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Christmas in Colorado (Colorado Crazy Book 7)

Page 6

by Milan Watson

  Scarlet felt her cheeks heat but tried to convince herself it was the wine, although she knew it wasn’t. He looked handsome enough to be on the cover of a magazine. His jeans were designer, no doubt, and the leather jacket made him seem even edgier than he had before.

  For a brief moment neither of them moved. Their gazes held and Scarlet could almost feel her skin prickling with awareness. She tried to remind herself never to have a crush again, especially since she was getting a little old for them at twenty-four, but if she was honest what she was feeling now wasn’t a childhood infatuation, it was the desire of woman for a man’s touch.

  A glass crashed somewhere and the sound broke the moment. She watched as Burke’s gaze moved to the other side of the table and heard Lisa’s startled gasp at the same time.

  “Burke?” Lisa’s voice was soft, but there was no doubt about what she’d said.

  Scarlet sighed, let the damage control begin.

  Chapter 12

  • ---------------------------- •

  After the heart to heart with his mother Burke was grateful for an excuse to get out of the house. It had been necessary, but slaughtering the darn recliner didn’t help the wounds they had scratched open; hopefully a beer would.

  He thought he’d slip into the Horseshoe and find a quiet spot by the bar to watch the bachelorette antics until the girls were ready to head home. His car couldn’t take more than four passengers, five if they really squeezed, so he had borrowed his mom’s SUV to play taxi-driver for the girls.

  What Burke didn’t expect was to walk into the Horseshoe and to be struck with that sudden jolt of attraction he felt every time he saw Scarlet. She wasn’t dancing with the other girls. She was nursing a glass of wine, her green eyes bright when they met his gaze.

  Burke had never considered a relationship after leaving White Horse Creek; he’d had too many things on his mind and too many demons to forget. But now, looking at Scarlet from across the bar, he felt something in his chest. Where the wounds of his past had oozed only a short while ago, it now warmed and swelled with something else.

  Scarlet was not his type at all. She was too tall, too brunette, and definitely too stubborn. Burke preferred his girls blonde, cute and curvy, and yet Scarlet held more appeal than any woman had. He couldn’t seem to drag his gaze away until he heard something crash. When he glanced in that direction and saw his first love looking at him as if he’d just stepped out of a grave, Burke smiled in acknowledgement before dragging in a deep breath.

  There was no getting out of facing Lisa. Now wasn’t the time to have the conversation they both needed to forgive and forget, but he wouldn’t ignore her either. There was a time when he’d loved her more than his own life; looking back now it had been puppy love, but he knew without a doubt he had broken her heart nonetheless.

  He crossed towards her, ignoring Scarlet and all the other familiar faces that waved at him. Lisa watched him with trepidation and accusation in her gaze, he couldn’t even blame her. He deserved it, all of it. “Lisa.” His voice was rough when he reached her.

  She shook her head in disbelief, looking pretty as a button with pink streaks in her hair to match her Barbie outfit. “Burke?”

  He shrugged and nodded. “I’m sorry I haven’t come to see you yet. It’s been crazy with the wedding stuff, and my ma, since getting in to town.”

  A wry grin tilted the corners of her mouth. “It’s been seven years, Burke; I really hope you don’t think I’m still waiting.”

  Burke chuckled, feeling the tension leave his body. “Yeah, no I didn’t. Besides, I hear you’ve wrangled yourself a rancher. Sam’s a good man, Lisa, you deserve someone like him.”

  Around them Burke noticed they had gathered an audience, Lisa noticed it about the same time. She smiled at him and her gaze softened. “You were a good man too.”

  Burke shook his head. “I don’t think now’s the time to tell you what happened back then. If you give me your number we can meet up, and I’ll explain. I don’t expect you to forgive me, but I’d like the chance to at least explain.”

  Lisa held his gaze for a moment before she nodded with a smile. “Sure, just don’t expect a miracle, Burke. I waited a long time for a miracle and finally gave up. You can stop by the Wash and Whirl anytime.”

  “The Laundromat is yours?” Burke asked, surprised.

  Lisa beamed. “No, the salon is mine. You should come, Burke.”

  He nodded, understanding they both needed to talk about the past. Another wound to scratch open, another apology to give. “Enjoy your evening.”

  Burke turned, and walked towards the bar, before breathing a sigh of relief. He had expected a different reaction from Lisa when he finally reached her. He wasn’t sure if she was keeping it together for Alice’s sake, or simply because he didn’t matter anymore. Either way, he’d stop by her salon.

  After ordering a beer, he slipped onto a stool and turned to watch the girls have their fun. His beer was about half done when he heard a voice beside him. “Thought we were going to grab that beer together?”

  Burke smiled as he turned to Andrew. “We will. What are you doin’ here?”

  “Lacy.” Andrew shrugged. “Told her I’d pick her up.”

  Andrew glanced towards the door and Burke followed his gaze as two other men entered the bar. The one was blond - with a boyish grin that Burke was sure the girls loved. The other was tall, dark haired, with a rugged look about him that contrasted with the gentle look in his gaze.

  “Great, you can meet Tanner and Jack,” Andrew said, whistling to the men to join them.

  “Tanner Bryant, Jack Turner, meet the elusive prodigal bad boy, Burke Birkowitz.”

  Burke cringed at the introduction before shaking the mens hands. “It’s good to meet you.”

  “Tanner here married Lewis Tate and it’s his spawn dancing on the dance floor.” Andrew chuckled at his own joke as he gestured to the bartender for two more beers. “Jack is the local vet, tending to livestock and pets and also to Jasmine Tate.”

  Jack laughed and shook his head. “Andrew, keep going buddy and you’ll be the one needing a ride home.”

  Burke laughed, liking Jack already.

  “You bein’ back in town has caused quite the uproar. Everyone’s speculating when you’ll up and disappear again like you’re some kind of magician,” Tanner said before chugging on his beer.

  Burke shook his head. “Yeah, I heard the town hasn’t had an act to follow since I left.” He grinned at the men and they all chuckled. It felt good, Burke realized; old friends, new friends and the same hangouts he preferred as a young man. The only difference was his father wouldn’t be waiting for him with his fists when he got home.

  “Guess you’re off the hook,” Andrew said when Tom stepped through the doors. Burke had seen him a few times since he arrived, and it was hard to admit his baby sister couldn’t have chosen a better man.

  Apparently she agreed when her screeching voice split through the noise of the rowdy bar on a Friday night. “Tom! I’m going to marry you!”

  Laughter sounded through the Horseshoe even as a few cheers were called out. Tom tugged a hand through his hair, with a foolish grin as if he’d just won the lottery, when Alice pushed through tables and people until she was in his arms.

  Burke smiled at the sight before turning away and taking another pull on his beer.

  “Since Tom’s here to pick up the bride-to-be I guess the rest will be ready to leave soon.”

  “Yeah.” Burke nodded. “I’ll stick around and make sure everyone gets home safe since I’m the one who put up the tab for the night.”

  “Burke! You’re back in town for a week and already getting the girls drunk?” Andrew teased, shaking his head in pretend disapproval.

  “Keep it down,” Tanner urged. “Do you know how much those pretty little pink drinks go for?” Tanner turned to Burke. “You’re a good man.”

  Burke laughed as he saw Tom slip an arm around his sister’s w
aist and lead her out the doors.

  Just like Andrew said, one by one the girls came to get their men waiting at the bar until there were only three ladies left, Scarlet being one of them. Burke finished his beer and headed to the table.

  “Come on, let’s get you guys home.”

  Two women glanced at him gratefully. Burke wasn’t sure but he thought the one worked at the grocery store and the other at the feed store with Andrew. They collected their purses and joined his side, but Scarlet hadn’t moved. “Scarlet?”

  “I don’t need a ride,” she said with a lazy grin that made need pool in his groin. “I’ve only had two glasses of wine.”

  Instead of her usual plain blouse she wore something sheer that slipped over her shoulder.

  “Yeah, you do sugar. Don’t fight; just let me take you home.”

  Her grin turned into a sultry smile. “Sugar? Who says I’m sweet?” She wasn’t inebriated, just tipsy enough for her guard to drop. She tugged on her parka before reaching for her purse. Once at his side she narrowed her eyes. “I’m riding shotgun.”

  Burke chuckled. “Fine, you’re riding shotgun. Come on.”

  After signing off the tab Burke led the girls to his mother’s SUV. Scarlet began laughing and had to stop to catch her breath. “Suits you, Burke.”

  He shook his head and opened the door for her, while the other two piled themselves in the back. “Just like a little buzz suits you,” he said with cocky grin that made her eyes widen with surprise before he shut the door.

  Chapter 13

  • ---------------------------- •

  Scarlet glanced at Burke from her seat and felt heat coil in her belly. She had never been one to follow whims when it came to attraction, but with Burke it was different. Her whole life she had a perception of who and what Burke Birkowitz was, and had crushed on him anyway. Now that she knew that he had more intriguing facets than his cocky attitude, she was captivated.

  He was distracted as he navigated through town while the girls in the back seat explained where they lived. Scarlet used the opportunity to let her gaze explore the curves of his face. His skin was tanned, another reminder that he wasn’t from here anymore, he lived on the other side of the country and she had no business wanting him.

  But his eyes fascinated her. The light blue irises guarded by thick black lashes were the windows to Burke’s soul, but why did she have a feeling he kept the drapes drawn? His jawline was dusted with light stubble and the column of his throat looked good enough to eat.

  Scarlet quickly turned her gaze back to the dark road in front of them. In White Horse Creek only the Main Road had streetlights, the rest of the town was dark, almost eerie at night. Her heart was racing in her chest when she realized he glanced at her too. The close proximity of being in a car with him had her skin alive with awareness.

  Being tipsy around a man like Burke was a very bad idea; Scarlet realized when their last passenger waved before heading into her home. He turned to her with a cocked brow and charming grin.

  “Care to direct me to your castle, my lady?”

  He was taunting her, but Scarlet still smiled back. “Same place as always. When my parents decided to retire in Vegas they allowed me to stay in the house.”

  “Vegas?” Burke asked, surprised as he took the next turn before glancing at her again. “They become dancers or gamblers in their old age?”

  Scarlet giggled at the mental image that had summoned of her conservative parents. “No, they joined a congregation that does a lot of out-reaches down there - because of the trouble caused by the dancers and gamblers.”

  Burke flinched. “Oops, sorry. I forgot Mr. Miller was about the most conservative guy I remember from back then.”

  “Yup, that’s daddy dear.” Scarlet pointed to her house a few houses up the road. “That’s me.”

  Burke turned into the drive behind her light blue hatchback before turning to her. “Thanks for tonight, Scarlet, Alice is lucky to have a friend like you.”

  Scarlet smiled as she climbed out of the car. She vaguely heard what Burke said, but she couldn’t seem to drag her gaze from his mouth as he spoke. When Burke climbed out of the car and walked her to the door her heart began to race. He hadn’t walked anyone else to the door.

  Why her?

  A small voice in the back of her mind taunted her; why him?

  She slipped her key into the lock and turned to Burke. For a moment she just searched his gaze, hoping to see who the real man was behind the tough act and cocky attitude. “You’re nothing like I thought you were. Tonight… what you did…” Scarlet sighed as a smiled tugged at the corners of her mouth. “You’re great brother, Burke.”

  He held her gaze and Scarlet felt that hot punch of need race through her veins. When was the last time she took a chance? The last time she leapt off a cliff hoping to fly? Her tongue glided over her lips as she wondered what Burke would taste like, and her mouth tilted into a sexy grin.

  She leaned in and curiously brushed her mouth over his. His lips were smooth and firm, but soft enough to make her want to go back for more. When she moved away her breath had quickened, surprised by how sexy a single peck could be. “Good night, Burke.”

  Burke nodded, holding her gaze. His mouth was set in a firm line; his eyes had that cold edge that made them hard to read again. For a moment Scarlet thought he was angry, until the cold edge melted and his eyes darkened. She wasn’t sure what happened next, all she knew was that one moment she was looking at Burke and the next moment his one hand was at her waist, the other around the back of neck and their mouths were fused together. He teased her lips with his tongue until she opened for him. He slipped into her mouth with sexy strokes, teasing her tongue to join in the play.

  Scarlet was helpless but to obey. Her evening bag dropped to the floor as she reached for him. Her hands cruised over his stubbled jaw as she indulged in being reckless for the first time in years. She didn’t think of all the reasons why she shouldn’t be making out with Burke; instead she just focused on how much she wanted to.

  Need pulsed between her thighs, her heart was racing in her chest even as her body yearned for more than the light touch on her hip and the back of her neck. Nerve endings snapped all over her body even as a jolt of heat trailed from her spine to low in her belly. She knew she needed to step back, to stop this madness before it spiraled even further out of her control, but she couldn’t.

  She simply couldn’t seem to stop kissing him. Their heads tilted this way and that as they tested each other for taste and texture, until finally Burke stepped back and brushed his thumb over his lips, still moistened from their kiss. He flashed her a grin, but it wasn’t the cocky one she had seen before. This was more knowing, more intimate.

  “Get some sleep, Scarlet, we’re goin’ wedding gown shoppin’ in the morning’.”

  He didn’t wait for her answer or for her to regain control of her senses before he walked away. But when he stopped at the car and turned look at her, she knew she didn’t imagine it. That kiss had been just as potent and electrifying for him as it was for her.

  She watched him drive away and already wished he hadn’t left. Her body ached for his touch; need spiraled out of control unsatisfied, but the worst part was the way her heart had swelled after the kiss when he looked at her.

  Bending to pick up her evening bag Scarlet headed inside, realizing the biggest damage control she needed to do when Burke left town was getting over the heartbreak of losing him a second time.

  Only this time she’d have a pretty good idea of what she was losing.

  Chapter 14

  • ---------------------------- •

  The following morning Burke drank his coffee on the patio out back. Before he’d left it had been his favorite spot, but not in the heart of winter. The backyard was covered with snow, the temperature below zero, and yet this morning Burke preferred the cold to the warmth of the kitchen.

  He hoped the frosty wind would blow the cobwebs o
f Scarlet out of his mind. Burke was accustomed to being reckless; heck he wouldn’t have been on the rodeo circuit if he wasn’t. But last night was another type of reckless. It was the kind of recklessness he had avoided for years.

  When Scarlet brushed her lips over his, with bright eyes and a sexy smile, he knew touching her would be dangerous. He just didn’t know how dangerous it was going to be. All doubts and reason had escaped his mind as soon as he kissed her. She tasted of forbidden promises and need, both made him helpless but to kiss her until he was breathless and his mind was blank.

  He stepped away knowing a few seconds more and the kiss would have gone a lot further. He left before he made another mistake in his home town, but ever since he walked away from Scarlet her scent, her taste, and that need-filled look in her eyes had stayed with him.

  Somewhere during the night he wondered if she had kissed him out of curiosity or because she was tipsy. For some reason it bothered him that it might have been the wine, but deep down Burke knew she hadn’t indulged like the other girls. She was in complete control of her actions, and that’s what frightened Burke the most. He had one beer and had been a slave to her touch; he had tossed and turned all night craving more.

  “Are you ready?” Alice’s chirpy voice cut through his thoughts as she joined him on the patio. “Why in the blue moons are you sitting out here, it’s freezing.”

  Burke smiled at his little sister. Today he was taking her wedding dress shopping; if he hadn’t come back she would have settled for a rental. “I’m ready and I’m out here to remind myself that I’m still a man regardless of the fact that I’ll be spending my day surrounded by tulle and lace.”


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