Promise You: A friends to lovers romance

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Promise You: A friends to lovers romance Page 13

by Fabiola Francisco

  “I love summer weddings.” My hands land on my chest.

  “I’m so excited. We’ve barely gotten anything planned out, but we want an outdoor wedding. Riverwood Mansion is perfect, and they have the indoor option if the weather is crappy, though it shouldn’t be. We should go see it after we eat, it’s gorgeous.” Listening to Taylor talk about her wedding makes me wonder what kind of wedding I’d want. It’s not something I’ve put much thought into in the last few years.

  “If they’re open, we should go. I want to see it.” I run my finger over the condensation on my mimosa flute, making swirly patterns and watching the drops roll down.

  When our food arrives, we eat and talk about color schemes, flowers, and the dress style she’d like. Part of me can’t believe my baby sister is getting married, and another part of me has never been prouder of the person she’s become.

  When I get home, I drop on the couch, the bags I was holding spilling around me. I close my eyes for a second. After brunch, Taylor and I went to Riverwood Mansion and begged for a tour since we didn’t have an appointment scheduled. Then, we went shopping before she went back to Mike’s place for dinner.

  Exhausted doesn’t even begin to describe it. I kick off my booties and swing my legs onto the couch, reaching for the remote. I flip through the channels until I find an older romance movie to watch, eyes growing heavy.

  When my phone rings at some point during the movie, I’m half asleep and it startles me. I groan as I sit up and fish for it in my purse.

  “Hi.” I breathe out, laying back down.

  “Hey. Were you sleeping?”

  “Kinda. I’m watching a movie on the couch and was falling asleep,” I say.

  “You need me there to hold you?” Dex’s voice is low.

  “Always.” I smile and a warming sensation blankets over me. “How was your day?” I turn onto my side and get comfortable again.

  “It was awesome. The venue Peyton booked was almost sold out, and I was the only one performing. It was like a private show. I was able to make it more intimate, talk a bit more about myself in between songs.” His voice is light and happy, causing me to smile.

  “That’s so great. How did the meet and greet turn out?” I yawn, waiting for him to respond.

  “Reese, everything has been great. The guys have been supportive, checking in and making sure I’m good. I’ve gotten to know Rhett better. It’s a dream. I wish you were here to experience it.” I hear shuffling in the background, and I’m assuming he’s in his bunk.

  “I’m glad you’re living this. I’m glad I’m a part of your life. Whether I’m there in person or not, I’m living it alongside you.” I want him to be fully immersed in this moment of his life. Not worrying about me being in Nashville.

  “I know, I just miss you.” His voice grows husky.

  “How much?” I tease.

  “Too much, but I can’t say more, or the guys will hear me.” I laugh at his confession.

  “Probably don’t want an audience listening to all the things you want to do to me.”

  He groans at my words. “Reese…”

  “Got it. Lips are sealed. For what it’s worth, I miss you, too. And not just for the sex,” I add.

  “You know it’s more than that for me too, right?” he asks, suddenly sounding anxious.

  “I know,” I reassure him. “What are your plans for tomorrow?” I turn to lay on my back and drop my free hand over my stomach.

  “We’ll be on the road for most of the day, heading to Boston. I’ve got a few more appearances there, including an undercover concert Peyton had set up as soon as we learned I’d be touring. People don’t know who the performer is until I show up. It’s a cool concept.” I love hearing about the different experiences he’s having during these four weeks. He’s accomplishing something he’s wanted for so long, and yet he talks with such humility about each one.

  “That’s a fun idea,” I say.

  “Yeah. Rhett said he did a show like that in Florida last year and it helped grow his audience immensely,” he explains.

  “My boyfriend’s a big-shot musician.” I feel a smile taking over.

  “Not yet, but soon,” he promises.

  We’ve snuck in times to talk, especially at night, but it’s nice to have a longer conversation, actually catch up. I’ve missed unrushed moments to share what’s on our minds.

  “Cassidy Rae is heading over with the girls. She flies into Boston in a couple days.” I wish I could go for at least a weekend.

  “That’s awesome. You did mention she’d join Jason while Rae was on spring break,” he recalls.

  “Yup,” I pop the p. “Rae is excited. She loves being on the bus and watching the shows.”

  “This must be a totally different world for her.” I move my body to get more comfortable on the couch while he speaks.

  “You have no idea,” I yawn again.

  “You should go to sleep. We’ll talk tomorrow.”

  “It’s too early,” I complain.

  “It’s already nine, babe. Rest, and I’ll call you in the morning.” His voice is soft, making me miss him more.

  “Okay. Love you.”

  “Love you, too,” he sounds happy. “Bye.”

  I hang up and drag my body and my shopping bags to my bedroom, dropping them by the door. I’ll put everything away tomorrow. Right now, I need sleep.


  As soon as I open the text message Dex sent, I laugh. A toothy smile adorns Rae’s chocolate stained face.

  Dex: I gave her m&ms and she told me I was her new favorite person… seems as if I knocked you from that title

  Reese: how dare u?!

  Dex: sorry… the kid loves me

  I smile at my phone with what can only be the goofiest expression. Shifting on the couch, I sit criss-cross and respond to his message.

  Reese: no one is supp to replace that title.. not even taylor. Bribery is not fair play

  Dex: really? Bc she told me you were her favorite since you always bought her donuts and cupcakes.


  Reese: I’m her aunt, I’m supposed to buy her things she loves


  Reese: I’m not sure if to be upset about this or swoon

  I stare at the selfie of Rae and Dex, her arm wrapped around his neck. That girl is such a flirt. My brother and Cassidy Rae are in big trouble.

  Dex: def swoon. She says hi and she’ll see u when they get back

  Reese: tell her I miss her and will see her soon… how are you?

  From what he told me, the undercover event went really well. The people loved his music. His social media following has been growing continuously and the number of plays his songs have gotten on Spotify as well. Yeah, I’ve been stalking. Proud girlfriend duties.

  Another message comes in of Rae dancing. I smile, happy that she gets along so well with Dex.

  Dex: great. Finished my set and came into the green room where I found Rae searching for candy

  Reese: not gonna lie… this soft side of u is making me… u know

  Dex: oh yeah? Tell me more…

  Reese: LOL perv. Call me later. I’ll be at home missing u

  Dex: miss u too. I’ll call u when we get back on the bus

  My body melts into the cushions as I drop my phone next to me. I can’t wait to see that handsome man in three weeks.

  Reese: let’s video chat tonight

  Dex: I like where this is going.. wear something sexy.. like your birthday suit

  “What’s got you with that smile?” Taylor walks into the living room, dropping on the couch next to me.

  “Must you throw your body down instead of sitting like a normal person,” I tease.

  “Yup, it’s part of my charm.” She shoves popcorn into her mouth, purposefully, to annoy me.

  “Pig,” I joke and grab a handful of popcorn. “Dex sent me pictures of Rae.”

  “Let me see!” She sits up and grabs my phone. “Okay,
ignoring the sexting convo.”

  “Shut up. Here.” I click where the photos are stored in the message and show her.

  “Aw, she’s getting so big. And adorable. Looks like she’s taken to Dex.” Taylor looks over at me.

  “Yeah. I think the day we went to the zoo with them opened her up to him. Besides, you know she loves playing matchmaker.” I roll my eyes, but my smile is proof I have no problem with her talking me up to Dex.

  “She sure does.” Taylor laughs. “Ready for the movie?”

  “Got it all ready to go.” I press play on the 80s romcom and steal more popcorn from Taylor. I’m glad we make time to spend together. She’s my best friend, and soon we’ll be living separate lives when we’ve always lived together.


  The first half of the tour has been more than I could’ve imagined. I won’t say there haven’t been some days where the pressure gets to me, or I want to head back to Nashville and never look back. It’s all part of the learning curve. On days off, I’ve gotten to know Rhett and the guys from Rebel Desire better. We work out together, play basketball when we’re stopped, and hang out. Their wisdom has been a gift. It always helps to have someone, who’s been in your shoes, offer some insight. Even more helpful when you’ve got a tribe.

  “Hey, you ready?” Cash looks into the room.

  “Yeah.” I take a deep breath. This concert is one of the biggest I’ll perform during my time on the road with them.

  “Good luck,” he smiles, clapping my back.

  “Thanks.” I walk toward the stage set up at Sun Trust Park. Never imagined I’d be singing at the Home of the Braves. I tug on the hem of my Braves’ jersey with my last name on the back—a gift from our meet and greet earlier—and walk onto the stage.

  “Good evening, Atlanta!” I say through the microphone. “I’m Dex Monroe, and it’s an honor being here with y’all tonight.” The beats of the first song play next to me as Mark strums his guitar. The rest of the guys joining him with their instruments.

  I begin singing, the energy in the open air carrying me into a different world. After the first song, I introduce the band and tell the audience a bit more about me and my music.

  I chuckle when a woman’s voice carries over to me, yelling something about me being sexy.

  “Sorry ma’am, but this sexy man is taken.” The crowd is a mixture of cheers and boos as we move into the next song. Being on stage is liberating. Having a big space like this to move around, dance, and perform on has allowed me to find my groove as an artist. You always see performers doing their thing. While I’m not twerking on stage like Luke Bryan, I’ve been more comfortable moving to the rhythm of the music.

  The park fills with cheers as I finish up my set and thank them, introducing Rhett as the next performer. I walk off the stage, and Olivia says, “Say hi.”

  She’s holding the phone up as if she’s recording me until I hear Reese’s voice. My eyebrows shoot up, and Olivia turns the phone around, laughing. “Here you go. Talk to her.” She pats my arm and hands me her phone.

  “Hey!” I walk away from the stage and to a quieter corner.

  “Hi! You did amazing.” Her smile is huge. God, I’ve missed her.

  “Thanks. Did you see it all?” I lean against the wall and wipe sweat from my face with the hem of my shirt.

  “Are you giving me an ab show?” Her voice is teasing.

  “If you want one…” My eyebrows dance up and down.

  “Not now.” She tilts her head. “I hear you have a group of admirers. Good thing you told them you were taken, or I’d have some competition.” Her beautiful face lights up.

  “Only have room for you. How did Olivia think about video calling you?”

  “I actually called her. How did we not think about this before? After we did our video call the other night, I figured it would work while you were on stage, too. It almost felt like I was there.”

  “If you were, you’d be in my arms right now,” I say with a crooked smile.

  “I can’t believe you’re halfway done. We’re going to have to do a movie marathon when you get back.” She leans against her headboard, her long hair cascading around her shoulders. What I’d give to be on that bed with her right now.

  “I know a different kind of marathon we can do.” I lift a brow, and her mischievous smile matches mine.

  “Yeah, that too.” She moves the hair over her right shoulder, exposing her skin. “I don’t want to waste all of Olivia’s battery. Call me later?”

  “You know I will. As soon as we’re back on the bus.” When her lips pucker in a kiss, I wink.

  I walk back toward the rooms they set us up in to look for Olivia. “Hey, thanks for doing that.” I hand her the phone.

  “You’re welcome. I know how much it means to be present during a tour. I wasn’t able to experience Cash’s first one for unfortunate reasons, and I’m happy to do the bit I can so Reese is a part of it.” She smiles softly. Her and Cash have been together for years, so that surprises me. I don’t know much about their relationship, but they seem happier than pigs in mud together.

  “I appreciate it.” I nod and smile.

  Besides being on tour with people who have provided advice, they’re humble and kind. It helps to have a group of people that actually care about each other instead of think of you as competition. Building each other up holds more power than tearing each other down. Eventually, we slide down with them.


  “Hey, we’re going to go to Epcot tomorrow. You guys want to come?” Jason asks once we get down from the bus in Orlando. We’ll be here for two and a half days.

  “I’m in.” I look at Mark, Zack, and Steve.

  “Sounds good to me,” Mark says, and Zack and Steve agree.

  “Good deal,” Jason says. “You doing okay?” He looks me straight in the eyes.

  “Yeah, thanks.” I nod.


  “Go easy on him,” Cole, Rebel Desire’s drummer, walks up to us chuckling.

  “You’re an asshole. Just checking in to make sure he’s okay,” Jason smirks.

  “The kid’s a pro,” Cole shakes his head. “Seriously, you’re killing it on stage. Congrats.” He claps my back.

  “Thanks. That means a lot. It’s different than playing small gigs.” My hands hook into my jean pockets.

  “Yeah, this doesn’t hold a candle to Riot, although Riot is our favorite place to play at,” Jason says, looking between the buses.

  “Riot’s got a charm to it, for sure,” I agree with a nod.

  “Hey, you guys coming to eat?” Ryder calls out.

  “Come on.” Jason signals his head toward the street.

  We walk to a nearby bar and grill and grab a big table that fits us all. We definitely draw attention to our group, especially with Rebel Desire’s fame.

  Once we’re seated, Jen, Ryder’s wife, looks at me with a smile. “So you and Reese, huh?”

  Seems as if there are no secrets around here, not that Reese and I are keeping things hidden, but I gotta laugh about how someone I’ve only met recently knows about my relationship status. I’ll guess it’s been a topic of conversation between them. It’s like a small town where everyone knows your business.

  “Yeah,” I nod, put on the spot.

  “Is it serious?” She leans on her elbows as she interrogates me, causing me to chuckle.

  “It is actually.” I keep eye contact.

  “Great.” She leans back on her seat. “I like a man that doesn’t back down or pretend he’s uninterested in the woman he’s seeing so he seems cool, which really makes him look like a douche. I like you, Dex.” She smiles wide and grabs her menu. “Now let’s have a drink.”

  “Hell, yeah,” Ryder agrees, pulling her into his side.

  “Ignore her,” Olivia speaks up. “She likes to pretend she’s got a say in people’s personal lives.” She shakes her head.

  “Hey! Don’t discredit me.” Jen crosses her arms and glares
at Olivia.

  I laugh at them and take a drink of water. This is new territory for me—hanging out with people who know my girlfriend. Hell, hanging out with her brother. I’ve never been attached to someone for longer than a few weeks, and now I’ve dived head first into a relationship with a woman I care about more than anyone else, and I’ve been thrown into her world without planning it.

  “It’s okay. I’m not gonna shy away from my relationship or hide it. Now about that drink?” I grab the menu, switching subjects. I don’t want to be the focus of conversation at the table. There are other people sitting with us that don’t want to be bored with an interrogation about my feelings for Reese.

  After we all have drinks, things settle, and different conversations take place throughout the table. I relax into my chair, enjoying the company. I’m going to miss nights like this when I’m back in Nashville, but I’ll be happy to be back home with my lady and moving forward with my career. Hopefully, I’ll be able to keep these friendships I’ve made.


  “Hey, Aunt Reese,” Rae answers the door.

  “Hey, baby girl.” I bend down to pick her up. “You’re getting way too big for me to carry you,” I say as I twirl us around on the way to the kitchen.

  “Hey.” Cassidy Rae leans against the counter, her eyebrows raised and a smile on her face.

  I put Rae down on her feet and she continues to twirl around. I lean into the swing Ada is on and kiss her cheek.

  “I was with your boyfriend,” Rae shouts.

  “I heard. I saw pictures of you eating all the M&Ms.” I wink. Her eyes widen and her lips pinch together.

  “Oh yeah, she took advantage of the vacation to eat way more sweets than necessary,” Cassidy Rae adds, giving Rae a pointed look.

  “They were sooooo yummy.” She continues to dance around.

  “How are you?’ Cassidy Rae looks at me.

  “Good. How was the trip?” I sit at the counter.

  “It was fun. The girls love seeing Jason on stage and spending time with him. Dex seems to really be getting the most out of it.”

  “He is,” I nod. “He was happy to see you guys and spend time with Rae.”


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