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Peyton's Path: Fickle Fate: Book 3

Page 46

by SM Olivier

  I rounded the corner, carrying my duffel bag with a change of clothing and toiletries. In my other hand, I held a drink tray with two large strawberry and banana milkshakes.

  My cheeks almost hurt by the grin spreading across my face. Golden was fighting with a nurse. Again. He called her “Nurse Ratched.” Her real name was Kimmy. She was a hard-ass, but that was why I loved her. She wasn’t swayed by his pretty smiles, gentle cajoling, and blatant flirting.

  Golden was itching to leave the hospital. He had woken up and gained consciousness the day after his attack, spending most of that day sleeping on and off. By the second day, he was demanding his release. However, the doctors wanted to observe him for a while longer. Luckily, he had Grandpa in his corner and private doctors at his disposal.

  I was here to deliver the news, and I knew Nurse Ratched was well aware of it. I didn’t put it past her to torture him a tad longer, though. He thoroughly deserved it, in a way. He had turned downright cantankerous, taking out his frustrations on her one too many times when he realized he couldn’t flirt his way into getting what he wanted.

  “That’s the fifth time you’ve checked my blood pressure in the last hour,” Golden griped loudly. “It hasn’t changed. I’m fine! I think you secretly just want to caress my bulging biceps.”

  “I’ve seen better muscle definition on my seniors when I worked at the nursing home,” the nurse quipped without skipping a beat.

  “Along with their saggy balls,” Golden grumbled waspishly. “When’s Doc coming by?” he added. “I don’t need the stupid breathing thing anymore. I’m more than hydrated. You removed that invasive tube from the place it ought not to have been. I was able to make pee-pee on my own. I walked the halls yesterday. I think I’ve proved I can handle the rest of my recuperation at home.”

  She snorted. “Yet we found you ‘resting’ on a bench near the gift shop.”

  I shook my head, just as frustrated as I was when Zane and I, and a handful of nurses, had to go on a massive manhunt for him last night. We had come to visit him and Kyler. Imagine my surprise when Golden wasn’t in his room. The nurse who had come to take his vitals couldn’t find him either.

  The A-hole had decided to prove that he was strong enough to leave. He’d taken a stroll to Kyler’s room; from there, he went to the cafeteria to get ice cream, then he wandered over to the gift shop. Eventually, we found him on the bench by the gift shop.

  He was fast asleep.... with a pink teddy bear, a blue teddy bear, flowers, and a melted popsicle. He claimed he had wanted to bring home teddy bears for Maisie and Clay, the flowers were for me, and the popsicle was for Kyler, even though Kyler wasn’t allowed to have anything but water. Kyler had just woken up. I had cried happy tears when they took him off the meds that had induced his coma. Within a few hours, he was awake. The doctors finally gave us a more hopeful recovery prognosis. They marveled at how determined he was to recuperate.

  “It was a social experiment,” Golden grumbled.

  “And what kind was that?” I finally spoke up in a dry tone. “Was it to see how many people were willing to approach a deranged-looking man? You haven’t showered in days. Your hair is a hot mess. And you were still in your hospital gown. Your red undies were on display for everyone and their brother to see. You’re wearing a cast. You still look like you went ten rounds with Tyson, Ali, and Sugar Ray and had your ass handed to you several times over. Why would anyone approach you to see if you were okay?”

  I had gotten to the point I had to find another way to cope with their injuries rather than fussing over them. It was so hard seeing the bruises marring their faces and bodies from Butch and his men. They acted like it was no big deal and hated me hovering and coddling them−save Paxton. They had joked and mocked themselves so many times that I took my cue from them. If I continued to dwell on what could have happened and fret about them, I would make myself sick, physically and mentally, which wouldn’t be beneficial for any of us.

  “Hey, Darlin’.” Golden grinned. “You didn’t tell me goodbye this morning,” he gently accused. “And they’re boxer briefs, not undies. And it shouldn’t matter what I look like. What is the world coming to when no one’s willing to help a brother out?”

  The smile he flashed didn’t reach his eyes. Once again, he was carrying around guilt. I overheard him apologizing to Kyler while he was in his coma. He blamed himself for “flying off the handle” and getting them in the predicament of getting captured, beaten, and left to die.

  I hadn’t confronted him with his flawed logic, though. I knew he needed to process his emotions in his own way, and his physical recovery was more important at this point. When he was ready to talk, I would speak to him. If he waited too long, I would push him to discuss his issues and point out his faulty rationale.

  I passed him a milkshake, and his ire was forgotten. He immediately took a long sip and sighed in pleasure and relief. His throat was still irritated, he’d said, so he only ate cold treats to soothe it. He failed even to notice the duffle bag I carried.

  “Well, you looked like you slipped away from the psych ward,” I deadpanned. “And because I was too busy rushing home getting you some clothes, body wash, shampoo, and a treat so we can spring you from this joint before the doctors change their mind…” I trailed off and shook the duffle bag.

  By me running home, I meant Des. Grandpa tried to get him to take a few days off and recuperate, but he insisted he was fine and wanted to still watch over me. I appreciated his loyalty and definitely didn’t want or need a new Shadow that didn’t get me or the guys. He had never judged us, and he understood my need to split my time between Lochlann, Paxton, Golden, and Kyler.

  I spent my days with Lochlann and Paxton, my nights with Golden and Kyler at the hospital these last few days. I alternated between the guy's hospital rooms. The nurses got to know me enough to look the other way when I slept a few hours with Ky. He was officially moving out of the ICU floor today. However, in ICU, they didn’t allow overnight guests.

  Golden’s eyes widened, and his smile was genuine as he swung his legs over the side of the bed. “Are you serious? I’m busting out this place?”

  “I figured you might want to take a shower first, but yes.” I smiled.

  “You gonna get nekkid and help me, darlin’?” he asked in a deep Southern drawl.

  I tried to contain a smile but rolled my eyes as Nurse Ratched snorted loudly.

  “Does that crap work on you?” she inquired with her own secret smile as she looked at me.

  The truth was, I knew she had a soft spot for my stubborn Southern guy. She admitted as much. She had divulged that Golden could be her son’s twin in both mannerisms and behavior. I also knew she had switched shifts with another nurse so she could be the primary nurse in charge of his care.

  “He wished it would,” I teased with a laugh.

  She boisterously laughed as she ambled around the room. “You gotta keep boys like him on their toes,” she warned me with a wink.

  “Oh, I plan to.” I grinned wickedly.

  “Come on, darlin’. I don’t want to get my cast wet, and it’s too hard to wash my own hair,” Golden pouted. “And I’m not a boy, Kimmy. I’m all man. Don’t think I didn’t notice you checking out my firm glutes when I walked to the bathroom this morning.”

  I scoffed loudly, knowing he was playing up his injuries for her benefit. He had no problem trying to prove how capable he was to get discharged up until this moment. Now he wanted to play the invalid to get me naked in the shower with him. Little did he know I would willingly shower with him without the helpless act.

  On top of my abduction experience, this experience just proved to me how fleeting life could be. I should never take our time together for granted. Letting the guys know how much I loved them and showing them was my new mission.

  “Kylie Jenner has a better ass than yours,” Kimmy derided him. “Before she had her implants, that is.”

  Golden scowled playfully. “Nurse R
atched, I thought you were better than that. That gossip trash will rot your brain! That’s wrong with today’s culture; we follow the wrong people. Who cares who Miley Cyrus is seeing, or if Kylie Jenner got yet another plastic surgery procedure done?”

  Kimmy sucked in her teeth. “Hey, I have to look at something while I’m waiting in the check-out lane. Plus, do you have room to talk? You wanna talk about what’s wrong with today’s culture? Let’s talk about how people are so sucked into their devices that they don’t pay attention to what’s going on around them. You’re glued to your phone when your girl isn’t around.”

  I began to laugh. It was an argument we just had recently. Although, now that I knew Golden was “running” a business, I was a lot more understanding and lenient. It boggled my mind the money he was making for the kids’ college funds from the images Mam had taken. She was beyond talented, but I hadn’t realized how much those prints could cost just because she was the one who had taken them.

  “I have a busy business to manage,” he protested. “Time stops for no one. Plus, I make sure Peyton knows she’s the center of my universe when she’s around. She’s all that matters.” He winked at me.

  I laughed and shook my head. “Okay, Casanova, let’s get you in the shower so we can go see Ky in his new room.”

  I was so happy one of my guys was coming home, but I knew I would be less restless once we were all back together again.

  “I’ll get your discharge papers. Follow the at-home care sheet,” Kimmy said sternly. Then she looked at me. “I know he has trouble following directions, so you might have to help him,” Golden began to protest, but she held a hand up, “Unless you wanna spend some more time with me, I suggest you listen to your girlfriend.”

  “You’re gonna miss me, admit it,” Golden spluttered in rebuttal. “I’m taking all this eye candy away. Don’t think I don’t know how you tell all your nurse friends about your hot patient in room 318.

  “Like a hemorrhoid,” she teasingly scoffed before turning to leave. “Hot patient?” she snorted, “More like big-headed.”

  I laughed in amusement while Golden scowled at her back.

  “Wrap your arm so that we can take a shower,” I instructed Golden after the soft click of the door sounded in the silence.

  As soon as my words sank in, Golden was off in a flash.


  “You’re such a tease,” Golden grumbled as I ran a washcloth over his hardening cock.

  Even if Golden believed he was physically capable of doing everything and anything right now, I still insisted he sit on the bench in the shower. Admittedly, I had been teasing him as I washed every inch of his body with care and precision. I relished the fact that I was still capable of touching and worshipping every inch of him. I tried not to think about how close I had been to losing him, not just from the first time, but also from the fire. Losing all my guys, actually.

  “It’s only teasing if I don’t do anything about it,” I rasped as I lowered my head and licked just the tip of him.

  “Not fair,” he groaned as I continued to wash his thighs, knees, calves, and feet.

  “What’s not fair?” I inquired guilelessly before taking him back in my mouth.

  I sucked on him for just a moment, tasting the precum on the tip of my tongue, before I stood back up and picked up his shampoo.

  “Close your eyes,” I instructed as I stepped in between his open legs.

  I squeezed a dollop of liquid onto my hand. The second Golden complied, I began to rub the shampoo into his hair. I dug my fingertips into his scalp, giving him a massage while I simultaneously washed his hair. He moaned at my ministrations, and I might have mischievously rubbed my breast against his face as I did so.

  “You’re so lucky I have a broken arm,” he growled. “Otherwise, I would have already lifted your tiny ass and fucked you against this wall by now.”

  His words made me even more lustful. He was still mending, and I was purposefully teasing him, but I didn’t know if he could physically give me what I really wanted in his condition. I didn’t want to wear him out and set any of his progress back.

  I rubbed my thighs together, instead, trying to ease the ache between my legs, knowing only one thing could reduce it.

  I heard a dark chuckle before Golden leaned forward and took one of the peaks of my breasts into his mouth. His good hand, the left, caressed my ribs, hip, butt, and finally my thigh.

  It was my turn to gasp as he tugged my nipples with enthusiasm into his hot mouth. His teeth gently scraped against one as he drew it in deeper. His fingers gently grazed against the apex of my thighs. His knuckles brushed against my aching bud. Now the shoe was definitely on the other foot as he teased me over and over again. He was so frustratingly close but not close enough.

  He stopped suddenly and looked up at me through his lashes. He must have seen my hunger and desire, because he chuckled once more. “I have to admit, I was hoping our first time would be in a bed, but darlin’, I really want− no, I need you. Right now.”

  The situation wasn’t ideal, and there was a chance anyone could walk into the hospital room behind the locked steel door and hear us, but a part of me could care less.

  “Are you sure?” I moaned as he took my other nipple into his mouth.

  He didn’t stop. He simply pulled me toward him. His meaning was clear. He wanted me to climb onto his lap and ride him. Who was I to deny him this intimacy? It had been a long time in coming, and I couldn’t remember why it had taken so long for me to consummate our relationship. Sure, we had come close several times, but we were always interrupted, or something else held us back.

  I straddled his lap and reached down to line up his hardness against my opening. I slowly sank down on him, and he pulled away from my nipple long enough to let out a long, low curse.

  “Darlin,” he groaned out as I got accustomed to his size, stretching me out. He was thick and hit me in different ways than the others.

  My body wasn’t willing to wait for that long. The urge to ride Golden came hard and fast. I was mindful of his broken arm and the bruises littering his torso as I languidly gyrated my hips against him. His hungry mouth found mine as he moaned and groaned in pleasure. He nipped my bottom lip and then soothed it with a swipe of my tongue.

  “I wanted to eat you out,” he admitted between kisses. “I wanted to taste you. I need to lick you clean after you cum all over my tongue.”

  I whimpered as I imagined him doing just that. I found the rhythm and angle that had my clit vibrating against him. He moaned out and grasped my hip in a bruising grip at the new twist and tempo.

  I quickened my pace, chasing my orgasm, as he tilted his hips up, hitting that delicious deep spot of mine that guaranteed a mind-blowing orgasm. I gripped his shoulder as he widened his legs, dropping my ass further and further down. He was making unintelligible sounds, and when I opened my eyes, the look of pure bliss on his face was empowering.

  “That’s it, Darlin’,” he gasped. “Take my cock. Cum all over it. Use it. Let me feel you milk me dry.”

  I didn’t know why dirty talk turned me on so much, but it did. I rode Golden hard and fast, understanding his need to go faster as he tugged my hips back and forth on him with one hand. The delicious sensation of the explosion was fast approaching. The ache deep within was building to a high crescendo. I could feel his thighs tense beneath me as I leaned back, gripping his thighs with one and holding onto his shoulder with the other.

  His eyes were hooded and full of lust as he watched me work him− work us− over. “Now, darlin’, now,” he pleaded as he slammed his hips up to me.

  He hit that spot with the right amount of forcefulness and had me reaching the top, falling into the sweet abyss. I leaned forward quickly, remembering where we were, and bit out my scream into his shoulder as stars erupted behind my eyelids. My muscles contracted around him, and my climax lasted long and hard. I whimpered when he grabbed my hip and made my sensitive clit roll over him as he
chased his own orgasm. He lowered his head into my shoulder, and the groan he emitted made me smile with satisfaction as he came.

  Our ragged breathing was loud, even among the sound of the shower surrounding us. I noticed my hair had gotten slightly wet despite the fact I had purposefully pulled it up. But I couldn’t even find the energy to care.

  “I love you, Golden Alexander Graves,” I admitted on a breathless moan as we held each other, both satisfied and replete.

  He stilled in my arms, and I froze for a moment. I wanted to own my emotions, and I was determined that the guys knew how much they had come to mean to me. I thought he loved me too. Did I misread the situation?

  He finally pulled back, and I could see the torment and glaze of unshed tears in his eyes. “Do you mean that?” he asked thickly.

  “Without a shadow of a doubt,” I confessed in a whisper as I pushed the long locks of waves off his face.

  “I have anger issues,” he declared quietly. “I thought Da had run it out of me. He taught me ways to process my emotions in a healthy way. But I failed him. I failed you.”

  I could physically see him swallow as he leaned his back against the shower stall.

  He gently removed himself from me but pulled me in close immediately afterward. I couldn’t pretend to care as I felt our combined juices leaving me.

  I frowned, seeing the conviction in his eyes. “How so?”

  “I saw red when I saw that Butch had nicked you with a knife,” he replied hoarsely. “I wanted to kill him. I would have killed him for anything he did to you. Everything he did to Kyler and Crew growing up. I didn’t think my actions through, though. If I had, I would have been more patient. I wouldn’t have gotten Kyler and myself beaten and left to die. I thought I had become a more patient and logical man.

  “You see, when I came to Mam and Da, I was broken mentally and emotionally. I was angry at my mom, angry at my grandma, angry at the foster care system, angry at my past foster parents, angry at the whole world. I processed all my emotions through hitting and hurting people. That’s what I was raised to do. Getting hit and hitting others was a regular occurrence in my life. My grandma abused my mother, allowed her boyfriends to use her sexually and physically, and got paid for it.”


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