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Christmas in Colorado (Colorado Crazy Book 7)

Page 9

by Milan Watson

  “Not just about you.” Burke shook his head. “It started when I was nine years old, Lisa. He beat me, too many times to count. When I got older I fought back. I’m starting to realize now that he liked that. He would wait up for me when I got home and pick a fight.”

  “The bruises… they weren’t bar fights?” Lisa asked, baffled.

  “No, they weren’t bar fights,” Burke admitted quietly. “That night he went after Ma when she tried to stop him. I left because I knew he wasn’t going to stop unless I left.”

  “Burke I…” Lisa shook her head, her eyes narrowed. “Why didn’t you tell me? Hell, we were on the verge of getting engaged and I didn’t know.”

  Burke shrugged. “Some secrets are meant to be kept secret, I guess. I felt ashamed; my old man wanted my girlfriend and found pleasure in beating me. It’s not something I’m proud of.”

  Lisa nodded. Silence settled over the salon. Only the sound of the radio playing in the background. After a while Burke drew in a deep breath. “I should have told you, but I couldn’t. I’m sorry that I hurt you, Lisa. I loved you…”

  “I loved you too.” The words were soft as she met his gaze. “If I’d known I would have come with you.”

  Burke shook his head. “You would have and I knew you wouldn’t want to. That’s why I left without you. I knew you dreamed of staying in White Horse Creek. I knew you had your own dreams of becoming a hairdresser … and look what you’ve achieved.”

  She glanced around the salon and smiled. “It’s pretty awesome, right?”

  “It is. Are we good?” Burke asked, feeling like a teenager again.

  Lisa laughed, standing up. “There is still the matter of cutting your throat, but I’ll settle for a close shave.” She picked up a strand of his hair and met his gaze in the mirror. “I blamed you for a long time, Burke. I doubted myself for a long time, but we weren’t to be. What I have with Sam… it’s so much more than what we had. We were young and in love, and I guess I should thank you…”

  “Thank me?” Burke asked, surprised.

  “If you hadn’t left we probably would have been hitched, and I would have ended up having an affair with Sam. It’s better this way.”

  Burke couldn’t help but laugh. “He’s that great, huh?”

  Lisa blushed with a bright smile. “Better.”

  She started cutting his hair as she filled him in about the last few years. By the time he had collected Pal he felt a big weight off his shoulders. “Thanks, Lisa. I’m sorry I wasn’t honest with you.”

  Lisa nodded. “I get it, but you’re grown up now, Burke, no more excuses. Next time you love a girl you share everything with her, not just your sexy smile.”

  Burke laughed as he walked out of the Wash and Whirl. He’d always feel affection for Lisa, but he was glad that she’d found Sam. It was clear they were crazy in love. As for him, he was tired of dancing around Scarlet.

  They’d been playing around the attraction between them for two weeks and for the first time in his life Burke wanted to share his feelings before he shared his bed.

  Instead of heading home, he headed to Scarlet’s house.

  Chapter 19

  • ---------------------------- •

  Scarlet arrived home late afternoon. The party favors had all been packed and Alice was having an early night in with her mom. Scarlet planned on trying a cold shower to cool the blood that was still heated by Burke’s kiss.

  She had been careful about keeping her guard up all afternoon, although she wanted nothing more than to ask Alice if she’d known. Instead she’d kept the conversation light while her thoughts circled on Burke. What would have happened if Alice and Rowena hadn’t arrived when they did?

  The wedding was in three days and instead of checking her lists she was fantasizing about Burke. Shaking her head she hooked up her phone to the surround system and hit play on her favorite playlist. She phoned for pizza and poured herself a glass before heading to the living room, when she heard a knock at the door.

  Grateful the delivery was fast she headed to the door. “Coming, let me just grab the cash,” she called out, grabbing her purse on the way.

  She opened the door and instead of the usual teenager, there stood Burke, Pal by his side, pizza in his hands. “I took care of it,” he said, holding out the pizza.

  Scarlet frowned, unsure what to say or why he was there. “Burke?”

  Pal suddenly yapped and Scarlet jumped back in fear, but instead of attacking her the pup’s tail began wagging with excitement as it lapped at her leg.

  Scarlet laughed, funny how the puppy’s dislike of her had bothered her before. She rubbed his head and smiled up at Burke. “He finally likes me.”

  Burke nodded, his gaze dark. “So do I.”

  The air thickened with heat regardless of the flurries falling down. Scarlet stood up and opened the door wider to let them in.

  Burke bent down to unclip Pal’s leash before meeting her gaze. “If you’d rather he wait in the laundry room…”

  Scarlet shook her head. “He’s fine right here.”

  “Mind if we talk?” Burke asked with a serious expression.

  Scarlet’s heart skipped a beat. Talk was the last thing she wanted to do but at least one of them was being sensible. She nodded. “Wine? I just poured myself a glass.”

  Burke nodded and followed her to the kitchen. He glanced around her house before meeting her gaze. “It’s organized and clean…”

  Scarlet laughed. “That’s exactly the look I was going for.”

  Burke shrugged. “It suits you.” He accepted the glass of wine before following Scarlet to the living room where she had started a fire when she got home.

  She watched him sit down and wondered what he wanted to talk about. “Better now?”

  Burke nodded. “I went to see Lisa, like you said. You were right, we needed to talk.”

  “I’m glad the air’s cleared between you,” Scarlet said, suddenly feeling jealous of their past relationship.

  “She’s the reason I’m here,” Burke said, meeting her gaze. “She said I should be honest the next time I fall in love.”

  Scarlet felt her heart begin to race and took a sip of wine, hoping it would calm it down. “Really?”

  “Really. So this is me being honest.” Burke sighed and set down the glass. “I’m in love with you, although I don’t understand it. It’s only been three kisses and a few weeks, and yet I can’t get you out my mind. I don’t know where this is heading, Scarlet, I just know that I want you.”

  Scarlet expected charm, or even flirting to get her into bed. She didn’t expect this raw honesty, for some reason it was more seductive than the other two could have ever been. “I want you too.” He gave her honesty and the least she could do was give it back.

  Burke nodded and reached for her hand. “I’ve had women, Scarlet, but I’ve only ever made love to one. It’s been established that what we had is in the past. I’d like to make love to you to find out what’s in the future.”

  Scarlet felt her heart blossom at his gentle words. Without saying a word she stood up and pulled off a blanket from the couch before laying it down in front of the fireplace. She walked to the kitchen and called Pal, finding him a few slices of cold cut meat, and tempted him into the laundry room.

  When she walked back to the living room she knew her choice had been made; she wanted Burke and she would deal with the repercussions later. Burke stood up and watched her approach with a questioning gaze.

  Scarlet didn’t say a word as she began unbuttoning her shirt.

  Reading between the lines Burke moved forward and took over. His touch was soft, his eyes dark as his hands moved over her. He reached for the snap of her jeans and helped her slip out of them after kicking off her sneakers.

  The Christmas tree flickered joyfully in the corner of the room. There were no gifts underneath, but Scarlet didn’t need any, right now she had Burke.

  She framed his face and felt her heart c
lench in her chest. He had her heart in his hands and she knew he could crush it when he left, but for tonight she wouldn’t think about tomorrow. She pushed off his jacket and reached for the hem of his shirt.

  When they were both stripped down to their underwear, the heat from the fire warming them, Burke framed her face and kissed her.

  This time it wasn’t a race for passion or a confirmation or arousal, instead it was slow and tender. It was achingly sweet as his hands began cruising over her back to rid her of her bra. Scarlet’s breath caught when the lace whispered to the floor.

  Together they lowered to the blanket in front of the fire.

  When Scarlet met his gaze she could see the man she wanted there. The vulnerable Burke, the one who had revealed his secrets to her, the man that had left to protect his sister and his mother. His blue gaze searched hers before her name was whispered from his lips like a cherished prayer.

  Hands began exploring even as their mouths crushed against each other. Scarlet explored the texture of his skin, the hard ridges of his muscles, the smooth lines of his hips. He was beautiful, he was scarred. She kissed every scar knowing where it had come from before moving back to his mouth.

  She had expected their first time to fast, passion fueled; she didn’t expect it to be slow and tender. Scarlet’s breath caught when his mouth began a journey over her torso. He stopped here and there to press moist kisses over her skin, making need pulse between her thighs.

  When he lowered her to the blanket Scarlet sighed with ecstasy. He was big and strong and yet he was vulnerable. He was a man with so many depths; she wanted to explore every single one. She could feel sweat beading on his skin as he teased her entrance … she let her hands trail over his back.

  Her breath caught when he slipped into her. It felt right, it felt wonderful, it felt like heaven, she thought before her mind grew empty of every single thought. They fell into a dance as old as time, but this time it was different than it had ever been before. It was more intoxicating, more overwhelming, more passionate…

  It was more…

  Burke was more…

  In the back of her mind she knew he could break her heart, but to have him move over her felt too good to worry about that now. He whispered her name again but this time there was urgency in his voice. This time she knew it wasn’t just sex; he was staying true to his word.

  Burke was making love to her, like she always dreamed she would.

  Her heart soared even as she was whipped up into a funnel of pleasure. Her head began to spin even as need spiraled out of control. She was helpless to fight against it, she didn’t want to. Instead she grabbed onto Burke and hoped she would never have to let go.

  When she finally caught her breath, his delicious weight settled on top of her, a slow grin tugged at the corners of her mouth. “I think we need to try that again.”

  Burke chuckled low against her neck. “I think we need to try that a few more times.” He flashed her that grin that made her insides tilt upside down.

  Scarlet playfully nipped his lip. How could it be like this … tender, passionate, and fun … all at the same time? She didn’t know, but right now she didn’t care either. Burke was so much more than she thought him to be.

  And if she was lucky, Santa would play along and give her his heart for Christmas.

  Chapter 20

  • ---------------------------- •

  Burke woke up with Scarlet nestled against his side and Pal licking at his face. “Yeah, yeah I got it,” he mumbled sleepily at the pup.

  He glanced at Scarlet and his heart swelled in his chest. For the first time in years he wasn’t looking for an escape, instead he was looking for a reason not to stay. The pup yapped again and Burke had never more regretted having the little blond ball of fluff. It was just after three in the morning and he didn’t want Pal to wake Scarlet.

  He carefully shifted and slipped out of bed, glancing at her one more time before heading to take Pal out. An inch of snow had fallen during the night and the powder covered her entire backyard. Burke yawned as he slid open the sliding door and Pal rushed out. There was a light burning in the kitchen and it occurred to Burke that she must have got up some time after he fell asleep to turn out the other lights.

  A strange sense of home rushed over him. It felt right; it felt like he belonged in White Horse Creek with Scarlet. The thought was so unexpected it chased the last dregs of sleep from his mind. He rubbed a hand over his eyes as the puppy played in the snow, and let out a heavy sigh.

  Was he ready for this? Was he ready for the girlfriend, the house and the dog? Fear clutched at his throat. He wanted all of that but he was afraid it would turn him into his father. That the regrets would add up and turn him into a monster. Pal rushed towards him, yapping happily as if it were playtime, and the only thing Burke could think of was finding that escape.

  He couldn’t turn into John Birkowitz, and settling down would be the first step in that direction. Burke headed back to the bedroom where he had lost his mind and his heart only a few hours before, and searched in the dark for his clothes. He dressed in record time and glanced at the bed one last time before heading out, taking Pal with him. He locked the front door and tossed the keys in through the mail-flap in the door before heading to his car.

  When he arrived home he knew sleep wouldn’t come. Instead he made himself some coffee and settled in front of the fire with the dog. There was a Christmas tree standing in the corner of the room that hadn’t been there earlier. Either his mother, or Alice, had remembered to put it up amidst the wedding chaos.

  Glancing into the fire he thought of Scarlet. She was unlike any woman he’d met. She was so much more; she was it for him he realized with a sigh.

  Could he really run from his past for the rest of his life, or was it time he left Florida to the pensioners and came back home?

  The thought appealed to him more than he cared for, but there was also the matter of what coming back to White Horse Creek would mean. He thought of his father and how the small town had brought him down; would it be the same for him?

  Needing something to take his mind off the conflicting thoughts he powered up his laptop and began working on a design for Scarlet’s Etsy shop. If he left, at least he would have left her something, a piece of him, he thought.

  He didn’t notice the hours tick by or the light coming through the windows. The site was for Scarlet’s Beads and he wanted it to better than anything he’d done before.

  “You’re up early,” Alice said cheerfully as she came down the stairs.

  Burke glanced up and realized it was after eight. “Yeah.” He nodded, not expanding about the fact that he’d spent the night with her best friend.

  “What is that? Scarlet’s Beads?” Alice asked, impressed. “Burke, it’s wonderful. The colors are so her, did she choose them?”

  Burke shook his head. “Improvising here.”

  “Well she’s going to love it.” Alice headed to the kitchen and started a pot of coffee. The scent reached Burke as he put his laptop away and went in search of a cup.

  Burke sat down and thought of Scarlet, he had done a few things she loved last night as well. But the problem was if he thought he was falling in love with her before, he knew for a fact that he was now.

  How he felt about that he wasn’t quite sure yet, all he knew was that he couldn’t seem to get her scent, or her taste, out of his head.

  “Have you been up all night doing that for Scarlet?”

  Burke nodded accepting the cup of coffee; he wouldn’t tell his sister what else he’d been doing for Scarlet.

  Chapter 21

  • ---------------------------- •

  Scarlet woke up alone. She couldn’t help but be disappointed. After what they shared she thought he’d at least stay until morning. She convinced herself during a hot shower that he left because neither of them wanted to explain his absence to Alice.

  It was the twenty-second of December, and although most of
her Christmas shopping was done she still had a few things she wanted to grab this morning. Scarlet’s Beads was officially closed for the next few days, not only for Alice’s wedding but for a well deserved Christmas break.

  A smile curved her mouth as she headed to her car; perhaps Burke wouldn’t mind making that break worth her while again.

  Last night had been everything she ever dreamed of and more. Yesterday was a turning point in their connection, since she couldn’t yet call it a relationship. It had been all-consuming, honest and raw, and more than anything it had been wonderful.

  She couldn’t wait to see him again. They hadn’t talked about the future or what would happen next, but last night hadn’t been just sex, of that she was sure the moment he told her that he was in love with her.

  After a few stops in town and ticking off the final items on her Christmas list, she headed over to the Birkowitz house. The library would be closed until the New Year, which meant she could go over the last few things with Alice – and hopefully see Burke. Scarlet hadn’t thought of how she should act around him after last night, but she didn’t care, she just wanted to see him again.

  Alice opened the door on the first knock. “Hey! Do you also feel like a kid on Christmas break?”

  Scarlet laughed. “Pretty much.” Her eyes darted over Alice’s shoulders in search of Burke, but there wasn’t a sign of him anywhere.

  She followed Alice into the house and saw Rowena was putting up more decorations. “Hey Mrs. B.”

  “Scarlet, don’t you look glowing this morning. Good night’s rest?” Rowena asked with a kind smile.

  Scarlet nearly cringed. She wouldn’t admit to Burke’s mother it was what came before the sleep that put the smile on her face and the skip in her step. “Yeah, great sleep.”

  Alice called her to the kitchen where a cup of cocoa was already waiting. “So two days and I’m a married woman, I can hardly believe it.”

  Scarlet smiled warmly. “I know, but you’re going to be so happy. Have you started moving some of your stuff?”


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