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To Boston, With Love

Page 26

by Chenell Parker

  Since being released from prison, West had been having the worst luck ever. He regretted the one sided beef that he had with Boss, but he was in his feelings about some of the things that he was hearing. Not even a month into his bid, Boss had switched shit up on him. He changed suppliers and rearranged their entire operation. Granted, Boss had the right idea to move a little differently than he did before. Leaving West out of the entire operation was what he had a problem with.

  When his phone rang, West got excited when he saw the familiar number pop up on his screen. He quickly put his blunt out and answered the call.

  “What’s up sweetheart?” West asked when he picked up the phone.

  “Hey boo. Are you here yet?” she asked him.

  “Yeah, I’m in position,” he replied.

  “Okay, I’m coming out now,” she said before hanging up.

  West checked his two guns and made sure that they were ready to do some damage. He had on black jeans and a black shirt, hoping to blend into the night. When the back door opened a few minutes later, West smiled when he saw his sexy partner in crime sashaying towards him. He leaned over and opened the car door for her, right before she jumped in.

  “Hey boo.” She smiled as she leaned over and kissed him.

  “What’s good love?” West asked as he licked his lips lustfully.

  West stuck his tongue in her mouth and pulled her over onto his lap. He knew that he was there to do a job but a little pleasure before business never hurt anyone. His hands roamed her body lustfully as she grinded on him. She threw her head back and moaned when he lifted her shirt and took one of her breasts into his mouth.

  “I’ve been meaning to ask you. How do you know Boston and Indigo?” she asked, almost ruining the mood.

  “Do you really wanna talk about that right now? This ain’t the right time for a discussion,” West replied.

  His dick was hard as a brick and begging to be freed from his jeans. Discussing anything that didn’t have to do with her being bent over the front seat wasn’t happening.

  “And you wanna kill them both?” she inquired as his tongue lapped at her nipples.

  “I really want him but his bitch will do,” he replied as he kissed her neck.

  “Why her?” she questioned, making him stop what he was doing.

  Something felt off about her line of questioning and his paranoia was kicking in. She had never been that interested in why he was doing what he planned to do. The fact that she was asking right before they were supposed to handle business seemed suspicious. He looked at her, ready to go off but his eyes got wide with shock and fear as soon as he did.

  “The fuck!” West yelled as she slipped the blade from under her tongue and effortlessly slid it across his neck.

  Everything happened so fast that he didn’t even have a chance to react. He grabbed his throat with one hand and went to reach for her with the other. She was too quick for him though. She jumped into the passenger seat and just looked over at him.

  “Stop moving so much. You’re gonna get blood all over me. No need to fight it. You’re gonna die,” she said in an eerily calm voice.

  West was choking on his own blood and she sat there, emotionless, and watched. She took off the shirt that she was wearing and started wiping down the parts of the car that she might have touched. West’s eyes slowly closed as his life slipped away from him. She grabbed his cell phone from the cup holder and slipped it into her pocket.

  “Can’t have nobody seeing our conversations now, can we? Hopefully, they’ll find you soon but I have to get to work. Dixie doesn’t like us to be late for our shift,” she said as he took his last breath.

  Boss has his bottom lip pinched in between his teeth as he watched Indigo bounce up and down on his dick like it was her favorite ride. She twerked and rolled her hips the same way she did when she was on the dance floor. She captivated him and no other woman had ever done that before.

  “You trying to give your husband some babies,” Boss said in between moans.

  “I’m trying to give you whatever you want,” Indigo replied as she stuck her tongue in his mouth.

  Boss grabbed her ass cheeks and gripped them tight as he went deeper inside of her. Indigo bit his shoulder, as he stood up with her in his arms.

  “You better not still be taking them damn pills,” Boss said as he bounced her up and down with ease.

  “I’m not,” Indigo moaned as she threw her head back in ecstasy.

  They had about another two or three weeks before they planned to be all moved into their house. They enjoyed shopping and decorating for the place that they would be calling home. Boss was ready for them to start a family and they had been having lots of fun trying. He’d been learning a lot from going to therapy and he vowed to give his children a better life than the one he had.

  “You ready baby?” Boss asked as he looked at his wife.

  “Yes baby, I’m ready,” Indigo replied, feeling exactly the same way.

  He felt his release coming and so did she. Boss put her back up against the wall and fucked her like it would be his last time. When they came, he dropped down to the floor with her still in his arms. They just laid there for a while, both trying to catch their breath. He wanted them to lay up and watch movies all night, but Indigo had to go to work.

  “When is your last day at Dixie’s?” he asked when they finally got up to take a shower.

  “We haven’t decided yet,” Indigo replied.

  “Come on Indie. We talked about this already,” Boston argued.

  “I know baby, but I’m trying to give Dixie some time to hire somebody else,” Indigo said as they stepped into the steaming hot water.

  “Fuck,” Boston flinched and hurriedly got behind her. Indigo laughed, but that was good for him. He was always trying to take a shower with her knowing that he couldn’t deal. Indigo showered in all hot water and he didn’t understand how she did it.

  “You okay?” she chuckled.

  “One week Indie,” Boston replied.

  “For what?” she asked.

  “That’s how long Dixie has to find your replacement. You’re doing too much baby. You work two jobs in between trying to sell hair and go to school,” Boss replied.

  “We’re almost done with school though,” she reminded him.

  “I don’t care. One week,” he repeated with finality.

  At first, he wanted her to quit both bars. Since his father’s bar closed earlier, he agreed to let her continue working there. Truthfully, the tips that she made at Bear’s bar were much better than at Dixie’s. The older crowd always tipped bigger and better. Besides that, she didn’t go to the hair salon every day. Most times, Shine would call her if somebody wanted something and she or Boss would go there to get them right. Boss was serious about starting a family and he was putting things in place early.

  “I’ll talk to Dixie tonight,” Indigo said as she got dressed for work.

  She was trying to stall as long as she could, but he wasn’t having it. She hated to leave her cousin at Dixie’s unattended and she knew that Monroe probably wouldn’t be too happy about it either. Dixie was too scared to fire her, but Indigo was gonna try to convince her to quit. She was hoping that Bear could maybe use some extra help around his bar. That way, Monroe would still be making money and Indigo could watch her.

  “One week Indie. No more compromising,” Boss replied as he grabbed his keys and prepared to drop her off.

  “Okay baby,” Indigo replied with a roll of her eyes.

  They made small talk about their house and taking a vacation as they drove to Dixie’s. Draco had finally popped the question to Jaci and they planned to accompany them on a trip, the same way they had done for them. Jaci was serious about Draco marrying her. She had packed up her shit and was ready to move out if he didn’t. Draco had it out for Indigo’s grandmother, but Jaci loved her. Beatrice was blunt with her approach, but she helped her to see her worth.

  “The fuck?” Boss mumbled
when they pulled up and saw all the police cars and people standing around Dixie’s. They had yellow tape surrounding the building and seeing that was never good.

  “What the hell happened? God, I hope Monroe is okay,” Indigo said as she grabbed her phone to call her cousin.

  Boss parked as close as he could before he and Indigo got out of the car. She kept trying Monroe’s phone, but she never got an answer. Indigo tried not to panic but it was too hard. They maneuvered through the crowd of people until they saw Draco and Jaci standing there.

  “Damn bruh, I was just about to call you,” Draco said as soon as Boss walked over to him.

  “What happened? Did y’all see my cousin?” Indigo asked.

  “Yeah, she’s good. She’s out here somewhere,” he replied, making Indigo visibly relax.

  “They said somebody got killed behind the building, but they haven’t been identified yet,” Jaci noted, explaining the yellow tape.

  “Damn. I hope it wasn’t any of the employees. Nobody has a reason to go back there though,” Indigo replied.

  “I don’t know who it was. They’re inside talking to my mama now. And your married ass daddy is here too.” Draco frowned.

  “Leave my daddy alone nigga,” Indigo laughed, right as they spotted Monroe.

  “Aye, Monroe!” Boss yelled, getting her attention. When Monroe saw them, she hurriedly walked in their direction.

  “Hey boo. Are you okay?” Indigo asked her.

  “Yeah but I don’t think we’re gonna open tonight. I have to call Ellis to pick me up,” Monroe replied.

  “No, that’s okay. We can bring you home,” Indigo offered.

  “Don’t worry Indie, you’re safe now,” Monroe whispered so that only her cousin could hear her. Indigo looked at her strange, wondering what she meant. She pulled Monroe off to the side, away from all the eyes and ears.

  “Safe from what Monroe?” Indigo asked her.

  “West. I took care of it for you. They haven’t identified him yet but that’s who it is,” she replied, making Indigo’s heart drop.

  “God, no. Monroe, what did you do?” Indigo asked her.

  “I made sure that he never bothers you again.” Monroe smiled as she proceeded to tell Indigo the story.

  “Oh, my God! Why did you do that Monroe? What if they pull up the text messages that y’all exchanged. They have cameras all around the building. You probably left fingerprints and everything,” Indigo whispered in a panic while pacing the sidewalk nervously.

  “Stop talking to me like I’m crazy Indie. I hate when you and my grandma do that. I’m not dumb. I used a burner phone and I took his phone with me. Everything is right here in this bag. Once I get rid of it, there won’t be any evidence,” Monroe said as she held up the small duffle bag for her to see.

  She was smarter than people gave her credit for and she proved that when she handled West. Indigo tried to keep things from her, but she paid attention to the conversations around her. She heard Boss saying that West was the one who got her cousin jumped and she was pissed. He also mentioned that West hung out at the pool hall and Monroe went there, hoping to see him. After three days of waiting, her patience finally paid off and West strolled through the door. Once he saw her, the rest was history. He was a dumb criminal and that’s exactly why he was no longer breathing. He didn’t even know her like that to be discussing anything with her. Monroe wanted to take him out the first day they met, but she had to play it cool.

  “This is bad. This is all bad,” Indigo mumbled, interrupting her cousin’s thoughts.

  “He was gonna kill you and Boss, Indie. You’re my only cousin. I can’t lose you,” Monroe said sadly, melting Indigo’s heart.

  “It’s okay baby. Nothing is gonna happen to me. But you have to listen to me Monroe,” Indigo noted as she grabbed her cousin’s shoulders and looked into her eyes.

  “Okay.” Monroe nodded.

  “Do you remember when we were younger and used to sneak and drink our grandmother’s beers?” Indigo asked with a smile.

  “Yeah and they never found out about it,” Monroe laughed.

  “That’s because we swore to never tell anyone and we didn’t. That’s what we have to do now. We have to swear to never bring this up to anyone ever. Not Boss, not Treva, not Ellis, nobody. This is our secret,” Indigo said as she held her pinky finger out for her cousin to grab. Indigo was definitely telling her husband, but she couldn’t tell that to Monroe.

  “Okay, I promise. But, I did something else Indie. You have to promise to keep that a secret too,” Monroe said, making her want to scream. She had to handle her cousin with kid gloves, so she took a deep breath before she said anything.

  “What else happened? You know you can tell me anything,” Indigo replied.

  “I cheated on Treva and Ellis. I didn’t have sex with him or nothing. I just let him go down on me a few times,” Monroe confessed.

  “Okay, I promise not to tell. And listen, I’m quitting at Dixie’s and I think you should too. After this, I don’t think it’s a good idea for either of us to work there anymore,” Indigo said.

  She was quitting anyway but Monroe didn’t need to know that. As always, she had to take a different approach with her cousin.

  “I don’t wanna work there without you so I’ll do it,” Monroe replied, making her smile.

  Indigo took the duffel bag from Monroe before she and Boss gave her cousin a ride home. Indigo was too nervous to stand around the crime scene and she had a good reason. Once they dropped Monroe off home, she ran the entire story down to Boston and he was just as shocked as she was. They read through the message thread on Monroe’s burner phone and Boss was happy that things played out the way they did. West was a hoe and he deserved exactly what Monroe gave him. Boss didn’t want to take a chance on her getting caught, so he and Indigo threw the bag over the bridge as they drove home. Boss told Indigo that she had another week at Dixie’s, but he changed his mind. After what happened that night, he didn’t want her to go back there at all.

  E very time Indigo thought that things were getting better, some more bullshit came along to disturb their peace. She and Boss were in the process of moving into their house and they should have been happy. Unfortunately, the drama surrounding West’s death wouldn’t let them be great. West had been killed two weeks ago and had been buried since then. That didn’t stop the police from coming to question her husband about his murder on two separate occasions though. Indigo thought they were coming at him about Justice being shot, but she was wrong. That was never mentioned and that was something that he was actually guilty of.

  She was worried about Monroe, but it wasn’t her who the police came after. Her cousin had covered her tracks and she wasn’t on anyone’s radar. Indigo was worried about camera footage from Dixie’s but they didn’t have any. Monroe had cut the wires and all footage from that day and the three days before was lost. She didn’t give her cousin enough credit, but Monroe moved like a professional. She was happy that Bear took a chance and hired her cousin and, so far, Monroe was doing well. Instead of the customers coming to the bar to get their drinks, she took their orders and delivered it to their table.

  “Hey daddy,” Indigo said when she answered the phone for her father.

  “Hey baby. Are you and Boss on your way?” Irvin asked.

  “Nah, not yet. He’s not with me right now. We’re going out to eat with Bear before we come over there. Why? What’s up?” Indigo asked.

  “I just wanna make sure that I’m here when you come,” Irvin replied.

  “You don’t need to be there when we come. I’m not scared of your wife or her daughter,” Indigo noted.

  “You being scared isn’t the problem,” Irvin laughed.

  Indigo had been back to the house since her fight with Ivy, but his wife made sure to stay upstairs when she came. Ivy couldn’t even make eye contact with her sister anymore and Indigo was cool with that. All she ever wanted was for them to stay out of her way and they d
id. Irvin was barely home anymore and Indigo already knew what was about to happen. He was getting closer to Dixie and he was gonna be moving out again soon.

  “Well, I’ll call you when we’re on our way. We shouldn’t be too long,” Indigo said.

  “Okay baby, see you soon,” Irvin replied before he hung up.

  Since they had their own garage now, she and Boss were getting their bikes from her father’s house. Bear invited them out to eat with him and his girlfriend and they were going to do that first. Right now, Indigo was standing outside smoking her blunt, waiting impatiently. When the door to the restaurant opened, she put her blunt out on the ground and leaned up against the car.

  “Can you please get off of my car?” Ari snapped when she walked over and looked at Indigo.

  “Make me,” Indigo challenged with a frown.

  “What do you want Indigo?” Ari asked in aggravation.

  “Playing dumb is not a good look on you, sis. It seems that we have a problem Ari. One that we need to resolve as soon as possible,” Indigo replied as she walked closer to her.

  “I’m not the one with the problem, your husband is. He’s the only person that my brother had any issues with since he’s been home and now he’d dead,” Ari noted.

  “I hope you stretched before that reach. You know damn well that Boss ain’t have shit to do with what happened to your brother. He would have been shot if he did. My husband don’t play with knives boo,” Indigo pointed out.

  Ari would never say it out loud, but that part was true. Boss loved guns, so slashing someone’s throat wasn’t his style. Ari was heartbroken when she got the news of her brother’s death and so was Lane. It was even worse for Lane because she still hadn’t gotten her car back. It was still being processed as evidence and two weeks had passed. Another thing that Ari didn’t understand was the location of his death. West had never frequented Dixie’s and he had no reason to start. He knew that was one of Boston’s favorite hangout spots and they weren’t cool like that anymore. So much about her brother’s death wasn’t adding up. When the police asked her and her family if he had problems with anyone, Boss was the only person that she could think of. Her other family members were mad with her for what they called snitching, but she didn’t give a damn. Her brother was dead and she wanted his killer caught. She didn’t even know that Boss had been questioned. Seeing his wife at her job had her regretting saying anything at all. Ari had a daughter to live for. She wasn’t trying to lose her life behind some bullshit.


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