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The Merger

Page 19

by Loni Ree

  “Oh, shit, that hurt,” I cry before Drew reaches into the closet and pulls me out. He gently lays me on the sofa under the window that overlooks the main floor of La Femme.

  “Let me have a look at your head, baby doll. You really nailed that shelf,” he grumbles as he carefully moves my hair to the side and examines the small bump on the back of my head. Once he determines the injury isn’t serious, he places a small kiss on it then turns my head and kisses me for real.

  All pain is completely forgotten when he sucks my tongue into his wicked mouth and runs his hands soothingly up and down my sides. When we finally come up for air, he touches his forehead to mine and proudly tells me, “You didn’t have to battle your brother for me. Right now, DRS is busy with other jobs, but I took the Sterling-Ryan job as a favor to Lukas. Someone is stealing information from Sterling-Ryan and giving it to a competitor, and Lukas needs them caught immediately. It turns me the fuck on that you would call your conceited brother an asshole for me though, and I will show my appreciation tonight.”

  “Oh my God, I can’t wait. Why don’t you pick up dinner on the way home?” After my suggestion, Drew leans over and retakes my mouth.

  “Okay, baby doll, text me what you want for dinner, and I’ll grab it on my way over.” He finally pulls himself away and heads out the door.

  Rushing through my afternoon so I can go home to prepare for my evening with Drew, I forget about my small injury. After getting home from La Femme, I text Drew to let him know dinner is on its way and he can come straight from work, then I rush through the shower. After my shower, I throw on another sleep cami set since the last one seemed to be a hit with my man. When the doorbell rings, I wonder if Drew lost his key and pull the door open to find a pizza delivery man standing there with his eyes popping out of his head, holding the pizza in one hand and looking at me from head to toe in my nightclothes. Oops. Before I can remedy the situation, Drew walks up behind him and not too gently grabs the pizza from his hand. He shoves past him to stand between us to block the delivery guy’s view of me.

  “You already paid or do I owe him something?” Drew asks without looking over his shoulder at me. I peek around his arm and can only imagine what the expression on Drew’s face looks like because he is about to cause the poor delivery man to flee in terror.

  Trying to pull Drew into my apartment by the back of his shirt, I respond before there is bloodshed. “No, he’s all paid.”

  Drew lets me drag him, but he turns and barks at the poor guy, “Get the fuck out of here and don’t stare at my woman again.”

  I’ll have to find a new place to order pizza from in the future since they will probably be banning me after tonight.

  “What were you thinking, showing off my property like that?” Drew hisses in my ear after he slams my door shut. He marches over to the dining room table and drops the pizza.

  “I thought you were at the door. I forgot about ordering pizza,” I try to explain, but he doesn’t seem to accept my explanation. Drew’s eyes narrow and he stalks over to me.

  “When you walk around in your underwear, make sure you know who is at the goddamn door before you open the motherfucker. You are very close to getting a little fucker maimed or killed,” he growls before he grabs the back of my head and assaults my lips.

  After he thoroughly turns my brain to mush, Drew orders me, “Go get plates for the pizza, and I’ll see if I can find a movie on the television.”

  When he slaps my ass as I’m walking away, I turn and shoot him my fiercest glare.



  Lukas Ryan sends me a text that insists I get my ass to his office immediately, and I almost text the motherfucker back and tell him to kiss said ass. I assume he has found out about my relationship with Annie. Well, too fucking bad.

  I take my time and arrive at Sterling-Ryan a couple of hours later. When Jose shows me into his office, Lukas is standing at the window looking out, and Aiden, Annie’s twin, is sitting on the sofa. Lukas turns, and I can see the vein pulsing in his forehead and his tightly clenched jaw.

  “You motherfucker. Why fuck my sister of all people? We agreed on this merger, and you turn around and fuck her.” He starts right in on me.

  Deciding the best way to defend myself is to remind him of his own choices in this merger, I bring it up. “Didn’t you suddenly decide to marry Madison yourself instead of allowing one of your brothers to marry her? You met and fell for Madison and changed the merger. Why is it such a fucking disaster when I do the same thing, you hypocritical bastard?”

  “Madison wasn’t already engaged to someone.” He gets right in my face and defends his actions.

  I look the asshole right in the eye and respond, “Neither was Annie. They hadn’t announced their engagement. Hell, they didn’t want to marry each other. Ask Bradley. He has the hots for my fucking secretary but is too chickenshit to admit it.”

  “What are you talking about?” Lukas appears completely confused and looks to Aiden for help, but Aiden shrugs his shoulders.

  “I’m off subject. Bradley and my secretary, Jessica, have been dancing around each other for months, and neither one will make the first move. He’s used this pretend engagement to Annie to deny his feelings, but I don’t care if he figures his shit out. Back to this issue; Annie and I are together. Get over it. If you want to find someone else to work on your case, do it.” After my tirade, I walk to the door.

  “Hey, asshole, I stayed quiet today because Annie and I are really tight and I don’t want to make her choose between us, but if you do her wrong, I will fuck you up.” Aiden finally speaks before Lukas interrupts him.

  “My sister took up for you today. She called me an asshole and threatened me if I fired you, so let me warn you. You hurt my sister, and I will cut your fucking balls off. I know your reputation with woman, and it sucks. Keep working on my shit and let me know what you find,” he adds as I get the fuck out.

  I go straight to La Femme to see my baby doll and thank her for standing up to her brother for me. Walking into her office, the sight of her gorgeous ass sticking out of the door to the closet greets me. As soon as I speak, she rears up and slams her head into the shelf above her head, so I take her to the sofa to make sure she hasn’t caused any damage. Once I determine there is no damage, I make out with her a little then head back to the office to catch up on the pile of work waiting for me.

  I almost explode when I get to her apartment and find her half-dressed and standing in the hallway with a young, pimply faced jerk drooling over her gorgeous body. The only thought that runs through my mind is to get between them and block his view before killing him. Luckily, after getting a good look at his face, I realize he is only around eighteen years old, so I let him live with a stern warning never to stare at my woman again.

  After getting Annie inside the apartment, I give her the same warning. I advise her that answering the door half-dressed is an excellent way to get someone maimed or killed. Once our discussion is finished, we eat pizza and watch a movie, but the movie doesn’t hold my interest very long with Annie sitting next to me in the thin outfit. The fucking cat tries sitting between us, but I move him, and he complains loudly about the situation.

  Soon, the movie is forgotten, and I softly kiss her as she runs her hand down my stomach. Trying to let her set the pace, I'm about to fucking combust.

  “Baby, you’re killing me. I’m an old man; I can’t take this shit,” I warn.

  “I think you can take a lot,” she whispers back as she straddles me and starts kissing down my neck while rubbing her heated core on my eager, throbbing cock. My eyes roll back, and I drop my head back on the sofa. She tugs on my t-shirt, and I help her pull it over my head. When she winks and smiles wickedly, my dick stands up straight in my pants. The torture isn’t over. She sits back to lightly run her nails down my chest before leaning forward to lick my left nipple, and I growl in the back of my throat. Now I know she is trying to kill me. Using my tight hold on
her hips, I pull her down, trying to get relief for my painful erection.

  “Annie, fuck, I may die of a goddamn heart attack at my age,” I whimper to remind her. Giggling, she scoots off of my lap, and I shake my head in confusion, but her intent becomes clear as she kneels on the floor between my spread legs. My heart starts racing when she leans over and begins to slowly unbuckle my belt. To hurry her along, I put my hand on hers, but she slaps my hand away and refuses my assistance. Once my belt is undone, she opens my button, unzips my pants, and frees my poor dick.

  When her small hand wraps tightly around my hungry length and pulls, my balls tighten with the urge to come. My back arches off of the sofa, and I hiss, “Fuck, squeeze me, baby.” She licks her juicy lips then envelops my swollen erection in her sinful mouth. I grab the back of her head and start pumping my hips as she sucks my aching dick. Her sharp nails dig into my thighs, and she groans as my cock hits the back of her throat. The vibration sends a wave of pleasure pulsing through my engorged flesh. It only takes a few minutes before I come so hard that my chest hurts and black dots dance in front of my eyes. Fuck, I might actually have a heart attack.

  “Fuck, baby, you may have done me in,” I manage to groan.

  “I hope not since I have plans for you,” she whispers breathily from my lap.

  After a few minutes of recovery, I push her back onto the sofa and slowly remove the fucking underwear that drives me crazy, kissing her tan skin as I go. When her beautiful body is bare to me, I start lapping at her delicate ankles with my tongue and slowly move my way up her mouth-watering body. Getting to her waxed pussy, I spread her lips and blow warm air on her wet flesh until she squirms on the sofa.

  “Are you only going to torture me?” she cries out.

  “Don’t tell me how to perform my duties,” I command her and wink before I lash her clit with my tongue while pumping my fingers lightly inside her wet folds.

  “Teasing again,” she growls.

  In response to her complaint, my two fingers scrape the front wall of her pussy while my lips suck hard on her sensitive clit. After she drenches my fingers with her juices, I drive my fingers deep into her wet core while I lean up to nibble her hardened nipples the way I know drives her crazy. She keeps begging me to go harder until her silky walls ripple around my fingers, and she wails so loud my ears start ringing.

  “Oh my God, definitely worth flashing the pizza guy.” She sighs a few minutes later.

  “No, baby doll. You can get this any time you want by asking. Don’t make the mistake of flashing any male again. Remember my warning,” I remind her and kiss her thoroughly before carrying her to bed.

  Lukas calls me again. He wants to discuss security for his upcoming engagement party, so I agree to meet him at my office. When he strides in and sits in the chair facing my desk, I can tell he is ready for battle.

  “I want everything to go smoothly at my engagement party. First of all, my ex-assistant, Marta, cannot make a scene like she caused at the Autumn Ball, so I want you to make sure security is extra tight. Second, I want all guests screened very thoroughly, even dates of family members. Last, you are to stay far away from Bradley. I know you’re taking my sister, but don’t fucking cause a scene at my party or I will personally kick your ass.” As he spews his demands, I listen patiently before I laugh.

  Leaning back in my chair, I tell him, “You are welcome to try and kick my ass anytime you want. I have no problem with my nephew; I have Annie, and he doesn’t. Your party will be secure. Get Jessica your list of attendees, and we will screen them immediately and let you know if there are problems.”

  “Thanks,” he mutters before getting up and walking out of my door.



  Annie is meeting me at the engagement party since I have to arrive early to check the security details. As I’m talking to Nate, his eyes widen, and he points his head toward the entry. I almost swallow my tongue at the vision before me.

  Everyone else in the room fades away when I watch her walk in wearing a strapless pale blue gown that hugs her slim figure. Annie’s hair is pulled up in some complicated style with little wisps hanging down around her face, and I can’t wait for the night to be over so I can run my fingers through the fancy updo and mess it up. I make my way through the crowd toward her, but before I reach Annie, Bradley walks up and kisses her cheek.

  Rage courses powerfully through my body, bringing with it the urge to tear the little fucker apart. George Ryan steps up to me and puts a hand on my shoulder, declaring, “He feels betrayed. Ignore his pettiness and don’t ruin Madison and Lukas’ night. You and I both know Annie belongs to you.” Out of the corner of my eye, I see Annie slip away from Bradley and sidle up next to me. The rage dissipates as she wraps her arm around my back and leans against me.

  “Hi, honey, I was looking for you,” she purrs before she leans up and kisses me for everyone in the room to see. My arms wrap around her, and when she tries to pull out of the embrace, I feast on her lips to make sure that there is no question in anyone’s mind about the nature of our relationship.

  “You found me. Let’s go find our table,” I murmur after I let her lips go and lead her to the opposite side of the room from Bradley’s table. Throughout the night, my nephew’s pissed eyes follow us, but if he makes a move on my woman, there will be hell to pay.

  After dinner, there is a loud commotion. We look over and I see Nikolas, Annie’s younger brother, holding Aiden back while Aiden yells at a woman sitting at a table in the middle of the room. "You have no right showing up at my family's celebration with a date. After all these years, you need to stay out of my life. You kicked me out of your life all those years ago. You wouldn't listen to any explanation. You found me guilty and gave me no chance to prove myself innocent. Well, I'm over you, and you need to stay the fuck away from me. So, get out and never show up where I am again."

  After coldly threatening the woman, Aiden turns to Kevin Howard, an employee of Sterling-Ryan and the woman’s date, and informs him, "If she is your date, you are no longer invited to Sterling–Ryan functions. Get the fuck out before I have security throw your date out of here.”

  Kevin grabs the girl’s hand, and one of my security guards quickly escorts them from the room.

  Aiden turns and signals for Lukas to follow him to a back room, and Annie gets up and follows them. Bradley watches the doorway they went through, and I decide to warn him about his actions.

  “Look, I know you’re pissed about this situation, but you need to stay the fuck away from Annie. I won’t tolerate you trying to interfere with my relationship.” My words cause Bradley to smirk and stand across from me.

  “Fuck you,” he sneers and tries to walk away, but I catch his arm and look him in the eye.

  “Don’t fuck with me. Our family doesn’t need any more pettiness right now. We both apologized to you. It’s over and done. Move the fuck on.” He angrily rips his arm out of my grasp and stomps away without uttering another word.

  While I wait for Annie, I go to the bar and get a drink to calm down and wait with Nate, Teddy, and Max. Nate is complaining about his girlfriend hinting at an engagement ring, and for some reason, I let my mouth run away before I think about what I’m about to say. “Think about that shit long and hard. I’m forty-two, and I have never found a pussy good enough that it would tempt me to give up my freedom.”

  Stunned looks appear on all three men's faces right before Annie’s voice stuns me. “Aiden needs someone tonight. I’ll talk to you later.” I spin around, and fear invades my body at the dead, hollow look and unshed tears in her eyes.

  Fuck me. “Baby doll, why don’t I come with you? He may…” Pressing her for a chance to make this up to her, I try to persuade her to let me leave with her, but she cuts me off. She steps back and pulls her hand behind her when I reach for her.

  “No, you wouldn’t be any help. Goodbye.” She turns and walks away.

  Standing there watching her leave, I
wonder how the hell to fix this fuck-up. Goddamn it.

  Blake walks up and sees the looks of horror on the other faces and the look of regret on my face. Nate quietly fills him in on my fucking word vomit. His eyes widen, and he looks at me like I’ve lost my goddamn mind. Too pissed at myself to take their condemnation any longer, I get the fuck out of there.

  Sitting in my lonely living room, my stupid comments run through my brain on a continuous loop, and I want to kick my own ass for my stupidity. I decide the best course of actions is giving Annie tonight to cool down, but tomorrow, getting her to forgive me will be my top priority.

  The next day she ignores my apology and rejects the idea of giving me a second chance. After Annie cuts me out of her life, I’m losing my fucking mind. When she blocks my goddamn number, I feel like a fucking stalker.

  Aiden calls and gloats, “It didn’t take you long to fuck that up completely. Leave my sister alone. She’s fucking done with you.” Then he hangs up on me before I have a chance to reply.

  A week after the engagement party and Annie is nowhere to be found. Desperate to win her back, I send flowers and candy and all the cliché bullshit and even a basket of cat toys to the fucking menace.

  When I receive a thank you note from a pet shelter for the cat toy donations, I know my gifts aren’t helping my cause. Why the fuck would I say something so goddamn stupid, and why is Annie so difficult? She is staying pissed over a silly, reckless comment and choosing to forget my words and actions from the time we spent together before the engagement party.

  The day before his wedding, Lukas warns me to avoid contact with Bradley at the ceremony. As long as Bradley keeps his hands off of Annie, there will be no problems, I assure Lukas. When Madison calls to bitch at me for sleeping with Annie, I inform her that the whole situation is complicated and she needs to worry about her wedding.


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