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The Merger

Page 25

by Loni Ree

  "Annie, you need to hold on so I can get the doctor," Stella instructs her, and fear streaks across my wife's face.

  "Never mind, I have changed my mind. We will wait a while before we have a baby," Annie decides and starts to climb out of bed.

  I forget about my fear and scoot the chair over to her. Fear is written all over her face, but I take her beautiful face in my hands and kiss her on the nose. "Baby doll, our baby is coming now. Take it easy and wait for the doctor to get here."

  Before I even finish, the perky doctor walks in, and things really get rolling. Annie gets over her terror and breezes through the rest of the delivery.

  Five hours later, I sit at Annie's bedside, holding my tiny, amazing baby girl. Annie is passed out in the bed, too tired from the exorcism and birth to enjoy this time with our daughter. Elizabeth Nicole Steele is the most perfect baby in the world. Intense love for Annie and our child flows through me.

  Epilogue 2: Annie

  16 Years Later

  I stand in the kitchen and try not to laugh too loud as I listen to the argument between Drew and Elizabeth, our oldest. My youngest walks around the corner and sees me. Andrew gives me a look, so like his father, and my heart melts.

  "Mom, Dad and Elizabeth are at it again."

  "I know. You need to get your room cleaned so your dad isn't after you next," I warn him before he races out of the kitchen and up the stairs to his room. I walk around the corner in time to see Drew and Elizabeth in a staring contest.

  "Dad, I won't do more work than we already agreed on." She tries to refuse with her hands on her hips and a scowl on her face.

  "I don't remember asking you. I told you, if you want to spend the night at Ashley's house, you will clean your room and pick up the shit you left out in the theater room," Drew demands while standing over her and giving her his meanest look.

  "I can't believe you!" Elizabeth yells at her father after she stomps across the foyer, and I'm shocked when he laughs.

  "Believe it. This is a dictatorship, and I'm the dick, so go get to work." After his little speech, Drew turns and, after winking at me, walks into the kitchen. I shrug my shoulder at Elizabeth, who is standing there completely speechless. I guess my ingenious husband finally came up with a way to shut up our mouthy teenager. Elizabeth turns and stomps away, and I can't help but laugh.

  I follow Drew into the kitchen and find him leaning over the sink. "So, dick, how does this whole dictatorship thing work for me? Do I have to worship you or something?"

  He turns and licks his lips when he looks at me. "After the kids go to their friends’, I plan on reminding you all about my dick. I’ll worship your gorgeous little ass all over this house."

  "Oh, really? Then I think I'll go and help Elizabeth with her chores. I want to make sure she gets to have her sleepover at Ashley's tonight," I tease as I slip out of the kitchen.



  “Damn, Drew, you knocked my sister up again right after she had your first kid.” I know he won’t be able to catch me since he’s about to pass out from sleep deprivation. Mr. Asshole himself looks ready to fall over as he entertains his ten-month-old daughter, while my sister, who’s big as a house, waddles around ready to drop the next one at any time. Although he’s stayed in great shaped, Annie and the little one are running him ragged, and it couldn’t have happened to a better guy. I chuckle to myself as Elizabeth pulls on his arm hair to get his attention, causing him to jump and curse under his breath.

  “Lukas, stop being mean to my uncle.” Madison swats my ass as she walks up and puts her arms around me. After giving my darling wife a mock glare, I lean down and kiss her pouty lips and whisper a threat in her ear that makes her blush. When she asks, “Promise,” under her breath, I shake my head, and she heads over to relieve her exhausted uncle.

  “Drew, let me see her.” She reaches for Elizabeth, and the baby jumps into her arms. “Let’s go find Harper and Christopher.” Elizabeth’s eyes pop open, and she starts babbling unrecognizable words when Madison mentions our children’s names.

  The doorbell rings, and I hear Marcy, our housekeeper, talking before Blake and Lucy walk in with Lily. “Hey, where do you want the twins’ presents?” Blake holds up the brightly wrapped presents, and I point at the table in the corner of our sitting room. It’s hard to believe that our twins are already two years old. My brother Brayden scoops up Harper and tickles her, causing her to shriek, and Christopher clings to Brayden’s legs waiting for his turn. Our house is never dull with all the children around.

  “Well, my boy, are you going to have any more now that the twins are two?” My grandfather, Gramps George, walks up behind me.

  “No way. We can barely survive the Ryan Ruffians,” I joke, and Gramps George smacks my arm.

  “My angel babies are not ruffians.” He huffs then rolls his eyes when Brayden thunders through the room with a twin under each arm, acting like a gorilla. “Now that one, I’m not too sure about.” He points to my youngest brother and raises his eyebrows, and I have to agree.

  “Okay, King Kong, time for all the kids to wash hands before they get cake,” my gorgeous wife calls from the door, and screams of, “Cake,” fill the room, Brayden’s shouts being the loudest.

  Lily and the twins are having a blast smearing the icing all over themselves. I don’t think they have really eaten much of the cake. Annie is sitting next to Drew while he feeds Elizabeth bites of the sweet, and she seems to be enjoying her treat. “Drew, I really think she’s had enough.” Annie looks worried, but Drew waves her off and lets Elizabeth finish her small piece.

  After we scrub the munchkins, Madison announces it’s time to open presents. The twins race into the sitting room, ready to tear into their bounty. The ladies follow the kids while I stand in the back of the room with the men. Gramps George sits next to the table with Harper on his knee; he’s a big kid himself. The twins rip through their gifts in no time.

  While Madison and Lucy try to contain the chaos, Elizabeth runs to Drew with her tiny arms outstretched. As she passes me, I notice a green tint to her face, and I wisely step away from my friend, but Brayden isn’t so lucky. After lifting his daughter to his chest, Drew gives her a kiss right as she pukes down the front of him and Brayden who’s standing right next to him.

  A chain reaction begins with this as Brayden races to the trashcan and empties his stomach, causing my pregnant sister to waddle out of the room holding her mouth. Down the hall, the bathroom door slams behind her. Gramps George looks over at Drew and shakes his head. “My boy, you’ll learn. When your wife tells you to the kid has had enough cake, you stop feeding the baby cake right then.”

  Smothering my laugh behind a cough is hard, but the sight of Drew Steele covered in vomit while holding his wiggling daughter makes up for the disaster we’ll have to deal with now. There’s never a dull moment in the Ryan Family these days.

  The pukefest brought the fun and games to an end. Lukas’ wife almost murdered him when he laughed at Drew’s plight. Lucy is upstairs getting Lilybug ready for bed when I get a frantic call from Drew. The excitement of the day has caused Annie to go into premature labor, and they need to drop off Elizabeth on their way to the hospital.

  When I hear Drew’s truck screech into the driveway, I run out and grab Elizabeth. Drew looks terrified, and Annie is trying to stay calm for the both of them. “Keep us updated. Don’t worry about little bits; we’ve got her.” I barely jump back in time to keep him from running over my feet when he reverses out of my driveway.

  After reading several books to the girls, we manage to get Elizabeth to fall asleep snuggled up against Lily in the small toddler bed. While Lucy sleeps in the room with girls, I spend the night alone in our bed. The night is long and endless, and I finally say, “To hell with it,” and get up to start breakfast before the girls and Lucy start moving about.

  We are finis
hing up our meal when the phone rings. Lucy grabs the phone off the counter, and I’m left watching the girls while she bounces into the living room to answer the call.

  “Well?” I can’t take the suspense when she comes back into the room a few minutes later.

  “Thank God, Drew makes big babies. Even four weeks early, little Andrew is still six pounds, and they’re both okay. Well, Annie said Drew isn’t doing so hot, but hopefully, he’ll get over the ordeal soon.” Relief flows through me, and I can breathe easily for the first time since last night.

  “We need to get to the hospital to protect the staff from the angry papa,” I suggest then pick up Elizabeth while Lucy reaches for Lilybug. Lucy calls Madison and arranges to drop the girls off at the Ryans for their nanny to watch. When we get to the hospital, Annie is propped up in the hospital bed, smiling down at the little bundle in her arms. Drew looks nearly dead, draped across the chair on the side of her bed.

  “Blake, please convince my husband to go home and get some rest.” She smiles and hands the baby over to Lucy while I walk over and pat my friend on the back.

  “Let’s take a walk and let the girls gush over the baby.” He glares at me when I make the suggestion but stumbles to his feet and follows me after Annie looks at him and smiles.

  After getting out into the hall, I grab him by the arm, and when he blinks his bloodshot eyes, I insist, “Let me drive you home to shower and take a nap. Lucy can stay with Annie for a while. You look like hammered shit.”

  “I’ll tell Annie.” He rubs the back of his neck and walks back into the hospital room.

  Drew’s big ass is passed out when we get to his place, and as I’m trying to figure out how the fuck I’m going to drag him into the house, the front door opens, and Lukas walks out. “Help me get him in.”

  Lukas puts his hands on his hips and rolls his eyes. “Fuck me. We stopped by to check on the house, not do manual labor. The big bastard weighs a ton.” Then he calls over his shoulder, “Madison, hold the door open. We are going to be bringing in a load.”

  Luckily for us, Drew’s eyes open when I reach into the truck and touch his hand, but I almost get a fist to the jaw for my efforts. His exhaustion has slowed his reflexes. “Fuck, Drew, I was trying to get your dead ass inside.”

  “I’ll get my own ass inside.” He stumbles out of the truck and inside the house.

  Lukas shakes his head then turns to follow Drew, calling over his shoulder to me, “This is why I let them take a scalpel to my fucking balls.”

  “Way more info than I needed to know,” I mutter under my breath as I jog up the porch steps. “I’m getting mine cut as soon as possible,” I keep muttering. This has convinced me Lilybug is going to be an only child for sure.

  The thought of leaving Annie alone with two babies is killing me. Fuck. Blake has been running things at DRS with very little help from me for two weeks, and he’s ready to snap. Jessica called yesterday and told me to get my rear back into the office. Annie swears she has everything under control, and Madison and Lucy will both check on her, but fuck I’m dying here.

  Annie scared the fuck out of me two weeks ago when she walked out of the bathroom with no color in her face and her hand cover in blood. The thought of something happening to her or the baby had never entered my mind until that moment, and I nearly crumbled from the fear of losing them. Even now, weeks later, I still watch over them constantly to reassure myself that everything is okay. My dreams are filled with visions of life without Annie, and I know I’d never survive without my wife.

  “Okay, Doll Baby, you be a good girl for Daddy.” I kiss Elizabeth and let her babble away before I leave for the office while Annie feeds Andrew. After two weeks of seeing her all day long, I’m going to miss her today. When Annie walks into the kitchen and holds her arms out for Elizabeth, my heart breaks. “You know I could take more time if you need me to.”

  “Drew, go to work.” Annie pulls Elizabeth in for a hug and leans over to kiss me. Her warm lips soothe me some, and I have to tell my dick to stay calm. Four more weeks to go. “Call me later when you can come up for air. Now, go. Blake has been drowning.” She smiles, and I leave before the guilt and fear overtake me.

  Fortunately, problems at DRS occupy me for most of the morning, and before I realize it, Jessica is bringing in lunch. When I call Annie, she assures me things are fine at home, so I relax and go back to fixing issues. Walking into my house to find my daughter pulling pots out of the cabinets while my wife cooks dinner and my baby son sleeps in his swing is a new experience—one I get used to over the coming weeks. Annie easily transitions us into life with two children, and my fears slowly fade.

  Over time, the nightmares lessen, and I accept that I can’t watch over my family at all times. Love for them keeps me going, and I know my friends think it’s funny to see the mighty fucking fall in love, but for me, Annie and the kids have made my life incredible. Even though they test my patience daily.

  Things have turned out much better than I could have ever planned. When Drew Steele first approached me about this merger, I had my reservations. Lukas was a horrible match for Lucy Steele; the girl would have caused my boy to lose his mind. He needed a mild mannered sweetheart like dear Madison. Now, there’s a match made in heaven. She keeps him on his toes, and Lukas will never get bored with that girl. And, together, they have given me the two most adorable great-grandbabies ever.

  Lucy Steele made the right choice in Blake David. That boy has a good head on his shoulders, and he’s good and able to keep control of that little miss. She sure gave him a run for his money, and the boy deserved all he got, but I’m glad they found their way to each other. I shudder when I think about the little tyrant they’re raising. Lily is going to rule the world one day. Boy, she’s going to be a handful. Mark my words.

  Finally, there’s Drew himself. He came to me with the idea for this merger and even helped decide which couples would be best suited. Then, one day, he was fighting his nephew for my granddaughter. He decided Bradley wasn’t going to get Annie. The fallout almost tanked the merger, but Bradley bowed out, and cool heads prevailed.

  Now, the three couples are settled, and the merger has been completed. Steele Co. is secure under Bradley Steele’s leadership, and Sterling-Ryan still maintains its same position in the business world.

  I think it’s time to move on to getting Aiden, Nikolas, and Bradley Steele settled now. Brayden is still too young to worry about settling down, but my other three boys are old enough to enjoy the pleasures having a wife and children bring to your life…

  Thank you so much for reading The Merger:The Ryan Family Books One-Three. I hope you enjoyed this book and will consider leaving a review.

  Also by Loni Ree

  Lukas’ Angel (Ryan Family Book 1)

  Blake’s Bombshell (Ryan Family Book 2)

  Drew’s Undoing (Ryan Family Book 3)

  Aiden’s Second Chance (Ryan Family Book 4) Coming Early 2020


  Thank you, Karlee Fast for your friendship, support, and all the beautiful covers. I live to pester you, and I appreciate everything you do, so much.

  Thank you to all my new author friends, your support and friendship mean so much to me as I learn my way around this business.

  Thank you to the readers! I hope you enjoy reading the first three books in The Ryan Family Series as much as I enjoyed writing them.

  About the Author

  Loni Ree is an emerging author of Contemporary Romance. This is Loni’s fourth book. She plans on releasing several books in the upcoming months that will be available on Amazon.

  Loni Ree is a very busy mom of six who loves to read, and she finds that it helps her escape the chaos of everyday life. She likes quick reads that are red-hot and on the excessive side. Writing has also been a passion of hers, and Loni decided to share the stories floating around in her mind. Her short, steamy stories are a little over the top because she believes reading should be an escape fro
m real life. She writes steamy romance that turns Alphaholes into pussycats, and her books always have a happily ever after, guaranteed!


  I’d love to hear from you! You may write me at:

  5636 Telegraph Road


  St. Louis, MO 63151




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