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Peyton's Path: Fickle Fate: Book 3

Page 21

by SM Olivier

  Lochlann came back into the house and looked at us in question. Golden shook his head and narrowed his eyes at me.

  “Everything okay?” Lochlann inquired.

  “Nope,” Golden answered, popping the “P” before turning to leave.

  “Drive safely!” I called after him.

  I didn’t like the idea of them driving while they were upset.

  I turned and headed towards the great room. I grabbed my coffee, knowing Lochlann would follow.

  “I quit the school today,” he said quietly. With his coffee in hand, he took a seat on the large sectional beside me.

  I knew he had been on the phone for a long time when we returned home. I had assumed he had been talking to Grandpa or Kyler. I didn’t realize he had been talking to Mr. Fanning.

  “What? You can’t!” My stomach dropped with unease. Lochlann had worked hard to achieve his goal. He had already given up a lot when his parents passed away, giving up his high-paying job in the city to take care of his siblings.

  He didn’t complain about it or even seem to mind, but it wasn’t fair that he regularly sacrificed his plans for the people he cared about.

  He gave me a crooked smile and leaned forward to put his coffee cup on the tray attached to the ottoman. “Let me reiterate that I tried to quit, but Steve wouldn’t let me. I let him know I had feelings for you and that I was done playing by rules that shouldn’t apply to us. You’re eighteen, and my job has no bearing or influence on your education. He knew I already planned to leave by the end of the school year.”

  Warmth filled my chest. I was happy that Lochlann was attempting to put me first.

  “But I can’t put him in that position,” Lochlann continued. “If the school board was aware of my involvement with you, and he knew about it, he would be in a lot of trouble.”

  I placed my coffee on the end table and turned towards him. “You didn’t go to school for years just to quit,” I half-heartedly attempted to dissuade him from his decision.

  The warmth in my chest dissipated to guilt and helplessness. I didn’t know what Lochlann could do or what would be the best solution for our relationship. I just knew I didn’t want him leaving his job for me. On the other hand, I wanted to be with him.

  “You’re right, I didn’t.” He reached out and pushed a strand of my hair off my face. “However, I’ve recently realized that as rewarding as it is helping teenagers make plans for their future, it’s not where I want to be or where I’m needed.”

  I leaned into his shoulder and linked my fingers with his. “What will you do?”

  I felt marginally better knowing he had no intention of remaining a school counselor. However, a small part of me felt like he would have remained a counselor if I weren’t in the picture.

  “I have to go back to school for a couple more years, but with Da’s shop and Mam’s royalties still coming in, I can easily go, and we’ll still be more than okay,” he explained. “I think I should become a social worker.”

  “Is that what you want to do, though? Are you sure?” I inquired.

  He leaned over and brushed his lips against mine. “I’m positive. I grew up seeing the passion my parents had helping children that got lost in the system. It wasn’t until we had to fight for Clay and Maisie that I saw the other side with more clarity. After talking to the social worker in charge of the case, I realized there are more children than what the caseworkers can comfortably handle. I want to help those children. I already got accepted into the program. I can start in January. I didn’t want to leave Steve hanging, but I think we came with a solution this afternoon. He’s going to the board and asking them to make me a private contractor until my replacement is trained. Apparently, he did some research after he suspected my involvement with you. If they accept his proposal, I won’t be bound by the same rules as when I worked for the school itself. It’s only a temporary position, and it’ll allow me to train someone before I start school again.”

  I grinned as the implications set in. We were free to be together. I knew we still had to be cautious in public, but now Lochlann didn’t have his job and future hanging above his head.

  “You’re ready to be back in the classroom?” I teased.

  I knew he was smart and that school came easy to him. However, he had already been out for some time now.

  He chuckled and shrugged. “I’m not excited about it, but I’m ready for a new challenge. Plus, it’s the road I’ll have to take to be in a more fulfilling career. So,” he pulled me closer and placed his forehead against mine, “can I take you on a date Saturday evening after your competition? Depending on how you feel, I thought we could go to this rental up that way. We can spend all day Sunday together and come back Sunday night.”

  I tried to recall if I had any plans. I remember Zane mentioning a similar trip away, but that was for another competition coming up. The competition with the Christmas Village nearby was a couple of weeks away.

  I laughed before launching myself into his lap. “That sounds really good.”

  He laughed in return, rearranging my legs so I was straddling him. He threaded his hand in my hair and tilted my head down to his lips, which he brushed with mine before his tongue flicked across them.

  I moaned softly and opened my mouth to his gentle explorations. The more we kissed, the hungrier I got, and I rocked against him. The evidence of his arousal was soon pushing against me. I groaned in frustration and pleasure.

  “Well, this looks hot,” Kyler’s dry voice interrupted our hot makeup session. “However, Grandpa Delaney is parking his car as we speak.”

  I squeaked and jumped out of Lochlann’s lap. Sure, Grandpa was aware of my relationships, but I still didn’t want him catching me gyrating on top of Lochlann.

  Kyler laughed, and Lochlann grabbed my hand and linked his fingers through mine before bringing them to his lips. “To be continued,” he promised huskily. He then reached over and placed a decorative pillow on his lap. I couldn’t help but giggle. It was apparent he was hiding the evidence of his arousal.

  “It’s about damn time,” Kyler teased as he leaned against the archway.

  I felt my cheeks warm. I mock-glared at Kyler, then grinned and nodded at Lochlann.

  As the implication of Grandpa’s arrival sank in, I was reminded of his reasoning behind the visit. I had already texted him on the way here that I was sending Enzo his way. I wanted him fired.

  When the reality came rushing back, I sighed, leaning on Lochlann’s shoulder. I was desperately seeking to draw strength from him. He seemed to have realized my mood change, because he placed an arm around me and pulled me closer.

  “Do I need to grab a beer?” Kyler asked with a drawn brow.

  All joviality in his eyes had dashed away, as if he could sense my shift in mood as well. His eyes were busy dissecting me as he examined me.

  “You’ll probably want one,” I informed him. “I’m fine-ish,” I reassured him. “Bryce just left. I’m okay.”

  I lifted my shirt and showed the slight mark on my hip where the tip of the knife had just caught me. Then I showed him my wrist where they were red, but not black and blue… yet. He nodded and I could see his jaw clenched as he looked at the minor damage done to me.

  I grew up with an alcoholic. I watched Sean use alcohol as a crutch. When he came at me, it was always after he had been drinking.

  Kyler and Lochlann both drank on occasion, but never once was I frightened by it. Hell, I had never even seen them approaching tipsiness. They would enjoy a beer or two, maybe a mixed drink every now and then, but they never overindulged.

  “Can you grab me one too, man?” Lochlann grimly asked as he leaned his head on top of mine. He slowly combed his fingers through my hair, which calmed me, causing the nerve endings in my scalp to dance with pleasure.

  “Sure can,” Kyler agreed.

  He left, and I enjoyed the calm before the storm. They weren’t going to like what I had to say. Kyler and Grandpa would probably tr
y to convince me again to homeschool. Kyler would lose it when he found out his father was back in town and had people coming after me. I didn’t relish the conversation in the slightest.

  “I just talked to Dr. Baylor. He informed me physically you are well,” Grandpa said without preamble as he came into the room with an amber-colored liquid over ice.

  I nodded and I realized he emphasized physically. He would always worry about my mental health unless I did something about it.

  “Tell me why I had to fire one of the men,” Grandpa grumbled, obviously frustrated at me for not seeking help yet.

  He looked at Lochlann and me and seemed unfazed by our cuddling. He reminded me why I loved him so much. He didn’t judge us, and he didn’t try to convince me that caring for six men was wrong.

  “He allowed Priscilla to come near me,” I began. I launched into the whole story, leaving no detail out.

  I worriedly looked over at Kyler as I finished my story. He was like a statue as he braced his arms against the mantel, staring into the unlit fireplace. I watched as he gripped the neck of his bottle in a death grip.

  “Ky,” Lochlann said softly. “Let’s think first.”

  Kyler turned with fury in his eyes. If I hadn’t known both him and his heart, I would be deathly afraid. He hid his demons with laughter and flippancy; I had never faced his darkness head-on.

  As his gaze scanned over me, there was a coldness in his eyes. It made a whisper of unease dance across my spine. I shuddered, not in fear for my safety, but what he would be capable of doing at this moment.

  I jumped up and went to him, hoping to talk him down. I gripped his face and forced him to look at me. I had seen those dead eyes before. Sometimes in the dark of night, when his nightmares grasped him beyond rational thinking and cognizance, I’d had to coax him back to me, reminding him that those demons didn’t have a hold of him any longer.

  “I’m okay,” I ardently murmured to him. “I’ll be fine. Your father no longer has a say in your life. He can’t use me to get to you or Crew.”

  I didn’t know what he needed to hear or what made him sink into the dark recesses of his mind, but I had to convince him to return to me. I needed him to think with his head and not his emotions.

  “I’ll hire security for Maisie and Clay, unless you want to bring them to the mansion,” Grandpa said grimly. “I have the tutors and nannies already in place. I’ve had no problems with any of their guards. As for Butch,” Grandpa said icily, “it may take me a little bit, but I’m sure I can shut him down before he becomes a nuisance in this town again.”

  I knew my story had dropped a massive bomb. I knew my family was worried about me and the kids, but I was so tired of being the victim. I hadn’t experienced everything I had just to become a sniveling, frightened shell of the person I once was.

  Despite her intention, Jana’s threatening the children had produced the opposite effect. Yes, I’d had a panic attack. Yes, I recognized she knew one of my triggers now. However, now I knew what her plan was, and I wasn’t ever going to be in a position where she could get to me again.

  She had also made a grave mistake when she demanded I stay away from my men. They didn’t bust their asses, separating themselves from their “father” just to have me used against them. I wasn’t going to be their burden. I was going to defend them as fiercely as they protected me.

  “Kyler, come back to me,” I bade him, touching his face. The slight stubble on his jaw felt abrasive against my smooth skin, but I didn’t mind the feeling.

  He let out a low growl before pulling me in close. He wrapped me into a tight embrace. I could suffer a few moments of slight discomfort if he could pull himself out of the emotions he struggled with. Oddly enough, it didn’t bother me, and I knew he needed that from me.

  He muttered a curse before he placed his head in the crook of my neck. “What can I do?” he said over my head to Grandpa. “I can’t believe he’s back.” I could hear the wild beating of his heart. Under my palms, I could feel the rapid rise and fall of his chest.

  “Well, we can’t, nor will we, give in to their demands,” Lochlann said firmly. “I know Peyton doesn’t want to homeschool, but I’m sure after today she’ll have a better guard. Plus, I think more than one of the guys should accompany her to her classes at all times. I’ll go talk to Maisie’s teachers and Clay’s daycare tomorrow. Until Butch is no longer a threat, I’m pulling them. Thanks for offering your tutor’s services. It would put my mind at ease knowing both kids are behind walls when they're not with us. Plus, your security is top-notch. There is no use in hiring more people when you have enough in place. I don’t know if it’s just an intimidation tactic or what, but I don’t trust Butch.”

  Lochlann and Kyler had been best friends in high school. I knew Kyler spent a lot of time over here. However, I was certain Lochlann had witnessed how Kyler had lived.

  “He’s been lying low for too long,” Kyler said candidly. “Whatever he’s been cooking up can’t be good. Knowing him, he’s networked with more hardened criminals and sees an opportunity to prey on our community once again. And what are we going to do about Jana? I don’t want her near Peyton.”

  “Should we tell Officer Pope?” I inquired hesitantly.

  Grandpa sighed and wearily wiped a hand over his face. “If Butch operates as he did in the past, I’m not sure if that’s the best idea.”

  I turned in Kyler’s arms and looked at him in confusion.

  “In the past,” Kyler cleared his throat, “Butch had the cops, judges, and several other people in his back pocket. I trust Pope, but I’m certain we’ll be putting him in danger if we say anything right now.”

  “So what can we do?” I inquired, dismayed by the knowledge.

  “I’ll figure something out,” Grandpa said resolutely.

  I tried to feel confident in Grandpa’s declaration. I was filled with unease. I didn’t realize the reach Butch had. Fear threatened to consume me from a different angle now. Not only did I have to worry about Tormentor, but now new players had entered the game in the form of Butch and Jana.

  “What should we tell the others?” I questioned tentatively.

  “I think we’ll have a family meeting tonight,” Lochlann immediately answered. “They won’t take it well, but we need to be transparent.”

  “Crew’s going to go after Jana,” I inferred.

  “I’ll talk him down,” Kyler said decisively.

  We all were lost in our thoughts for a few moments before we heard a tiny person yelling happily. I felt slightly calmer when I realized who it was.

  “Pey Pey!” Clay came running into the room with a huge grin.

  I smiled and bent down to pick him up. I cuddled him and felt contentment in the pure joy he had by only seeing me.

  Clay immediately straightened an arm out, attempting to push Kyler away. “Mine.” He frowned at Kyler.

  Ky seemed to release some of his tension as well. He let out a mock growl, then he pulled Clay from my arms. “She’s mine, punk.” He launched him into the air.

  Clay let out a sound between a squeal and a cry. “No, no, mine!” he balefully cried. He couldn’t help but giggle but was upset simultaneously. “Pey Pey, mine!”

  “Gotta get through me first, little man.” Kyler launched him back up in the air. He teased him for a few more moments before handing him back to me.

  I smiled and pulled Clay close. “I’m going to start dinner and text the guys. I’ll let them know we’ll have a family meeting after dinner and practice,” I decided. “Grandpa, would you like to stay?”

  I hadn’t planned to be here this afternoon to make dinner, but I felt like I needed to keep busy; needed to keep my mind off of things.

  “Actually, that sounds nice, thank you.” Grandpa smiled. “I have another guard heading your way tonight. Hopefully, this one is better,” he said wryly.

  I took a deep breath in and shook my head. “No need, actually. I think Des is a good fit.” I looked at
Lochlann and Kyler, and they nodded in agreement.

  “Okay,” Grandpa said with a decisive nod. “I’ll let Des know about his new assignment.” He stood and walked towards the back patio, his cell phone in hand. He had finally decided to join modern society and had given in and gotten a cell phone. He only used it to call people, though, refusing to text, but I felt like it was a step in the right direction.


  “What are we cooking tonight?” I asked Clay as I carried him out to the kitchen.

  “Nug, nug,” he immediately piped up.

  I laughed because, if we let him, he would live off chicken nuggets, macaroni and cheese, and cheese sticks.

  “Sorry, buddy,” I shook my head, “we had chicken nuggets for lunch the other day. We need something else.”

  “Chee?” Clay hopefully inquired.

  I laughed once more. “Let’s look and see what we have to cook.”

  “I’ll help,” Lochlann volunteered.

  “Me too,” Kyler added.

  “We’re staying in tonight?” Paxton inquired as he came into the room with a handful of crackers.

  I nearly forgot our original plans, but something more important had come up. Anya had already called to tell me to stay home. I knew Zane had informed her about my incident. Plus, it wasn’t critical if we skipped on helping with the float. We had another week and a half before it needed to be completed.

  I stood on my tiptoes and kissed Paxton’s cheek. “We have a family meeting tonight.”

  He seemed to relax, and as much as I dreaded the conversation, I was somewhat relieved. I was finally going to give them the whole truth.

  Golden was right. Relationships shouldn’t be mired in secrets.



  The Ledge

  Kyler, Lochlann, and I made chicken and steak fajitas with yellow rice and refried beans. We were almost done by the time Crew and Zane came home.

  They both looked tired and sweaty. Their white practice pants were covered in grass and dirt stains. Their sleeveless compression tops stuck to them like a second skin. Crew even had his hair pulled back at the nape of his neck.


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