Promise You: A friends to lovers romance

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Promise You: A friends to lovers romance Page 12

by Fabiola Francisco

  “Performing for hundreds, even thousands of fans is different than the venues I’m used to here. I’m ready despite the nerves.”

  “You’re a pro,” I wink. He leans in and kisses me, the bitterness of beer on his lips.

  When we’re done with our drinks, we head out to pick up the pizza. It doesn’t take long for us to return to his apartment, the smell of the savory pepperoni making me hungry.

  Dex curses under his breath, searching his pockets as we stand in front of his door.

  “What’s wrong?” My eyebrows furrow.

  “Can you hold on to this please?” He hands me the pizza box when I nod. “I can’t find my house keys.”

  “Are they in the car?” I ask. He jogs back and checks the car.

  “Nope. I could’ve sworn they were in my pocket.”

  “Now that you mention it, I don’t remember you locking the door.” I wrack my brain trying to recall if he locked the front door to his apartment on the way out. “Maybe the door is unlocked.”

  Dex shakes his head. “It’s the type of door that’s automatically locked from the outside.” He grabs his phone, and his fingers fly on the screen. “Just wrote to Wade to see how long he’ll be out for.”

  “Okay.” I nod and walk away.

  “Where are you going?” Dex calls out, hands surrendered beside him.

  I smirk and turn around. “I’m hungry, I’ve got you with me, nothing is ruining this. Come on.” I lead the way to the pool area and set the pizza box on a lounge chair, sitting on the one next to it. “We improvise.” I shrug.

  “I was freaking out.” He drops next to me, a hand tearing through his hair.

  “I know. You should’ve seen your face,” I giggle.

  “You makin’ fun of me?” He tickles my ribs.

  “Stop!” I squirm away from him. “It’s not that big of a deal. It’s like a poolside picnic. Besides, if I were going to get locked out of somewhere, I’d want it to be with you.” I kiss his lips. “Let’s eat. Then we can lay here for a while and see if we can spot any stars.” I lift the lid of the box.

  “You’re the best,” Dex says and hands me a slice of pizza. Sometimes spontaneous evenings are better than perfectly planned dates.

  After we eat, he lays back on the lounge chair and pulls me into him, settling me between his legs. He hugs my chest with one arm, the other pointing up at the sky. I laugh and shake my head. “That’s an airplane, Dex.”

  “Are you sure? I bet you it’s a shooting star.” I hear the smile in his voice.

  “You’re crazy. Look there,” I point to a dull star.

  Dex’s other arm drapes over my stomach, his fingers splayed over it. I sigh, letting him hold me however he wants and enjoy the warmth of his embrace.

  “What are you most excited about for this tour?” I turn slightly, so I’m facing him.

  “Getting my live music in people’s ears. Thanks to Peyton, anyone can hear my songs on their laptops or phones, but there’s something different about showing them what I’m made of in a live show.”

  “I’m going to have to ask Olivia to send me a video clip.” I turn around completely, folding my arms on his chest and placing my head on them. His heart thumps under my hands, and his hands rest easy on the top of my butt.

  “Know I’ll be singing for you.”

  “You better.” I tremble, and Dex wraps his arms around me.

  “Are you cold?”

  “I’m okay.” I scoot up, allowing his arms to warm me up.

  “Sorry. I can’t believe I locked us out,” his cheeks fill with air before he exhales.

  “Hey, it’s okay.” I squeeze his cheeks with my hand and kiss his puckered lips. “I like being like this.”

  “Yeah, that’s part of the problem.” He pushes his hips into me, and I feel his erection.

  Laughing, I shake my head. “You’re gonna have to wait.” I wink.

  “I know, but having you like this, so close and gentle, makes me want to make love to you until you’re crying out my name.”

  “Oh, yeah?” I arch a brow.

  “Yup, ‘cause that’s what I feel. Love and more.” His voice is unwavering as he declares his feelings to me.

  A slow smile crawls on my face. “You don’t say,” I scoot up some more until I’m eye to eye with him. His arms are still tight around my waist, his protectiveness making me feel safe and cherished. “I’m glad because the feeling is mutual, babe.” I kiss him, my tongue entering his mouth, wanting more than a soft peck.

  “Say it,” he demands, breaking the kiss.

  “I love you, Dex Monroe. You crazy talented, sexy man.”

  His dimples appear as his lips tilt up. “Good, because I love you. You’re pretty sexy, too.” He winks. “And know I’ll always choose you before anything else. Always, my number one.” The weight of his words lands on my chest and frees me.

  I get lost in his kiss, pushing my body into his, wishing we were behind closed doors. Dex’s tongue moves with mine, his hands gripping my ass and pulling me into him. He groans as our kiss grows wilder, and I feel him get harder beneath me. I moan, feeling him so close to where I want him, my tender nipples rubbing against his chest behind the thin sweater I’m wearing.

  “Baby,” I whisper.

  “Shhh,” his hands tangle in my hair, tilting my face, lips melding with mine.

  “Shit!” I jolt when I feel us drop.

  “What the fuck,” Dex leans his head up, and I laugh loudly, snorting.

  “Oh my God, that scared the shit out of me,” sitting up as Dex winces. “Sorry.” I’m careful as I shift my body. “I guess the link of the lounge chair dropped as we were moving.”

  “Talk about an ice bucket thrown over the moment.” He runs a hand through his hair, and I bite down my chuckle. “Yeah, yeah, laugh it off, but as soon as we get inside, I’m going to have you all for myself,” he promises.

  “You already do.” I move over him again, no worries that the chair will drop again, and kiss his chin, the scruff there tickling my lips. “Are you okay?” I watch as he rubs the back of his head.

  “Yeah.” He shakes his head. “Now, kiss me again.”

  “Gladly.” My lips meet his, our bodies aligned and ready. All we need is to find a way into his apartment so I can make love to this man.


  This is the moment where I prove myself. It’s time to show I can handle this lifestyle and all that comes with it. More than handle it, I can own it.

  “Good luck, have fun, and miss me,” Reese says with a smile. Her blue eyes shine with pride. Pride for me. It makes me feel invincible. And a little like I’m a kid again being dropped off at camp.

  “I’ll definitely miss you. Thanks, darlin’.” I kiss her softly, holding her face to mine, taking my time to memorize the taste of her lips and the sound of her sighs.

  “See ya in four weeks.” She pecks my lips one more time. “Now, get on outta here before I turn this car around,” she jokes.

  “You’re not going to get down and say hi to Jason?”

  Reese shakes her head.

  “You okay?”

  She nods.

  “Cat got your tongue?” I smirk.

  “I’m okay, really. I’m going to have breakfast with Taylor. Besides, Jason’s done this a ton of times. We always communicate through texts, wishing him luck and break a leg and all that. You, on the other hand, are a tour virgin.” Her eyes twinkle.

  “And a bus full of guys is going to pop that cherry.” My eyebrows lift.

  Reese laughs. I admire the light around her as her head tilts back, exposing the curve of her neck. “I guess that is the case.” Her head tilts, her eyes take me in. “Make sure Olivia gets those videos for me.”

  “You go it. I’ll call you later.” I kiss her cheek and squeeze her hand. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.” Her words give me everything I need. Her love and support push me to be better.

  I get out of the car be
fore I break into a sweat. A combination of excitement and nerves travels into the pit of my stomach. I walk toward Peyton, saying hi to the guys of Rebel Desire, and get the information I need from Peyton.

  I know he is in negotiations with Nashville Records. They’re going to be watching closely, as are Rebel Desire and Peyton. The pressure is on, and it’s a good thing I work well under it.

  “Hey guys,” I walk into the bus and greet the guys in the band. I’ve gotten to know them better through our practices, and I’m grateful they’re cool.

  “Hey,” they say.

  “The bunks are marked, if you want to drop your bag off on yours,” Mark, the lead guitarist tells me.

  “Thanks, man.” I walk past the thick curtain diving the bunks from the main area, taking in the small bunks with a smaller curtain offering the only privacy.

  When I make my way back, I sit on the built-in bench and talk to the guys. We have four weeks on this bus together, and it’s best we get along and build a relationship. I ask them questions about being out on the road, stops we make, and pre-show preparations. I’m grateful this isn’t their first rodeo and don’t seem annoyed by my questions.

  After an hour on the road, Mark says, “Wanna play some tunes?”

  “Sure.” We grab our guitars and take seats. Zack, our drummer, thumps the tabletop in the small eat-in section and Mark and I strum the chords on our guitars, and our bassist, Steve, records us.

  We go through songs, some mine and others are covers. It’s laid-back and fun to mess around with music this way. For so long, I’ve been flying solo, playing with house bands the bars provided. Most of the time I’m alone on stage with my guitar, so it feels good to have a team to do this with.

  When Mark starts to sing, I stare at him with raised eyebrows. “Damn.”

  He laughs but keeps going. “You ever think about singing?” I ask him when he finishes.

  “Nah, man.” He rests his guitar against his knees. “I love playing way too much.” Surprised, I nod. “I’ve got a wife and kid at home that are precious to me, and the fame of being a lead singer isn’t my thing,” he continues explaining.

  “I get it.” It’s admirable he puts his family first. That’s how it should always be. I think about Reese and what she went through. Although I’m grateful she wasn’t with anyone so I could be with her, I hate that she had to go through something so painful. As my music career takes off, I can’t help but think about it. She never told me who the musician is, and I respect that, but I’ll make sure to keep my priorities in check, and she’s definitely my priority.

  As if reading my mind, Mark asks, “You’re dating Jason’s sister, right?”

  “Yeah. Met her a while back and we became friends.” I rest the guitar next to me and cross my ankle over my knee, leaning back on the bench.

  “That’s cool. You didn’t want to get a head start on your career with Jason?”

  I shake my head. “Nah. I wanted to do this on my own. No shortcuts. I’ve busted my ass for too long to take an easy path after all my hard work. Wouldn’t feel right, you know?”

  “I admire that. Hard work definitely pays off.” He leans back, the rest of the guys listening to me.

  “Want a drink?” Zack claps his hands. “Coke?” He holds up a can from the small fridge.

  “Sure.” I grab the can, popping it open.

  Steve and Mark grab drinks also, and we continue to get to know each other. If all goes well, they could be offered to stay on as my band. It’d be great having a group of guys I already have a foundation with and have experienced a tour together. Tomorrow will be our first show as a group, and it’s going to be the beginning of an insane journey.


  “That was fucking amazing.” I grab the bottle of water Mark tosses as we enter the green room.

  “Cool, huh?” He smirks and sits on the couch against one of the walls.

  “Cool? There are no words to express what that felt like. I’ve played at bars and a few venues, but damn.” I dry my face with a towel and run a hand through my damp hair.

  “You did good,” Zack compliments.

  “Thanks.” I pace the room, burning off energy.

  “So?” Cash walks in with a grin.

  “Amazing,” I reply.

  “I caught a glimpse of it and you did great. Congrats.” He smacks my shoulder and nods.

  “Thanks, man.”

  This show was everything I could’ve asked for. Being on a stage that big was surreal. When we did a sound check in the morning, I just kept looking around and staring out into the seats before me. Seeing it in the evening, the seats now filled with people and bright lights shining down on me, blew me away. When some of the crowd sang along to a few of my songs, I almost stopped in my tracks.

  The only thing that crossed my mind on repeat was, dreams do come true. I’m proud of my journey, and even prouder that I did it on my own. My talk with the guys on the bus yesterday made me realize the importance of not taking an easy route to find success.

  We go to the side of the stage to watch Rhett Brown, a newer singer that is Rebel Desire’s opener for the tour.

  “How’d it go?” Jason stands next to me.

  I turn to look at him and smile. “It was awesome. Exhilarating.” I place my hands in the front pockets of my jeans.

  “Sure is. No matter how many shows we play, every time I get on a stage, it feels like the first time,” Jason shares. “Anyway, I wanted to see how it went. Happy to hear it was good. It’s only gonna get better from here.” He claps my back.

  “Thanks, man.” I shake his hand and look back at the stage when he walks away, learning from people who have performed for bigger audiences.

  As Rebel Desire gets on stage, my phone rings. I smile seeing Reese’s name on my screen and step away from the stage.


  “You did great! Olivia sent me a few short clips,” her voice rings through the speaker.

  “Thanks,” I chuckle. “Wish you could’ve seen it in person. Reese, it was… I don’t even have words. People keep asking me, and I respond with amazing, but the truth is it was more than that. Freeing and terrifying. Like the drop on a rollercoaster ride that scares the shit out of you and also gives you a different perspective. I don’t know. This probably doesn’t make sense,” I stop rambling when I hear her giggling.

  “I miss you,” I sigh. “How was work?” I pace backstage, still buzzing from the energy.

  “Miss you, too. Work is good. I’m still here, and I’ll probably have a late night, finishing up some projects for a client.”

  “Get to work then. I don’t want you there until too late. Call me when you walk out, and we’ll talk some more,” I tell her, running a hand through my hair.

  “It’s a date,” she pauses. “Hey Dex, I know I’ve told you this already, but I’m really proud of you.”

  My lips turn up. “Thanks, baby.”

  “Talk to you soon.” She smacks a kiss through the speaker, and I shake my head. That woman. My woman. She’s something else, and I’m looking forward to a lot more years with her in my life.

  After I hang up, I go back to the side of the stage and learn from the pros. My first performance may have been successful, but I know there’s a lot of room for growth. I can’t settle for the few people in the audience that sang my songs. I want thousands of people singing my songs like they’re doing for Rebel Desire. I want signs being held up and people calling out my name. I’ve just hit the tip of the iceberg, and I’m looking forward to what else it holds for my career and future.

  Chapter 21


  I smile as the video ends, bringing the phone to my chest. Olivia sent me another clip of Dex on stage, singing and dancing, and he looks so happy. He’s been on the road for a week and a half, and I can see how he’s becoming more comfortable with each performance he puts on.

  “Hey.” Taylor takes a seat across from me with furrowed brows. “What’s that look

  “Hey.” I put my phone down on the table. “I was watching a clip Olivia sent me of Dex performing last night.” I hand her my phone so she can see.

  “That’s awesome. He’s having a good time?” She puts the phone down when the recording ends.

  “Yeah. He says he’s learning a lot, finding his own style when it comes to live shows, and meeting people.” I lean back on my chair and take a sip of my water.

  “I’m happy to hear that. How are you doing?” She lifts a brow and leans forward, dropping her elbows on the table.

  “I’m good,” I reassure her, biting the straw in my cup.

  “You always were independent.” She runs a hand through her blonde hair. Of course, I’m the middle child and the only brunette.

  “Yeah, that definitely helps. It’s also temporary. A month will go by quickly. We’re not having a long-distance relationship.” I look at the positive. This is now part of our lives because from here on out, Dex will be touring.

  “You’re right.” She leans back again and opens the menu. “I’m starving.” She scans the list of food, humming. “What are you going to eat?” She looks up at me.

  “The goat cheese and chives omelet.” It’s my favorite thing to eat for brunch. It comes with their homestyle potatoes that are perfectly crisp. My stomach grumbles.

  “I don’t know if I want sweet or savory. If I order French toast, will you share with me?” She gives me a sugary sweet smile.

  “Yeah,” I laugh.

  “Thanks! And mimosas?” Her eyebrows raise and eyes widen as she smiles.

  “What kind of question is that?”

  When our waiter comes around to our table, we place our order and toast with our mimosas.

  “Did you guys choose a date already?” Between me spending as much time as possible with Dex before he left and Taylor spending more nights at Mike’s, we’ve hardly had time to talk.

  “July 13th of next year,” she sing-songs. Her smile is infectious.


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