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P.S. Never in a Million Years (Cupid in the City Book 1)

Page 9

by J. S. Cooper


  “Drinks are on me tonight.” I was positively gleeful as I entered the bar with Susie, Shantal, and Lilian. “I passed the test with flying colors!”

  “Congratulations!” Shantal grabbed my hand and spun me around. “Party time!”

  “Well, I don’t know about that. I still have to work tomorrow.” I laughed. “You guys go and grab a table, and I’ll order a pitcher of sangria.”

  “Sounds good,” Susie answered.

  The girls went to find seats, and I made my way to order the drinks. I half expected to see Green Eyes there and was slightly disappointed when I didn’t. I pulled my phone out of my handbag and checked it yet again to see if he had sent me a text yet. My heart thudded as I noticed I had a new message from an unknown number. My fingers quickly tried to unlock my screen and I cursed under my breath as I got the code wrong three times in a row. Why did they make the numbers so small? Did they think everyone had children’s hands? Finally, I unlocked the phone and read the message.

  Hey big shot, executive. How was your day? I laughed at his message, even as my stomach sank. Where could this relationship even go if it was already starting with a huge lie?

  Pretty good, thanks! I’m guessing this is Green Eyes?

  Bingo! So you closed any multi-million deals today?

  Just seven. No biggie.

  No wonder Finn Winchester is so rich. It’s all because of you.

  I like to say a good 10% of his fortune is due to me. :)

  You’re too modest.

  I know.

  So what are you up to?

  Drinks with the girls.

  Ditch them and come and join me for dinner.

  I can’t do that.

  You’re a hot-shot executive. You can do anything you want.

  Well, that’s true. What do you do by the way?

  Come and meet me, and I’ll tell you.

  Oh, like your name?


  Well, I can’t come.

  :( Please?

  Maybe in an hour.

  I got the pitcher and carried it to the table where my friends were sitting. “Would you guys kill me if I ditched early?”

  “Why are you ditching?” Susie raised her eyebrows suspiciously at me. “You’re not going shopping for new shoes, are you?”

  “No, but I might have a date.”

  “A date?” Shantal sounded even more excited than I felt. “Who with? I didn’t know you had anyone!”

  “I don’t have anyone. I just met this guy the other day. Well, several times…” My voice trailed off as I noticed that Susie was beaming. “Why are you grinning like a fool?”

  “I’m just happy you’re following your heart.”

  “My heart?” I raised an eyebrow at her and shook her head. “I don’t even know the guy. I’m just following my way to a free drink and possibly a good makeout sesh.”

  “Just a makeout?” Lilian sipped her martini. “I’d at least want the guy to go down on me.”

  “On the first date?” Susie and I said in unison, and we both laughed.

  “I see why you two are best friends.” Shantal tapped her fingers against the table, in time to the beat of the song playing in the background. “Frankly, I would love to go on a date. I haven’t met a good guy in years.”

  “I didn’t even think they existed anymore,” Lilian added.

  “Guys, I don’t even know if Green Eyes is a good guy.” I stared at my phone to see if he’d sent another message. “I don’t even know his name.”

  “How mysterious and sexy.” Shantal sighed dreamily. “It’s like the beginning to a movie…”

  “On Hallmark?” Susie offered.

  “No.” Shantal grinned. “I don’t watch those saccharine movies. Like, have you noticed that the same ten actors and actresses are in every movie?”

  “Yes.” Susie laughed. “It’s like they were all dropped off on an island.”

  “Not an island. A small quaint town somewhere in New England,” I pointed out.

  “Oh, yeah!” Shantal laughed. “And they are the only people left on the earth.”

  “And they have to intermarry to populate the earth.” Susie giggled. “They’ve all been with each other.”

  “Well, not in the Biblical sense.” Lilian rolled her eyes. “You’re lucky if you even see a kiss in those movies. Boooring.”

  “I think they’re sweet,” Susie said. “They really make you believe in true love.”

  “So fake!” I rolled my eyes. “The men on Lifetime are more like the men you’re going to meet in real life.”

  “You can say that again.” Shantal nodded. “Psycho eyes and cheater faces.”

  “Oh yeah, I’ve met so many cheaters in this city.” Lilian made a face. “Did I tell you about the guy I went on a date with last month?”

  “No.” I shook my head. “But hold on. I want to hear, really I do, but let me just message Green Eyes back first.”

  “You’re going to go right?” Susie frowned at me. “We all want you to go.”

  “Yes, I’ll go, but only because I’m curious about him now. Maybe he’s not as big of a jerk as I thought he might be.”

  “Yeah, girl. I bet he’s not.” Susie sounded so positive that I almost believed that she really knew what she was talking about.

  “From your mouth to God’s ears.” I laughed as I texted him again.

  Okay, I can meet you in an hour and a half.

  You made my night.


  Learn how to take a compliment.

  Okay. Well, thanks.

  Meet me at Popsicles. I’ll send over the address in a bit.

  Sounds good.

  “Okay, so I’m meeting him in a little over an hour.” I tried to hide my excitement. “So, Lilian, tell us about the guy you went on a date with last month.”

  “I don’t normally kiss and tell, but this one was absolutely crazy.” Lilian poured the last of the sangria into my glass and stood up. “I’m going to need another drink before I get into this one. This round’s on me.”

  “I’ll help you.” Shantal stood up as well. “Plus, I’m feeling like there’s a snack at the bar that I want to eat.” She nodded towards the bar and we all turned to look. There was a tall man with short black hair and big muscles. He must have sensed us looking at him because he turned towards us and smiled. “Where in the name of Boris Kodjoe did he come from?” Shantal fanned herself. “Do they come much hotter than him?” She twirled her hair and squared her shoulders. “Excuse me, ladies, I spy a man that needs to get my number.”

  Susie and I watched as they walked to the bar, and my jaw dropped when Shantal walked right up to the hot guy.

  “Wow, she’s bold.” I sipped on my drink. I wanted to be more confident when it came to approaching men. “I wish I could just go up to hot guys like that.”

  “Me too.” Susie leaned back and ran her fingers through her hair before sighing deeply. “I really need to figure out my life.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, you have a new job and new friends, whom I love by the way, but I just feel like I’m doing nothing.” She rubbed her forehead with her bright red nails and sat up straight. “I feel like life is passing me by.”

  “Oh no! Susie, I didn’t know you felt that way. Do you want me to stay?”

  “Oh, no way!” She shook her head. “You go and meet up with Green Eyes, and when you get home, I’ll be waiting up to hear all about it.”


  "And then he said stick this up your ass," Lilian had us all in giggles. "I said why don’t you stick it up your own ass. And then he said, "Well, my wife tried to do that to me last night."

  "Oh no." I groaned through giggles. "You’re right, he sounds awful."

  "Then I was like your wife? I thought you said you were divorced? And he was like oh did I? I must have been sleepwalking. Does that even make sense?"

  "No," I shook my head and stood up. "As
much as I’ve loved these stories, I have to leave now."

  "Good luck, girl." Susie jumped up and gave me a hug. "Have fun."

  "You’re not leaving us, are you Susie?" Shantal pouted. "I was thinking we could all go dancing."

  "I’m so down." Susie grinned and I waved goodbye. I was so happy that my best friend and new friends were getting on; especially now that I knew Susie was feeling left out. I hadn’t even realized she was feeling that way, but I was determined to help her find a job and to find love. She deserved everything wonderful that could happen to a person.

  I made my way out of the bar and pulled up Google Maps on my phone. I put in "Popsicles" and saw that it was only a twenty-minute walk away. I was feeling happy and buzzed and so decided to save my cab fare and walk to the bar. I sang one of my favorite Passenger songs to myself as I made my way down the New York City streets. There was something so vibrant about the city and I couldn’t quite believe that I lived here. I had been dreaming about being in the City my entire life and I was now here.

  I got to Popsicles with two minutes to spare. I walked into the bar and looked around. I was surprised to see that the bar was low-key; almost a dive bar. To the right, there were some dartboards and just past that were some table hockey tables. I looked to see if I could locate Green Eyes, but he hadn’t yet arrived.

  "Looking for me?" A deep voice sounded behind me and I turned around. It was him. All sparkling eyes and gorgeous lips. He really was too handsome for his own good.

  "Yeah, something like that." I nodded.

  "I wasn’t sure you’d actually come."


  "Yeah, I thought maybe you were playing with me."

  "Why would I do that?"

  "I don’t know." He grinned. "You didn’t seem too happy to chat with me when we met the other night."

  "I changed my mind."

  "Good good." He looked around. "So want to buy me a drink?"

  "Sorry?" I raised an eyebrow.

  "Sorry about what?" He licked his lips. "The bar is over there." He pointed to the back of the room and started walking.

  "You want me to buy you a drink?"

  "You’re the big shot." He shrugged. "I figured you’d want to."

  "Hmmm." I didn’t know how to answer that. "What do you want to drink?"

  "Well, are we going big or what?"

  "What do you mean going big?"

  "This is our first date right?"

  "Yeah, I guess?" I could see his lips were twitching and I had no idea what game he was playing. "Why?"

  "Shouldn’t we get something that is memorable?"

  "Sorry you’re losing me..." I frowned as he grabbed a menu. "Are you going to tell me your name?"

  "Let’s say Anwir."

  "Anwir?" I stared at him. Something in my brain was buzzing, but I didn’t know why.

  "Yeah." He nodded. "Why don’t we get a bottle of Dom?"

  "Dom?" My heart started racing. "Like the champagne?"

  "Yes, just like the champagne. Maybe when we go to Paris we can visit Champagne."

  "When we go to Paris?" I licked my lips nervously. Was Anwir a psycho? Shit, was I in my very own Lifetime movie. What would they call this one? Woman with the Psycho Green Eye Man? Shit, I wanted to make movies; not be the subject of one.

  "Don’t look so nervous, Marcia." He burst out laughing. "I’m just joking."

  "Oh phew."

  "We should visit California first. Maybe we can go to Yosemite and Monterey."

  "Yeah maybe." I wanted to grab my cellphone and have Susie give me an emergency call.

  "You have a corporate card right?"

  "Yeah." I wish.

  "So just put the trip on that. Maybe we can even fly first class. I’ve always wanted to fly first class."

  "Do you have miles for that?" My voice was sharp now. This man was certifiable.

  "Miles?" He laughed. "Do I look like I have miles?" I stared at him then. Really really studied him. He had on nice shoes; nothing fine Italian leather, but nice. His shirt was crisp and cotton. More Kohl’s than Brooks Brothers and his watch was more Kmart than Tag Heuer. I looked at the scruff on his face that indicated he hadn’t shaved in at least a month. It wasn’t crazy and was well kept but he certainly didn’t look like the wolf of Wall Street.

  "No, you don’t. And I don’t care if you don’t make much money, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to spend all my money on you." I licked my lips nervously. Especially seeing as I had $384.23 to my name and that was going to go to my umpteen bills.

  "Use that corporate credit card. I’m sure your dad, Finn Winchester won’t mind?" He grinned at me and I swallowed hard. My face was growing red and hot. Was this man making fun of me?

  "Finn Winchester trusts me and I would never think of betraying his trust. He has a very small circle of loyal friends and I would never do anything to leave that circle."

  "Oh yeah?" He looked impressed. "He must really value you."

  "Yes, yes he does."

  "Call him."

  "Excuse me?"

  "Call him." His smile dazzled me as he leaned in closer to me. "See if he wants to join us for a drink. I’d love to see him."

  "He’s not available."

  "Oh? Is he too busy tracking people down?"

  "What?" I frowned. "What are you talking about?"

  "Nothing." He shook his head. "So are we getting this bottle of Dom?"

  "No." I pressed my lips together. I was regretting having agreed to this date. Anwir was annoying and obnoxious and it had nothing to do with his looks. "I might actually have to leave."

  "Oh, are we going back to your place?"

  "What?" My eyes widened.

  "I like how you think? Why waste time right?"

  "You what?" My jaw dropped.

  "We can get down and dirty. Do the damn thing."

  "Okay, that’s enough. What the hell is your problem?"

  "What?" He gave me an innocent look. "Am I supposed to pretend I don’t find you sexy as hell?" He looked me up and down. "Like really sexy."

  "Well, thanks, but that doesn’t mean that we’re going to be hooking up."

  "I’d like to get my hands all over your fine ass." He licked his lips. "I love a bit of spanking, don’t you?"

  "What?" I stared at him in shock. "Spanking?"

  "Don’t worry you can spank me as well!" He winked. "Daddy’s been a bad boy."

  "Okay, sorry Anwir, but this is not going to work." I shook my head and took a step away from him. This guy was crazy. Granted he was hot as hell, but I wasn’t desperate. I didn’t need to waste my time with a loser. Even if the thought of his hands on my ass did turn me on a little bit.

  "What’s not going to work?"

  "This." I waved my hands back and forth. "I should have trusted my initial gut instinct, but we’re just too opposite."

  "Like Romeo and Juliet?"


  "Like Ken and Barbie?"

  "I have no idea what you’re talking about."

  "Like Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy?"

  "Look dude, I’m not sure if you took drugs or what’s going on, but you and me, we’re never going to be."

  "Well, you never know." He shrugged. "I’m sure we’ll see each other again soon, and maybe then you will give me another chance."

  "I hope not and I doubt it." I shook my head. "Good bye, Anwir."

  "Good bye, sweet butt." He said with a chuckle in his voice and I just turned around and headed out of the bar. I felt like I was in the Twilight zone. What the hell had just gone down? My phone beeped and I pulled it out of my bag.

  If you want some no strings attached sex, I’m still down. I stared at the message from Anwir. This guy was too much.

  No thanks.

  I’ve been told my tongue is like a power drill.

  Is that meant to be a good thing?

  Never had any complaints.

  Good night. I powered my phone off and headed home. I was tipsy and h
orny enough to end up typing something back that I would regret.

  I made my way into the apartment ready to tell everything to Susie, but she wasn’t at home. Frustrated, I took off my clothes and got into bed. I powered my phone back on and saw another message from Anwir.

  Do you hate me now?

  It will be awkward when we next meet.

  Sweet dreams, Marcia Lucas.

  I stared at the messages and I couldn’t stop myself from smiling. Anwir was an idiot, but he had been a hot idiot. I wasn’t going to feel bad about the date because I had a brand new job that was looking up and I was determined to make the most of my new position.


  My heart was racing so fast that I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I stood in the doorway to my new office and squeezed my hands together. My monitor was on and there was a post-it note stuck at the top.

  I could read it from where I was standing, but I walked closer to the screen to read it again. I pressed my lips together and held in a scream. The note read, "Got your email. A million years is up. See me in my office. Your boss, The Yeti Finn Winchester.

  "Oh shit, oh shit." I pressed down on the mouse and went to my email program. The email I'd drafted the day before was no longer in the draft box. It was in sent mail. "How in the hell?" I swallowed hard and took a couple of deep breaths. I could run out of the office and never look back. I could tell Susie some lie about why I couldn’t work there anymore or I could tell her the truth; it was partly her fault after all, for having given me the suggestion.

  "Hey, Marcia." Jasper stopped by my door and gave me a quick nod.

  "Uh, hi." I swallowed hard. Maybe I could see someone had played a prank on me? Maybe I’d say Gloria had always had it out for me, but as much as I couldn’t stand her, I knew I couldn’t lie.

  "Mr. Winchester is in today." Jasper smiled. "He’d like to see you in his office."


  "Yes," he nodded. "I assume he wants to welcome you to Winchester Enterprises."

  "Does he normally do that?" I squeaked out, my face a deep hot red.

  "Sometimes." He said, but his face belied his words. I was going to get fired. This was it.

  "Uhm okay. Where is his office?"


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