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To Boston, With Love

Page 8

by Chenell Parker

  The same with her cousin, Monroe. Indigo hated when he voice his opinion because she knew that he was right. Monroe was barely stable enough to live alone. Living with two other people who were just as unstable was insane. He lost count of how many times Indigo had to go over there to talk her down or make her take her meds. She was only one person trying to save everyone around her and he was more fed up with it than she was. Justice wished he could pack her up and whisk her away from it all, but he knew that would never happen. Indigo loved her life and the people in it. She was content with the way things were, even if he wasn’t.

  “ I swear on my uncle, when I find out who tried to get me caught up, it’s over for their asses,” Boston ranted as he and Indigo walked around the mall.

  Lacey’s annoying ass was with them, but it wasn’t planned. She was already in the mall when they ran into her and she invited herself to walk with them. Keema was on point with her info and Boston was thankful for her. As soon as Boston got to his last stop, there was a checkpoint there and they had dogs and all. They seemed disappointed when they didn’t find anything on him, but they had no choice but to let him go. Boston wasn’t trying to lose out on his money, so he started making his runs in his own car once he dropped the kids off to school. His money was still good and he gained a few new customers along the way.

  “I hate that it had to happen like that, but I told you to stop a long time ago. How can you love kids so much and put them in harm’s way like that?” Indigo questioned as she looked at some bathing suits.

  “Don’t even try to play me like that Indie. You know I’d lay down and die before I do anything to hurt those kids. It wasn’t like I had the drugs in plain view. It was just easier to do it that way. It’s all good though. One hater don’t stop the show. I gotta get it,” Boss replied.

  He always had a backup plan and he didn’t have a problem improvising. Boss didn’t care what he had to do, but he swore that he would never miss another meal as long as he had breath in his body. He was too young to do anything back then, but he was a grown ass man now.

  “Look baby. What do you think about this one?” Lacey asked as she held up a two-piece swimsuit for Boston to see. He frowned when she called him baby and Indigo knew that he was about to snap.

  “It’s cute. You should get it,” Indigo hurriedly answered with a smile.

  “Let me hold on to it just in case. I might find something better,” Lacey replied as they continued to walk.

  They were preparing for their trip to Miami and they were all excited. Indigo and Justice had gone to the mall the day before to get him a few things and he was looking forward to it too. It had been a while since he had a vacation and spending time with Indigo was the best part of it all.

  “I think I’m gonna get these two. I got a few yesterday, so I should be good,” Indigo replied as they headed for the register.

  “I got it,” Boss said as he pulled out some cash and handed it to the cashier.

  “Thanks bestie.” Indigo smiled once the lady handed her the bag.

  When it was Lacey’s turn to pay, she expected Boss to extend the same courtesy. When she saw that he wasn’t, she pulled out her debit card and paid for everything herself. Although she had an attitude, she tried her best to mask it. Lane’s words kept playing over and over in her head but she refused to believe it. After all, out of all the women that she knew Boss messed with, she was the one who he was taking to Miami for a week. She paid her own way but they were sharing a room. That had to mean something. Besides, Indigo had a man of her own and he was coming with them too.

  “Are you done or do you have to get anything else?” Boss asked Indigo.

  “I’m done, why?” Indigo countered.

  “You need to get me right. I don’t have shit to pack,” Boss replied.

  “Seriously Boston? We’ve been shopping for almost two hours and you’re just now saying something. I’m starving.” Indigo frowned, right as they passed by the food court.

  “Me too,” Lacey noted.

  “You can go grab you something to eat Lacey. We’re going in Dillard’s,” Boss replied as he grabbed Indigo’s hand and walked away.

  Lacey felt played, but she let them go while she went to the food court to get something to eat.

  “Did that nigga really just dismiss you like that?” Lane asked when she walked up on her little sister. Ari was standing there smirking and Lacey wanted to knock her thin ass out.

  “He didn’t dismiss me. I was hungry,” Lacey replied.

  “Stop lying Lacey. I heard what he said. We were standing right behind you and you didn’t even notice,” Lane argued, as Ari snickered underneath her breath.

  “The fuck is so funny Ari? Laugh at the fact that you’re begging the nigga for some dick every chance you get,” Lacey snapped.

  “That’s cool but it ain’t like you’re the only one who’s getting it. That dick is for everybody and I had enough sense to know that,” Ari replied.

  Boss was even more of a dog than she imagined. That was proven when she saw her roommate Quita sneaking his dog ass out of the house a few days ago. Ari had been running errands for most of the day but she had to stop home to put on her work uniform. She was confused when she saw Quita open the door and look around to make sure the coast was clear. That was, until she saw Boston’s dog ass rushing out of the house through one of the side doors and jogging to his car that she didn’t even notice was parked a few houses down. Keema was an undercover hoe, so she would have given her the charge had she been home. Quita was there alone and that gave her all the answers that she needed.

  Ari was pissed but she was more hurt than anything. Quita was her friend and she knew better than anyone else how she felt about Boss. She used to cry on her shoulder many nights and she thought that they were better than that. Ari hated that she was still in love with him but she couldn’t help it. Sex with Boss was like something straight out of a Kama Sutra book and she craved it. She actually went through withdrawals like a crackhead when she couldn’t get it anymore. When other females went crazy over him, she already knew why. She even understood why Quita went behind her back to fuck with him but she didn’t respect it.

  Ari had been giving her girl the cold shoulder since it happened but she had something even better for Boss. She called in an anonymous tip to the drug enforcement hotline and she was heated when he didn’t go to jail like she wanted him to. She didn’t know how Boss dodged that bullet, but luck was obviously on his side that day.

  “That’s cool but, in two weeks, it’ll be mine for an entire week on the beach in Miami.” Lacey smiled, successfully pulling Ari out of her thoughts.

  “Don’t be so sure honey. Boss will fuck a mermaid if she can survive outside of the ocean,” Ari laughed as she walked away with her hands full of shopping bags.

  “Hating ass bitch,” Lacey fumed once she was gone.

  “I just want you to be careful Lacey. You’re a grown woman and all but I know you,” Lane spoke up.

  “What is that supposed to mean?” Lacey asked defensively.

  “You have a good heart but you give it to the wrong people. I want you to be happy but I don’t see Boston being the one to make it happen,” Lane replied.

  “Well, it’s a good thing that I don’t give a fuck about what you and nobody else thinks. What we have works for us and we’re good,” Lacey noted.

  “I guess that’s why his best friend is helping him pick out clothes for a vacation that you’re accompanying him on. Bye girl. I’ll see you at home,” Lane said as she walked away in the same direction as Ari.

  Lacey bit her lip hard to keep from saying something that she would probably regret. Just like always, her appetite had vanished and she wasn’t in the mood to eat anything. Instead of going to find Boss and Indigo, she left out of the mall and went to her car instead. She was about to call her sister-in-law to see if she wanted to hang out for a little while. She needed some encouraging words and she knew Erin would make h
er feel better.

  Justice pulled up to the house and killed his engine. His hand shook nervously but he had no reason to be scared. He knew that he was making the right decision but he wanted to do things the right way. After giving himself a mental pep talk, Justice got out of the car and jogged up the stairs. Before he could ring the doorbell, Ivy opened the door.

  “Hey Justice,” she cooed seductively as she licked her lips. She was looking at the camera on her phone when he was walking up the steps.

  Justice never told Indigo but he always got the feeling that Ivy was flirting with him. He and her fiancé, Antonio, hung out a few times when he was home and he was cool. Although Ivy and Indigo didn’t have the best relationship, he could never see himself disrespecting her in any way, especially not with her sister. To him, Ivy seemed a little envious of Indigo, even though she appeared to have more. In his opinion, Indigo was prettier with a better shape but Ivy was easy on the eyes as well. He took comfort in the fact that she never went too far with him. The same couldn’t be said with Boss. She seemed to want him bad and she had no shame when she told him so. Boss didn’t seem interested and that was probably because he had a bunch of other women.

  “What’s good Ivy? Is your father here?” Justice asked as he walked inside.

  “Yeah, he’s in his office,” she replied.

  “Justice, how are you?” Cynthia smiled once he stepped inside.

  “I’m good. Just coming to rap with your husband for a few,” he said.

  “Oh,” she replied, replacing her smile with a frown. “He’s back there in his office. You can go on in. You better catch him before he pulls one of his infamous disappearing acts.”

  Justice nodded as he made his way down the hall. He knocked on the door once before he opened it and walked inside. Irvin was sitting there with a huge smile on his face and the phone glued to his ear.

  “Go get some rest and I’ll call you later,” he said to whomever he was on the phone with. It had to be a woman because he was smiling too damn hard for it not to be. He motioned for Justice to have a seat in front of his desk and he did. Justice shifted uncomfortably in his seat when he heard Irvin making dinner plans but he tried his best to ignore it.

  “Sorry to interrupt. Cynthia told me that it was okay to come in,” Justice informed him.

  “Yeah, it’s cool. I’m surprised to see you. You’re always at work whenever Indigo comes over,” Irvin noted.

  “Yeah, I know. I’m trying to do better but it’s hard. Being the youngest and only black supervisor there is a challenge. I feel like I constantly have to prove myself. I have to keep reminding them that they hired the right man for the job,” Justice replied.

  “I definitely understand son. That’s the reason why I opened my own business. Taking orders from people who are less qualified than you just because of their skin color is not my thing. I applaud you, though. Not many men your age have that mindset. Hell, my own son included. Nigga almost thirty years old and still trying to be a rapper. Cynthia pacifies his ass too much. If it was up to me, he would have been out of here a long time ago,” Irvin ranted, making Justice laugh.

  “Nah, I can’t do the broke thing. I’m looking to buy me and Indigo a house next year,” Justice noted.

  “That’s what I like to hear. You know I can help y’all with that. Ivy and Antonio got their house for next to nothing. Once it’s renovated, it’ll be worth a few hundred thousand,” Irvin replied.

  “Yeah, I’ll definitely be needing your help. But, right now, I need your help with something else,” Justice said.

  “Okay, what’s up?” Irvin asked.

  “Well, you know that Indigo and I will be in Miami next week,” Justice reminded him.

  “Yeah, for a week. Y’all both can use a vacation,” Irvin acknowledged.

  “I agree but I have something else in mind as well,” Justice said as he pulled a small velvet box from his pocket.

  “Wow. Okay, so you’re ready to take things to another level.” Irvin smiled, impressed by the huge rock that was inside.

  “Yes but only if I have your blessing. I promise to do everything in my power to always make her happy,” Justice replied.

  He knew how close Indigo was with her father and having his blessing would mean a lot to him. After so many years of being together, he knew that he was making the right decision. His parents thought so too and they were happy when he told them.

  “You definitely have my blessing and congratulations in advance. There’s no doubt in my mind that she’s gonna say yes,” Irvin replied as he stood up and extended his hand towards his future son-in-law.

  Although his son was a lazy bum, he was happy that both his daughters had great men in their lives. Both men worked hard and loved his daughters unconditionally. That’s what most fathers wanted and he was proud to have it.

  “Thank you, sir. I appreciate that. I’m a little nervous but it’ll pass,” Justice chuckled.

  “Yeah, it will,” Irvin agreed.

  “I’m ready to start bringing you some grandkids,” Justice said as Irvin walked him out of his office.

  “You know I’ve been ready.” Irvin smiled.

  The thought of his house being full of grandkids warmed his heart. He was sure that Cynthia wouldn’t be too happy if the children came from Indigo but she would just have to deal with it. Lately, Irvin had been questioning his marriage to her. Aside from the fact that she wasn’t too fond of his youngest child, the love that he’d once had for his wife was gone. In the beginning of their marriage, he couldn’t imagine being unfaithful to her. Now, he couldn’t even go a full year without having a woman on the side. He was happy that their kids were grown because he didn’t foresee them being together much longer. He had developed feelings for someone else and he hadn’t felt that way about a woman since he met Precious.

  “How’s everything going Justice?” Cynthia asked when they entered the living room.

  “Everything is good now,” Justice replied as he looked at Irvin.

  “Why? What did I miss?” Cynthia asked.

  “It’s nothing that concerns you,” Irvin interjected.

  “Yeah, you would say that,” Cynthia hissed with a roll of her eyes.

  “You and Indigo have fun in Miami and be safe. Be sure to let me know how it goes,” Irvin said, ignoring what his wife had said.

  “Will do,” Justice replied as he shook his hand and walked out of the house.

  He was able to breathe a sigh of relief once he talked to Irvin. He had the blessing of his family and hers and things were falling in place perfectly. He’d already planned to get the hotel staff to help him plan something special. All he needed now was for Indigo to say yes and it was on from there.

  I t was rare, but Justice was enjoying the quality time that he was spending with Indigo. They were leaving for Miami the following morning and he took off the day before to relax. They spent the entire day packing in between having lots of sex and cooking. Their luggage was at the door and they were ready to have some fun.

  “I want to rent a yacht and do a sunset cruise. Boss said that he’s not doing all that lovey dovey couples shit with Lacey. Draco and Jaci are down with it though,” Indigo said as she and Justice cuddled in the bed. They’d just taken a shower and were watching a movie.

  “That sounds like something that just the two of us can do. We don’t need anybody else to tag along,” Justice replied. Proposing on a yacht sounded romantic and different.

  “Yeah, maybe we can,” Indigo replied, right as his phone rang.

  “Shit,” Justice hissed as he ran his hand over his face.

  “What’s wrong? Who is that?” Indigo asked.

  “My boss,” Justice sighed in disgust.

  “Justice, no. You can’t go to work today. Our flight leaves at six in the morning and you know they won’t let you off in time,” Indigo replied.

  “I know baby but I have to answer,” Justice said as the phone continued to ring.

nbsp; “No, you don’t,” Indigo snapped in disgust. She already knew that it was a waste of time because he answered the phone anyway.

  “Hey Mr. Rollins, how are you sir?” Justice asked when he answered for his boss. Indigo was lying right up under him so she heard everything.

  “Not good. Ken just had to get rushed to the hospital again. It looks bad. I know that you’re off today but I can really use your help. His wife and son had to leave and we’re really short staffed,” Mr. Rollins replied, referring to the other supervisor who took sick once before.

  “No! Tell him no!” Indigo exclaimed in a harsh whisper.

  “It’ll only be for a few hours, just to get things running smoothly again,” Mr. Rollins said.

  “No problem. I’ll be there shortly,” Justice said as Indigo threw her hands up in defeat.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” she yelled once he hung up.

  “Calm down baby. He won’t try to keep me there all night. He knows how important this vacation is to me,” Justice noted.

  “Maybe he does but I doubt if he gives a fuck. That job is his life and you said so yourself. As much as you deny it, you’ve made it your life too.”

  “Say what you want but that job is the reason why we live in this condo in a mixed race gated community. That job is the reason why we can afford to spend a week in Miami and take sunset cruises,” Justice said.

  “Stop acting like I don’t have my own money. I appreciate everything that you do for me but I don’t ask you for shit. I don’t depend on no man, not even my own father. I’ve been making moves since I was sixteen years old. The fuck you mean,” Indigo snapped.

  “You call bartending and selling hair making moves?” Justice countered with a frown.

  “You muthafucking right nigga. I haven’t missed a meal or a bill yet. Fuck what you think,” Indigo argued.


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