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Destiny Rising Prequel

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by Lachlan Wells

  The Quell: Destiny Rising

  A LitRPG Series (Prequel)

  By Lachlan Wells

  Copyright © 2020

  The Quell: Destiny Rising - A LitRPG Series (Prequel) by Lachlan Wells

  A work of Gravity Maker Press, a division of Gravity Ecommerce, LLC

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used facetiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is coincidental. The scanning, uploading and distribution of this book without written permission is theft of the author’s intellectual property. Thank you for protecting the rights and writing process of the author.

  Table of Contents

  The Quell: Destiny Rising (Prequel)

  Prelude: The Reckoning

  Chapter 1: Background

  Chapter 2: Hometown

  Chapter 3: Backstory

  Chapter 4: First Quest

  Chapter 5: First Blood

  Chapter 6: Willow Creek

  Very Important Note!!!

  About The Author, Lachlan Wells

  Prelude: The Reckoning

  One afternoon, when the earth was still full and it still felt like home, a voice rang out across the horizon, carried by every corner of the wind. A deep, resonating sound that some thought was the voice of God and others knew it was not. Two words that changed the very foundation of existence: “I’m bored.”

  Like a rapture, a third of the population of the world vanished instantly. What remained of national governments ran for their warheads and firearms, only to find empty lockers and chambers. Advanced technology beyond the industrial had been swallowed by what people now call the Quell. All knowledge of electronics became obsolete. The world dove into chaos, humans killing each other before nature could do it for them.

  For thirty years, people attempted to rebuild from that event and the voice they now call the Reckoning. The collapsed wilderness of what remained was transformed into a landscape of monsters and chaotic magic that slowly grew and those who lived in the dangerous landscape known as the Quell learned quickly of their new lives. While most people tried to live their lives in the make safe pockets of the Quell, known as Havens, the ones who ventured out discovered they were capable of astonishing feats, physically, mentally, and magically. While some could harness the capabilities of any weapon they touched, others could cast spells or take out monsters with their bare hands. Their lives were not dictated by daily monotonous tasks, but with danger, uncertainty, power and frailty.

  It was a game for the amusement of the Reckoning, and the remaining citizens of earth were its Players.

  Chapter 1: Background

  “Last night, I dreamed I was a dragon again,” said the eager voice of a young girl. “This time with broad golden wings that caught the sunlight like glass and bright yellow scales.”

  Her uncle looked down at her and gave her a stern look. “Did you, now? What happened?”

  “I was definitely in danger. I think I was being hunted.” Adrianna Swann tapped her chin, brow in a deep furrow. “Do you think it has something to do with that book I read last year? Something in my head tells me I’m in danger? Or maybe that I’m secretly a dragon?”

  “You’re not a dragon, dear.” Her uncle sighed, picking up the pot of water and allowing Adrianna to dump in the freshly cut veggies. “You may eat like one, but trust me,” his lip twitched in amusement. “I think I would know if you were.”

  “Well, you’re the one that told me dreams are messages.”

  “Sometimes.” Her uncle clarified. “I said sometimes dreams are messages. Sometimes dreams are just dreams. If you would get to the books on dreams, you would know this.”

  “I’m not there yet. I’ve barely gotten past the books on weapons and invention. Like the Raven’s Gauntlet! Who knew there were things that powerful? What if some are still out there? Waiting for someone to find them, like an ancient artifact?”

  Uncle shook his head. “You are reading stories. Fictions. Focus on practical things like the essentials of magic or the Book Of Survival. You’re a smart girl. Use your resources to your benefit.”

  Adrianna rolled her eyes. She had read those a million times, she could recite them front to back if she needed to. If that’s all they wanted her to know, she wouldn’t have three other shelves of books to read from. When she turned eighteen, she’d travel away from this place and see all there is to see in the world. But for now…?

  She dragged a bucket of dirty water to the sink and poured it in with a frown as she completed her chores. She remembered asking time and time again why they didn’t have plumbing. It was a simple system of pressure and valves. Uncle never gave a straight answer, and she just figured it was one of the many things he had no control over.

  “My dear niece, can you get something for me?” Her uncle waved her over.

  Adrianna swallowed in hesitation. “In the basement?” It’s not that she didn’t like going into the basement, in fact, she rather enjoyed it—there were so many things hidden in nooks and crannies of the room—but lately, going down there felt like a chore. Something her uncle consistently demanded her to do so that he could do other things up here. It was always “hunt for this” or “fetch that” or “go see what you can find.”

  But who was she to deny her uncle? He had taken care of her all seventeen years of her life at the request of her parents.

  “Yeah, sure.” Adrianna nodded. “What do you want me to grab?”

  “Parchment paper and ink.”

  “But we have some of that up here already.”

  “Ah, yes, but this paper and ink is for eggs.”


  “From the market.”

  Adrianna frowned, trying to keep her excitement from swelling. “I thought you didn’t want me going into the market alone anymore?”

  “Well, you’re turning of age soon, so I think you will be mature enough not to set fire to the stables this time.”

  “That wasn’t me!”

  “Or bother the patrons of the tavern.”

  “I just had a few questions.”

  “Tut tut, little one. Now off you go. Trade at the Dairy Farm for the paper and ink. I sense that they will need it soon. And keep your hood up!”

  “O.k.! Sure, Uncle! See you later!”

  Excited, she yanked on her brown boots and threw her hunter green poncho over her small shoulders, carefully situating the hood over her pointed ears.

  Chapter 2: Hometown

  The market was busy today. The tailor and the baker were having a heated discussion with a handful of patrons wearing metal armor. The tailor had on a red and black cloak with a dramatic hat. Adrianna glanced down at her own pair of plain khaki trousers and dirty brown boots and frowned. She wasn’t really one for fashion, but maybe she should have grabbed something more stylish? How much did it matter if I only go three places in my life? It’s not like I’m trying to dress to impress.

  Before she could make a decision, someone bumped into her and she looked up.

  “Sorry about that.” Two boys that were a little older than her stopped awkwardly beside her. “Didn’t see you there.”

  “That’s okay,” Adrianna shrugged, studying them. “I wasn’t paying attention.”

  They both had on t-shirts underneath bronze breastplates. The one furthest from her had shaggy black hair and dark, heavy green eyes. The one that had bumped into her looked like his less depressed cousin, sporting a blue hat and a wry smile.
The backpacks hanging from their shoulders had blades and arrows sticking from them.

  “You guys are travelers.” Adrianna concluded.

  “Yeah, blondie,” one smirked. “You could call us that. We go all over the nation. Came from the Over Dam.” He stuck his thumb in the direction of his friend. “ Jace here has been out of the country.”

  The dark-haired boy nodded. “Mostly up north. I had a friend who made it across the ocean. Heard it’s full of monsters out there.”

  Adrianna soaked it all up and nodded. Travelers came through here every so often, but since her grounding, she was hesitant to bother any of them with her questions. “Is it as full of monsters as they say?”

  The dark-haired one, Jace, nodded. “They say it’s gotten worse over the last decades. The guys up at Rosewood have been pretty shook up.”

  “Where’s Rosewood?”

  “Pretty close to here. Maybe like a day of travel down south?” The first one looked at Jace who shrugged.

  “Hey, where are you from, anyway?” Jace suddenly asked.

  “Here. I grew up here.” Adrianna tilted her head. “Why?”

  Jace looked at his partner. “Oh. It’s just…I’ve never seen blonde hair that bright before.”

  “My uncle calls it platinum blond.”

  The partner opened his mouth, but Jace punched him in the shoulder. “We have to go. No time for flirting. Come on. Sorry to bother you.”

  Adrianna pursed her lips and waved. She had many more questions to ask, but the eggs weren’t going to buy themselves. Her uncle was trusting her be out here and not be a nuisance.

  Their hometown was small, but cozy, touching the edges of the forest glades it was surrounded by. For her entire life, she had traveled within the boundaries of her town, the furthest she had seen being the treetops that stretched for miles across the horizon. Somewhere out there was the taste of adventure she was craving. A craving that was always stifled. She sighed and turned toward the street of merchants.

  The transaction for the dairy farm was as simple as it comes. The dairyman quickly gave her three dozen eggs for the paper and ink.

  “Gods in heaven, I needed this,” the dairyman nodded in gratitude. “Thank you for your patronage.”

  “You always say that!” Adrianna laughed.

  The dairyman smiled back and tucked the bundle of papers underneath his arm. “I am just very thankful to you. Here, take this as well. I feel you’ll need it.” He pulled out a brown knapsack and gave it to her. It was a little worn and had a silver button on it.

  Adrianna took it from him and opened it up, immediately putting the eggs inside of it. “Gee, thanks!” A giddy laugh bubbled to her lips.

  “Consider it an early birthday present.” He nodded. “And give your uncle a hello for me!”

  “I will,” Adrianna grinned. “Have fun with your paper and stuff.”

  With the bagful of eggs safely slung across her shoulder, Adrianna happily made her way through the town. There was something about today that was exciting. It had been a long time, but today she was finally able to travel solo. Not only that, but it was a month away from her birthday, and this day she got an early present. It was looking up to be a fairly exhilarating afternoon.

  Even the little cottage seemed a little brighter in the cloudy air.

  “I’m home!” She pulled the eggs out and put them on the table before looking around the room. The bowls of food were at the table, cooling, but her uncle was nowhere to be seen. “Uncle?”

  Each of her steps creaked the wooden floorboards. Why is it so quiet?

  Perception Check. Search for clues. 12+0 (Wis)=12. Failure!

  “Uncle?” Adrianna called again, running to his room, and inhaled as the room was just as clean and empty as she expected. She’d only ever seen him sleep there.

  She then made her way down to the basement where she stood by the open door and hesitated.

  “Uncle,” she whispered, and stopped as she spotted a silhouette in the darkness, still and silent.

  Her vision in the dark was decent. The low light allowed her to spot things others normally wouldn’t but having a lantern down here wouldn’t hurt.

  Adrianna’s heart hammered as she reached out and managed to light the lantern hanging by.

  The figure rose and turned to face her.

  Chapter 3: Backstory

  Her uncle silently stood in the center of the room wearing red robes and holding a book under his arm.

  Adrianna released her breath and smiled, holding the light up to his face. “What are you doing, uncle? I called you like three times—”

  Her uncle grabbed her shoulders, the book digging into her flesh. “No questions.”


  “No questions, little one. You must listen.”

  The young girl pursed her lips and nodded her head, green eyes wide.

  “Listen to me carefully, Adrianna. Go find the man in town known as Kelly Hancock. He’ll get you where you need to go. Remember to keep your hood up and don’t show your ears. Everything you need to know about yourself will be at an arm’s glance. Do you hear me, Adrianna?”

  “I don’t…” Adrianna started but he pushed a finger to his lips. His intense expression stopped her short.

  “Go upstairs. Pack what you need for a long trip. Meet me back here.”

  “Where are we going?” Adrianna’s breath was short in its confusion. “What’s happening uncle?”

  Her uncle gave her one of his smiles. The ones that always teased her and said he knew something she didn’t. But this one was sadder. His lips twitched downward and he pointed up the stairs. “Go on, little one.”

  With tingling urgency Adrianna rushed to the kitchen to grab her new knapsack and started filling it with essentials from her room: paper, pencils, the unused travel pouch, a headband, spare clothes. Then she sprinted into the closet and picked out a hunting knife that was strapped on to a packet of ten days worth of rations. A rope might be useful. That bedroll should be strapped on to the top. And this torch will do her wonders in the dark if it came down to it. Maybe something else? A million questions ran through her head.

  She ran down the stairs, skipping steps and landed at the foot of the stairs where were uncle was now holding a staff.

  “What is—”

  “You will need this.” Her uncle handed her the book he was holding. “This will help guide you through the Quell.”

  She grabbed it and looked at the title. “It’s the Book Of Survival. I’ve read the Book Of Survival.”

  “You’ll see that it has some new information in it. A new edition, if you will.” Her uncle looked up the stairs and heaved a sigh. “Put out your light and stay here until it’s quiet, do you understand?”

  She nodded her head and watched as he walked up the steps. He stopped and smiled at her. “I’ll see you soon, little one.”

  With that the door closed with a soft thump.

  She instantly ran up behind him and listened against the door.

  Perception Check: Listen Carefully. 4 + 0 (Wis) = 4. Failure!

  Muffled voices behind the door were distant and angry. She couldn’t tell what any of them were saying. There was a brief pause, the silence building.

  She heard something crash. Instinctively, she put out the light and set it aside. She slowly pushed the door open a crack and saw two men in purple and black uniforms walking away from the basement door.

  She held her breath, unprepared for a fight.

  Stealth Check: Stay Quiet. 15 + 0 (Dex) = 15 Success.

  The two kept slowly walking as one of them gazed around the room and shook his head.

  “You may not have it here, but we’ll find it.” One of them pointed at him. “In the meantime, the sisters want to see you.”

  Her uncle rubbed his beard and chuckled. “Didn’t think they’d miss me.” He spotted Adrianna peeking from the basement door and his demeanor changed. “Let them know that I’ll see them on my own terms.”
He grimly said.

  “Not an option.” One grabbed his arm and Adrianna watched as her uncle whipped out his staff and cracked it against the man’s head.

  The other one took out a wand and pointed it at him, muttering an incantation and flicking it out towards him. A golden light wrapped around Uncle’s body and seized him. “Now, let’s head off without a fuss.”

  Adrianna knew better than to run towards him. She’d never met a spellcaster before but she instinctively knew there was nothing she could do to help her uncle.

  With one last glance, his dark eyes urging her: stay hidden, stay safe—he was dragged from the house and into the Quell.

  Chapter 4: First Quest

  Adrianna waited five minutes before slowly stepping out of the basement, holding the book close to her. Why did they take him? Who are the sisters? What were they going to do with him?

  She stared at the kitchen door in disbelief. “What do I…do?”

  A box suddenly filled her vision her and she jumped back, landing on her butt.

  Quest: Origin Story - Call to Action (LVL 0)

  Your uncle has been kidnapped! After witnessing this terrible event, you have been given your first quest! Your uncle has told you to locate the man known as Kelly Hancock in your town.

  Success Conditions: Complete your conversation Kelly Hancock

  Reward: You begin your new life as a Player and have the opportunity to find answers to your questions.

  Refusal: Continue the mundane life you live and never find your answers.

  Do you accept this quest?

  With a frown, she read through the whole thing, swallowing. What the hell was this? This was not good. That’s what. More than anything in the world Adrianna wanted her uncle to come back safe and sound. He was the only parent she had ever known and tears of frustration welled up in her eyes. This odd box filling her vision knew what her uncle had just instructed her to do! Following her instincts, Adrianna hesitated for just a moment and then murmured, “yes.”


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