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The Tycoon's Baby Revelation (The Abbot Sisters Book 1)

Page 11

by Elizabeth Lennox

  “Stop staring at me or I’m going to come over there and we’re going to start tonight’s activities early.”

  Sloane jumped, then blushed when he turned to smirk at her over his shoulder with those too-knowing eyes. “I wasn’t…!”

  “You were. But that’s okay. Because I’ve been doing it to you for years,” he admitted with a wink, and walked into his office.

  Huh? Had he just admitted that he watched her walk away? Surely she’d misunderstood him. But even dismissing that possibility didn’t eliminate the smile that bloomed as she returned to her computer.

  It took all of Josh’s willpower to walk into his office and not coax Sloane out of the office and back to his place. He’d been so furious when he’d woken up to discover that she was gone. Not just gone from his bed, but from his penthouse. He’d imagined her in his home so many times over the years, and to wake up and want to have her there, to see her shy smile and, perhaps, make love to her again. Hell, he’d like to take the whole damn day off just to make love to her.

  So when he’d discovered that she was gone, he’d been ready to punch someone. Luckily, the doorman to his building had been behind a counter, so when the poor man had wished him a good morning as Josh had walked out, he’d been too far away for violence.

  But now that he’d talked to her, warned her that they weren’t finished after just one night, Josh felt better, more centered. Ready to take on the world!

  Was he in a good mood because of the amazing sex? Or was it because he was going to repeat everything all over again, with a few variations on the original theme, tonight and the following nights?

  Josh frowned as he turned on his computer. Something about that statement wasn’t right. What was it? While he scanned the stock prices from the previous night’s transactions in Asia and Europe, seeing the trends and forming plans, another part of his brain went over that thought. He realized almost immediately what didn’t feel right.

  He didn’t want just a few more nights with Sloane. He wanted…forever. They’d worked together for years and he’d felt only half alive when she left at the end of each day. But last night, when they’d been working at his place, Josh had realized how much he loved having Sloane in his home. Thinking back even further, he knew that they’d worked at his place many nights over the years for that exact same reason. He loved having Sloane in his house. In his life. Hell, he didn’t want her for a few nights or even a few months. He wanted her for the rest of his life.

  Jerking upright at that thought, he looked through the door of his office. Vaguely, he heard the rest of the office stirring to life, the other brokers settling into their desks. But his focus was on Sloane, on the beautiful, delicate profile and the elegant arch of her neck. She’d put all of those damn pins back in her hair, he thought. His kiss of a few moments ago had dislodged her carefully sleek hair but the prim Ms. Abbot was now firmly back in place.

  Smiling, his body reacted to the memory of her coming apart in his arms. Her sighs when he touched her in certain places. A lot of places, actually! Sloane might look like the cool, sophisticated businesswoman, but when he touched her, there was nothing cool about her. She was hot and beautiful and sexy and…his body tightened and Josh struggled to banish those memories for the moment. He couldn’t do anything right now, but later, once the workday was over, he would act.

  For the first time in his adult life, he wanted to push work issues aside and just…hell, he wanted to haul Sloane out of this damn office draped over his shoulder and make love to her for the next several days. Weeks! He’d thought about her so many times over the past eight years, he had several thousand fantasies to work his way through.

  As he watched, Sloane’s phone rang and she efficiently picked it up, answering with her normal professional tone. But last night, she hadn’t sounded professional. At all.

  With a smile, he pulled his eyes away and focused on work.

  Chapter 15

  All day long, there was one issue after another to deal with, so she hadn’t had time to become overly nervous about Josh’s comment about tonight. But now, the staff were slowly wrapping up for the day. Darkness had descended and she knew with every fiber of her being that Josh was going to take her into his arms and…and do those things to her again.

  And everything inside of her warned her to get out of the office and find a place to hide. She had reasons. Valid reasons! Josh wasn’t the forever kind of man and she…okay, he’d used protection last night. But…there was that freakish fertility in her family! And Sloane knew now that she’d been in love with Josh for too long! She was going to be hurt when he moved on to someone else, she thought. She’d have to find a new job, a new place to live. She’d have to…!

  “Sloane?” his deep voice interrupted her litany.

  Slowly, she turned away from her computer, her worried eyes looking into his dark, confident green ones. No, they weren’t confident, she thought. They were heated and hungry! At that moment, Sloane was positive that she could have said no and he would have respected that answer.

  Instead, she reacted to the hunger. The need. She reacted because she felt the same aching, desperate need flare to life inside of her.

  “Are you ready to go?”

  Sloane looked down, trying to hide the need, wishing she could cover it up.

  “Stop,” he ordered.

  The one word pulled her gaze up to meet his. “Stop what?”

  “Stop trying to hide from me, Sloane,” he ordered. Moving towards her, he took her hands and pulled her to her feet. “I need you, Sloane. More than oxygen, I need you. And I’m not afraid to admit it. Can you be honest with me? I suspect that what you are feeling might embarrass you. Or you might feel that I don’t want that level of intensity. But let me just clear that up right now. I want you. I’ve wanted you for years,” he admitted. “I told you before that this isn’t just a one night thing. I want more than just one night with you. I want…” he hesitated, seeing the panic in her eyes. “Well, let’s just take it one day at a time, okay?”

  Josh felt her trembling increase as he spoke. Not wanting to terrify her, he stopped, waiting. But when she continued to stare up at him with that hunger, the same hunger he was feeling, he couldn’t hold back any longer. He needed to hold her, to feel her pressed against his body. She was so damn soft and felt amazing when she pressed her breasts against him, shifting ever so slightly. It was almost as if she wanted to feel him but didn’t want him to know how badly she wanted it.

  But he wasn’t an idiot. He’d worked with her for too long, observed her for eight long, agonizing years. Sloane was a planner. This sexual tension had been present from the moment he’d interviewed her, on his part, but it was probably new to her.

  So, he kissed her. Just a gentle brush of his lips against hers, but he loved the feel of her lips, her mouth trembling ever so slightly. If he’d only felt that trembling, he might have pulled back, given her some space. But he felt her hand against his chest, her fingers sliding up, as if she wanted to feel him through the fabric of his dress shirt.

  And he wanted that too! He wanted it so badly his body ached!

  “Come home with me, Sloane,” he urged. He saw the worry in her eyes, but didn’t understand it. There were times when he could read her like a book, but this wasn’t one of them.

  “Could we…go to my place?” she whispered, almost choking out the words.

  “Anything you want, honey.”

  And with that, he took her hand, grabbing her purse and her tote bag. He didn’t give her a chance to change her mind. If she’d feel more comfortable at her tiny cottage, then they’d spent the next several hours there. He thought about protection, but he knew that he had something in his wallet. He doubted that she’d thought of that, but he’d protect her. At this moment though, it was imperative that they get the hell out of the office because he wasn’t sure how much longer he could hold off.

  “Wait!” she yelped when they were halfway to the door.
  “Forget it,” he ordered, tugging at her hand. “You’re not bringing any work home tonight.”

  She smiled and he groaned when her cheeks turned that sexy pink again.

  “No, it isn’t that. I just need to close down my computer.”

  “Forget your computer.”

  “Josh! I lock it down for security reasons! I can’t just leave it unlocked.”

  He understood finally and released her hand. She had a point and he couldn’t believe he’d forgotten about something so essential. Their client’s financial data was on the system and leaving the computer unlocked would be a dangerous thing.

  But so was her bending over her desk like that.

  “I just need to finish this e-mail,” she told him, typing furiously.

  Josh stood there, his eyes moving over the roundness of her bottom in the skirt. He could just…lift that material up and reveal her demure panties. He’d discovered last night that she preferred the plain, simple cotton panties. He imagined taking her to a lingerie store and dressing her in lace and satin. Would she let him? She was so adorably frugal. He’d bet she bought her panties and bras at the discount stores, not wanting to spend money on anything as frivolous as sexy underwear. But she had a very fine ass and he wanted to see her in lace. Black lace. No, red! Yeah, she had beautiful, pale skin that would look amazing in red lace.

  Damn, he was hard and throbbing already. Moving closer, he ran a finger down her spine, smiling when she stiffened. He understood that her natural inclination was to reject any sort of touch because touching wasn’t professional. But…he moved his hand back down her back and…yes! Her body melted, her fingers moved off of the keyboard, gripping the wood of the desk. Her breathing changed, becoming ragged and he’d guess that her eyes were closed as she tried to fight the desire burning through her.

  Just watching her, feeling her body melt against his hand just as it had last night, made his body throb harder.

  Damn, he shouldn’t have touched her, he realized. “We’re not going to make it out of here,” he warned a moment before he pulled her around and kissed her.

  Her arms wrapped around his neck, silently telling him that she needed this just as intensely. That was the point of no return for Josh. He pulled at her clothes, almost pulling the buttons off her blouse. He didn’t bother taking her skirt off, he simply pushed it higher. Vaguely, he realized that she was doing the same thing to his clothes, but he was too focused on getting to her, revealing her skin. He slid the silk blouse off her shoulders, revealing the creamy globes of her breasts and her already taut, pink nipples. He leaned her back so that she was laid out on her desk, her hips shifting against his erection now that he’d pressed his hips between her legs. She might still have her shoes on, but he didn’t know. A small part of his brain wanted to look, wanting to see her sexy heels and revel at her long legs wrapped around his waist, but he couldn’t split his focus. He needed to be inside of her, feeling her clench around his erection.

  His mouth latched onto her nipple and he heard her cry out, felt her shiver as her fingers dove into his hair, silently begging for more.

  He barely took the time to move over to her other breast before moving lower, needing a taste. Just a small taste he promised himself. A small taste, and then…!

  “You’re so wet!” he groaned, inhaling her musky, feminine scent. She was like a glistening, pink enticement!

  “We can’t do this here!” she gasped, suddenly realizing what was about to happen.

  He only laughed harshly. “Oh yes we can!” he vowed. “Let me show you how.” And with that, he lifted her legs over his shoulders, and pressed his hand against her stomach, holding her in place. He’d learned that he needed one hand on her stomach and another hand wrapped around her leg to hold her in place. Just the anticipation of feeling her climax against his mouth was making him lose control!

  Sloane was so primed and ready for him that she jerked at the first touch of his mouth against that sensitive nub. Her fingers tightened in his hair, almost pressing against his head as if she wanted to guide him but was too shy to actually be so bold. Damn, he loved that! He couldn’t wait until she was comfortable enough with him to actually show him, to use her hands to guide his mouth.

  Hell, he couldn’t think about that just yet or he’d lose it!

  She tasted even better than he remembered. She was delicious and so damned responsive. Too soon, she was splintering apart, her screams echoing through the empty office. After one more lingering taste, he moved up her stomach, kissing and nibbling as the hand that had been holding her still around her leg moved to soothe her as she came down from her first climax.

  He stood and fumbled with his wallet, letting it fall to the floor as soon as his fingers found the condom. It took him seconds to get the foil packet opened and the protection rolled down his shaft. When he looked up, he discovered Sloane watching him, her tongue darting out to wet her lips.

  “Don’t do that,” he ordered, pulling her to the edge of the desk. With a slow, easy thrust, he pressed into her heat.

  “Don’t do what?” she gasped, trying to lift her hips, but because she was on the edge, she had no leverage. He was completely in control. Sloane could only whimper as he looked down at where their bodies were connected, watching those pink, glistening folds give way as he pressed into her.

  It was a hypnotic sight! That, combined with those gasping sighs and delicious whimpers was eroding his control.

  With one hand, he pressed his thumb against that nub, helping her along. In almost no time, he felt her tightening around his shaft and closed his eyes, fighting to hold back until…she screamed, her body throbbing as a second climax rolled over her. That was all he could take and he growled as he thrust faster and faster. Josh wanted this to last longer, but she felt so damn good and he was only able to enjoy a few more thrusts before her body pulled him into a mind-bending orgasm.

  Sloane stared up at the ceiling, stunned at what had just happened. Had it been this good last night? “Wow!” she whispered, and bit her lip, shocked that she’d said it out loud.

  Josh lifted his head and looked down at her, a playful smile making his eyes sparkle. Had she ever thought he was harsh looking? How could a man with eyes that beautiful be harsh?

  “I agree,” he said with a chuckle.

  He pulled away and Sloane bit her lip. She’d like to stay just like this for a bit longer. His head nestled against her neck, his body still intimately connected with hers, and it felt so good to be in his arms like this.

  She moaned wistfully as he pulled out of her. But since she was basically naked, spread out on her desk in a completely undignified manner, she hurried to pull herself together. It took a bit of work to get her fingers to work the buttons back into place. In the end, it was Josh who finished the process, his knuckles brushing against her breasts in the most delicious way.

  “Are you doing that on purpose?’ she asked, suspicion lacing her voice.

  “Yeah,” he laughed. He grabbed his jacket, which had fallen to the floor at some point, and buckled his belt.

  “Good grief!” she gasped, jumping off of the desk and looking around. The door to her office was closed, but the door leading into his private office was still open. Anyone still in the building could have walked into Josh’s office and seen them…on her desk!

  Josh must have read her horrified expression, because he put a finger under her chin, lifting her face so that she was looking into his eyes. “No one is here, honey,” he promised. “And I lock my door every night. Security,” he teased, reminding her that security was the issue that had slowed their departure in the first place.

  Sloane couldn’t help it, she laughed, feeling free and relaxed for the first time today. The laughter resounded through the empty offices as she entered the code on her computer, glancing over her shoulder at Josh. Sure enough, he was staring at her bottom again.

  “No!” she told him, but the sparkle in her eyes showed she wasn�
��t completely serious.

  And of course, Josh was terrible at taking orders so as soon as she turned around to finish with her password, he reached for her bottom again. Sloane swung around, squeaking with outrage. But he only moved his hands to her waist, pulling her against him. “Damn, I want to hear that sound again, but when I have my mouth on you.”

  She pulled back, shocked at his lack of inhibitions and also oddly fascinated by the intensity in his eyes, silently telling her that he wasn’t kidding.

  “Let’s get out of here. If you keep looking at me like that, we’re going to make use of the sofa in my office and I want a bed the next time I’m inside of you.”

  He didn’t give her a chance to argue. He took her hand again, grabbed her purse and tote bag, and headed for the door. She trailed after him, smothering a laugh at his urgency. In truth, she was flattered that he wanted her with this kind of intensity. She’d dated in the past, but no man had ever made her feel this beautiful and wanted. Of course, she’d never wanted any man the way she wanted Josh. No man had ever measured up to Josh. None had the same kind of brilliance and intensity or the charisma the man emanated.

  So, Sloane didn’t hesitate as he rushed her out. At least, not until they reached the outer door and she realized that something was missing. She froze, pulling against his hand that was still holding hers.

  “What’s wrong?” he demanded, turning and coming back to her.

  “Um…I’m missing something,” she whispered, looking around warily to make sure that no one could hear her.

  Josh’s eyes laughed. “What would you be missing?” he asked, moving closer, his hands shifting on her waist to pull her against his body.

  “My underwear!” she replied back in a horrified whisper.

  He threw back his head, laughing and hugged her.

  “Never change, Sloane,” he asked. “Please, never change! I love making you blush.”


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