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To Boston, With Love

Page 32

by Chenell Parker

  “You’re trying to get my husband locked up for a murder that he didn’t commit, but you stood by your brother’s killer and you knew that he was guilty. You’re a seriously fucked up individual,” Indigo fumed.

  “Sir, I just want her away from my house. I don’t know why her crazy ass even called y’all out here,” Kissy spoke up.

  “Ma’am, you need to leave. Get in your car and drive away,” the officer said to Carla.

  “This is my brother’s house. I don’t have to go anywhere,” Carla replied defiantly.

  “They’re trying to keep from bringing your stupid ass to jail. Get in your car and leave dummy,” Kissy fussed.

  “Is that what you want ma’am? It appears that she’s the one who’s trespassing and it’s your call,” the officer said to Kissy.

  “Yeah, take her weak ass for a ride,” Boss laughed.

  “Boston, stop it,” Kissy admonished.

  “You are so evil!” Carla cried as she looked at her son.

  “That’s because the devil pushed me out,” he replied as he grabbed Indigo around her waist and walked up the steps to Kissy’s house.

  “Let’s go ma’am and, if you come back, taking you to jail will no longer be up to anyone else,” the officer said as he pushed Carla towards her car.

  “What the hell was that all about?” Indigo asked as they watched Carla get into her car and drive away. The officers stayed there until she left.

  “Y’all come on inside. These nosey bastards have seen enough,” Kissy said while rolling her eyes at the neighbors.

  As soon as they got inside, Boston washed his hands and fixed himself a plate. He wasn’t interested in Carla or nothing else that had anything to do with her.

  “What happened Kissy?” Indigo inquired.

  “That crazy bitch came over here talking about Boston killed her man’s brother,” Kissy replied.

  “Nah, I ain’t no killer,” Boss mumbled with a mouth full of food.

  “I know you’re not baby. That no-good ass nigga left her and she’s losing it. Crazy bitch was saying all kinds of dumb shit. Hell, I kind of wish Boston would have been the one to do it. An eye for a muthafucking eye.” Kissy frowned.

  “She looks horrible,” Indigo observed.

  “Like a fucking crackhead. Grab me a bottle of wine from the fridge Indigo. This damn girl got me in here sweating off my damn makeup,” Kissy said as she walked away to fix her face.

  “That bitch is gonna be a problem,” Indigo whispered to her husband.

  “For who?” Boss asked nonchalantly.

  “For us!” Indigo hissed.

  “You know me better than anybody else. Trust me baby, we’re good. Fuck Carla and I mean that from my heart. Bitch trying to send me to jail but paid for a lawyer for the nigga that killed her brother.” Boss frowned.

  “Bitch better be lucky that I’m pregnant. I don’t play about you,” Indigo fussed.

  “Fuck her and her nigga,” Boss said, right as Kissy walked back into the room.

  “I know you didn’t say your grace before you ate. Just a heathen,” Kissy said, fussing at Boston.

  “God knows that I’m thankful. I’ll say my grace when I eat the second plate,” he replied as he got up to get some more.

  Indigo piled her plate high and sat down next to him. Kissy was already talking about a baby shower and how extra she wanted it to be. She was hoping that Carla and her drama went away and didn’t become a problem for them. Since Boston didn’t seem too concerned, she wasn’t going to let it keep her up at night.

  “ Shit,” Indigo moaned as she gripped the sheets.

  Boss spread her ass cheeks wide as his warm tongue glided up and down her crack. She quivered helplessly as he plunged his finger in and out of her hole. She tried to stay on all fours, but it was almost impossible. She collapsed on the bed and buried her face in the pillow.

  “Get up Indie. You know I don’t like you laying on your stomach,” Boss lifted his head and fussed.

  A little over five months had passed and Indigo was now seven months pregnant with their first son. Everybody was excited but not more than Boss. He spoke of his son as if he were already born. He claimed that the baby could hear him and recognize his voice, even in the womb. They had a photoshoot earlier that day and her baby shower was in two weeks. Kissy was doing too much but nobody was surprised. She hired a photographer to come all the way from New York to capture the perfect images of them. They knew that she paid a grip but she always refused when they tried to give her money. Admittedly, the pictures were bomb and that was only the proofs that Boss and Indigo saw on the photographer’s camera.

  Other than that, their life had been drama free. The police never did question Boss about Darnell’s murder and Carla stayed away. She was still saying stupid shit about her son, but nobody cared or paid attention to her. Dennis had moved to Denver and went on with his life. Carla couldn’t seem to get over their breakup, but he obviously didn’t give a damn about her. Bear was sick of her saying that Boston was a killer and he ended up going to her house. They didn’t know what he said to her but Carla had been quiet since then.

  “Yesss!” Indigo screamed when he entered her from behind.

  Boss held her tight as he stroked her long and hard. He didn’t think it was possible for sex to get any better but each time seemed better than the last. He bit his bottom lip and enjoyed every minute of her wetness. They’d always had a healthy sex life, but Indigo wanted it even more since she’d been pregnant. Boss didn’t have any complaints and he was always ready whenever she was.

  “Damn Indie,” Boss hissed as he stroked her a little faster and harder. He clenched his teeth as he felt his climax building up.

  “I’m gonna cum!” Indigo yelled as she gripped the sheets tighter.

  “Fuck! Me too baby,” Boss replied, right as he spilled his seeds inside of her.

  Indigo was about to collapse on the bed again, but he stopped her. He laid on his side and pulled her close to him. He rubbed her stomach and laughed when the baby started moving.

  “He’s going crazy in there,” Indigo said.

  “That’s because he knows it’s me. He hears his daddy’s voice,” Boss replied as he rubbed her belly.

  “I need some water baby.” Indigo yawned.

  “I got you,” Boss replied as he got up from the bed.

  They had a small fridge in their room, so he grabbed her a bottle of water. Once Indigo drank it all, she got up and went to the bathroom. Boss changed the sheets while she hopped in the shower. He joined her a few minutes later and they talked while washing the smell of sex from their bodies.

  “This water is too damn hot for my son.” Boss frowned as he got behind her in the shower.

  “Let’s go to Waffle House,” Indigo suggested, ignoring his complaints just like always.

  “Just tell me what you want baby. I’ll go get it for you,” Boss said.

  “Ooh, let’s go get an omelet from Dot’s Diner,” Indigo replied excitedly, making him laugh. Her appetite had been something serious over the past two months but that was normal. Their son was healthy and she was happy. To Boss, that was all that mattered.

  “It’s almost ten o’clock baby. Do you wanna go sit in there or do you want me to go get it for you?” Boss asked.

  “I’m not sleepy yet, so I wanna go sit in there,” she replied.

  Once they were done with their shower, they got dressed and were on their way. Indigo had recently gotten on Instagram and she lived on there now. She still sold her hair in Hank’s shop and Instagram was a good way to advertise. Her business more than doubled since she started posting and she was making a killing. She chilled out on the mixed drinks since she’d been pregnant, but she made up for it. She found a vendor who sold cute ladies clothes and started up her own online boutique. She sometimes had up to fifty orders a day and Boss was going crazy for a while.

  Since Jaci was trying to make some extra money, Indigo hired her to help with p
ackaging and shipping. Since their garage was so big, that became her official storage place. She and Boss parked their cars in the driveway and the only thing in there were their bikes. They both drove Range Rovers now and she hadn’t been on her bike in months.

  “I can’t wait until I can ride my bike again,” Indigo said when they pulled up to the diner. Dot’s was a small, old fashioned diner that sold some of the best seafood omelets that she’d ever tasted.

  “I know baby but you got a while before that can happen,” Boss replied as he helped her out of the car. They walked into the diner and found a table in the corner.

  “Says the man who rides his bike every weekend,” she joked.

  “Yeah, that’s me and Bear’s lil bonding time,” he replied.

  “I know baby. I’m just joking with you. I’m happy that y’all are close. I love the bond that I have with my daddy,” Indigo noted.

  True to his word, Irvin had filed for divorce and moved out of the house that he shared with Cynthia. Indigo thought for sure that he was going to move in with Dixie and he surprised her when he didn’t. He and Dixie were still together but they were taking things slow. Irvin got himself an apartment but they were always at each other’s houses. He and Dixie both loved to travel and they had just come back from spending an entire week in the Bahamas.

  “Yeah, he’s good people. I’m happy that I gave him a chance,” Boss admitted, right as Indigo’s phone rang.

  She didn’t recognize the number, so she ignored it. Once they ordered, they talked until their food came out. They continued to talk as Indigo’s phone continued to ring.

  “Who the hell is that?” Indigo frowned.

  “Answer it and see. It might be a new customer,” Boss answered.

  “They usually message me but never this late,” Indigo said as the unfamiliar number called her again.

  “Answer it baby. I’m going pay the bill,” Boss replied as he got up and went to the register.

  “Hello,” Indigo said, right before she drank the rest of her sweet tea.

  “Is this Indigo?” an unfamiliar woman’s voice asked.

  “Yes, and you are?” Indigo countered.

  “This is Carrie, Boss’ auntie,” she replied, making Indigo frown.

  She had no idea why Carla’s sister was calling her, but she was curious. She got up from her chair and grabbed her purse before heading for the front door. Boss had just tipped their waitress and was right behind her.

  “What can I do for you, Carrie?” she asked as Boss frowned upon hearing his auntie’s name.

  “My daughter got your number from Instagram. We didn’t have any contact info for Boston but that’s actually who we’re trying to reach,” Carrie answered.

  “About?” Indigo questioned with an attitude. She didn’t give a damn if she was overstepping her boundaries. Her husband had been in a great place mentally and she wasn’t about to let his estranged family ruin all the progress that he’d made.

  “Carla was rushed to the hospital earlier today and it’s not looking good,” Carrie sniffled.

  “Okay. What does that have to do with Boston?” Indigo inquired.

  “Since Carla wasn’t married, Boston is considered her next of kin. Things are not looking too good for her right now and we really need him up here.”

  “I can’t make no promises, but I’ll see what I can do,” Indigo replied.

  “Please Indigo. My sister is fighting for her life right now. I know that he won’t listen to us, but I know that you can get him here. They won’t let my mother and I make any decisions since she has an adult son,” Carrie said.

  “Like I said, I’ll see what I can do,” Indigo repeated.

  “Okay. I’ll send you a text with the hospital’s info just in case,” Carrie replied before she hung up.

  “Baby-” Indigo started before Boss cut her off.

  “Hell no, Indie. I don’t even wanna know what’s going on because I don’t care,” Boss said.

  “Can you just hear me out Boston? You know that I’m behind you and whatever decision you make,” Indigo assured him. She took a few minutes and told her husband everything that his auntie said. He didn’t look the least bit interested or concerned.

  “The fuck do they want me to do? How do the people at the hospital even know about me anyway?” Boss inquired.

  “I don’t know baby, but I think we need to go up there and see,” Indigo replied.

  “Nope. I’m going home and get in my bed. Fuck them people.” Boss frowned as they got into the car.

  “Boston,” Indigo sighed.

  “Didn’t you just say that you were behind me and whatever decision I make?” he asked her.

  “Yes baby, I am,” Indigo replied, right as Carrie’s text message came through on her phone.

  “Okay, well, your husband wants to go home and go to bed,” he noted as he looked over at her.

  “Alright baby. Let’s go home,” Indigo mumbled as she looked out of the window.

  “Don’t do this to me, Indie. You only want to go just to be nosey. You care even less than I do,” Boss said, knowing his wife very well.

  “So, can we go?” Indigo asked excitedly as he laughed.

  “I guess so,” Boss replied.

  “You’re not fooling nobody Boston. Your ass is nosey too,” Indigo laughed as she told him what hospital they were going to.

  He only laughed because his wife had him right. He was just as curious as she was to know what kind of bullshit Carla had gotten herself into. When they pulled up to the hospital, Boston parked in the garage. He and Indigo stopped at the front desk and the police officer on duty instructed them on where to go. When they got to the floor that Carrie had given them, he spotted a few of Carla’s family members seated in the waiting room. He had long ago stop considering them his family.

  “Boston! Thank God you came,” his grandmother said as she walked over to them. She was almost tempted to hug him, but the look on his face told her not to even try.

  “Wow, Indigo, your stomach is huge,” Carrie said as she tried to reach out and rub it. Boss stepped in her path and blocked her from doing so. He didn’t want his son to experience all that bad energy, so he wasn’t letting that happen.

  “What did y’all need me up here for?” Boss asked.

  “The doctor is gonna come back out and talk to us, but it’s not looking too good,” Carrie sniffled.

  “Lord Jesus. Losing one child is bad enough but I can’t lose two,” his grandmother cried. Boss frowned at her and her comment. She didn’t give a fuck about Ray and she proved that when she still smiled up in Dennis’ face.

  “What happened to her?” Indigo asked.

  “Life just got to be too stressful for her I guess. She tried to hang herself. Thank God her neighbor found her when she did,” Carrie replied as she pointed to an older woman who was sitting there with them. She got up and walked over to Indigo and Boston. They moved a few feet away from the family because she wanted to talk to them in private.

  “Hi, my name is Ida. I’m Carla’s neighbor. I’m sorry that we had to meet like this but, before tonight, I didn’t even know that Carla had a son. I’ve been living next door to her and Dennis for seven years now and she’s never mentioned you before. I was surprised when the doctor asked about kids and her family mentioned a grown son,” she said while looking at Boston.

  “How did you get in contact with them?” Indigo asked.

  “I had to go through Carla’s phone,” Ida answered.

  “I’m still confused as to why I have to be here,” Boss said.

  “They probably will want you to have the final say. I’m just sorry that I didn’t go check on her sooner. I knew that she was having a rough time but I was so busy today,” Ida replied sadly.

  “What was going on with her?” Indigo questioned.

  “Well, she was already having a hard time when Dennis left her but things got worse lately. He changed his number a few months ago but she ran into one
of their mutual friends in the store recently. She asked him for Dennis’ number and he told Carla that Dennis had gotten married. She just went downhill from there. All she did was drink and cry all day. I used to go there every day just to check on her and try to make her eat a little something. I lost track of time today because I had my grandkids at the house. By the time I managed to go check on her, I found her hanging from the ceiling in her bedroom. I had to go get one of the neighbors to cut her down. I just feel like this is all my fault for not going over there sooner,” Ida said as tears fell from her eyes.

  “This is not your fault. If she didn’t do it today, she would have done it another time. Don’t live with that guilt because there is nothing that you could have done,” Indigo replied as she pulled her into a hug.

  “Thank you. And here, this is the key to her house. You should have it,” Ida said as she handed the key to Boston. He didn’t reach for it, so Indigo took it and put it in her purse.

  “Boston!” his grandmother yelled, calling him over. Two doctors had just walked out and was ready to talk to the family. Boss and Indigo walked over there followed by Ida.

  “Are you the son of the patient?” the doctor asked Boston.

  “Yes. His name is Boston Adams and he’s her only child,” Indigo replied when her husband took too long to answer. Boss had his father’s last name, but Carla being his mother was easy to prove. The deadbeat bitch was listed on his birth certificate.

  “Well, I’m sorry that we don’t have any good news to give you, Mr. Adams. Ms. Gardner’s brain was deprived of oxygen for a long period of time. She has little to no brain activity,” one of the doctor’s said.

  “So, she’s not dead then, right?” her mother asked hopefully.

  “Technically, no, but she is considered brain dead and that is irreversible,” the doctor said.

  “The machine is doing all the work and breathing for her. She’s in a vegetative state and there is no recovering from that. Keeping her on the ventilator is an option but that’s up to you,” the other doctor chimed in as he looked at Boston.

  “We want her to stay alive for as long as possible,” her mother said as her sister nodded in agreement. They heard what the doctors were saying, but miracles happened every day.


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