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Catherine the Great & Potemkin

Page 94

by Simon Sebag Montefiore

  Lanskoy, A. D., Letters to Potemkin, RGADA f 11

  Leopold II, Holy Roman Emperor, Letters to Potemkin, RGVIA f 52

  Leopold II, Franz II und Katharina, ihre correspondenz, nebst eine einleitung zur geschichte der politik Leopold II, ed A. Beer, Leipzig 1874

  Ligne, C. J. E., Prince de, Fragments des mémoires de prince de Ligne, Paris 1880

  Ligne, C. J. E., Prince de, Letters and Reflections of the Austrian Field Marshal, ed Baroness de Staël-Holstein, Philadelphia 1809

  Ligne, C. J. E., Prince de, Letters to Potemkin, RGVIA f 52 and RGADA 11

  Ligne, C. J. E., Prince de, Les Lettres de Catherine II au prince de Ligne, 1780–96, Brussels/Paris 1924

  Ligne, C. J. E., Prince de, Lettres du prince de Ligne à la marquise de Coigny pendant l’année 1787, ed M. de Lescure, Paris 1886

  Ligne, C. J. E., Prince de, Lettres et pensées, London 1808

  Ligne, C. J. E., Prince de, Mélanges militaires, littéraires et sentimentaires, Dresden 1795–1811

  Ligne, C. J. E., Prince de, Mémoires et mélanges historiques et littéraires, Paris 1827–9

  Louis XVI and the Comte de Vergennes: correspondence, ed J. Hardman and M. Price, Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century, Voltaire Foundation, Oxford 1998

  Macartney, George, Earl, An Account of Russia in 1767, London 1768

  Malachowski, S., Pamietniki Stanislawa hr. Nalecz Malachowskiego wyd. Wincenty hr. Los, Poznan 1885

  Mamonov, A. D. Dmitriyev-, Letters to Potemkin, RGADA f 11 and RGIA

  Maria Theresa, Empress–Queen, Maria Theresias letzte Regierungszeit, 1763–80, ed Alfred Ritter von Arneth, Vienna 1879

  Masson, Charles Françsois Philibert, Secret Memoirs of the Court of Petersburg, London 1800

  Ministerstvo imperatorskago dvora, kamer-fureskiy tseremonialnyy zhurnal 1762–96, St Petersburg 1853–96

  Miranda, Francisco de, Archivo del General Miranda, 1785–7, Caracas 1929

  Mniszech, Urszula, Listy pani mniszchowej zony marszalka w. koronnego, in, rocznik towarzystwa historyczno literackiego, Paris 1866

  Murzakevich, N., Report on Gravestone Monuments of Kherson Fortress Church, ZOOID 9 (1874)

  Niemcewicz, Julian Ursyn, Pamietniki czasow moich, Paris 1848

  Oginski, Michel, Mémoires sur la Pologne et les Polonais, Paris and Geneva 1826

  Orlov-Chesmensky, A. G., Letters to Potemkin, RA vol 2, St Petersburg 1876

  Orlov-Chesmensky, A. G., Tayna pisma Alexyey Orlova iz Ropshi. ed O. A. Ivanov, Moskovskiy zhurnal (1995) nos 9–12, (1996) nos 1–3

  Panin, N. I., Letters to P. I. Panin etc, SIRIO 6

  Panin, P. I., Letters to N. I. Panin, RA vol 2, 1876

  Parelo, Marquis de, Despatches, SIRIO 26 (1879): 306–16

  Parkinson, John, A Tour of Russia, Siberia and the Crimea 1792–1794, ed William Collier, London 1971

  Paul I, Emperor of Russia (Grand Duke Paul Petrovich and Grand Duchess Maria Fyodorovna), Letters to Potemkin, RGADA f 5 and RS (1873) 9, 12

  Pishchevich, A. A., Zhizn A. S. Pishchevicha 1764–1805, Moscow 1885

  Pole Carew, Sir Reginald, Unpublished archives on Russia, CO/r-2; CAD 50; CO/r/3/92, 93, 95, 101, 195, 210

  Poniatowski, Prince Stanislas (nephew of King of Poland), Pamietniki synowca Stanislawa Augusta przekl, ed Jerzy Lojek, Instytut wydawniczy pax, Warsaw 1979

  Popov, V. S., Papers, Reshetilovskiy estate archive, RA (1865 and 1878) (including Popov’s reports to Catherine II on Potemkin’s death)

  Popov, V. S., Papers and letters to various recipients, including Catherine II, Potemkin and A. A. Bezborodko, RGADA f 11, ZOOID 8, RGVIA f 52

  G. A. Potemkin-Tavrichesky: Selected Documents

  Service record of father A. V. Potemkin, RGADA f 286. Spisok voennym chinam 1-oy poloviny 18go stoletiya SeA vii 1895

  Genealogy, Istochnik (1995) no 1, (RGADA f 286)

  Heraldic Office war record, Geroldmeysterskaya contora, book 890, RGADA f 268

  Pisma Potemkina, ZOOID Odessa 1844–1956

  Accounts details, RGIA ff 468, 1374, 602, 1285, 899, 1640, 1088, 899, 1146

  Accounts details, GARF 9

  Ekaterina i Potemkin: podlinaya ikh perepiska 1782–91, RS (1876) 16

  Personal Papers, RGADA f 11 (various letters from unknown women), RS (April 1875) 12

  Papers of the Chancellery of Potemkin, RGVIA f 52

  Letters to:

  A. A. Bezborodko, RGADA f 11 and ZOOID 8 and RA (1873) no 9 (originals in archive of family of S. V. Kochubey in village of Dikanka, Poltava Region)

  A. V. Branicka, RGADA f 11 d 857

  Brzojovsky, assessor of Smila, RGVIA f 5

  Ya. I. Bulgakov, ZOOID 8, SBVIM vol 8 and RGVIA f 52

  Catherine II on Georgia, VI (1983) no 7; general and personal AVPRI, ff 1, 2, 5, RGADA ff 1, 16, 5, RGVIA f 52; on Ismail to Catherine and others RV (1841) vol 8; on Poland, RA (1874) 2

  Varvara Engelhardt, in M. I. Semevsky Grigory Alexandrovich Potemkin-Tavrichesky, RS (1875) 3

  M. L. Faleev, ZOOID 2, 4, 8

  Prince Henry of Prussa, RGADA f 5

  S. Lazhkarev and I. S. Barozzi, ZOOID 8, RA (1884) 2

  I. V. Loginov, Istochnik, (1995) no 6, Moscow

  N. V. Repnin, RV (1841) vol 8, ZOOID 8

  P. A. Rumiantsev-Zadunaisky, SBVIM vols 4, 6

  King Stanislav-Augustus of Poland, 1764–1779, AGAD 172, RGADA ff 5, 11, RGVIA f 52

  A. V. Suvorov, RS (May 1875) 13; (1839) 9. AKV 2 (1790); SD vol 2 and KD vol 1 (1791); RA (1877) 10. RGVIA f 52 op 1 d 586; SBVIM vol 4

  P. I. Panin, RGADA f 1274, RA (1876) 2

  Paul I (Grand Duke Paul Petrovich), RS (1873) 11, 12

  V. S. Popov, concerning government and personal affairs, ‘Prince G. A. Potemkin-Tavrichesky’s own personal papers’, Reshetilovskiy archive

  Praskovia A. Potemkina 1789–90, RS (June 1875) 13

  Various (including reports on town building to Catherine II and officials), ZOOID 2, 4, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 1872. Orders to officials on building of Kherson and southern development, ZOOID 11 and ITUAK 3, 8, 10. RGADA ff 14, 16, and ZOOID 2. Orders of Most Serene Prince G. A. Potemkin-Tavrichesky regarding foundation of Tavrichesky Region 1781–6, M. S. Vorontsov’s Family Archive, AKV 13. To provincial governors, GAOO f 150, particularly on Crimea GIM OPI f 197. Also OOIKM dd 651, 7, 652

  Various foreign royalty (including Frederick William, Duke of Württemberg; Charles, Prince of Courland; the Prince of Anhalt-Bernburg; Prince of Hesse-Philipstal; Margrave of Anspach), RGADA f 5

  Knyaz Grigory Alexandrovich Potemkin-Tavrichesky 1739–91, biograficheskiy ocherk po neizdannym materialam, RS (1875)

  Rasporyazheniya svetleyshego knyazya Grigoriya Alexandrovicha Potemkina-Tavricheskogo kasatelno tavricheskoy oblasti s 1781 po 1786, ZOOID 1881

  Sobstvennoruchnyye bumagi Knyazya Potemkina, RA (1865)

  Proposals and orders concerning the Kremlin Armoury, RGADA f 396

  Poetry on foundation of Ekaterinoslav, ed G. Vernadsky, ITUAK (1919) no 56

  Contents of Potemkin’s library, RGADA f 17 d 262; original at Kazan University

  Announcement of fall of Ismail, GAOO f 150

  Register of debts, RGADA f 11, ZOOID 8, 9

  G. A. Potemkin-Tavrichesky: Books

  Lettres d’amour de Catherine II à Potemkine: correspondence inédite, ed Georges Ouvrard, Paris 1934

  Ekaterina II i G. A. Potemkin, lichnaya perepiska 1769–1791, ed V. S. Lopatin, Moscow 1997

  Perepiska Ekaterina II i G. A. Potemkina v period vtoroy russko-turetskoy voiny (1787–1791): istochnkovedcheskiye issledovaniya, ed O. I. Yeliseva, Moscow 1997

  Bumagi Knyaza Grigoriya Alexandrovicha Potemkina-Tavricheskogo, ed N. F. Dubrovin, SBVIM, 1774–88 and 1790–3, St Petersburg 1893 and 1895

/>   Pisma i bumagi A. V. Suvorova, G. A. Potemkina, i P. A. Rumiantseva 1787–1789 kinburn ochakovskaya operatsiya, ed D. F. Maslovsky, SBVIM, St Petersburg 1893

  Sbornik istoricheskikh materialov po istorii kubanskogo kazachego voyska, 1737–1801, ed I. I. Dmitrenko, St Petersburg 1896

  Radishchev, A. N., A Journey from St Petersburg to Moscow, trans Leo Wiener, ed Roderick Page Thaler, Cambridge, Mass. 1958

  Ribas, José de, Letters to Potemkin, ZOOID 8, 11

  Ribeaupierre, A. I. Mémoires (Zapiski grafa Ribopera), RA (1877) vol 1

  Richardson, William, Anecdotes of the Russian Empire, London 1784 and 1968

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  Rostopchin, Fyodor, La Verité sur l’incendie de Moscou, Paris 1823

  Ruhlière, Claude Carloman de, A History or Anecdotes of the Revolution in Russia, London 1797, New York, 1970

  Rumiantsev-Zadunaisky, P. A., Letters to Potemkin RGADA f 11 and SBVIM vol 4

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  Samoilov, A. N., Zhizn i deyaniya generala feldmarshala knyazya Grigoriya Alexandrovicha Potemkina-Tavricheskogo, RA (1867)

  Ségur, Louis Philippe, Comte de, Letters to Potemkin, RGVIA f 52, ZOOID 9

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