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Peyton's Path: Fickle Fate: Book 3

Page 32

by SM Olivier

  “I knocked, but you didn’t answer,” Lochlann spoke, lightly knocking on the door. “Did you want a glass of wine?”

  He smiled when he saw what drew my attention. “Are you up for a little bit of exhibitionism? If it makes you uncomfortable, the shower upstairs is completely enclosed, but no one can see us even if they walked by. We’re on private property, and anyone that gets this close to the house would be trespassing. However, the property manager informed me that the glass was custom made so that the owners could easily look out, but no one could see in.”

  I walked back over to the sink and spat my toothpaste out. I rinsed my mouth and looked at Lochlann mischievously. “I don’t know, maybe the thrill of the thinking someone could walk by and see us getting it on would be a huge turn-on.”

  He visibly swallowed but then laughed and leaned against the door frame. He braced his shoulder against the jamb and crossed one foot in front of the other. He was still immaculately put together even after a long day of sitting, driving, and taking care of kids.

  “It sounds like Golden’s been trying to sway you towards one of his fetishes,” his startling blue eyes were nearly unsettling as he contemplated me, “…if he hasn’t already.”

  I didn’t question how he knew Golden’s sexual proclivities; I imagined there were little to no secrets between my guys.

  “He hasn’t,” I admitted. “Although,” I added wickedly, “I can’t say that it doesn’t intrigue me on some level.”

  He swallowed thickly again before taking a few steps towards me. He tilted my chin up so his lips could capture mine. His kiss was more insistent and demanding than ever, and I reveled in the hunger it awakened in me. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and delved my fingers in the short locks at the nape of his neck.

  His groan was primal when I ran my nails against his scalp. He pulled my hips to him, and I felt his desire against my stomach. I moaned in return as I pressed against his cock, trying to angle myself so I could feel the friction of his erection where I really wanted it. For a few brief moments, he grasped my hips and allowed me to rub against him. He shuddered, and I could tell he was just as aroused as I was.

  He pulled away, and his eyes looked more intense than I had ever seen them. In the fathomless depths of his bright blue eyes, I could see the hunger and desire there. I was unable to control the whimper that rose to my lips. I wanted him with a deep ache in my core.

  “Your bath is getting cold,” he reluctantly reminded me.

  I couldn’t hide my pout as I went back out to the room. Now that we were alone, I didn’t know why Lochlann was holding back. Didn’t he still want me? I walked over to the bath and unzipped my track jacket.

  “Wine?” he inquired in the doorway leading to the living area.

  I contemplated it for a second. “Yes, please.”

  His lips tilted up slightly before he left the room. I took off the rest of my clothing and tossed my dirty clothes on the armchair near the fireplace. I’d pick them up later.

  I shook myself out of my over-analytical thinking. We had time to discuss what our expectations were. I wasn’t going to rush it. I was determined to enjoy the time we had away from everything and everyone else. We definitely needed this time together, which was what I should be thankful for, not adding more expectations on the whole situation.

  I groaned in pleasure when I stepped down into the tub. It was still deliciously warm, almost bordering on too warm. I pulled my hair tie off my wrist and pulled my hair up into a messy bun, then situated myself into the corner of the tub and onto the built-in seat, sighing in contentment once more.

  I immediately felt some of the tension leave my body as the warmth seeped into my joints. I hadn’t realized how much I needed this until I was actually in the tub. I leaned my head back and couldn’t help but smile at Lochlann’s thoughtfulness.

  “Knock, knock,” Lochlann said from the doorway.

  “Mmm, come in.” I grinned his way.

  He smiled at me in return before crossing the room and handing me my glass of wine. “How does it feel?” he inquired.

  “Amazing,” I answered on a breath. “Thank you.”

  There was a beat of silence as he looked over my hidden body, seeming to want to will the bubbles away. The bubbles and petals were so thick that nothing was showing below my shoulders. I was torn between wanting to laugh and feeling like I was adrift in the sea. This was unchartered territory for us.

  We’d fooled around once, back when I had returned, but it seemed to have slightly disturbed him because, afterward, he had erected a wall between us. We had slept in bed together, but he hadn’t attempted to become intimate with me since then, either. He had made a life-altering decision for us to be together finally, but did he want to wait longer for us to consummate our relationship?

  He seemed almost undecided about what to do next, and I didn’t know how to communicate with him that I wanted it all. I wanted us to be completely free, away from the public’s eyes.

  He straightened and smiled at me. “I think I’ll try to find a movie for us out in the living room. If you’re up for it, you can join me when you are finished, if you’re not too tired. Did you need anything?”

  I swallowed all my shyness and looked behind him at the large television mounted on the wall across from the bed. “I want you to come in with me,” I said boldly. “Maybe you can find us a movie and bring in that dessert you promised me?”

  His teeth sunk into his bottom lip. “Are you sure?”

  I knew he wasn’t just asking about my current request. He wanted to see if I was ready for what was to come if we both got naked together.

  “Positive,” I said without hesitation.

  He took a deep breath before he smiled “Do you have any preferences?”

  “How do you feel about Harry Potter?” I laughed.

  I barely watched Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone before falling asleep on the bus earlier, and it had been some time since I had a Harry Potter marathon. The last time I had one was right before I left to teach camp. Lucas, Madison, and I had hunkered down into her movie room with a crazy amount of food and drinks in tow. It wasn’t long before Madison decided to turn it into a drinking game, where we had to take a sip of our alcoholic beverage every time Harry’s name was said. Needless to say, it hadn’t taken Lucas and Madison long to get drunk.

  When they hadn’t been looking, I had changed my drink out with water. Someone had to make sure no crazy decisions were made, which happened a lot with them. Lucas and Madison both came up with really, really bad ideas when they were drunk. It only took one awful night for me to realize someone had to remain responsible when alcohol was involved.

  He grinned. “The books are better, but the movies are entertaining.”

  I had seen Lochlann relax with a book from time to time. It came as no surprise that he'd read the series.

  I laughed. “I agree. Harry Potter it is.”

  He went to find the movie and then came back with a tray of assorted cheesecakes, a bottle of wine, and an empty glass for himself. He set them down beside me before standing to undress.

  I hungrily watched him as he unbuttoned his steel-blue button-down shirt, revealing his perfectly chiseled body. His Adonis belt was begging me to run my tongue across it. As he unbuttoned his fitted gray slacks, I noticed the dark patch of his happy trail. I bit my bottom lip, feeling the warmth pool between my thighs. It was like I was having my own private little strip show.

  He smirked as he continued to remove the rest of the clothing. I barely contained my ogling, my eyes widening when his cock sprung forth. It bounced off his taut abs in all its erect glory, and for a split second, I was leery of welcoming him between my legs. Were none of these men average or slightly above average?

  Kyler had done a number on me last night, and I swear I could still feel the aftermath of our rendezvous from the previous night. Maybe I should have thought last night through. Then I internally shook my head. I c
ouldn’t tell Lochlann we couldn’t mess around because his best friend had unleashed his beast on me last night. I would have to hope and pray Lochlann would take it easy on me since it was our first time together.

  “You okay?” Lochlann asked softly.

  “You’re huge!” I blurted out without thinking.

  He chuckled and shook his head before sliding into the bath beside me. “We don’t have to do anything tonight, love, but… thanks? I guess.”

  He poured us each a glass of wine and turned on the movie. We sat in comfortable silence for several moments, sipping our drinks. I couldn’t help but slip surreptitious glances his way, and the need to explore him increased with each ticking second. I knew he was acting the gentleman, so I finally decided to take matters into my own hands.

  I felt the warmth infuse my cheeks before I slid over to him. He automatically grasped my hips and settled me to straddle his lap. All my misgivings about his size and my soreness were whisked away. I really wanted this man. I wanted to seal our relationship in the most intimate way possible.

  “What if I want to do something with you tonight?” I asked, my voice husky.

  I leaned forward and kissed my way up his neck before taking his earlobe into my mouth and gently tugging it between my teeth. He groaned and moved me closer to his arousal. I gasped when his warm, thick, hard length grazed my clit.

  “Love,” he gasped between a groan and moan. “I want to take my time getting to know your body, but if you continue doing that, I can’t make any promises about my restraint. Why don’t we… uh… eat some dessert first?”

  I saw the mischief dancing in his eyes and knew he wasn’t going to make this easy on me. I then realized he wanted me to control the situation, which meant he had no doubt that I really wanted this. I swallowed back a growl of frustration and glared at him.

  He shook his head and chuckled before he caressed my thighs, hips, and waist with one hand, and with the other, he produced a fork-full of some kind of chocolate cheesecake. I reflexively opened my mouth as he slid the bite past my lips. I felt a crumb at the corner of his mouth, but before I could swipe my tongue to wipe it away, Lochlann leaned forward and sucked my bottom lip.

  We fed each other a few more bites. When I started feeling my restlessness grow, I intentionally rubbed myself against him and pressed my chest against his. He licked his bottom lip and groaned at me. He put down his fork, his hands going back on my hips, stilling my movements.

  “I feel like I’ve been waiting forever to make my fantasies into a reality, but you’ve had a long day,” he half-heartedly stated.

  “I took a nap,” I reminded him impishly before adding, “You’ve had fantasies about me?”

  “How could I not fantasize about you?” He leaned back to get another bite of food.

  I leaned over, too, and grabbed the other fork. I chose a piece of cheesecake that had strawberries and whip cream on it. When I picked up a bite, Lochlann had his utensil poised in front of my mouth. I leaned forward, intentionally rubbing myself against him as I held my fork up against his lips.

  “You minx,” he breathed out before he took a mouthful.

  I watched in fascination as his strong jawline moved with each chew. I waited until I saw him swallow before leaning in and swiping my tongue against his lip. I took his full bottom lip between my teeth and nipped at him. He emitted a sound similar to a growl and grasped the back of my head with his free hand, angling my face to get the best access to my mouth. His kiss was ravenous as he tangled his tongue with my own.

  I had to force myself to pull back from his mouth. “What did we do in these fantasies?” I was aching to feel him inside me, but on the other hand, I was enjoying this little interlude we were having. Who knew cheesecake and talk of fantasies could be so titillating?

  “What didn’t we do?” His eyes were incredibly dark with desire.

  I picked up a cheesecake piece with caramel and chocolate this time and held it out to him.

  “I imagined you in the shower, on my bed, in the front seat of my car, under my desk at school,” he admitted huskily. He reached for some raspberry cheesecake, feeding me once more.

  In the past, I couldn’t imagine words could get me so worked up. A touch, a caress, a kiss were typical methods of seduction for me. However, Lochlann’s words had me growing wetter with desire.

  We both leaned forward simultaneously to taste each other's cheesecakes. His chocolate and caramel taste mixed with my raspberry. I didn’t know if the complimenting flavors made the combination all the sweeter or because our tongues made it so.

  I was seconds away from guiding him toward my entrance and taking him inside my body, but I felt the need to heighten our moment more so. I slid back once more, but this time I grasped his hard length in my hand. I gave him a firm tug and squeeze.

  “What would I have been doing under your desk, Mr. Isaacs?” I teased before intentionally sweeping my tongue over my lips.

  Calling him Mr. Isaacs again was involuntary. I hadn’t put any thought into it, but I had to admit it sounded deliciously forbidden in this scenario. From the way his eyes narrowed, and that look of hunger on his face, he enjoyed the sound of it as well. Maybe it should have been creepy and gross under normal circumstances, but our situation had never been typical.

  I had been drawn to him the moment he had suggested the coffee cakes to me on that long-ago day. He never used his position as a counselor to take advantage of me. Maybe if I were a regular eighteen-year-old girl that lived a reasonably normal life, it would have been different. However, I truly believed fate had thrown us together. I needed him in my life, and he was far from some creep taking advantage of me.

  “Did you drop a pencil? Was I picking it up for you?” I purred as I nibbled his neck.

  The way his hand gripped my waist, I knew he enjoyed my ministrations. I loved discovering what made these men tick. I enjoyed finding out what made them metaphorically or literally weak at the knee.

  “No,” he groaned out.

  “Then what was I doing under your desk?” I teased, taking his earlobe in my mouth once more.

  “You were on your knees, taking my hard cock into that saucy mouth of yours.” He ground that very cock against my clit, and I yelped in surprise.

  I felt my resolve crumbling, but I was still determined to let this side of me come out and play. I dropped my fork onto the serving plate and backed up.

  “Get on the edge of the tub, Mr. Isaacs,” I commanded with breathy need.

  His eyes widened for a moment, and somehow I intrinsically knew he wasn’t accustomed to taking orders in the bedroom.

  He grasped my chin in his hands and gave me an intense look before he raised a brow at me. “I’m normally the one calling the shots, but for you, I’ll let you set the pace. For now,” he seemed to add as an afterthought.

  I grinned as if I were the cat that ate the canary as I watched him stand. The shadows of the flames coming from the fireplace flickered across his god-like body, and the throb in my core was nearly physically painful. He was beautiful, and watching the water and bubbles trailing down his body was highly erotic.

  He was barely on the edge of the tub before I was grasping his rock-hard thighs. I leaned forward and watched in fascination as a bead of pre-cum emerged from the tip of his cock. I licked it and smiled at the sound that emitted from his throat. I embraced the feeling of power I felt. I loved knowing I could make this sexy, brilliant, self-sacrificing and thoughtful man unravel with a simple gesture.

  He hissed out in pleasure as I continued to lick him up and down. I could see his fist clench several times before his hands weaved through my hair. I chuckled, knowing he was losing patience. This only made me more comfortable and confident in my ministrations for a man that seemed to be infinitely unflappable.

  I opened my mouth and took him in. I immediately tried to take him to the back of my throat, which was a difficult feat. I relaxed my jaw and tried to swallow to open my throat
more. I felt the urge to gag but became more determined not to as I heard his praises and sounds of pleasure.

  I readjusted myself on the bath seat to take him at a better angle. I felt rather triumphant when I felt his balls touch my chin.

  “Just like that, love. Damn girl,” he cursed as I took my tongue and ran it along his shaft. “This is even better than my fantasies,” he moaned out.

  I grinned around him and hummed around his length. I slid my tongue and lips up and down him several times before the naughty part of me took over once more.

  “Was this what I was doing to you under the desk, Mr. Isaacs?” I inquired coyishly.

  Something seemed to snap in him as he hauled me up without preamble, slipping his arms under my thighs and carrying me bridal-style to the bed.

  “You’re a wicked little girl, aren’t you, Ms. Delaney?” he growled out before he placed me on the bed.

  “Sometimes.” I grinned as I licked my lips. “I wasn’t done yet, Mr. Isaacs. I was eager to find out how you tasted as you came down my throat.”

  I didn’t know who this woman was that had taken over my mouth and thoughts, but it/ she felt right. I realized Lochlann was bringing out another side of me. She was similar to Notyep, but not. It was like I was reacquainting myself to the alter ego that had been strangely silent for weeks.

  A heavy feeling entered my heart for a second when I recognized that she had been missing and I hadn’t even noticed it. Lochlann inadvertently was giving me back a piece of myself.

  “I won’t be coming down your throat. Yet,” he nearly growled at me before he captured my lips.

  His mouth was nearly bruising as he invaded all my senses with his touch and taste. He still tasted sweet from our dessert, and I moaned in pleasure. His lips left mine and began to trail down my jaw. I could feel the heavy rise and fall of his chest against my own. He seemed to be trying to discover what made me gasp and moan as his lips, tongue, and teeth found the erogenous zones along the side of my neck.


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