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Valeria, the Martyr of the Catacombs: A Tale of Early Christian Life in Rome

Page 11

by W. H. Withrow



  The Empress Valeria had not forgotten her purpose to discover, ifpossible, the father of her freed-woman, Callirho[e:], and at the earliestopportunity took steps to accomplish her design. It was, she knew, atask of much difficulty, and one that required an intelligent andconfidential agent. It was also of the utmost importance that some signof identity should be exhibited as a guarantee of the good faith of theagent. With this view the Empress one day, as she sat at her toilet inthe apartment described in our third chapter, thus interrogated herfreed-woman and namesake, Valeria Callirho[e:].

  "Hast thou any token, child," she asked, "by which, should we find thyfather, he would be assured of thy identity?"

  "I was despoiled of everything, your Majesty," said the girl, "by thepirates by whom we were captured; except the clothes in which I stood.All my rings and jewellery were rudely snatched away, and I never sawthem again."

  "What is that little amulet I have seen thee wear?" asked the Empress;"I think thou hast it now."

  "Oh, that was so trivial and valueless," said Callirho[e:], "that theyeither overlooked it or thought it not worth taking;" and she drew fromthe folds of her robe, where it hung suspended by a silken cord abouther neck, a cornelian stone, carved into the shape of a tiny fish,[25]on which was inscribed the word, [Greek: S[O>]T[E>]RS[O>]T[E>]R], or "Saviour," andon the other side the letters [Greek: KAL.D[E>]M[E>]T.THYG]--a contraction for"Callirho[e:] daughter of Demetrius."

  "Trivial as it is," said the girl, with emotion, "it is something whichI value above all price. My sainted mother, before she died, took itfrom her neck and put it upon mine; and I hope to wear it while I live."

  "You do not regard it as an amulet, or charm against evil spirits, I amsure, like some Christians, who have not quite shaken off their pagansuperstitions."

  "Nay, your Majesty, but as a symbol of our holy faith. Yet it might wellbe a spell to keep my soul from sin, so sacred are its associations."

  "I want you to give it to me," said the Empress.

  "It is yours, your Majesty," said the girl, taking it from her neck, andpassionately kissing it. "To no one else on earth would I give it; butfrom my best benefactress I can withhold nothing."

  "I would not put thee to the pain of parting with it," said the Empress,with a kind caress, "but I need it as a clue, to find, if possible, thyfather, and when found, as an identification of his child. I do not wishto raise hopes which may be doomed to disappointment; but I am about tomake a strenuous effort to discover thy sire."

  "A thousand thanks, dearest lady," exclaimed the grateful girl, kissingher mistress's hands and bedewing them with her tears. "I feel sure thatGod will reward your efforts, and answer my ceaseless prayers."

  In pursuance of her purpose, the Empress wrote upon a scroll ofparchment the following letter to her faithful counsellor, Adauctus:--

  "Valeria, consort of the co-Emperor Galerius C[ae]sar--to Adauctus, Treasurer of the Imperial Exchequer, greeting:

  "Honoured Servant,--Thy mistress hath need of a faithful and intelligent agent, to execute a delicate and difficult mission. He must be of good address, and must be a man whom I can implicitly trust. When thou hast found such, bring him with thee to the palace." L.S.

  Having bound the scroll with a silken cord, and affixed her signet inpurple wax, and addressed the document to the Imperial Treasurer, shesent it by a soldier of the guard, whom we would describe in modernparlance as an orderly-in-waiting, to Adauctus.

  During the latter part of the day, the chamberlain announced a visitfrom "His Excellency the Imperial Treasurer." That officer was receivedwith much honour by the Empress, who was attended only by her faithfulfreed woman.

  "Many thanks, your Excellency, for your prompt attendance. Have youfound me the paragon whom I require?"

  "I cannot avouch for that, your Majesty, but he is highly commended byhis master, an honest soldier, who places him at your Majesty's service.Of his nimble wit and subtle parts, I can myself bear witness, and myown servant testifies that if not a Christian, he is at least a sincereinquirer after the truth."

  The Empress briefly explained the nature of the commission which shewished executed, and asked that the proposed agent, who waited in anante-room, might be presented. In a moment the chamberlain announced ourold friend Isidorus. With bowed head and hands folded upon his breast,he stood on the threshold, and then advancing, knelt gracefully beforethe Empress. He evidently made a good impression, for her Majesty smiledgraciously and said:--

  "It is a difficult quest on which I would send thee, but thou shalt bewell rewarded for thy fidelity and zeal."

  "My humble services, my life, are at your Majesty's disposal," said theGreek. "I shall deem myself well rewarded by your Majesty's favour."

  "See'st thou this lady?" asked the Empress, pointing to Callirho[e:]. "Tofind her sire in this wide world--that is thy task;" and she brieflyexplained the nature of the commission.

  The youth gazed long and earnestly on the fair face of the girl, andreplied, "Those features once seen can never be forgotten. If I findanywhere on earth aught resembling them, I shall not fail to recognizethe likeness. In such a quest I would gladly search the wide worldover."

  "My chamberlain will amply equip you for your journey, and will give youa letter, with the Emperor's seal, to all the Roman prefects in Italy;and, by the Divine favour, I trust you will bring us good tidings."

  "So may it be," said the youth, as he retired from the presence, giving,as he did so, a lingering look at Callirho[e:], who, with dilated eyes andparted lips, gazed at him with an intensity of entreaty that would haveproved an inspiration to a less susceptible nature than his.


  [25] These objects, of which the writer has examined several, were givento neophytes on the occasion of their baptism, as an emblem of theirholy faith. (See explanation of the symbol of the fish in last chapter,p. 82.) They were often used as a sign of membership in the ChristianChurch, somewhat like our modern class-tickets.


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