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Page 3

by Celia Crown

  Mari curls her fingers around the duvet and whines in her throat, she’s tired, but she can’t sleep no matter how many sheep she’s counted in her head.

  She gathers her nerves and tumbles out of the comforter with coldness nipping at her warm skin, her long blonde hair easing her thighs as she looks down at her undressed state.

  There’s nothing beneath the dress shirt, at least the dark navy color gives her some decency.

  Her feet trudge to the door and her hand hesitates on the knob, millions of thoughts bombarding her confidence to walk out the door. Her teeth chew on her bottom lip as she sucks in a breath before letting it out shakily.

  She can do this. It’s not that hard, and he’s Mr. Novak. He’d understand and he’s not a stranger so it’s fine, he’ll ease her nerves enough to get her to sleep.

  Mari nods firmly and swings the door open and speed walks down to the room where he sleeps. Her heart lodges into her throat as her hand stops just before she knocks on the door, her tummy flips and flops unevenly with blood rushing to her ears.

  Why is she hesitating?

  Oh god, what is she doing? Standing at the doorway of Mr. Novak’s room during the middle of the night like a creep.

  Her feet won’t move when she tries to convince herself that she can go back to her room and pretend she didn’t just try to knock on his door.

  It’s now or never, her confidence is fleeing faster than she can think.

  Mari knocks twice.

  “Mr. Novak?” her voice climbs through the door.

  She imagines him being a light sleeper and she thinks he’s at his feet before he heard her voice, his awareness heightening as his ears scan for distinctive noises and his eyes peeled open for danger lurking in the shadow of his room.

  In her mind, she envisions him deeming the room is harmless, he cracks the door open quickly to see Mari shuffling her feet nervously, hands wringing anxiously in front of her. Apple-green hues glimmers in clarity as she peeks at him through her lashes.

  “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t—”

  Her throat closes as her eyes see his shirtless chest with tattoos inked on his muscles, her face burns and avoid the distracting sight. His hair tussled with his eyes scanning her body for injuries as it darkens at her perky breasts.

  She squirms under his eyes.

  “It’s okay, sweetheart. What’s the matter?” his deep voice rumbles as if he just woke up.

  “You’re too kind, Mr. Novak. You gave me your room and I woke you up in the middle of the night, but the room is too big and—”

  Mari doesn’t know how to continue her thoughts as her eyebrows knot adorably in confusion.

  “You can’t sleep?”

  She nods vigorously.

  “Do you want me to sleep with you?” James brushes her hair from her face and tips her chin for her to look at him.


  He smiles, his palm lays hotly on her cheek as his thumb lightly traces her soft skin.

  “Lead the way, sweetheart.”

  Chapter Four


  She’s not trying to seduce him, but the little jiggles of her ass are breaking his resistance. His shirt flows loosely down her thighs as the tips of her nipples hold up the fabric in the front, which he got an eyeful of it when he opened the door.

  The sensual sway of her hips and the teasing bounces of her ass are natural movements, and he’s never been so captivated.

  He wants to slap the plumpness of her ass.

  In due time, he purrs to himself.

  She stops at the opened door and he catches a glimpse of his room, the only thing that’s out of place is the sheets and his pillows. When she meekly turns her head back to him and quickly snapping back to the room, James clenches his fist as temptation tells him to yank her around and kiss her senseless.

  “Go on,” he urges, and she listens with little steps into the bedroom.

  He follows closely, shutting the door behind him without taking his eyes off her small frame.

  She shyly glances back at him to see if he’s following her, and he is. His feet are never too far from her as his giant body towers over hers. His shirt rides up her thighs as she bends on her knees and hands to crawl into the bed, his throat dries at the patch of naked skin enticing him.

  James has more self-control than that, but it’s breaking far too quickly.

  Mari plops down on the bed and wiggles under the duvet that he has gotten her, big green eyes bat her lashes at him innocently as she patiently watches him with a pretty pink blush on her cheeks.

  His heart fills with love as she tentatively lifts the cover for him, a nervous smile plays on her lips as she forces her eyes away from his muscled body.

  James doesn’t waste time in slipping into the warm covers, he’s hit with her natural sweetness from the pillow. Her warm body is put at a safe distance from him as he lays on his side, watching her turn her back to him and curl into a ball by the wall.

  His lip twitches in amusement, his sweetheart tries to be a responsible girl and keep a neutral distance between them, but he can tell by her tense shoulders that she’s nervous about their closeness.

  She’s so adorable.

  James lets his dark eyes trail down the curves of her body while she adjusts her limbs to get comfortable, she turns to plant her face into the pillow with her arms under her chest. Then she tilts her head up and turns just enough to look at him with a docile shrink into the covers.

  She tries to give him space by sliding all the way to the wall and curling into herself while he watches her with adoration.

  James doesn’t even attempt to tell her to stop moving and lets Mari shifts in many ways, but she never makes eye contact with him for long as he watches her struggle to settle down.

  “Can’t sleep?”

  His voice draws her attention as she peeks out from the thick covers, her green eyes blinks shyly and ducks her head.

  “No.” a soft murmur and a little feet shuffle under the duvet, Mari watches his tattooed arm moves and pats on the empty space in front of his naked chest, which she tries extremely hard to not stare at.

  Her eyes jump from his chest to his eyes and back down to his chest again, James wipes the laughter in his expression. Making her distressed isn’t his plan and he needs to get her to voluntarily come to him without any force.

  James finds praises work the best with her, but little encouragements are more appropriate for this.

  “Come here, sweetheart.”

  He doesn’t have to tell her twice.

  The smoothness of the blanket gives her space and relatively no friction between her desperate movements to bulldoze her small body into his chest. James chuckles as she sighs deeply when his arm slings over her waist, his chest rumbles huskily as his other hand scrapes the back of her head.

  He rubs his hand on the length of her spine, she melts in his arms with a moan. His cock lurches in attention, he closes his eyes and counts numbers in his head. The palm that falls onto the dip of her spine moves lower and stops on her ass, she doesn’t make any hints that she’s objecting his advances as she welcomes it by pushing her butt into his palm reflexively.

  He gives an experimentally light smack.

  Her breath hitches with a throaty mewl, James gives her a soothing rub on the squishy roundness.

  “Little doll,” he growls, his hand frozen on her ass.

  Her little wiggles have his cock hardening to its fullness, the softness under his palm tempts his need to squeeze the delicate flesh, and he indulges by clamping down his fingers.

  “Why aren’t you wearing panties?”

  She stammers, her voice muffling in his chest. Mari’s apologetic as she asks for his forgiveness, James pats her butt as his way of saying that he’s not angry.

  “I didn’t have any.”

  He grunts, her soft belly pushes against his big cock. “You can’t tease me like that, sweetheart.”

  “I’m not.” Mari stu
tters out quickly, her green eyes clouding with uncertainty as to debating whether to bury her face into his chest or pull away to give him space.

  He makes the decision for her and pushes her hips closer to his with his hand on her ass, his cock jerks through his tight briefs on her tummy. Her quiet squeak of mortification doesn’t go unheard.

  She shifts, and James has to bite his tongue to not purr in her ears. Mari needs to be guided into a world of pleasure and him being an impatient man will scare and confuse her.

  “Stop moving,” he commands with his baritone.

  Mari stills almost instantaneously.

  There’s no sugar coating what he’s about to say and there’s a chance she’ll not take it easily. Mari knows the basics of emotions shown on people’s faces, but his desire seeps out into his physical touches and gentle words. She might confuse his yearning for an overly affectionate adult who takes care of her.

  He’ll take care of her, alright.

  He hoisters himself up and traps her beneath him as his arms cage beside her head. Her green eyes swing up to his, her fluttering lashes move rapidly in bewilderment as she stays stiffly.

  “I want you.”

  Mari struggles to comprehend what he just said with a confused head tilt.

  He expected that much from her.

  “I want to take you on dates, I want to hold and kiss you. Clothes, jewelry, money; ask me anything and I’ll do whatever it takes to give it to you. All I want is for you to be mine.”

  James lets his eyes wander down to her lips, she licks the soft flesh with her little pink tongue and he digs his nails into his palms.

  “I also want to fuck your pussy.”

  If James has unnatural sensitivity on him, he’d feel the steam scorching her face as she hiccups with shocked humiliation when her thighs try to clench together to ease the aching between her legs.

  She mumbles, shrinking into her shoulders as she cast her eyes away.

  “Auntie Hayden said relationships aren’t allowed.”

  James applauds the woman for installing that rule into Mari’s head, it made it easier for her to remain by his side without the worry of her running off with a boy. Not that he doubts his influence over the smaller girl; he sees the way she looks at him, she wants to cross the line, but she also doesn’t know how to without breaking rules that are set in place for her.

  “Not until you’re twenty-one,” he tells her, she’s even more confused with a small frown.

  “I waited three years, sweetheart. You turned twenty-one two hours ago, and I will not wait any longer.”

  She licks her lips, “But Auntie Hayden said—”

  James said, “That rule is established for me, she thought you were too young for me. I’ve wanted you since we first met, and it’s a torture to be with you and not be able to touch you.”

  “You do touch me, Mr. Novak.”

  He growls low in his throat. Her innocence is going to kill him, James’ chest expands for air as he presses a kiss on her cheek while dirtying that gesture with his cock pushing down her belly, making her feel the throbbing thickness that she created.

  “Do you want me?”

  James needs her consent; her wellbeing always comes first because her body is an art of perfection and the gullibility in her naivety yanks at his chains to stop her from talking to other men. He won’t do anything she doesn’t want, if she asks him to stop then he will. However, he will not give up Mari without a fight.

  She nods.

  “Use your words.” James huffs and she quickly stammers out her answer.


  “Why do you want me, sweetheart?”

  She turns her face into his neck and he draws back, James wants to see her face when she admits her secret to him and he’ll take that confession with pride.

  “I like you,” she murmurs, he studies the red on her face brightening hotly.

  Mindless fingers trailing on his naked skin as she blindly feels her way around his side, lucky for her that he’s not ticklish. Her fidgety hands find their spot on his arms that are supporting his weight above her.

  “I want to go on dates with you,” she admits, her voice is soft, but the words are steady and adamant.

  “Just want you.” if her face continues to steam in her awkwardness, James fears she’ll stop functioning.

  Adoration blooms in his heart, it lets his heart flutter against his ribs when he feels her own heartbeats thump away. Her green eyes clear away any doubt when she licks her lips, eyeing his lips with her hands clenching unevenly on his arm.

  James leans down, and she follows with a tip of her chin, bringing their lips together in a kiss that screams flowery spring and hypnotizing ocean waves; it’s slow and unhurried with him controlling the pace, she pulls back for air and waits for his directions.

  “You need rules, little doll.” his throat rasps.


  James continues, pecking her lips in short and brief kisses. “Yes, my rules. I expect you to listen and follow them.”

  She blinks owlishly, “But why?”

  “Because you’re mine, do you understand?”

  She accepts his declaration without reluctance or skepticism that a man his age shouldn’t be tainting a young girl with his demanding voice. She should be worried how much he wants to defile her soft body and spread her legs open to steal the treasure between her creamy thighs.


  It’s an answer, but not the one he’s looking for.

  James raises an eyebrow, “Yes what?”

  “Yes, sir,” Mari adds quietly.

  “Good girl.” he nods with stern eyes.

  She preens at his praise, eating up his attention greedily as she wiggles deeper into his arms.

  “One, you listen to me when I tell you something. I want what’s best for you, and you don’t question my methods. However, if you don’t like anything, tell me.”

  She nods determinedly, big eyes peering at him with patience as she waits for him to continue.

  When James deems her attention is solely on him, he moves down the list.

  “Two, never let anyone touch you. Only I get to do that.”

  Mari agrees quickly, her blush darkens beautifully.

  “Three, if you misbehave, I will spank you.”

  Her bottom lip wobbles in surprise as her weak squeal tumbles out, James nearly dives his hand between her legs and play with her wet pussy.

  “You think you can handle my rules?”

  Mari takes in a shaky breath, squirming into the bed with his hand going down to her waist and puts enough power in his hold to stop her moves.

  “I can,” she whimpers and James smirks at the compliance in her body as she settles down.

  Crude thoughts of her lying naked beneath him, begging for him to cum inside while her tight cunt pulses in sensitivity around his girthy length. He knows his little doll will be much tighter than his imagination and he intends on making her cunt memorize the shape of his cock.

  Pulling his body away from her warm frame, he kneels on the firm mattress.

  “Lift up the shirt, sweetheart.”

  Mari trembles.

  “I want to see your little pussy.”

  Her face flushes in embarrassment at his vulgar words as her trembling fingers fist the bottom of his shirt and slowly lifts the material that hides what he wants the most.

  His big hands curl under her knees and guide her thighs apart, pinning them to the bed as he unabashedly stares at her wet cunt. Dewy folds part for him to see the small bud of her clit peeking out with her tiny opening pulsing to be filled with his thick cock.

  James licks his lips, he’s going to have to stretch her if he ever wants to have her small cunt wrapped around his throbbing girth.

  Chapter Five


  Blood pounds in her ears, Mari’s never been so conflicted before. She wants to close her legs from Mr. Novak’s keen eyes, but she wants him to make her
feel good. Big hands trace the curves of her body, committing them to his eyes as he squeezes her hips.

  “Take it off.” his finger pinches the fabric, Mari slowly takes the buttons and unhooks them. At every two buttons, she looks at him and he would touch the newly revealed skin with tenderness.

  When the shirt falls open like ribbons sliding off a present box, his pupil dilates at her perky nipples. A small shock shakes her when his callous hand palms her breast, tweaking her rosy bud with a light touch. His tongue rolls out and his lips trap her nipple in her mouth hotly.

  Her back arches as she whines, the flicks and nips on the sensitive bud feel good. There’re little pulses going down her clit, dampness dripping on the sheets as he pinches the other neglected nipple.

  Sharp thrills running down her legs has her whining and mewling his name desperately, he takes his devious tongue away and smirks up at her with his breath fanning over her reddened bud.

  “Can you stay still for me?”

  She nods, overly eager and hasty. Her back plops back down on the bed; it’s an instinctive reaction to his words, she’s never defied his order before and she won’t start when Mari wants his touch more than she needs air.

  Perhaps Mr. Novak is abusing his power over her, maybe he’s using her constant needs to please him because Mari finds his praises sings louder than his disappointment. It resonates better in her heart when he calls her a good girl, and she wants to be good for him so he’ll always stay.

  He hums, leaving a trail of wet kisses on her tummy as he goes down to her hips.

  “My little doll,” a rumble purrs on her pelvic bone, “My sweet and innocent doll, doing what I tell you to.”

  Her breath hitches as his teeth scrapes and nibbles on her inner thigh, marking a small bruise on the pale skin with his order for her to stay still activating. She doesn’t move as her butt sticks to the sheets, his command in her head overrides the desire to buck her hips.

  He turns and adds another little mark on her other unblemished thigh, a claim of ownership; the next photoshoot will show the world that Marionette and Mari are both his, it’s proof of his possessiveness that fuels his obsession.


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