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Shortcut to Having More

Page 10

by Sasha James

  I accept all of these dark feelings

  I accept that I’ve been carrying them

  And maybe even my parents carried them

  All of these dark, shameful feelings

  I’ve made so many mistakes

  Don’t I deserve to yell at myself?

  If anyone saw these numbers

  I’d be so embarrassed

  Horrified and mortified

  And people would see the truth about me

  That I’m an idiot

  Or I’m not strong enough

  Or I’m missing something

  People would judge me

  And, oh, I judge myself

  All of this shame

  I’ve been telling myself

  That I deserve to feel bad

  And I’m just going to accept that

  I’ve been really hard on myself

  Torturing myself really

  Don’t I deserve to feel ashamed?

  Look at these numbers!

  Don’t I deserve to beat myself up?

  To judge myself harshly?

  I’ve been judging myself for years

  Feeling ashamed

  And from that place

  Everything feels impossible

  And overwhelming

  And I’m just going to accept that

  I accept this feeling of shame

  This self-punishment

  And I’m open to lightening it up

  Maybe it’s time

  All this shame in my body

  All this shame about money

  Shame about earning

  Shame about spending

  Shame that I don‘t earn enough

  I literally can’t win

  I accept everything I’m feeling

  And I’m open to light



  The truth is

  I’ve seen things today

  In a whole new light

  I get it

  Maybe it’s time

  To let go of some of this shame

  To let go of my long history of self-punishment

  Maybe it’s time

  I can’t move forward without it

  And I really do want to move forward

  Anxiety in my body about money

  Deep programming, fear, and anxiety about money

  Anxiety wired into my nervous system

  And the thoughts I think over and over

  I totally accept them

  And I’m open to healing

  For my highest good.

  Now take a deep breath.

  It’s always good to take a cleansing breath after a long round of Tapping like that. I want you to check something right after Tapping. Sometimes as we tap, we’ll begin the process with a feeling that will rise to a peak and then increase (i.e. get worse), and then start to weaken and settle. So just as a check-in—what feeling is left? Is it still shame, or anxiety? Or is there a mixture of compassion? Remember that when you’re feeling shame (embarrassment), it simply means there is a process going on in you energetically, emotionally, unconsciously—at every level—that says, “I don’t deserve (something good).” Or said another way, “I deserve exactly what I’m getting (something bad).”

  When you shift toward and nurture at least a bit of self-compassion, that’s like a quantum leap because this is what that really sounds and feels like. Close your eyes and take a breath as I describe the meaning of self-compassion:

  “Oh, my God, I’ve been doing my best. I actually deserve better than this. I deserve a hug and some compassion, and some consideration. And I deserve to feel better. I deserve happiness. I deserve some joy.”

  Do you see how different that sounds, from “I deserve this c*ap” to “I actually deserve better, and I think I’m ready to receive that”? It’s arising from that unconscious place, that drives everything that you manifest, every action that you take. That aligns your brilliance, your focus, and your energy with your actions.

  This will change you, and it will change what the Universe brings to you. If you’re running this sort of internal program, “I deserve to feel ashamed; I’m an idiot; I’m stupid; I created this mess; It’s all my fault,” then this is what you’re really saying to the Universe: “Keep punishing me, please, because that’s what I’m resonating.” When you say, “I actually deserve some compassion and some joy,” you’re no longer saying, “Keep punishing me.” And I’m telling you, if you have been mixing in punishment with your money story that says, “I don’t deserve a lot (i.e. your income or savings account),” when you start shifting inside, everything will change – even your debt.

  At times, when compassion starts to open up, sometimes it triggers sadness. Place your hand on your heart and say, “I’ve been so hard on myself. I’ve literally broken my own heart.” Because that’s exactly what happens when you’re this hard on yourself, when a recorded voice in your head is saying, “I’m an idiot; I’m a loser; It’s all my fault; It’s not enough; I’m not good enough…” over and over again. You’re breaking your own heart on a subtle plane. Just close your eyes and place your hand on your heart for a second, and see if some understanding floods in, based on all the “ah-ha” moments you have received today.


  There is still more work to do. The fact is that your nervous system has run in that programmed way for a really long time. Naturally, it will take some time to rewire that habitual programmed response, but this is the way we start: compassion and willingness.

  We’re going to finish up with another round of Tapping, a more positive round. Let’s go back to the Tapping points again, you know how to do them:

  I’ve been really hard on myself

  And it’s been really hard on me

  To have this much negative programming in my money

  To feel like things are disappointing and impossible

  To feel like the cards are stacked against me

  That’s some really hard stuff

  To feel like I don’t have enough value or worth to earn more

  To feel powerless and disappointed in money all the time

  That’s hard

  I’ve lived with anxiety and shame for years

  I’ve paid a real price for my programming

  It’s hard stuff

  And I carry it 24 hours a day

  Sometimes it wakes me up in the middle of the night

  And I can’t sleep

  Worrying about money

  I totally honor myself

  And I’ve added on top of that

  Being really hard on myself

  Really mean

  Actually mean to myself

  I’ve added to this

  Being ruthless

  Ruthlessly critical of myself

  To the point that I’ve broken my own heart before

  I’ve literally beaten myself down

  Of course that’s showing up in my money

  And maybe I have insight on why I do that

  But either way

  I’m just going to accept it in a new light today

  I give myself the gift of compassion

  I give myself the gift of understanding

  I’m opening my heart

  The wisdom of my heart

  And understanding

  All of this

  At a higher level

  This is so much bigger than money

  And it’s really affecting my money

  I give myself the gift

  Of self-love

  And the reminder

  Or the new information

  That I do deserve

  I deserve happiness

  I deserve to feel safe

  I’ve never gotten that

  And I have a lot of grief about that

  And whenever I look at my money

  It’s just a giant metaphor

  I have a lot of sadness

  And I’m just going to honor that
/>   I accept the sadness

  Because it’s accepting me

  And everything I’ve lost

  Because of the shame and the fear

  Because of this programming I have around money

  And because I love myself so much

  I am going to heal this

  I honor myself now

  I honor who I am and who I’ve always been

  And I honor who I am becoming

  In these 90 minutes, I’ve become more conscious and more compassionate

  And that is HUGE

  I honor who I’m becoming

  Conscious and deserving when it comes to money

  Powerful and resourceful when it comes to money

  And I bless everything I wrote down on this piece of paper

  I bless all of these numbers

  It’s my current reality

  It’s what I’ve created based on my entire life of programming

  I’m doing my best

  And everything’s changing now

  I bless my current reality

  And I am open

  To everything that is now possible and unfolding for me

  I commit to holding this compassion for myself in my heart

  Over the next week

  And saying a new thing in my head

  Which is this:

  I deserve better

  I deserve more

  I want more

  And I deserve it

  Take a deep breath…

  Just try to feel what is happening in your body now. There should be quite a lot of energy movement. Even over the next 24 hours, these rounds of Tapping will act on, integrate, and reorganize your subconscious mind, your unconscious mind, and your nervous system. This, my dear friends, is literally changing your inner conditioned wiring; the exact nature of what has stopped you from Having More will start to melt right here. The end isn’t here, but it is a fantastic beginning. To shift the wiring in your nervous system, it’s all about neuroplasticity - we need to do both: detect the issue, and remove that stuff.

  That turns down the old reaction. We need to proactively put in some new things like the words, “I deserve better, I actually deserve more, ” and compassion—holding compassion in your heart, for yourself, to begin to see the bigger picture. Everything in an even more accelerated way will happen when you use your personalized Tapping Script.

  Personal Wealth Blueprint Tapping Script

  If you didn’t do it until now, please take a look at your Personal Wealth Blueprint sheet again, or at the notes you took instead of using the provided sheet. Look at all of the numbers and parts you’ve written down about money; please tune in to the present moment, to whatever feelings you noted down. Something in relation to embarrassment and shame; if you have dug deep enough, it’s most probably a phrase like this: “God, it’s so uncomfortable, it’s embarrassing I’m so ashamed.” Or probably something that sounds like this: “I’m such a loser.” That’s also shame in disguise. No doubt, there are other feelings you noted down. Use the provided Personal Wealth Blueprint Tapping Script handout to create a personalized tapping script. That is very important; you have to start using it. After you worked with the previously provided Tapping Scripts, you are now ready go even deeper. You already feel the power of the process. By now, I am sure you do.

  Now, once you start working with your Personal Wealth Blueprint Tapping Script, you will further accelerate your transformation and growth. You can continue using the previously provided scripts but you Personal Wealth Blueprint will just hit your conditioning better. Use it every other day or every day; mix it with ‘digging’ and ‘positive’ tapping rounds as you feel is best. While working in that way, you will create an immensely positive response of your nervous system and subconscious mind. As explained previously, all these methods in the scripts will serve your purpose with great power and significance. As soon you start applying this correctly, you will feel the energy moving quickly.


  If you really think about what we are doing with all of this tapping and clearing, you will see the formation of a brand-new way of operating. I had you say these words: “I commit to my better future. I commit to holding this compassion for myself in my heart.” I had you say something new: “I deserve better; I deserve to have and become more.” Why did I do that? Because from that energy, from that place, everything is possible. It’s just what we need in order to get unstuck and move quickly towards our goals.

  In one area, people sometimes get confused: it may happen that after Tapping, you might feel a little low-energy, a little tired or lightheaded, but there is no reason to worry. Most people do not have these symptoms, but if you do, keep in mind that is a normal state that we have to get through. We do a LOT with this process. Just consider it as a draining process, even if you do not feel that way, because we’re dredging really heavy stuff. We’re voicing it, accepting it, and moving it. You may have more tears to cry for yourself, and that’s okay; cry those tears for yourself, don’t keep them inside. Let those tears flow for yourself, because that sadness is accepting you. But I promise that on the other side of moving this dark, heavy stuff, you’re opening up a storehouse of energy, focus, and determination; this activity will change every aspect of your money.

  It takes a lot of energy to hold back all of these things! Keeping old programming active in us wastes a lot of energy. It makes us do all sorts of things we do not really want or even need; specifically, it makes us move toward really non-beneficial behavior and activities in relation to money.


  When we clear these unwanted blocks, everything transmutes to a more focused, more conscious, and more creative you. On the other hand, this process is demanding and it goes deep. Therefore, if you feel overly intense emotions or no emotions (or emotions that are too weak), simply let yourself process over the next few days, then go back to your routine. It may be hard or feel heavy, but keep Tapping! This is a major event happening inside of you; know that you will get to the other side because Tapping works.

  I want to close this book by saying that I’m so happy for you and proud of you for being here. I honor what you have started on this journey with me, and I honor you for jumping in and ‘taking the chance’. Some of you know me; some of you have never heard of me until now. In any case, be sure that if you continue this work with me, we get deeper with each step. I am very serious as well as dedicated about getting specific and clearing your money blocks. I am honored to be doing this with you. Do your homework. Do the Tapping as described in the book and support materials (if you still did not, please get them from this link, I hope I will see you in part two of this journey.

  Feel free to visit my website, and contact me with any questions. At the end, I need to clear something that I see many people retain because they are either hiding or misunderstanding. It’s about the myth of instant results. This is a really powerful beginning of the process but it’s not the end. There are no pushbutton or instant solutions that are worthy of your time, at least not in this arena.

  Reality Check

  Since we are nearing the end (of the beginning), this reality check is probably most important to note. For those who will not give this practice a chance, nothing I promised you can happen. Since it’s a really easy and immensely important process, please do not turn it into another ‘virtual dust collector’, collecting piles of dead data on your hard drive. As soon as you start applying it, you will feel better and gain greater improvements. However, though this is not a negative, I will not keep you from the truth—this cannot be the end of your journey.

  I sincerely hope that you recognize this point as just the beginning. Not everyone can immediately afford to work with a personal Tapping into Wealth Coach or another pr
ofessional who is really able to help. Some people think that personal coaching on this level is an immensely high-priced service, which is not true. Of course, this personal one-on-one work cannot be sold for just any amount; however, people usually think that the personal care of a qualified Tapping into Wealth and/or Transformational expert costs much more than it actually does. When working together and under the care of a personal coach leading you through the labyrinth of connections between pre-programmed patterns, limiting beliefs, habitual self-talk, and traumatic money-related experiences, you have the best and fastest way to advance energy results quickly.

  In that way, you are near to getting clear of everything that hinders your progress to earning and keeping more money. Releasing any limits on your way to having more and becoming more is priceless; the same is not true for any type of guidance. However, the guidance of a qualified coach who can really shorten your struggles cannot be defined with a price tag, since it is based on the results you get from it; you will achieve limitless financial capacity. When the lion is released from its cage, nobody can stop it. When an eagle breaks free, who can bring it back into captivity?

  Despite the fact that personal coaching does not carry a six-digit hourly price, I am well aware that many people will still be unable (not only due to financial reasons) to afford a good and qualified expert. For that reason, I will continue publishing upcoming parts of this comprehensive approach to Having More and becoming more. Using these means, I really feel I have done my best to share this most valuable, no B.S., direct, and efficient way that saved me from staying on the bottom; I have also shared this with many more individuals outside of my clients and personal students.

  If you have any further questions or enquiries, feel free to contact me and my team members on my website ( or Facebook page (

  You can email me and my team via at; our usual response time is 48 hours.


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