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Lawfully Pursued (Christian Opposites Attract Romance): A SWAT Lawkeeper Romance

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by Lorana Hoopes

  Lawfully Pursued

  A SWAT Lawkeeper Romance

  Lorana Hoopes

  For my Family who lets me write.

  For the Lawkeepers out there who protect us.

  To Jesse K. Thanks for being the inspiration for the Jesse in my book.


  Introduction to The Lawkeepers Series

  Note from the Author

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  14. Six Months Later

  It’s not quite the end!

  About The Author

  Also By Author

  Copyright © 2018 by Lorana Hoopes

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum

  Introduction to The Lawkeepers Series

  There’s just something fascinating about a man wearing an emblem of authority. The way the light gleams off that shiny star on his badge makes us stare with respect. Couple that with a uniform hugging his body in just the right way, confidence, and mission to save and protect, it’s no wonder we want to know what lies underneath.

  Yes, what echoes deep inside those beating hearts is inspiring. Certainly appealing. Definitely enticing. Although those ripped muscles and strong shoulders can make a woman’s heart skip a beat—or two—it takes a strong, confident person to choose to love someone who risks it all every day. Anyone willing to become part of a lawkeeper’s world might have a story of their own to tell.

  The undeniable charisma lawmen possess make all of us pause and take note. It’s probably why there are so many movies and TV shows themed around the justice system. We’re captivated by their ability to save babies, help strangers, and rescue damsels in distress. We’re captivated by their ability to protect and save, defend the innocent, risk their lives, and face danger without hesitation. Of course, we expect our heroes to stay solid when we’re in a mess. We count on them for safety, security, and peace of mind. From yesterday to today, that truth remains constant.

  Their valor inspires us, their integrity comforts, and their courage melts our hearts—irresistibly. But there’s far more to them than their courageous efforts. How do they deal with the difficulties they face? Can they balance work and life? And how do they find time for love outside their life of service?

  We want to invite you on a journey—come with us as we explore the complex lives of the men and women who serve and protect us every day. Join us in a fast-paced world of adventure. Walk into our tight-knit world of close friendships, extended family, and danger—as our super heroes navigate the most treacherous path of all—the road to love.

  The Lawkeepers. Historical and modern-day super heroes; men and women of bravery and valor, taking love and law seriously. A multi-author series, sure to lock up your attention and take your heart into custody.

  Visit The Lawkeepers on Facebook

  Note from the Author

  Thank you so much for picking up this book. I hope you enjoy the story and the characters as they are dear to my heart. If you do, please leave a review at your retailer. It really does make a difference because it lets people make an informed decision about books. Below are the other books in this series. I would love for you to check them out. I’d also like to offer you a sample of my newest book. This will sign you up for my newsletter which allows me to send you weekly emails with news and promotional information about my books, but you are welcome to cancel any time. Free Sample!

  Lawkeepers series:

  Lawfully Justified

  Lawfully Matched

  Lawfully Redeemed


  Brie Carter fell back spread eagle on her queen-sized canopy bed sending her blond hair fanning out behind her. With a large sigh, she uttered, “I’m bored.”

  “How can you be bored? You have like millions of dollars.” Her friend, Ariel, plopped down in a seated position on the bed beside her and flicked her raven hair off her shoulder. “You want to go shopping? I hear Tiffany’s is having a special right now.”

  Brie rolled her eyes. Shopping? Where was the excitement in that? With her three platinum cards, she could go shopping whenever she wanted. “No, I’m bored with shopping too. I have everything. I want to do something exciting. Something we don’t normally do.”

  Brie enjoyed being rich. She loved the unlimited credit cards at her disposal, the constant apparel of new clothes, and of course the penthouse apartment her father paid for, but lately, she longed for something more fulfilling.

  Ariel’s hazel eyes widened. “I know. There’s a new bar down on Franklin Street. Why don’t we go play a little game?”

  Brie sat up, intrigued at the secrecy and the twinkle in Ariel’s eyes. “What kind of game?”

  “A betting game. You let me pick out any man in the place. Then you try to get him to propose to you.”

  Brie wrinkled her nose. “But I don’t want to get married.” She loved her freedom and didn’t want to share her penthouse with anyone, especially some man.

  “You don’t marry him, silly. You just get him to propose.”

  Brie bit her lip as she thought. It had been awhile since her last relationship and having a man dote on her for a month might be interesting, but…. “I don’t know. It doesn’t seem very nice.”

  “How about I sweeten the pot? If you win, I’ll set you up on a date with my brother.”

  Brie cocked her head. Was she serious? The only thing Brie couldn’t seem to buy in the world was the affection of Ariel’s very handsome, very wealthy, brother. He was a movie star, just the kind of person Brie could consider marrying in the future. She’d had a crush on him as long as she and Ariel had been friends, but he’d always seen her as just that, his little sister’s friend. “I thought you didn’t want me dating your brother.”

  “I don’t.” Ariel shrugged. “But he’s between girlfriends right now, and I know you’ve wanted it for ages. If you win this bet, I’ll set you up. I can’t guarantee any more than one date though. The rest will be up to you.”

  Brie wasn’t worried about that. Charm she possessed in abundance. She simply needed some alone time with him, and she was certain she’d be able to convince him they were meant to be together. “All right. You’ve got a deal.”

  Ariel smiled. “Perfect. Let’s get you changed then and see who the lucky man will be.

  A tiny tug pulled on Brie’s heart that this still wasn’t right, but she dismissed it. This was simply a means to an end, and he’d never have to know.

  Jesse Calhoun relaxed as the rhythmic thudding of the speed bag reached his ears. Though he loved his job, it was stressful being the SWAT sniper. He hated having to take human lives and today had been especially rough. The team had been called out to a drug bust, and Jesse was forced to return fire at three hostiles. He didn’t care that they fired at his team and himself first. Taking a life was always hard, and every one of them haunted his dreams.

  “You gonna bust that one too?” His co-worker Brendan appeared by his side. Brendan was
the opposite of Jesse in nearly every way. Where Jesse’s hair was a dark copper, Brendan’s was nearly black. Jesse sported paler skin and a dusting of freckles across his nose, but Brendan’s skin was naturally dark and freckle free.

  Jesse flashed a crooked grin, but kept his eyes on the small, swinging black bag. The speed bag was his way to release, but a few times he had started hitting while still too keyed up and he had ruptured the bag. Okay, five times, but who was counting really? Besides, it was a better way to calm his nerves than other things he could choose. Drinking, fights, gambling, women.

  “Nah, I think this one will last a little longer.” His shoulders began to burn, and he gave the bag another few punches for good measure before dropping his arms and letting it swing to a stop. “See? It lives to be hit at least another day.” Every once in a while, Jesse missed training the way he used to. Before he joined the force, he had been an amateur boxer, on his way to being a pro, but a shoulder injury had delayed his training and forced him to consider something else. It had eventually healed, but by then he had lost his edge.

  “Hey, why don’t you come drink with us?” Brendan clapped a hand on Jesse’s shoulder as they headed into the locker room.

  “You know I don’t drink.” Jesse often felt like the outsider of the team. While half of the six-man team was married, the other half found solace in empty bottles and meaningless relationships. Jesse understood that - their job was such that they never knew if they would come home night after night - but he still couldn’t partake.

  Brendan opened his locker and pulled out a clean shirt. He peeled off his current one and added deodorant before tugging on the new one. “You don’t have to drink. Look, I won’t drink either. Just come and hang out with us. You have no one waiting for you at home.”

  That wasn’t entirely true. Jesse had Bugsy, his Boston Terrier, but he understood Brendan’s point. Most days, Jesse went home, fed Bugsy, made dinner, and fell asleep watching TV on the couch. It wasn’t much of a life. “All right, I’ll go, but I’m not drinking.”

  Brendan’s lips pulled back to reveal his perfectly white teeth. He bragged about them, but Jesse knew they were veneers. “That’s the spirit. Hurry up and change. We don’t want to leave the rest of the team waiting.”

  “Is everyone coming?” Jesse pulled out his shower necessities. Brendan might feel comfortable going out with just a new application of deodorant, but Jesse needed to wash more than just dirt and sweat off. He needed to wash the sound of the bullets and the sight of lifeless bodies from his mind.

  “Yeah, Pat’s wife is pregnant again and demanding some crazy food concoctions. Pat agreed to pick them up if she let him have an hour. Cam and Jared’s wives are having a girls’ night, so the whole gang can be together. It will be nice to hang out when we aren’t worried about being shot at.”

  “Fine. Give me ten minutes. Unlike you, I like to clean up before I go out.”

  Brendan smirked. “I’ve never had any complaints. Besides, do you know how long it takes me to get my hair like this?”

  Jesse shook his head as he walked into the shower, but he knew it was true. Brendan had rugged good looks and muscles to match. He rarely had a hard time finding a woman. Jesse on the other hand hadn’t dated anyone in the last few months. It wasn’t that he hadn’t been looking, but he was quieter than his teammates. And he wasn’t looking for right now. He was looking for forever. He just hadn’t found it yet.


  A nervous feeling blanketed Brie as they entered the bar. Who would Ariel choose? Hopefully, someone handsome. Brie was a good actress, but not that good. She could never convince someone she cared about them if she didn’t at least find them attractive.

  “Let’s get a drink while we scan your options,” Ariel said as she flicked her dark hair over her shoulder and sashayed up to the bar. “Hi,” - she leaned seductively on the counter - “Can I get two strawberry lemonade vodkas?”

  “Sure thing, doll.” The bartender flashed her a wink and a sly grin before turning to make their drinks.

  While they waited, Brie scanned the crowd. It appeared to be one of the hipper places in New York, and she was pleased to see many good-looking men. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all.

  “Here you go, doll.” The bartender’s voice grabbed Brie’s attention and she turned back to where Ariel was shamelessly flirting with the bartender.

  “Thank you, how much do I owe you?” She batted her eyes and moved as if she were going to reach for her purse, but the bartender stayed her arm.

  “First one’s on me. I can’t have beautiful women going thirsty on me.”

  Ariel flashed a wink at the handsome man and grabbed the drinks. Then she led the way to an empty table. “Now, let’s see who looks like a good match for you.”

  As her eyes roved over the men in the room, Brie’s nerves knotted again. What if it were someone awful, someone completely incompatible with her?

  “There.” Ariel smiled as she pointed discreetly at a table where six men sat talking and laughing.

  “Which one?” Brie was relieved to see all of them were nice looking, but she had her eye on the olive skinned dark-haired one. He looked fun and mysterious.

  Ariel’s lips pursed, and her eyes narrowed as she studied the men. “That one. The one with the copper colored hair.” Her lips pulled into a smile Brie would have sworn was malicious if she weren’t her best friend.

  Brie shifted her attention from the Greek god to the man next to him, and her heart sank. Though handsome, he sat straight and didn’t seem nearly as easy going as the rest of the men at the table. In fact, the drink in front of him was clear, so unless it was straight vodka, Brie was fairly certain he was drinking water. “Him? Why?”

  “Why not? He looks wholesome and like he could use a good woman.”

  Brie rolled her eyes. Wholesome was a quality she associated with food, not men. “How am I even supposed to talk to him? He has five friends with him.”

  “Well, I happen to know one of them is a police officer, so it’s a good chance the rest are too. Go buy them a round and thank them for serving us and then cozy up to him.”

  “Your brother better be worth it,” Brie hissed under her breath. This was way out of her comfort zone.

  She smoothed her skirt as she stood and made her way to the bar. “Can I get six beers for that group right there?” She pointed to the table where her target sat.

  “Sure thing. That will be sixty dollars.”

  Brie handed over her credit card, signed the slip, and then waited until the beers were ready. She followed the server over to the table and put on her best smile.

  “Someone told me New York’s finest were sitting here. I wanted to say thank you for keeping us safe by offering you a round.”

  “Well, we appreciate that,” the dark-haired one she had been eying said. “Why don’t you join us for a drink?”

  “Don’t mind if I do.” Brie grabbed an empty chair and scooted into the space between her target and the one she wished were her target. “I’m Brie Carter by the way.”

  “Brendan Decker.” The dark-haired one stuck out his hand. “Wait, Brie Carter. Like the daughter to Phil Carter, the investment billionaire?”

  “Yep, that’s me.” She turned her attention to her target who had not touched his beer and didn’t seem to be paying attention to her and Brendan at all. “You don’t drink?”

  He turned his hazel eyes on her. “Not a drop, but I’m sure one of my friends will happily drink this one.”

  “Come on, Jesse, it’s rude to refuse such a kind gesture from such a beautiful woman,” Brendan said.

  “No, it’s fine.” Brie smiled at Jesse. “I don’t want him to drink it if he doesn’t want to.” Oh, how Brie wished Brendan were her target. He seemed like he wanted to carry on a conversation with her while Jesse seemed content to scan the crowd and check his watch.

  “Okay, well, let me introduce you to everyone,” Brendan said, placing a hand on
her arm to get her attention again. “You’ve met the stoic Jesse Calhoun there. He’s the sharpshooter of the group. Amazingly steady hands on that one and nerves of steel. Then we have the team leader Patrick Hughes there.” He pointed to the oldest man at the table, an average looking man with a head of brown hair that was graying at the temples. “Don’t let his age fool you, he’s still tough as nails. Course he has to be with five kids and another one on the way.”

  Brie’s eyes widened in surprise. “Oh, my goodness. Well, congratulations?”

  Brendan chuckled and continued his introductions. “Next to him is the muscle, Cam Crawford. I’m not sure how he’s still married since he spends his free time pumping iron in the gym.”

  “She loves it,” Cam said with a smile and a twinkle in his green eyes.

  “I’ll bet she does. Then we have Jared Malone, the tactical brains of the operation.”

  Brie smiled at the studious looking Jared. A pair of glasses sat on the bridge of his nose, but she could clearly see his kind brown eyes.

  “Last but not least is the daredevil of the group. That’s Carter Douglas. We don’t let him drive because he likes to speed too much.”

  The blond Carter Douglas flashed her a hand wave, and Brie could almost sense the danger emanating from him.

  “Nice to meet you all. Are you an elite group?”

  Brendan puffed out his chest. “You’re looking at one of the best SWAT teams in the city.”


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