The Tycoon's Baby Revelation (The Abbot Sisters Book 1)

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The Tycoon's Baby Revelation (The Abbot Sisters Book 1) Page 5

by Elizabeth Lennox

  Chapter 4

  Eight Years Later

  Sloane stood in the small bedroom and looked around, her gaze lighting on the duvet cover that Pepper had made for her several years ago out of fabric scraps. It was a work of art, she thought. The curtains were the same, not matching, but somehow all the patchwork pieces worked together to form a cozy, warm, welcoming room that soothed her.

  “Eight years!” she whispered, shocked. “How could eight years have gone by?” She let her fingers drift over the duvet cover, feeling the edges of the pattern that Pepper had so carefully constructed. “I was only going to be here six months,” she whispered to the empty room. “How did six months turned into eight years?” she sniffed, fighting the tears that were never far from the surface lately.

  With a sigh, she shook her head, trying to dispel her sadness. This wasn’t a day for sadness, she told herself firmly. This was a day to celebrate! Pepper was graduating from college today and Rayne had just received her Master’s degree in chemical engineering the week before.

  Neither of her sisters knew, but Sloane had also graduated from business school. She’d been taking classes on the weekends and in the evenings, first at the community college and then at the university downtown. It had taken her seven years, but she’d finally earned a business degree. She’d thought about doing the whole graduation-walking thing, but had passed on that. Who would be there? Rayne had graduated at the top of her class and already had a job offer. She’d be heading out to California in a few days where she’d lined up a small apartment for herself. Pepper would go in the opposite direction. Having graduated with honors in her design school, she’d snagged a job with one of the top designers in the busy city. The little brat was heading to New York City next week and was so excited, she was practically vibrating with it.

  For the past eight years, Sloane had watched her two sisters grow and discover themselves, figure out what they wanted to do with their lives. Gone were the days when she wondered how they would find enough food or where they would sleep. Sloane had a hefty bank account balance now and, because of Josh’s continuous nagging, she’d allowed him to invest her money as well. Because of his brilliance, Sloane had a healthy nest egg, although she kept a significant sum of money in cash as well. The brutally painful lessons from her past were hard to shake.

  “Are you ready, Sloane?” Pepper called up the stairs.

  Sloane jerked out of her reverie with a start. “Almost!” she yelled back, then pulled open her dresser drawer and froze. The envelope, which had been sitting in her drawer for eight years, called to her. She didn’t need to open it to look at it. She’d read that letter so many times, she had the words memorized. In fact, the paper was starting to fall apart due to the number of times she’d read and re-read the letter.

  With a shake of her head, she grabbed the box beside the envelope and pulled it out of the drawer, ignoring the letter. Nostalgia could wait for another day, she told herself as she slipped the pearl necklace and matching earrings on. Josh had given them to her years ago when she’d turned twenty-one and Sloane had worn them to every significant event in her life since. She loved feeling those pearls against her skin and couldn’t help the small smile every time she remembered the irritated look on his face that night after he’d handed her the gift and wished her a curt “Happy Birthday”.

  “Sloane! We need to go!” Pepper called.

  Sloane smiled as she carefully closed the wooden box. Grabbing her purse, she moved down the stairs.

  “Oh my! You look gorgeous!” Pepper exclaimed. “I knew that rose color would look good on you!”

  Sloane laughed, hugging Pepper. “It’s a beautiful dress. Thank you for making it for me.”

  The rose dress truly was lovely, with fluttery sleeves that danced around her shoulders. The V of the neckline was a bit deeper than Sloane preferred, but she vowed not to tug at it. The skirt was more rose colored silk but in a high-low style that made her legs look amazing! She felt good, knowing that her sisters had made it. They’d become important people and were going out into the world to do amazing things! Their miserable past in the homeless shelter was gone, buried, and now, she could look to the future.

  At that same moment, a long, elegant limousine pulled up outside of the small cottage.

  “What’s this?” Sloane groaned, but she already knew.

  “Did Josh do this?” Rayne asked, whispering to Pepper and Sloane.

  Sure enough, Josh stepped out of the limousine, greeting them with a teasing sparkle to those amazing green eyes of his.

  “Ladies, you need to arrive at this shindig in style,” he announced.

  Rayne laughed, an oddity for her since she was normally so serious and intense. “Josh Starke, you are the sweetest!”

  Pepper wasn’t nearly so restrained and rushed over to him, throwing her arms around Josh. “You’re so awesome!” she gushed, then dove into the back of the limousine.

  Rayne turned her head towards the line of trees. “Jefferson and Wilma said they’d be here,” she announced, her blue eyes showing her worry. Wilma and Jefferson had aged right along with them and all three sisters took turns checking in on them, doing small things for them, and generally making sure they were okay.

  “We’re here!” a male voice called as Jefferson came down the stone pathway, leaning a bit more heavily on his cane, but he was smiling and Wilma had her hand looped through his free arm.

  All the ladies were wearing dresses designed and created by Pepper and they all looked very romantic. New York City was soon to be awash in romance, Sloane thought with a mental laugh.

  Josh laughed softly at Pepper’s exuberance, hugging her back as if she were a niece or younger sister. And then Rayne walked over to him, kissing his cheek softly. “You’re a good man,” she whispered to him.

  Sloane watched, waiting for it and bracing herself for his terse response. Over the past eight years, Sloane had learned never to compliment Josh Starke. He didn’t take compliments well at all! So it was a surprise when Josh winked at her, then jerked his head towards the limousine. “Get in, brat.”

  Rayne smiled brightly up at him and stepped into the limousine.

  But as soon as he turned those sharp, green eyes towards her, she felt it. The dark eyebrow went up, taunting her, daring her to say anything.

  She rolled her eyes and stepped into the car, trying to ignore the horrible man. Why was his gruffness reserved for her? Because she worked for him? Eight years ago, she’d taken that kind of gruff attitude and just ignored it. But slowly, as she’d gained confidence in her abilities to not just handle every task he threw at her, but had started to anticipate his needs, she’d started to fight back. When he was gruff, she simply doled out her own flavor of impertinence. A slight lift of her eyebrow when he was too snippy, or patiently waiting for him to acknowledge her assistance, standing silently until he gave her a curt thank you. At which point, she’d smile brightly and leave him to his grumpy self.

  Oh, how she loved tormenting him, forcing him to be polite! It was so much fun! Sometimes, she suspected that he was gruff just to see if she would assert herself. But no, that was silly. Josh was too busy to play games like that. Every moment of his day was a jumbled mess of activities and information coming at him. He seemed to understand everything anyone told him. And not just understand, the man was like a machine! He could take a piece of arbitrary information and anticipate what the markets were going to do because of it. She’d seen him listen to someone at the next table during one of their many meals together, maybe overhearing something about someone ordering a large shipment of ice cubes, and he’d realize that they were going to release a new solar panel into the market. By the time the news came out, he’d already bought shares in the company. Every time he did something like that, Sloane would get a weird tingle in her stomach. She admired the man. Yeah, she admired the hell out of him, although she’d never tell him so! No way!

  Shifting over on the leather seats, sh
e smiled as Pepper adjusted the bow on Rayne’s dress. Sloane was so damn proud of her sisters! For the past several days, she just kept thinking that one thought. So proud!

  Josh watched unblinkingly as Sloane stepped into the limousine. He couldn’t stop the stab of lust as he took in the soft, sensual curve of her derriere as she stepped into the vehicle. And the long legs, accentuated by the rose colored heels was like the lick of a flame against his already tormented body. Was this his punishment for being such an ass? Was Sloane doing this on purpose? Did she know that he wanted to toss her over his shoulder and lock her in a bedroom for the next month while his hands and mouth learned all of the secrets of her body?

  No, she couldn’t know, he told himself firmly. There’s no way she could know how he felt about her. At least, he hoped she didn’t know.

  Hell, Sloane wasn’t an idiot. She might know.

  That’s when he looked up and saw the knowing smirks on his friends’ faces. Wilma and Jefferson stood there, silently laughing at him.

  “Are you coming with us? Or are you going to stand there looking smug?” he snapped.

  Jefferson laughed outright while Wilma chuckled more subtly.

  “Oh, we’re coming with you, my dear boy,” Wilma replied. “I wouldn’t miss this night for anything!” and she laughed as she stepped into the limo.

  Jefferson waited a moment, looking at Josh with impressively aware eyes. “You gonna do anything about it?” he asked in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

  “No. Get in and be quiet.”

  Jefferson snickered and stepped into the limousine.

  Josh rested one hand on the hood of the vehicle and took a bracing breath. “You did this to yourself,” he muttered, then ducked into the dark interior, joining the raucous group. His eyes skimmed over Pepper and Rayne, glad that they were both so excited about the day. But his gaze rested on Sloane. She looked so damned beautiful in that dress. All the fluttering ruffles moved with every shift of her slender body. She was so innocently sensual that it was hard to keep his body from revealing his thoughts. Yes, he wanted to give Pepper and Rayne a fabulous weekend. And the limousine was only the first thing he had planned to celebrate all three of their successes. And yeah, he knew that it wasn’t just Pepper’s and Rayne’s graduations. He’d seen Sloane studying too many times over the years not to know what she was up to. Damn, he was so proud of her!

  How many times had she come to him, asking him questions about one subject or another? He almost laughed out loud every time she tried to trick him into helping her understand a business concept. And every time she’d walked out of his office with that glow of happy comprehension on her beautiful features, as she practically danced back to her desk. Too many times, he thought. Too many times over the past several years he’d watched, helped, and coached her. He wanted her so damn much but…she was oblivious. And he continued to remember her vow that first day, that assurance that she’d never want anything more from him than a job.

  She was cute and sexy, innocent and so damned glorious that he had to grit his teeth to keep his body from reacting. A glance at Wilma and Jefferson warned him that he wasn’t being as subtle as he’d like.

  When he glanced back at Sloane, she was watching him. For a long moment, he looked right back at her, willing her to understand, but, at the same time, praying that she didn’t.

  That’s when he caught it! The blush! His eyes narrowed and his body tightened painfully. But…surely she hadn’t…had she?

  Oh, hell no! Sure enough, there it was. She’d just blushed! It hadn’t been a trick of the light! What did that mean?

  A peek at Jefferson told him that he’d seen the look too. On any other woman, Josh would have pulled her over onto his lap and kissed her.

  But this was Sloane! Delicate, vulnerable, proud Sloane! He couldn’t…surely she didn’t…!

  He looked over at Jefferson again. The old man just leaned back against the leather cushions of the limousine, looking smug. Had he…? Did he…?

  A slight nod of Jefferson’s head answered Josh’s unspoken question.

  Josh was unaware of the muscle twitching in his jaw, but Sloane glanced over, her eyes narrowing as she took in the tension of his body. With focused attention, Josh forced his muscles to relax, not wanting anything to mar this day for Sloane. She deserved this moment of happiness after the past several years. She’d done a damn fine job with her sisters, plus getting herself through college, teaching herself how to do everything he’d thrown at her. He still had no idea how she’d figured it all out. There had been several times, moments of lust-induced insanity when he’d given her seemingly impossible tasks with the hope that she’d resign. He wasn’t a total bastard. He would have ensured that she’d gotten another job with a good company.

  Yeah, he was fully aware that he could have easily transferred Sloane to a different position. Some job where he wouldn’t see her every day, hear the soft, lilt of her voice and smell the flowery perfume she always wore.

  His only excuse was that he was insane. Completely insane caused by the ever present need to make love to one of the most gloriously beautiful, alluring, enticing women he’d ever met.

  But he’d always come to his senses, not trusting anyone else to treat her with the respect she more than deserved. Yeah, there was a good bit of irony in his logic.


  Chapter 5

  Sloane stood in the audience, clapping until her hands stung as Pepper walked across the stage to receive her degree. Rayne stood on the other side of Jefferson and Wilma and was jumping up and down, which was completely out of character for her. But Pepper had done the same when Rayne had walked across the stage to receive her master’s degree last week, so perhaps Rayne was just giving Pepper a bit of payback.

  Unaware of the tears streaming down her cheeks, she stood stiffly, afraid that any sort of movement beyond clapping would shatter her. Pepper had done it! She’d earned her degree and had a wonderful job. But she’d be leaving Sloane…very soon. They’d only see each other occasionally instead of…well okay, they didn’t see each other all that often now. Not with everyone’s work schedule. But at the end of the day, Sloane knew that her sisters were sleeping at the cottage. They were all under the same roof. In the mornings, Sloane could hear her sisters moving around, getting ready for school or their jobs, maybe heading out for a study session with their classmates or meeting up with friends for coffee, which was rare because they worked so hard. If they weren’t working, they were studying, writing a paper, or preparing for the next exam. If they weren’t doing any of that, they were at work. But they found time to eat together at least once a week.

  That would end now. Rayne would be in California and Pepper in New York. They were adults and would scatter to start their new lives.

  “Sloane!” Josh growled. A moment later, Sloane was pulled against his hard body, his strong arms wrapping around her and she didn’t have the strength to pull away, to tell him that this wasn’t appropriate. There had been tense moments over the years when one or the other would accidentally touch, but after a long, startled glance, they would step back, putting space between them as if the other person was on fire.

  This…this was different. Right now, she couldn’t put any space between herself and Josh. She needed his strength. In a moment, she’d find her strength again. She’d be strong and competent. She would smile and clap and her dignity would return. But at this moment, knowing that her wonderful, amazing sisters were moving on, that this was basically the end of their sisterhood together, she couldn’t help but be so proud and so painfully sad!

  So instead of pulling away and finding her dignity on her own, she pressed her face against his chest and absorbed every ounce of understanding she could. She let it all out, releasing everything she’d been trying to control for the past several months in anticipation of this day.

  And after the tidal wave of emotions abated, she remained in the circle of his arms, her chee
k resting against his chest, listening to the steady thud of his heart. Once again, Sloane told herself to pull away but…she stood there for another moment, selfishly enjoying the feeling of his arms around her. She wanted to snuggle closer, to press her face against his bare…!

  Bare what, she mentally gasped. Bare chest? Bare neck? Bare…nothing! Her thoughts had gone rogue.

  “Thank you,” she whispered, finally finding the strength to pull away. Wiping the tears away, she breathed in and released the breath slowly. Looking around, she suddenly realized that she was actually sitting on his lap!

  “Oh, good grief!” she gasped and stood up. “I’m so sorry!”

  Josh stood as well, those green eyes of his, for once, not filled with grumpy frustration or teasing amusement. “Feel better?” he asked softly, his voice rough and several octaves lower than normal.

  She nodded, still wiping at her wet cheeks. “Yes. That was silly of me,” she told him, looking around. “Um…where is everyone?” she asked.

  The auditorium was basically empty, the rest of spectators having filed out of the area to meet up with their graduate and re-congratulate them. There were a few stragglers, but they weren’t part of her immediate family. “Where are Rayne and Jefferson? Wilma?”

  “They went to meet Pepper,” he explained, his voice low and grumbly.

  “Oh. Well,” Sloane wasn’t sure what to say to that. “How long did I cry?” she asked, feeling painfully awkward.

  He shrugged and looked around, seeming to look for a clock or some other gauge that would give him an indication of time, even though he wore a one hundred thousand dollar watch on his wrist. When he looked back at her, he didn’t seem to care about the time, looking down at her with a sort of veiled concern. It was almost as if he didn’t want her to know that he cared. “I suspect that you’ve been holding that in for a while now.” He shoved his hands into his pockets and glanced at the exit. “Do you want to go meet your sister now? Or do you need another minute?”


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