The Tycoon's Baby Revelation (The Abbot Sisters Book 1)

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The Tycoon's Baby Revelation (The Abbot Sisters Book 1) Page 6

by Elizabeth Lennox

  She sighed, feeling silly for her outburst. “I probably need to repair my makeup. I must look like a raccoon.”

  Sloane looked up at him, praying that he wouldn’t tease her. Normally, she could take it. Most of the time, she secretly enjoyed his gruff responses. But not today. She felt too vulnerable right now. It would take her a bit of time to get her armor back in place.

  “You look lovely, as always,” he assured her. “Come on.” He took her elbow, guiding her up the stairs to the exit. “Let’s go find the others. We have big plans for this weekend.”

  His words caught her attention. She watched him warily for a moment, trying to discern his intentions. That’s when she saw it! He’d done something extravagant! Again! “What did you do?” she demanded.

  Josh was a very wealthy man, having exceeded his goals many times over. He was one of the youngest billionaires in the country, and also one of the most generous men she’d ever met. He’d tried to buy her a car several years ago, but she’d put her foot down until he bought a “company car” and ordered her to drive it. “That death trap you call a vehicle is bad for my company’s image, Sloane!”

  He’d increased her salary so many times over the years, despite her assurances that she felt well compensated. When they traveled for business meetings around the world, she’d often find small gifts on her bed or he’d just toss a box to her, casually saying that he’d seen something in a window that he thought she might like.

  Of course, those small gifts were really outrageously expensive shoes or a dress that she might have silently admired or a piece of jewelry she’d glanced at as they’d walked along the street from one meeting to another.

  He often bought Rayne and Pepper presents too. Smaller gifts, things that a big brother might buy for his little sisters. For Pepper’s sixteenth birthday, which Wilma had insisted on cooking a fabulous dinner, Josh had casually given Pepper a pearl necklace and pearl earrings. For Rayne’s eighteenth birthday, he’d tossed her a small box containing a gold necklace with a locket. Both gifts had been casually given, but at the time, Sloane suspected that Josh put a great deal of thought into the gifts.

  And it had warmed Sloane’s heart to see the secret joy in his eyes when her sisters wore their jewelry. There had been smaller gifts, cashmere sweaters and wool coats, specialty glass earrings and bracelets…things that Josh could pass off as something he’d “just seen in passing”. It was almost as if the man didn’t want anyone to know that he cared. It might ruin his image as a gruff, mean billionaire.

  Josh would buy Sloane things more often if she’d allow it, but she knew when he was about to do something outrageous and had stopped him in the past. Finally, he’d resorted to just giving her outrageous bonuses.

  And he had that mischievous look in his eyes now. Josh Starke was about to do something outrageous!

  His green eyes sparkled with amusement as he looked down at her. “Why do you ask like that?”

  He was too close and Sloane breathed in the spicy, masculine scent of him, wanting to close her eyes and savor that scent. But she knew that would be a huge giveaway, so she looked him directly in the eye.

  “What way?” she asked, curious and stepping back, silently admonishing herself.

  “That way that tells me you think you have any say in what I do next?” he replied, chuckling softly as he put a hand to the small of her back to lead her over to where Jefferson and Wilma stood by one of the windows.

  “Rayne went to find Pepper,” Wilma announced. Then she turned to Sloane. “You doing okay, sweetie? That was a lot of emotion you let out earlier.”

  Sloane glanced warily up at Josh, wanting her blip of dignity to be banished from everyone’s minds. “Yes. I apologize. It won’t happen again.”

  Wilma chuckled. “Oh yeah it will. Just wait until Pepper and Rayne get…” she caught herself, beaming at Sloane. “Never mind. You’re going to have a blast this weekend. Promise!”

  Slowly, Sloane turned her blue eyes up to clash with his green ones. But as usual, when Josh didn’t want to reveal something, there was no way anyone was getting a secret out of him.

  “What did you…?” She started to ask, but he touched her arm.

  “Relax, Sloane,” he ordered gently, his eyes moving over her features softly, as if caressing her. Sloane’s hand reacted, flying up to her cheek as if she could somehow cover the blush. “I’m in charge this weekend. You’re going to accept it, enjoy yourself, and spend some quality time with your sisters.”

  She wanted to yell as frustration swamped her, but this was Josh. She knew that he’d never do anything to hurt her or her sisters. Just the opposite, in fact. He went out of his way to ensure their safety. For Rayne and Pepper, he acted like a big brother. Josh always stepped in when Rayne or Pepper needed help with anything.

  “Fine,” she huffed, turning to look at the crowd because looking at him made her stomach tighten. She hated that sensation and seemed to be feeling it more often lately. Josh Starke was just so…enigmatic? Yes, but it was more than that. There was something about him, something special, something that made him almost untouchable and unreachable, but at the same time, he knew how to come across as persuasive and approachable.

  What was it about him that constantly fascinated her?

  “Did you see me?” Pepper called out, rushing through the crowd. Pepper was so outrageously vivacious and gloriously beautiful that the crowds parted for her, heads turning to watch admiringly as she passed. It was the same with Rayne, probably because her hair was so eye-catching, not to mention the quiet intensity that surrounded her. People automatically respected Rayne.

  Sloane watched, amazed at the similar reactions caused by seemingly opposite personalities.

  In the end, she didn’t really care why people were so mesmerized by her sisters, she just cared that her sisters were treated with respect. Sloane loved them because they were warm, wonderful people. She opened her arms for Pepper who, of course, threw herself into Sloane’s arms, as she laughed excitedly with her precious degree clutched in her hand.

  “We did it, Sloane!” Pepper whispered, literally bouncing with her exuberance.

  Sloane laughed and cried, then spotted Rayne right behind Pepper. Immediately, she opened her arms and Rayne moved in to hug her. The three of them laughed and cried as they hugged, a trio celebrating their triumphs. “You both did it!” Sloane said with an urgency that conveyed her intense love for these two amazing women.

  None of the laughing, sobbing, hugging women were aware of the glowers from their dark protector as Josh glared at several men who watched the trio, entranced by their beauty. Nor was Josh aware of Jefferson and Wilma standing off to the side, watching smugly.

  Chapter 6

  “Where are we going?” Sloane demanded, glaring up at him.

  “Celebrating,” he announced without changing his expression, obviously amused.

  There was a huff of impatience. “Yes, but where?” she urged with a heavy dose of exasperation.

  He shrugged, the dark suit shifting on his tall, muscular frame. “You’ll have to be patient and find out.”

  She fidgeted in the soft leather seat, making Josh chuckle faintly. He knew she hadn’t given up on trying to discover his intentions. Sloane never gave up. She might strategically retreat, only to come at him – or any problem – in a different way. But she never gave up.

  “You’re doing that on purpose, aren’t you?” Pepper asked, her eyes pinging back and forth between Sloane and Josh. The four of them were alone in the back of the limousine, Jefferson and Wilma having gone home after the elaborate dinner. “You know that Sloane not only has to know everything, she has to be in control too.”

  Rayne laughed softly, her eyes moving back and forth between the two of them as well. “They play this game just to annoy each other, don’t they?” she said in a mock whisper.

  “I think so!” Pepper replied, in an equally theatric voice.

  Josh simply lifted a dark
eyebrow in their direction. And because they thought of him as a big, sometimes-overly protective brother, they giggled and settled back against the leather seats of the limousine.

  All of them were tired after the long, emotionally draining day.

  Sloane shifted again, angling her shoulders to glare at him more effectively. “Look, I’m sure that whatever you have planned is lovely, but I’d like to get some sleep.”

  “You’ll get plenty of sleep. Just…” he paused when the driver pulled through the gates of the airport. “We’re here,” he announced without finishing his previous sentence.

  “Here?” Sloane asked, peering out of the windows. “Why are we at the airport?”

  “We’re taking a flight,” he said as if that was the most obvious thing in the world. “You’ve been here plenty of times before,” he admonished. “You should know the routine by now.”

  It was true that she’d flown with him many times over the past eight years. In the beginning, when he was still working to build up his investment company, they’d flown by commercial airlines, although he demanded that she book both of them in the first class cabin. The first time she’d booked a flight for the two of them, she’d booked him a seat in first class, but she’d taken a seat in the economy class, thinking to save him money. Boy, he’d been livid after that flight and ordered her to never do that again. He ordered her to sit next to him during the flights so that they could work together, although he usually sat beside her silently studying data or reading reports.

  But about six years ago, he’d told her to buy a private jet for their travels. She’d been flabbergasted, and hadn’t realized that he was serious. It had taken several more conversations with him to convince her that he was serious. So now he traveled in the even more exclusive realm of personal flights and had hired his own pilot and co-pilot, both of which earned a great deal of flight time in his employ.

  Peering out the window, she saw that the flight attendant was standing beside the stairs, chatting casually with the pilot as they waited for the limousine to pull up. “What did you do?” she hissed, almost afraid of the answer.

  “No way!” Pepper exclaimed, her eyes wide with excitement as she realized they were finally flying on Josh’s private jet.

  Rayne’s response was less vocal, but no less surprised. “Are we really…?” she asked, trying to be polite as she leaned forward, peering out the window.

  The driver pulled to a stop right in front of the stairs that had been pushed up against the jet and Pepper and Rayne jumped out, eager for their next adventure.

  Sloane lingered in the limousine, shaking her head. “This is too much, Josh!” she hissed, furious with him for spending so much money. And touched.

  He stepped out, and ducked down to look back in at her, laughing at Sloane’s mulish expression. “Get on the plane, Sloane,” he ordered in a smooth, patient voice.

  She stepped out of the limousine, shaking her head. “You’re outrageous! The dinner and limousine were extravagant enough. Anything more is out of the question!”

  Josh turned his head, looking over as Rayne and Pepper practically danced over to the short flight of stairs before disappearing into the luxurious cabin of the plane.

  “Sloane, I’m taking your sisters to celebrate this monumental milestone. You can either get on the plane and come with us, and celebrate your own success, by the way, or the driver will take you back to your house. It’s your choice. I just thought,” he paused slightly, “that you’d like to be around to protect your younger sisters as they travel this weekend.”

  She held her breath, her thoughts warring with her innate frugality and her innate need to protect her sisters by being by their side. “Fine!” she muttered angrily. “But you’re in big trouble!” she warned, then turned and stalked onto the plane. The flight attendant had already handed Pepper and Rayne glasses of champagne.

  But Sloane didn’t want to be the wet blanket. Her sisters had both graduated and, on Monday morning, would start their new jobs. What harm could one outrageous weekend do?

  The flight attendant handed out blankets as the plane leveled off after takeoff. And since they’d all had a crazy day, filled with laughter, tears, and unexpected emotions, they quickly nodded off. Sloane showed them how to extend their chairs for sleeping, and pulled the blanket over her legs, slipping off her shoes and trying to rest herself.

  Josh had gone into the private bedroom in the back soon after the plane took off. She knew that he’d probably make several phone calls and tried to keep her eyes open, just in case he needed her. But he didn’t call out to her. She snuggled deeper into the lush cushions of the chair, trying to fall asleep because she was truly exhausted. But something kept niggling at her, although, she couldn’t quite put her finger on it. Josh had said something. Something important. Her eyes drifted closed in the dim light of the cabin and the soft, smooth sounds of the plane’s engines lulled her even more. Eventually, her exhaustion won out and she fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

  Chapter 7

  Monaco! Josh had flown the three of them to Monaco!

  She glared at him as the limousine drove through the bustling, sunny streets of the glamorous city, eventually pulling up to one of the most exclusive resorts in the entire city.

  In flawless French, Josh checked them into the suite, the hotel staff almost tripping over themselves to accommodate the four of them. Sloane had seen it all before and had to control the urge to roll her eyes. It was always like this when they traveled and she wanted to laugh. Her face softened as she looked at Pepper and Rayne. They stood off to the side, their eyes wide as they took in the almost unbelievable luxury. They were actually leaning into each other, as if they needed the support while their heads swiveled around.

  “This way,” Josh called as two bellhops pushed the carts containing their luggage. That had been a surprise, she’d thought, but then realized that Wilma had probably been in on the whole thing and had conspired with Josh to pack for them.

  The bellhop led them to a private elevator, which took them up to the top floor. She knew what would happen next and wasn’t disappointed. Josh never stayed in anything less than the best, so when the bellhop pushed open the massive doors to the suite, she just sighed and mentally shook her head.

  There wasn’t just a sitting room. There was a massive living room, complete with stunning views looking out over the trees to reveal the azure ocean beyond. Upstairs was the master bedroom, and Josh would take that room, she knew. The bellhops efficiently carried the bags to the three other bedrooms, two on one side of the living room and the other bedroom upstairs on the opposite side of the master bedroom.

  Sloane took the upstairs bedroom, knowing that Josh usually worked late most nights. It would be easier if she were close by so they wouldn’t disturb Pepper or Rayne during these sometimes exhausting work sessions.

  Stepping over the threshold, she kicked off her heels and let her feet sink into the thick, luxurious carpeting. The bedroom alone was bigger than their entire house and even had a private balcony with a set of…oh my! This balcony was shared with the master bedroom and she glanced over at the other sliding glass doors. She didn’t want to see Josh just now, since she felt a bit vulnerable still. Sloane wasn’t sure what that was all about, since she prided herself on always being available for Josh.

  She still hadn’t figured out what that niggling issue was from the previous night. He’d said something or she’d seen a look from him…something she couldn’t put her finger on, but she knew was vitally important.

  Oddly, Josh didn’t work that day. Instead, he told them to change into something comfortable for walking and being in the sunshine. When they stepped back out of the hotel, they were met by yet another limousine that took them to Jardin Exotique de Monaco. Sloane wondered why he was taking them to a garden, but as soon as they stepped into the mountainside exhibits, she understood. The massive cacti and exotic plants were…shockingly beautiful. Plus, the whole gard
en was set up high so that they could look out at the harbor filled with beautiful yachts. One in particular was impressively larger than the others.

  “I wonder who owns that one!” Pepper sighed, looking out at everything and taking it all in.

  “Eh, it’s just a big boat,” Rayne replied, not overly impressed by the yacht. As a scientist, she was much more interested in the flora and fauna, bending down to read the explanations, only asking Josh to translate a few of the words.

  Pepper and Rayne had moved further ahead and Sloane was admiring the view when Josh stepped up next to her.

  “How did you learn to speak French so beautifully?” she asked.

  He shrugged. “The same way I learned Spanish and Arabic,” he said as if he was talking about learning to slice bread. “I just studied verbs and listened to others speak it.”

  She wondered if that was all there was to it, but decided in that moment that she was going to learn foreign languages as well. And why not? She’d just graduated from college with a business degree, although not from one of the prestigious schools, but she’d done it. Why not keep on learning?

  “Don’t languages help one to see the world differently?” she asked, fascinated, but trying to hide it. She didn’t want him to know how amazing she thought he was, or how many times she’d accidentally found herself fantasizing about kissing him. That was wrong in so many ways that she couldn’t even count them.

  They talked about learning languages and various other topics as they walked side by side along the pathway. And for once, he wasn’t grumpy and demanding, she thought with a wave of happiness.

  She was only happy because of how happy he’d made Rayne and Pepper, she told herself, keeping her hands behind her back so that she wouldn’t accidentally brush his arm while they walked among the exotic plants.

  It was a beautifully relaxing afternoon and she was fully prepared to either work that evening, or curl up on that big bed in her room with a book to quietly enjoying her evening.


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