Book Read Free


Page 8

by Terry Smith

  The prayer that evening was thankful for the welcome that was being shown to them by the Friends with hopes it would lead to their help in returning to Earth. Their practice of holding hands during the prayers continued and they seemed to be sitting closer together each time they prayed. They were becoming closer as a group and realizing that they were in this together.

  The next trip to The Garden was with Ivan, Dianne and Jim. They thought they knew what to expect from listening to the prior groups about their visits, but it turned out a little different. Their arrival was similar in that they were greeted by the original twelve plus people from the new community. After a very brief tour of the community they went to the rural area and spent the rest of the day visiting the farms and ranches. They talked extensively with the farmers and ranchers about their lives that included weekly visits to the nearby community to distribute their products and obtain supplies that they needed, or sometimes just wanted.

  They also went to a school that was on the outskirts of the community. The school taught not only the basics similar to schools on earth, but also introductions to the various skills needed to work within the community and support their lifestyles. The group noted that the class they observed emphasized that no jobs had a higher status than others; that a factory worker, an educator and a farmer were all the same. They later asked Thad if the people looked up to him as some type of leader which caused him to laugh – actually a load laugh. He said that couldn’t be further from the truth. He noted “I am just one of our group, but have proven my abilities in manufacturing that was my first chosen job showed that I needed to do something else. It was embarrassing to make the most mistakes, but I was still treated as an equal with everyone else. So, here I am as your tour guide. I have to admit that there isn’t too much demand for being a tour guide and probably never will be. When not acting as a tour guide I work in the toy stores.”

  Their lunch was typical, except today it was burgers and fries, with no calorie count or nutritional information. Thad said that it was a special day and this was one way they celebrated. When asked what was special about the date, he said it was burger and fries day which was celebrated at least once a month for no particular reason. The group that prepared the meals decided when burger and fries day would be celebrated and they notified the people that it was today by flying a flag with a picture of a burger on it. Dianne mentioned that she would need to introduce them to hot dogs. Thad responded “So that is why you people are here on our planet, to teach us about the finer things in life.”

  Their return to the Neighborhood was fun. They learned some songs from Thad who took along his guitar, or at least it looked something like a guitar but sounded like banging on a trash can with a metal spoon. They learned the songs quickly as Thad sang the verses of the songs and Ivan, Dianne and Jim sang the chorus. They admitted that they were terrible, but it was a lot of fun. They pulled up to the Neighborhood still singing, which caused Gorgeous and Handsome to bark and run up to the vehicle. Dianne commented that “I guess they don’t like our singing, but then again there isn’t much to like.” Even the group waiting for their return laughed, probably because it was true.

  They thanked Thad for the visit and for being a great tour guide. He responded that he would be back in a couple of days. They all waved as was now the tradition and he was off. The group met briefly and they all felt like the visits had been wonderful and they were impressed with The Garden. They were happy living at the Neighborhood but maybe if they could visit The Garden and get some supplies that seemed to be available it would be nice. Their prayer that night was short and positive, with smiles on everyone’s faces.

  They talked a lot about not gaining any knowledge that would help in their goal to find a way to communicate with Earth. They all still seemed interested in returning to Earth to be with their families and loved ones, but their comfort with the Friends seemed to soften their immediate need in this goal. They all were interested in joining with the Friends and sharing some of their knowledge and becoming closer to them. They were excited about the communities. Evin told them that Thad had pointed out a couple of churches or places of worship during the tour but they did not stop at any of them. They all wanted to walk around the communities like they saw the Friends do and walk into some of their stores. They all agreed that they could use some new clothing as what they had was getting a little worn.

  Chapter 6

  Life in the Neighborhood

  It seemed like the group was spending less and less time together as they were spending more time visiting at The Garden. Breakfast was almost always a group thing and Jim turned out to be a master chef when it came to breakfast, at least that is what they told him to keep him preparing their daily breakfast. They traded some cattle for some pigs, but soon found that a single pig would last them way too long, and ended up just getting their bacon and ham at The Garden. They were being treated as one of them by the Friends, and the Neighbors would take milk, eggs and cattle to the Garden. They also were making butter on a regular basis and the Friends thought it was a great discovery – little did they know that it was just processed from cream from the dairy cows.

  Larry noted that “One thing I miss is not having clouds. When I was little my sister and I used to watch the clouds and make up animals that they looked like. If nothing else they could look like a dog, or cat. It was fun at night watching the clouds pass in front of the moon. And we even enjoyed watching the big storms roll in and listen for the thunder and watch the lightning. Rainy nights were great for sleeping as the drops of rain seemed to rock us to sleep.”

  Dianne noted that “I even miss the change in seasons on Earth. During the winter we couldn’t wait for summer and during the summer we couldn’t wait for winter. We would trade our snow shovels for lawn mowers every year. We would always watch the proceedings on Ground Hog Day and realized that there was no science behind it.”

  Dave responded “I don’t know about Ground Hog Day, but I purchased the Farmer’s Almanac every year when I was doing the television weather and referred to it every now and then. I actually think some of my viewers believed that was how I would provide weather forecasts. Some days it would have been just as good.”

  One evening they were talking about the past, as they often did. Their conversations used to be centered on how much they missed family and friends but was now more about other things they missed like sports, movies, driving and even getting caught in traffic jams. Jim said that he remembered when he and his family would get together with the grandparents, and their favorite game was croquet. Only Larry had even heard of croquet but didn’t know anything about it. Jim told them “Croquet is played with wood mallets and wood balls. Each player would take turns trying to hit their ball along a course thru a series of hoops until they reached the end and hit a center peg. The first team to complete the course wins. I know there are rules, but that is the basis of the game as I remember it. What I liked about the game is that you could hit another player’s ball out of the way and off the court. That was the most aggressive part of the game.”

  Larry said “That sounds like fun. At least it would be better than having Wanda beat our butts every night at chess. I know that it is her chess board and I know somehow she has it rigged to move the pieces around so she can win. And, Wanda dear, you are not a good winner. Your victory dance is getting a little old. Just kidding Wanda, I’m sure we are all glad that you brought the chess set along and it is really all we have now. And someday I will beat you and I have been practicing my own victory dance and can’t wait to try it out.” Everyone laughed, as usual, as they had begun acting like a true family and razzing each other from time to time.

  Jim came back with “I have access to the wood shop at The Garden. Some of the equipment is a little rough, but they do have a fairly good lathe that I can use to make some croquet balls, mallets and pegs. I recall that the balls and mallets have a color that match which I
can also do. It sounds like a good project for me as I am getting bored fixing up this place.”

  They were all excited about the possibility of having something else to do, especially if they could compete. When Jim explained that they could have teams it was set. “Jim, get busy on it” said Wanda. “I need to have another sport I can master, and maybe finally get a little competition. I can work on a new victory dance with a partner that will put you turtles back in your shells.”

  Jim said “Wanda, get ready to meet your match. I recall I was pretty good at it for a kid, and it is like riding a bicycle in that you never forget how. Don’t expect any mercy.”

  Then everyone got silent waiting for another topic when Larry raised his hand. “I have something to tell you folks since it seems like we are all present. Billie Jo and I seem to be becoming more than just friends. We have so much in common and enjoy each other’s company so much that we seem to be made for each other. We don’t know what the future will bring on this planet, but we feel that it will be more pleasant and bearable in the meantime if we can spend it together. We have been keeping our relationship a secret but felt it would be good to tell you since you are our friends.”

  Ivan said “Larry and Billie Jo, I am sure I am speaking for everyone else in telling you we are truly happy for you; however, that has to be the worst kept secret on the planet. If you two truly think no one could see this coming you are grossly wrong. It is hard to hide the smiles, picking each other to walk with whenever we are out on walks, and there were other people in the group you could sit with for meals. But, congratulations.”

  Billie Jo was ready with her part. “You know I have a husband back on Earth, but I don’t know if I will ever see him again. And even then, I wonder if after all of the many months if he doesn’t think I will never return and has moved on himself. I hope he has as I want him to be happy in his life. Larry and I do have a lot in common, and have even had our first argument, which really does make two people a couple. Of course I won the argument, which made it even better.”

  “In the meantime, besides enjoying some time with Larry, I have observed life here on this planet and have tried to contrast it with Earth and the people on Earth. I have identified some differences, not only about the planet itself but about the people. Even though they look like us, their actions are very different. They seem to love and respect each other in a way that rarely exists among groups on Earth. They have no conflicts or if they do they keep them private. They do not seem to see any difference among people of different colors, of different looks and even between men and women. They are all equal and the same. I know they are not the same in that everyone is different, both on Earth and here, but they do not see or judge the differences. My current thoughts go to how the people on Earth developed into the way they are, and could they ever be changed into the way The Friends are here on this planet. I feel sad for the people on Earth. I wonder how I could fit back into the people on Earth should we ever be fortunate enough to return.”

  “I have tried to categorize their actions and the way they treat each other, and the way they even treat their planet. I have wondered if I could take this back to Earth and write a book on how we should treat each other and how we should be treating Earth. I think about it and I believe there have been other books about things like this, but I see that nothing changes. At least my thoughts give me something to do to keep my sanity, in addition to being with Larry. And, by the way Larry, I hope you can be a good croquet player.”

  Larry jumped back in “Wow, thanks a lot everyone for bursting my bubble thinking Billie Jo and I were so creative about keeping our secret, but I am glad it is all out in the open. But we were having fun being sneaky and thought we were actually good at it. Now we can smile out in the open and hold hands when we walk together. And, by the way, Billie Jo didn’t win the argument, at best it was a tie.”

  “I have not only spent time working with our huge ranch here at The Neighborhood with our 20 cattle, 3 pigs and a bunch of chickens, but have also spent a great deal of time with the people on the ranches around the communities. They do a great job of working with their stock, and the best thing is that the animals have never shown any type of disease or other problems. I contribute some of this to the fact that they have never tried to alter the animals in any way but have relied on feeding them fresh grass and oats and have basically taken good care of them. I also notice that the ranchers love what they do. Their animals are part of their family, and I can see the sadness in their faces when it is time to slaughter and prepare their animals for food. I think I have helped them in a couple of ways to help care for their animals, but most of it has been taking care of their hooves and coats and with minor problems like when they overeat or have any type of blockage. It is great working with them. Of course, our spread is a little small compared to their ranches.”

  Wanda chimed in with “Since we are apparently having true confessions night, I guess it is my turn. I have been spending most of my time at the foundry which I find fascinating in that they can switch from material to material almost on a daily basis and with great precision. I have been able to help them in mixing materials with different properties to add strength and flexibility to the outcome. Anyway, while working at the foundry I have met a wonderful man – his name is Billy. I have always wanted to find Mr. Right, but you know what, I don’t even know Billy’s last name. In fact, I have never heard any of the Friends having a last name, but that is a topic for another day. I really didn’t think I would ever be successful in finding someone because I know I am not a raving beauty, and am not involved in what would be considered a glamorous field. But anyway, there was Billy. He treats me like a queen; he pulls out my chair when we have lunch together, gets coffee for me, opens the door for me and tells me how wonderful I am. I am almost starting to believe it.”

  “Billy and I have talked about many things, including spending the rest of our lives together. I really don’t have a big reason why I would need to return to Earth when the chance arrives, so I may decide to stay here with Billy. Of course, I love you people and think you are the best group of friends I have ever had, but I also find the Friends open and caring in every way. I have never heard them argue about anything, they are constantly helping each other, and if smiles were contagious we could just send one of them to Earth and it would create a pandemic. So, now you know why I am smiling more. I would like to invite Billy over for dinner some night. Please be kind and that includes you Jim. If you are nice I will even let you win one chess game, just one mind you, but one.”

  “I have been taking Gorgeous with me to the foundry and she has found a boyfriend. They are inseparable. They run and play outside as it would not be safe to have them inside the foundry. When it is time to come back to The Neighborhood at the end of the day she doesn’t want to come with me. I almost have to drag her to our little car and she sulks all of the way back. I guess I am not her favorite anymore.”

  Everyone was ecstatic about Wanda’s news. Jim even chimed in “Wanda, we see what Billy sees in you. You are beautiful in our eyes, and a wonderful person, except when you are whipping our tails at chess. Even then you do it with a smile, but a different type of smile. I think we are all happy for you and can’t wait to meet this guy and put him through the third degree to make sure he is truly worthy of you. I will give you a list of questions he needs to answer before we consider any type of permanent relationship between the two of you. Just kidding, we will be nice, right guys?” Everyone said sure but they are probably expecting a win at chess one time too.”

  Ivan said, “Let me be next. I haven’t found a new companion, except the same type of one of the companions I have on Earth, my work. I have been spending every day at their main hospital and at the clinics throughout the communities and rural areas. I continue to be surprised at the fact that I see no illnesses that are contagious, and no injuries that are inflicted by automobile accidents or fro
m weapons. These people are sometimes as clumsy as we are and there are some injuries from those types of accidents, and just the general stuff. I have even delivered some babies since I have been there. Delivering a baby is like riding a bicycle, much like croquet, in that you keep some of the skills and knowledge. The people working at the hospital and clinics are dedicated and constantly want to learn more about medicine on Earth. Their equipment is basic but serves their needs. I have been able to use the new MRI I bought with us and they are amazed at what it does.”

  “I miss my wife very much. I think about her often and what she is doing and if she might think I am still alive. In one way I want her to be waiting for me, but I also want her to be happy and maybe find a new love. I feel certain she will stray away from doctors. In the meantime I am making the days pass by working with the Friends. One thing I believe would help them is getting more exercise. Their diets are mostly good, but exercise would benefit them. I have started an exercise program for the workers at the hospital and clinics and hope that it will expand to the rest of the population. I think it would be good for our group too, like every morning. So, starting tomorrow morning we will start exercising. No skipping out early to go to The Garden, promise?”

  There were loud boo’s, especially from Dave who said “I don’t want to get too muscular as the women couldn’t handle it. I am too sexy as it is.” And then there were more boo’s, but for another reason.

  Dianne is next. “As I think all of you know, my husband died about eight years before we began our journey that has landed us here. He was a great husband and I still miss him. I have been spending my time working with the farmers. One thing I have noticed the most is that farmers are felt to be equal to everyone else. On Earth the farmers feel that they were below the scientists, physicians, computer geniuses, and even some of the more common professions, but here everyone is treated the same and have equal respect for each other. I am impressed by the quality of their output, which is aided by the fact that there are no insects and no diseases. It would help if there were some honey bees; maybe Gus could provide us with some bees, but he would probably leave their stingers intact just for the fun of it. I have been able to help a little by recommending some natural fertilizers and rotating crops, plus improved irrigation, but not a lot.”


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