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Savage Devil: A Secret Baby, High School Bully Romance (Devils of Sun Valley High Book 2)

Page 18

by Daniela Romero

  “Everything okay?” I ask, peering down at my boy in Emilio’s arms.

  She nods. “Yeah. We ran out of his bottle and he was getting fussy, so I came to find you. Only you were,” she smirks, “busy. So I walked around the halls with him until he fell asleep.”

  “Thank you.”

  She smiles and the bell rings, doors thrown open and students spill into the hall.

  “That would be our cue,” she says, tugging me beside her. “Best to slip out now before everyone else knows what you two were up to.”


  I’m pissed as fuck that she moved in with Jae and didn’t tell me. That my kid is living with the guy. He’s already comfortable with him, but now, living there…

  I lean back in my seat in fourth period, Luis fast asleep on my chest. I don’t like the idea of another guy being around him. I don’t want it confusing him. What if he wants Jae more than me? He’s my kid, but he’s still getting to know me. How is that supposed to happen now?

  I try to push my worries away. There isn’t anything I can do about. I understand why she moved out. Hell, I’m glad she did. I just—fuck, I wish it wasn’t there.

  Class moves at a snail’s pace and I’m so done with all this shit. I’m ready to graduate. Move on with my life. We have five months left before we can blow this taco stand, and I’m counting down the weeks. Only shit is different and it’s getting more and more complicated as time goes by.

  I shift Luis in my arms, slumping lower in my chair to make him more comfortable. I hate not seeing him every day. I hate that I’m not a part of his day-to-day life. We agreed to a visitation agreement, had it submitted to the courthouse and all that shit, but it isn’t enough. Bibiana isn’t keeping him from me, but I want more time. I want every day.

  Living with Jae needs to be a temporary situation, which means I need to figure my shit out so we can get a place. I know she wants to take things slow, but slow with that girl just isn’t in my vocabulary. Roman and Allie moved in together, so I don’t see why we can’t. We were all going to stay in the dorms together when we went off to college, but that plan has changed with Roman and Allie being together, so it was going to be just Dominique and me. With Bibiana though— we could do what Roman and Allie are doing. Get our own apartment. Somewhere not too far away.

  I consider what I’d need to do to make that work. Income is going to be our biggest obstacle. Allie has a job. And she got a trust fund from her bio dad the day she turned eighteen, so rent has never been an issue. I don’t have that. I’ll need to get a job to support my family, but where will I find the time between classes and football? I can work nights maybe, but juggling a job, school and practice and game days will make spending time with them that much more difficult.

  Shit. No matter how I look at this, it’s a fucking mess. My scholarship covers room and board in the dorms, but they’re not co-ed and no way will the university let me waltz my girl and kid in. I suck on my teeth. I need to come up with something. I don’t have any other choice.

  Game day rituals are a must. We all have our things and I stick to mine like a religion, only today I’m off and I know exactly why. Bibiana. Coach goes on about what we’re here to do but I tune most of it out. Since the Devils are the reigning state champs, the game is taking place on our field. This should be a big deal. I promised myself this year would be all about football. But all I can think about is the fact that Bibiana is going out to a party. With Kasey, of all people, which means those girls are going to get into trouble. Even with Allie around no way are they going to be on good behavior. And the last time Bibiana went to a party—that dress…

  Dominque slams the locker door beside me jerking me from my thoughts. “Get your head in the game, man.”

  I suck on my palerindas and flip my friend off before turning to Rome.

  “How are you dealing with this?” I ask him.

  He doesn’t bother pretending like he doesn’t know exactly what I’m talking about. “I know my girl isn’t interested in anyone else’s dick. Not much to worry about.” He shrugs. “Besides, I’d be more worried if she were here.”

  I nod because yeah, Allie and football games don’t mix. “Any news?” I ask. I’ve been out of the loop and haven’t wanted to bring the matter up with Bibiana.

  He nods. “Fucker's days are numbered. He made bail but he is also accepting the deal. He has until next Friday to surrender himself.”

  “How long?” The longer the better, as far as I’m concerned.

  Roman pushes to his feet, keeping his voice down so Coach doesn’t lose focus. He’s on the whole this-game-can-change-your-lives, so-don’t-fuck-up roll. It’s his shit way of motivating us and scaring the underclassmen.

  “He’ll do six years minimum even if he gets parole.” His jaw clenches.

  “You’re obviously not happy about that.”

  “Would you be?”

  I shake my head. “Hell, no. I wouldn’t be happy until the fucker was six feet in the ground if he did that to my girl.”

  “Agreed. But he gave up the other guy. He’s looking at three years, so at least Allie will get some time to… fuck. I don’t know. Breathe.”

  “Three? That’s it?”

  Roman nods. “Crimes of sexual assault come with the least severe punishment. It’s a bullshit system if you ask me, but my pops says it’s the best we’re gonna get unless Allie wants to go to trial.”

  “Fuck that,” Dominique barks and Coach turns to look at us. We draw back further into the locker room.

  “I know. I’m not putting her through that.”

  “I thought the rape charges couldn’t stick. How is this guy getting three years—”

  “Because he confessed. They won’t stick to Miguel because we have no proof, but when they dragged in the other guy, some William Chaiton or some shit, they told him Miguel flipped on him and he told them everything.” He exhales a harsh breath. “He told them every goddamn twisted detail and we can’t use any of it to nail Miguel because the deal’s already been signed.

  I push my sucker to my cheek. “Fuck, man. That’s rough.”

  None of us say anything after that. The situation is a dumpster fire. Our system is broken and the fact that two asshole rapists are getting off so easy makes me sick to my stomach. I’m glad they got Miguel for something, even if it wasn’t for the rape, but it’s still bullshit.

  Coach blows his whistle, and we all grab our gear, heading for the doors. Dominique slaps my shoulder, his voice grim as he says, “Focus on getting through the game, kicking their asses, and then we’ll go collect what’s ours from the party.”

  I lift a brow in silent question. Ours. Really? We making confessions now?

  Dom’s jaw locks tight and he gives me a stiff nod, refusing to say anything else as we spill onto the field. Well, isn’t that interesting.


  Allie picked me up and we dropped Luis off at Monique’s before going to Kasey’s to get ready.

  I eye the dress Kasey has picked out for me, having flashbacks to the night I first met Emilio. “No.” I shake my head and throw the dress back at her.

  “Why not?”

  Allie plops down on the bed and settles in for the show, already dressed and ready in a red body con dress with long sleeves and a short hemline.

  “Because my body is not like your body and I am not going to put every dimple and bulge on display.”

  Kasey rolls her eyes. “You’re right. Your body isn’t like mine,” she says and my shoulders slump. Ouch. I mean, it’s true but still. “It’s better. Because you have curves I would kill for but am still a few years away from developing. And you have a rack most girls would die for. So, put on the damn dress.”

  My brows pull together. “Uh, thanks. But still no.”

  “Come on, Bibi. Just try it on,” Allie pleads.

  “I’m serious when I say it’s going to look awful. And it’s backless. I can’t go braless. I will literally leak e

  Kasey’s face scrunches up. “Okay. You might have me there.” She returns to her closet and flips through the hangers before pulling out a black lace dress with skin colored lining. “Try this one.” She tosses me the dress and Allie steps up beside me, fingering the lace.

  “This is hella pretty,” she says, and I can’t help but agree.

  “Okay. Give me a minute.”

  I use Kasey’s attached bathroom to slip into the dress. The zipper is on the side, making it easy to get into on my own. I rub my hands down the front, smoothing out any wrinkles as I look at myself in the mirror.


  The door opens behind me and Kasey and Allie both step inside.

  “Damn,” Allie says.

  “Told you.” The corner of Kasey’s mouth lifts into a smirk. “Curves in all the right places.”

  “Too bad Emilio can’t see you like this.”

  Kasey whips out her phone, her fingers flying over the keyboard. “Oh, he will,” she says, right before snapping a picture and sending it to him.

  I groan. “I’m pretty sure knowing that this,” I wave at myself, “is how I’m going out tonight isn’t going to make him happy.”

  She grins. “I know. Which is exactly why I’m sending it. The guys were already planning on coming over after the game so this will give Emilio a little added encouragement to hurry his ass up.”

  Allie and I both laugh. “God. The guys aren’t wrong. You really do like to stir the pot.”

  She smirks. “Duh. Hi, I’m Kasey. Have we met?”

  There are too many people here. It’s loud and the strobe light in the corner of the room is giving me a headache. I might have thought I missed out on the whole party scene since having Luis, but now that I’m here, I’m beginning to think I wasn’t really missing out on much of anything.

  I check my phone for the hundredth time, knowing Luis is fine. Monique has been sending me updates. It’s just that this is his first overnight and it’s making me anxious. I’ve had to run back to Kasey’s to pump and dump once already which makes me feel horrible as I pour my liquid gold down the drain. Normally I’d save it, but we’re drinking. Or at least Kasey and I am. She suckered me into taking a shot with her before we left, and after being reminded of whose house we’re going to, I figured it was necessary. Now that we’re here, I know I was right.

  Kasey walks through the house like she owns it, making a beeline for the bar covered with booze. “What do you like?” she asks me, and I consider this. I don’t drink. I’ve had the shot at her house—which was disgusting by the way—and I’ve had a mimosa. Beyond that, my knowledge of alcohol is nil.

  “I’m not much of a drinker,” I tell her with a shrug.

  She rolls her eyes. “Well, you are tonight. I want to have some fun!” she shouts over the music. I glance toward Allie who gives me an expectant look.

  “No one is going to make you drink if you don’t want to, but how many opportunities do you get to let loose a little?”

  I purse my lips. “Okay. One drink.” Kasey jumps up and down before turning to the teenage boy manning the bar. He’s familiar. From our school, but not someone I’ve talked to before. She tells him what she wants, and he makes quick work of lining up three red cups and filling them with various liquors before pushing all three toward her. She takes them and hands one to each of us before retrieving her own.

  “What is it?” I ask, looking down at the vibrant blue concoction.

  “Blue Hawaiian. You’ll love it.”

  I take a tentative sip. Oh. Yum. “That’s really good.” I take another drink and decide maybe this whole alcohol thing isn’t so bad after all. Shots though, I don’t need to try those again.

  We follow the sound of music to a makeshift dance floor in the middle of the living room and, cups in hand, start dancing to some early two-thousands reggaetón. My hips sway to the beat and I relax a bit.

  “So, what’s going on with you and Emilio? Are you guys official now?” Kasey asks and Allie smacks her arm.

  I take another drink and consider her words. “I mean, I’m not sure. He does this whole caveman thing saying I’m his, but I don’t think we have labels or anything. He’s never called me his girlfriend or anything like that.”

  “Do you want to be?” Allie asks, waving a boy off who tries to dance with her.

  I shrug and drink a little more. “I don’t want to rush into anything. I don’t want to mess things up. You know?”

  She nods. “Yeah. You have Luis to think about.”


  “You do realize you’re past the whole girlfriend bit, right?” Kasey says. I stare at her and she huffs out a breath. “You have a kid. You can’t really date like normal teenagers, so you’ve basically skipped that part, but you’re not not a thing. And you’re definitely past the whole, this is my boyfriend-girlfriend bit.”

  “You think so?” I ask, genuinely curious because if I can’t figure out what we are exactly, maybe Kasey can shed some light on things for me.


  The three of us are quick to finish off our drinks and after a second trip to the bar for another blue drink, I’m feeling great. The lights aren’t giving me a headache anymore and my body tingles, my cheeks slightly numb.

  “You’re buzzed,” Kasey says, dragging Allie and I back to the dance floor, and I don’t deny it. I’ve never been intoxicated before, but I definitely understand the appeal now. This is pretty fantastic.


  “She’s trying to get a rise out of you,” Dominique says as I stare down at my phone, my jaw tight.

  “She’s succeeding,” I tell him with a shake of my head. Why does Kasey always have to pull this shit? And fuck, why does Bibiana have to look so damn good? I love that dress on her, but I’d love it even more if no one else but me saw her in it. And I’d really like it if it were on the floor and she were naked beside me right now.

  I save the picture to my albums because ima need that later, and then I shove my shit in my locker. “Let’s roll out,” I tell him and he’s quick to nod.

  “I’m ready.” Dominique shoves his gear in the locker and pulls on a clean shirt.

  “Shower?” Roman questions with a quirk of his brow.

  I send Kasey a text. It’s been maybe an hour since she sent the first picture, but knowing Kasey, she’ll have her phone on her and respond right away.

  Me: Send Roman Allie.

  She replies almost instantly with a winking emoji.

  Seconds later Roman’s phone buzzes and he looks down at the screen. A switch flips and he goes from tired and worn out from our game—which we won, by the way—to tense and ready to throw the fuck down. “What the hell were they thinking?” he bites out and I smirk. He’s not too keen on that shower now is he?

  “Really? You thought they were what, going to go out to a party in sweats? Estúpido.” Stupid. I shake my head. “Don’t act surprised. But hey, if you wanna take the time to shower…” I trail off as his nostrils flare. “I mean, we could wait. Right, Dom?”

  “Fuck that. Let’s go get our girls,” Rome bites out.

  Like I thought.

  We roll out in Dominique’s Escalade. Roman rides shotgun while I sprawl out in the back seat. Kasey gives me a fucking play by play of their evening with a series of photos, now that she knows she’s got our attention, and it’s easy to see Bibiana is having a good time. Her smile is bright when Kasey catches her unaware as she dances beside Allie, red Solo cup in hand. Shit. She’s drinking. Does she do that? Hell if I know. What if she can’t handle her liquor? What if some asshole tries to take advantage of her?

  “Should we call Aaron to get his sister?” I ask with feigned innocence, curious to see what Dominique thinks about the idea.

  He grunts but doesn’t say anything. That’s cool, the fucker doesn’t have to. I don’t miss his hands tightening on the steering wheel, and I swear if it weren’t for the fact he’s black,
he’d have a white-knuckled grip. He isn’t fooling anyone. I don’t know why he’s pretending he doesn’t want to fuck Baby Henderson. He’s already admitted it before so there’s no reason to act disinterested now. Hell, if anything, he should hurry his ass up before he turns eighteen because then shit can get complicated.

  Just to piss him off, I dial Aaron’s number, putting him on speakerphone so Dominique and Roman can hear.

  “What?” he says as soon as the call connects.

  “Nice to talk to you too,” I deadpan. Cabrón. Like he isn’t happy to talk to me. We all know I’m the lovable one out of the bunch.

  He huffs out a breath. “Kinda busy,” he says, and I hear movement in the background.

  “Who is it?” a feminine voice asks.

  Ooh. Damn. Someone really is busy.

  “No one. Go back to the bedroom,” he murmurs.

  “Yo. Henderson’s getting some action, boys.”

  “OH! Ow. Ow!” Dominique and Roman howl from the front and for a second, it’s like old times, before the rift between us all developed. Where we mess with each other and give Aaron shit just for the hell of it. There was a time when I considered him as much family as I do the two fuckers sitting in front of me. I rub at my chest and remind myself we’re not cool like that anymore but maybe… maybe Roman has the right of it. Maybe it is time to let that shit go.

  Aaron groans, but there’s a laugh mixed in there as well. “What do you fuckers want?” I can hear the smile in his voice and don’t bother fighting my smirk.

  “We’re about to go crash a party, but I can see you’re indisposed so don’t you worry. We’ll make sure Kasey’s taken real good care of,” I joke.

  “Stay the fuck away from my sister with your dick, Chavez.”

  “Woah, woah. I got a girl. It’s not me you gotta worry about.”

  He barks out a laugh. “I better not have to worry about any of you assholes.”


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