for him against the Cats, and more. The guy was loyal, a team player, and a fucking good guy. Cash’s room remained empty, a spare in case one of us fucked up and needed a place to crash. No fucking faith, I swear.

  Kaia and Daria had gone next door, one last girly chat session with their wine before spending our first night together in our home.

  “So, day one of the future, man,” Cash said, bringing his beer to his lips. “Who’d have thought you and Kaia Levine would be shacking up together, huh? It was late coming, but you finally got the girl you’ve wanted for years.”

  My grin stretched impossibly wide, making my face ache. “Yes. Yes I did.” And I was going to do everything I could to keep it that way. “This is only the start of my master plan.” I was so fucking happy it was sickening.

  Cash straightened, his smile slipping and his eyes shifting to side-glance me. “Please don’t tell me you’ve got something fucked up going on in that head of yours, Mad.”

  “Depends on how you look at it,” I said with a shrug as though it were nothing.

  “Fuck,” Cash whispered. “Does this involve getting hurt in any way, like seriously hurt or has the potential to get us into some major fucking trouble?”

  I took a long swig of my beer. “There’s always that possibility.”

  Cash shook his head quickly. “No. No involving me in any more of your master plans, dickhead. Daria was so pissed when I’d been involved in Anton-gate, and I seriously don’t want to go through that again.”

  “Let’s just say I need to speak to her brothers.” I’d met them once, and although Kaia’s parents welcomed me with open arms, the deadly duo glared at me like they wished me dead. I may or may not have antagonized them with a sweet smile and my hand on their sister’s ass when we stood out in the garden. And there’s a possibility I laid my winning personality on them in droves, right in front of their wonderful parents because they could do jack shit about it. Kaia had laughed her sexy ass off, and rewarded my impromptu payback on her behalf with her mouth on certain parts of my anatomy that I couldn’t think about because having a rock-hard dick while sitting next to Cash was not on my agenda for the evening.

  Cash gripped my forearm, and when I turned to him, his eyes were bulging out of his goddamn head, his skin deathly white. “Are you fucking crazy?” he hissed

  “Come on, Cash.” I deadpanned and held my hands out. “Is that a serious question?”

  “After what Kaia told us, those fuckers will eat you alive when you next see them.” He lifted his hands, shaking them as well as his head. “You’re right, you are crazy.”

  I tapped the lip of my bottle to my temple and winked. “Yeah, and I’ll use that to my advantage.” I turned when I heard the key in the lock, waiting for the woman of my dreams to come inside.

  My breath caught in my throat when she opened the door, visions of my future—our future—flashing through my head.

  And I couldn’t fucking wait.

  I just had to grow the huge mammoth-sized balls I needed to pull it off.


  Six Months Later.

  Kistonville arena parking lot was already busy when Maddoc pulled into one of the spots reserved for him. His friend, Colin, had made sure about that. People filled the pavement in front of the entrances, waiting for the doors to open. They had another thirty minutes to go, but the line was enormous already.

  I turned to face him when he cut the engine, and saw he was looking in the rearview mirror at Willow. “Um, quick question,” I began, glancing over my shoulder to see her wide grin. “This is going to be a drama free game, right?” I pointed my finger at him. “No fuckery?”

  Maddoc placed his hand on his chest, his jaw dropped dramatically as his eyes widened. “Babe, me? I’d never ask that of my guys.” He couldn’t hold it, though, and the second my brow cocked, he burst out laughing—Willow, too. “I promise I’ve not guided them in any way, cupcake,” he assured me, reaching over and rubbing my leg. His hand slipped higher and he pumped his brows. “Just watching my old team play.”

  Since graduation, and Maddoc and Cash had joined the Jets, they’d kept in touch with the guys that were now seniors and main players. With Maddoc being their former captain and center, and Cash being the old alternate captain, it was seen as a big deal for them to show up to the game. So big, that he’d told me that all tickets had sold out within an hour. The arena was full to capacity, and names had filled up the reserve list and more.

  Willow tapped my shoulder, and I turned to see her signing to me. The pair had taught me a lot over the past year, but I was far from able to sign a complete conversation.

  “I can’t wait to watch this game,” Maddoc translated. “But we should get in there before they start letting in—you know what the fans can get like.” He checked the time. “Shit, Will’s right, babe, we gotta go. The doors will be opening in ten minutes.”

  Going through the front entrance was out of the question if we wanted to make it in there without Maddoc getting stopped to sign autographs and have pictures taken. This was the earliest he’d ever gotten to an arena before a game when he wasn’t playing. As a spectator, fifteen to twenty minutes before puck drop was the norm.

  When he pulled on his white cap, then jumped out, I turned to Willow and signed what I’d learned over the past few months. “I’m happy you’re here. He’s missed you so much, and so have I.”

  Willow beamed so brightly she practically glowed, just like Maddoc did. “I missed him, too, and you. I’m excited for tonight, Kaia.”

  I knew she was. She was an avid fan of the Roosters, but the moment she found out about how my brothers’ involved themselves in my life, she’d sworn she’d kick them both in the balls if she met them.

  Well, she had and, unfortunately, there was no ball kicking—just a lot of signing that had them confused as hell, and my boyfriend that refused to translate in front of my parents. I’m pretty sure from the expression on Willow’s face and gesturing to Maddoc and I, they got the memo that they were idiots.

  We reached the side entrance and Maddoc pulled me into his arms. His body was trembling, his arms vibrating around me. “Just before we go inside,” he said, then kissed me tenderly. “I won’t get the chance for a little while.”

  “Are you okay?” I asked, pulling back and scanning him from head to toe. I placed my hand on his face, then his forehead. “Are you sick?”

  The corner of his mouth tilted up and he shook his head. “No, babe, I’m fine.”

  “But you’re shaking.” I gripped his forearms, the thick ropy muscles bunching under my hands.

  He shrugged. “I’ll have a sugary drink when we get in.” He dipped his head and kissed me again, my eyes closing automatically. “Don’t worry, baby, I’m okay,” he whispered against my lips.

  But I did worry. Every. Single. Time. Training had been tough, and he’d been going above and beyond to make sure he was the best he could be. He never showed it, but I could tell he was exhausted from the extra hours he’d been putting in over the past six months.

  “About time,” Cash called out once we got inside. He and Daria walked toward us down the wide corridor. The dimly lit space seemed darker with the forest green painted walls. “Dude, the guys got here ten minutes ago

  Daria rolled her eyes, hugged me, then Willow. “Chan’s grabbing some drinks with Jonah and Bobby. They’re going to meet us out there.” She watched as Maddoc signed her words to Willow.

  “Okay,” Maddoc said, then blew out a long breath. His face looked paler than ever, and as he swiped the back of his hand over his forehead, I pulled him to one side.

  “Maddoc, are you sure you’re okay?” I asked, cupping his face again. I anxiously checked him over, my stomach churning with worry. “You’re pale, clammy, and you’re still shaking.” When he opened his mouth to speak, I said, “I think we should go home. You could be coming down with something.”

  He covered my hands with his and gently pulled them from his face. He kissed my fingers, then smiled down at me. “I’m fine, Kaia, I swear.” He brushed a loose strand of hair back over my shoulder, then held my hand in his. “Let’s go watch the game.”

  Maddoc held tight to my hand while we sat, watching the fans swarm into the arena to take their seats. Cash and Daria sat beside me, while Willow sat on the other side of Maddoc. One of the doors to the ice was directly in front of us, the bolt firmly in place.

  “Hey, I can yell at the players if they don’t do well enough,” Cash said, thumbing toward the benched area next to us. “If Tanner does a shit job of captaining this team, he won’t be able to escape us.” The grin on his face said the opposite, though.

  Tanner had been doing well, and had called Maddoc for advice on more than a few occasions after he’d made captain of the Wranglers.

  “You’ll do no such thing,” Daria said and playfully swatted him, her diamond ring sparkling under the lights. They’d gotten engaged a few months ago, and were planning a romantic evening beach wedding in Mexico that Daria had always wanted. I was so happy for them; they were made for each other. “You’re here for support, not to criticize.”

  Maddoc leaned toward me, his warm breath on my ear as he whispered. “I’ve got something to show you.”


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