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Promise You: A friends to lovers romance

Page 10

by Fabiola Francisco

The rest of the tour includes more stops related to the music scene in Nashville, a ton of laughs and more singing. Reese is less timid the next time they do a sing-along.

  “Lunch?” I ask her when we finish.

  “Yup.” She rubs her stomach, and I chuckle.

  “Let’s get you some food.” I tug her hand in the direction of a few restaurants lined up next to each other.

  We walk into the place Reese chooses. Spending the day with her feels good, more than good. Hectic schedule and all, I’d do anything to make time like this with her. No one else I’d want in my life or my bed.

  I’ve never felt this way about anyone. Sure, I’ve met women and dated some, but I’ve never wanted to have someone permanent in my life the way I want Reese. I can’t imagine not having her here, experiencing my growing career, laughing with her, hell, touring the city we were both born in. She makes any situation unique. I want to prove to her just how much she means to me. I need her to understand that she’s the most important person in my life and she comes first, before any performance, contract, or record deal.


  I don’t sing in front of a crowd for just anyone. I wanted to hide under the seat, but when I saw how happy Dex was, I couldn’t help but sing along with him. Today has been one of the best days I’ve had in a long time, all thanks to the man walking next to me—from waking up with him in my bed to walking hand in hand with full bellies.

  “Aunt Reese!” I look ahead and see a head of blonde waves rushing to me. I bend and grab Rae as she slams into me, and I pick her up.

  “My Rae of Sunshine,” I’ve been calling her that since I met her. I kiss her cheek. “What are you doing?” I look at her pink cheeks.

  “We had lunch, and then I saw you walking in front of us.” She looks at Dex. “Who’s that?” I giggle as she analyzes him with furrowed eyebrows. “I thought you said you didn’t have a boyfriend.” She catches me off-guard.

  “Is that so?” Dex asks, a charming smile on his lips.

  “Uh… Um… This is…” We haven’t labeled what we have, but I know neither of us has any intention of seeing other people.

  “I’m Dex. Let me guess, you’re Rae?” He gives her his dimpled smile, and Rae smiles in return.

  “You’re right! How’d you know?” I hold her tight on my hip as Jason, pushing Ada in her stroller, and Cassidy Rae meet us on the sidewalk.

  “I’ve heard a lot about you,” Dex tells her.

  “So, you do have a boyfriend,” her voice squeaks when her eyes lock on mine.

  “Yeah.” I nod slowly.

  “Rae,” Cassidy Rae warns.

  “Hey, guys.” I let Rae down to stand on the sidewalk and greet my brother and sister-in-law.

  “What’s up?” Jason looks from me to Dex. “Hey, man,” he shakes Dex’s hand.

  “Hey, it’s good to see you.” Dex smiles at them, at ease with seeing them in the middle of Nashville.

  I introduce him to Cassidy Rae, although they’ve met briefly in the past.

  “What are you guys up to?” Cassidy Rae asks.

  “We just had lunch, after we went on a comedy tour this morning. If you guys can ever do it, I totally recommend it.” I chuckle as I remember it.

  “Comedy tour?” Jason’s eyebrows rise.

  “Yeah. It’s on a yellow school bus, and the guides do stand-up comedy and sing-alongs in between stops. The one we did was a music tour. Went to the Hall of Fame, Ryman Auditorium, Music Row. It was fun.” I look at Dex as I speak a mile a minute.

  “Sing-along, huh?” Jason chuckles.

  “Shut it and let me look at my niece.” I bend down and look at Ada sitting in the stroller like all is right in the world. It sure is, baby girl.

  “Where are you going now?” I ask Jason but Rae answers.

  “The zoo!” She fits bumps the air. “Do you wanna come? Pleassssee.” Her hands clasp together in front of her chest, and she gives me that damn puppy dog face she’s mastered.

  “You’re having family day,” I explain, not sure if Dex would want to spend the next few hours with my brother and his family.

  “You are family!” She looks at her mom.

  “They’re welcome to come,” Cassidy Rae tells her and then looks at me. “Really. You know Rae loves the zoo, so if you don’t mind her yapping the entire time, come with us.”

  I look at Dex. “Do you want to go?”

  “Look at how excited she is. We can’t disappoint her.” He looks at Rae, and she beams.

  “Yes!” she jumps.

  “I guess we’re going to the zoo with you,” I squat down to tell Rae. She wraps her arms around my neck before grabbing Jason’s hand and leading the way. I giggle and look at Dex.

  “You sure you don’t mind?” I whisper.

  His hand slips into the back pocket of my jeans, and he kisses my cheek. “Not at all.”

  “Thank you.” I wrap my arm around his waist.

  We make it to the zoo, and Rae grabs my hand, dragging me from animal to animal, telling me every fact she knows about them. She could be a zookeeper with all this knowledge she has. Dex and my brother talk as they get to know each other while I continue to explore animals with Rae. I’m glad they seem to get along. Cassidy Rae simply smiles at me the entire time.

  “Stop it,” I whisper when her smile becomes contagious.

  “I like him,” she whispers back.

  “Me, too. He’s been good for me,” I confess. He’s succeeded in making me believe in relationships again. In a man that would pick me over and over again.

  “I’m glad.” She gives me a subtle nod.

  Ada begins to cry softly, so I ask Cassidy Rae, “May I?”

  “She’s all yours.” Her hands move over the stroller like she’s showing it off to an intrigued audience.

  I bend to hold Ada, bringing her close to my chest and rocking her softly. “You probably want to see the animals too, don’t you?” I take her closer to the fence dividing us from the tigers. I point out one of them, and she giggles.

  “Yeah,” I kiss her cheek. “You’re so beautiful.” Her eyes are blue like Jason’s and as expressive as Cassidy Rae’s, and her blonde hair sticks up all over the place in messy waves.

  I lift her over my head, making her laugh harder. When I bring her back down and hold her to my chest, I catch Dex’s eyes. He’s staring at me with a lazy smile, dimples and all. A pause in time happens as we look at each other, something changing between us. The question of the kind of father he’d be sweeps through my mind like a breeze in the air—gentle but ever-present.

  I blink my eyes away when Ada makes a noise. “Okay, okay. I’ll give you to your momma now.” I hand Ada to Cassidy Rae and listen to Rae talk about the tigers to Jason and Dex.

  “You havin’ fun?” Dex asks me when I approach him.

  “Yeah,” I say softly, his arm holds me close around my waist, and I lean into him. “What’s next?” I ask Rae.

  “The giraffes!” She runs down the path.

  “Rae, stay with us,” Jason calls out. “This girl,” he shakes his head.

  “Don’t pretend she doesn’t have you wrapped around her little finger,” I laugh, twirling my finger around.

  “There’s no denying that.” He tucks his hands in his pockets and smiles as he keeps an eye on her.

  Rae skips back to him and grabs his hand. Jason’s smile lights up when he looks down at her. She totally owns him.

  After we’ve exhausted Rae with laps around the zoo, we say goodbye to Jason and Cassidy Rae, and Dex and I head out.

  “That was fun,” Dex comments, our hands linked together.

  “Yeah, I know you weren’t planning on spending the day with two little girls and my brother and his wife.”

  “I had fun. It was nice to get to know Jason and Cassidy Rae, and the girls are cute.” I love that he didn’t even argue when Rae asked us to spend the afternoon with them. He was happy to go, get to know my family, and smiled the entire time.

  “They are. I love them,” I sigh.

  “Let’s have a drink,” Dex suggests, leading the way to Honky Tonkin’, a bar in downtown. The sun is starting to hang low in the horizon, adding a warm glow to the city.

  We take a seat and order our drinks.

  “Thank you for today. It’s been amazing,” I tell Dex, reaching for his hand across the table and squeezing it.

  “I’m glad you’ve had fun.” He relaxes into the chair, drinking his vodka tonic.

  Music starts to play, and I jump from my seat. “Let’s dance.” I pull him up, singing to “Pour Some Sugar On Me” as I move to the beat. Dex looks at me with a raised eyebrow and crooked grin. He grabs hold of my hand that’s in the air, twirling me around and pulling me close to him, moving our bodies together. Sensual, exciting, and breathless. He kisses me hard before moving away and winning me over with more of his dance skills.


  The last few weeks with Reese have been perfect. More than perfect. Watching her with her nieces sealed the deal that’s she it for me. I want that with her, taking our kids to the zoo, family lunches, and date nights.

  We missed our first Valentine’s Day together because Peyton booked an event a couple hours away. It was a bigger venue than I’m used to with other up-and-coming artists that have an established following, and it was amazing. The energy pumped harder than the music playing over the speakers. I performed the four songs on my EP, and the audience loved them. Surreal, for sure. I still pinch myself to make sure this is my life.

  Tonight, I’m making it up to her with our own celebration. I forgo the funny apron and wear an Oxford shirt and dark jeans. The stuffed chicken is cooking in the oven, and the twice-baked potatoes are ready to be warmed when Reese arrives. Lucky for us, Wade left us the apartment, promising to not be back until late.

  When the doorbell rings, I answer the door, taking in the beauty before me. “You look gorgeous,” I kiss her as she walks in. The black dress she’s wearing hits the perfect spot mid-thigh.

  “Thank you.” I let her look me up and down all she wants.

  After she makes her way into my apartment and leans against the counter, I serve her a glass of wine and place the potatoes in the oven. “How was practice today?” She holds the glass in one hand, the other tracing the grain on the granite countertop.

  “Good. We had a great run, and the band and I are getting used to each other. Honestly, we sound great.” Peyton has busted his ass. He’s contacting different labels besides Nashville, to have my options open.

  “I was listening to your EP while getting ready tonight. I’m so happy you included the song you wrote about your dad.”

  “I owe that to you.” I squeeze her hip.

  Her hand lands on my bicep. “All I said was that it was a great song and people would love it.” She doesn’t understand what her encouragement does to me. It lifts me up when at times I want to say fuck it and throw in the towel.

  “You’ve done more than that,” I touch my lips to hers. “Let’s eat. I have a surprise afterwards.”

  “Oh, I love surprises.” She claps her hands and takes a seat at the already set counter.

  I serve us and place the plate in front of her.

  “It smells so good,” she licks her lips and my mind is far away from the dinner in front of us and focusing on something else instead.

  “Rae got really excited you’re going to be on tour,” she tells me, cutting a piece of her chicken.

  “Are they going?” I pause my own cutting to look at Reese.

  “They’ll be there for a week mid-March when she’s on spring break at school.” She takes a bite of the chicken. “This is delicious.”

  “Thank you, and that’s awesome. I’m sure Jason likes having them with him.”

  “He does. It’s hard to be gone weeks at a time when they’re touring, but they make it work.” Reese lifts the wineglass to her lips.

  I nod. I’ve been getting to know Jason and the rest of the guys better as we’ve met for details about the tour and gone over the logistics for the shows. The date for the tour is coming up quickly, and we’ve got a big list of things to complete and discuss.

  “Are you ready then?” Reese looks at me with a small smile.

  “I’ll miss you,” I press my fingers against her thigh before continuing to eat my dinner.

  “You won’t be gone too long.” Her smile lights up the room. “Besides, the more you miss me, the more fun we’ll have when you get back.” I laugh when she wiggles her eyebrows.

  “We can have fun without me missing you.” I move my hand under the counter again and hold her thigh, inching her dress up enough to tease her.

  “We sure can,” she sighs.

  “First, your surprise.” I kiss her and point to her food so she can finish up. I grab the plates, dropping them in the sink, once we’re both done and walk back to face her.

  “We said no gifts,” she crosses her arms across her chest. “I knew you were going to go back on your word. I should’ve gotten you something anyway,” she complains.

  I shut her up with my lips, taking an extra minute to kiss her, my hands on her waist as I explore her mouth. “Stop and see what it is. I promise I didn’t buy you anything.”

  I lift her from the seat and stand her in front of me, her heels making her closer to my height. “Don’t move.” I press play on my laptop that’s on the coffee table in the living room that opens to the kitchen. The soft beats of the song begin to play as I pull her close to me, moving with the music.

  She holds me tightly as the words begin to sound, laying her head on my chest. I feel like the king of the world holding this woman in my arms. I know how lucky I am that she’s trusting me with her heart.

  I never knew I’d want a love like this,

  I never thought I’d need someone

  For all my life,

  But you crashed into me

  With those pretty lips

  And big, blue eyes,

  Making me believe

  You make me believe

  I deserve more than this,

  Empty nights and shallow words,

  When you can be my first,

  First love, first heart I hold,

  For all my life

  I want you by my side

  You’re all I’ve wanted

  For all my life,

  A hand to hold,

  A life to build,

  A heart to love me

  A smile to turn the bad days bright

  Your kisses set me free,

  Your hands hold me,

  Your heart owns me,

  Life with you is all I need

  You’re all I’ve wanted

  For all my life,

  A hand to hold,

  A life to build,

  A heart to love me

  A smile to turn the bad days bright

  You’re all I want for all my life,

  Your soft breath and happy sighs

  Fill me up like summer nights

  ‘Cause you were made for me

  For all my life

  I hold her close as her lips melt into mine and her tongue demands more. My hands fall to the top of her ass, pushing her into me while we continue to dance to the beat of our hearts in the silent room.

  “No one or nothing else comes before you, babe.” I stare into her eyes, sincerity dripping from my words.

  “I love the song. Thank you.” She wipes a tear from her cheek and giggles. “I’m such an emotional fool.”

  I kiss her tear-stained cheeks. “I’m glad you liked it.”

  “Best surprise ever,” her face lights up.

  “I meant what the song says, also. There’s no one else for me, Reese. Just you.” My expression turns more serious. I want her to believe that this is more than a test to see how we’d be together.

  “I know.” I lean my face into the hand that cups my cheek. “I know,” she repeats. I kiss the palm of her hand and move my lips
to her mouth, getting lost in her kiss until I need to feel more than her lips.


  Dex is always planning our dates, and I want a turn to surprise him. After our dinner the other night at his place, I know something shifted between us. We went from having fun to this is the real deal. I went from like to I can’t imagine my life without him in it. Despite the fear that lingers, it feels right being with Dex.

  I know he isn’t Knox, but he has the same stars in his eyes Knox had when he began. Somehow, I can’t see Dex being manipulated that way. Maybe it’s because he grew up fighting for what he wants, fighting to make a name for himself. Maybe he’s just stronger when it comes to his character. Knox was like that, or so I thought. We were in love, the head over heels kind of love. Although he swore it was just a business move to marry what’s-her-name, I couldn’t stay. Eventually, I had to block him from my life. He tried every way possible to reach out, but the damage was done when I came second.

  I’m the first to support someone in their dreams, celebrate their successes, but what Knox did was unforgivable. He swapped his balls for money, for stardom. Suddenly, the man I admired and cared for turned into someone I didn’t know. If there’s one thing that I learned growing up, it’s that you always stay true to yourself. No matter what. I know that’s why Jason’s remained so levelheaded through his fame, and why Taylor and I have been able to accomplish our dreams. We stand our ground. My parents always taught us to never follow the crowd. They preached on about being proud of the people we are.

  Maybe that’s what attracted me to Dex from the beginning. He’s always been unapologetically himself.

  I change out of the sweater I tried on and put on a white, silk camisole. I mess with the plunge neckline, so it lands just where I want it. I cuff my black skinny jeans and slip on my booties. Adding a long, gold necklace and a camel cardigan that lands just above my knees, I’m ready for Dex to pick me up. I turn to look at myself in the full-length mirror for a final approval.

  I check my phone for the email confirmation and put on the matte, berry colored lipstick. Now, I’m ready.


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