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The Longest Night

Page 2

by Z. Allora

  “I’ve been a member on and off for the past five years. I usually go to the Entwined in Saratoga, but Sophia suggested, quite strongly, I should come here tonight. You?”

  “Going on my third year.” Glancing out at the crowd milling around, everyone seemed at peace or at play.

  Foster studied him and didn’t seem to miss anything. “Did Sophia tell you I’d be here?”

  Benjamin couldn’t meet his stare and glanced around the room. “Um, no. I didn’t know. She just said she wanted to talk to me and that it was really important.”

  Following Benjamin’s head movements with interest, Foster asked, “Oh, are you waiting for someone?”

  All he had to do was lie—yes, he was meeting someone. Benjamin clenched his hands together and forced himself to make eye contact. He took a deep breath and said, “No.”

  Foster gave him a leather-melting smile. “Ah, just wishing for someone to mount a rescue?”

  “No, it’s not like that.” His denial appeared a bit too sharp, if Benjamin went by Foster’s folded arms and arched eyebrow.

  “What’s it like, then?” Foster twirled his crop.

  Fuck! Words had no order in Benjamin’s brain. “Um….”

  Foster traced the crop along Benjamin’s leg. “In all your refusals to go out with me, you’ve never told me your specific reason for refusing to spend time with me.”

  “I didn’t reject you,” Benjamin denied. He had never quite said no. How could he when he really hadn’t wanted to?

  Foster gave him a lopsided smile that knocked down any barrier Benjamin had tried to erect. “I’m aware of that, which is why I continued my pursuit.”

  Oh…. The silence and expectant look reminded Benjamin he needed to run… or serve. He longed to tend to this man more than anything. “May I get you something to drink?”

  “Thank you for the offer, but I don’t want anything to drink at the moment.”

  Benjamin didn’t ask what Foster might need, because sitting this close convinced him, he’d give in to any request made.

  “What’s your safeword?”

  “Top.” Benjamin dropped his gaze to the highly polished table. Revealing his word shouldn’t make him feel vulnerable and open to censure, but it did.

  “I see.” Foster leaned back in the chair and set his crop on the table right in Benjamin’s line of sight.

  Benjamin believed Foster did. The man saw everything Benjamin was, wanted to be, and all of his potential. He pressed his lips together to stop himself from ridiculous begging.

  “You must get a lot of men who judge you based on your physical appearance. They attach expectations on what they see. I know how that feels. Do they try to convince you to dominate them?”

  Daring to glance into Foster’s eyes, Benjamin nodded. He fought his instinctual need to name Foster as what he was, and instead responded, “Yes, Foster.”

  Foster shook his head. “They don’t understand who you are or what you desire.”

  “No, they don’t.” Benjamin couldn’t help the frustrated hopelessness that came out with his words.

  After a long moment of silence, Foster asked, “What are some things you’d like to do?”


  Foster took Benjamin’s hand. He drew arousing lines across Benjamin’s palm until he interlocked their fingers. “Can you tell me other things?”


  “You’d be beautiful in your obedience, I’ve no doubt. Any Master would be extraordinarily lucky to have you kneeling at his feet.”

  The certainty infusing Foster’s tone, along with his words, smashed open the secret place where Benjamin kept his desires. “Yes, I long to kneel. To be appreciated for what I am and what I can give. For someone to accept what I surrender, to value my service, and take what I find hard to offer but desperately need to provide.”

  Foster leaned over the table and stroked a finger down the side of Benjamin’s cheek. “Tonight, if you’re agreeable to it, I’d ask you to kneel at my feet and anticipate everything that might be shared between us.”

  Benjamin shivered.

  “Although, be warned. All I’ll allow is for you to visualize what we might do together. Is this agreeable?”

  “Yes, Foster.” A dreamy peace had started to encompass Benjamin.

  “Kneel.” One quiet instruction from this man cut through to Benjamin’s core.

  Benjamin dropped to his knees with his back straight, thighs forming a vee, hands locked behind him, eyes down, and his cock jutting painfully against his zipper.

  “Your safeword is top, Benjamin.”

  “Yes, Sir.” The words rolled off his tongue, and pleasure surged within him.

  “Good boy.”

  The praise whispered through Benjamin like the sweetest song he’d ever heard. Some hated the use of the word boy, but he loved it. The word reminded him he was free and could allow someone else to take care of the hard stuff for a little while.

  Benjamin squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, waiting for the world to right itself. “Thank you, Sir.”

  “Lovely. Eyes on me now.” Foster combed his fingers through Benjamin’s short hair. “Hmmm, maybe if we continue, I’d ask you to grow this out on top so I have something to hold on to. I’m very specific and like guiding an eager mouth at just the right speed.”

  Benjamin’s heart screamed with joy, and his dick hardened further with lust. Damn fucking hell yes! To be ordered to alter himself so his Master could make better use of him was a damned dream.

  Excitement threatened to overwhelm him, but Benjamin croaked out, “Yes, Sir.”

  Foster licked his thumb and dragged the wetness across Benjamin’s lower lip. The move made Benjamin long for a kiss, or at least permission to suck Foster’s thumb, or anything else Foster wanted attending to. He craved to take Foster’s finger and show him what he could offer.

  “Since your safeword is top, I assume you don’t?” Foster’s voice was the same as it had been when they’d spoken at work, but now there was a hint of a steel core that somehow Benjamin had missed.

  God, he hoped he wouldn’t disappoint Foster. “Correct, Sir. I don’t and never have.”

  Grinning, Foster leaned back. “Well, that’s good, because I don’t bottom… ever. Men see me and think I can be convinced…. Usually that’s the ending point of my association with them.” Foster skated his fingers over Benjamin’s zipper. “Hmmm, nice. Doesn’t feel like you have an issue with that.”

  “Thank you, Sir, and absolutely no issue at all. I don’t want to top you, Sir.”

  Foster spoke in a hushed voice, making Benjamin strain to hear him. “Do you want me to take you?”

  Everything in Benjamin, from the very depths of his soul to the ends of his hair, did. His voice dried up. Only a whimper escaped while he nodded.

  Foster stroked his cheek. “I know sometimes words are hard, but I’d like them. Can you try… for me?”

  Benjamin shivered. “Yes, Sir. I long for you to take me and have me.” And may the Goddess help me, I want so much more.

  “I see. Just so you know, you’d have to earn the right to go into the back with me. Would you like that, Benjamin?”

  He nodded as he stared into eyes he could get lost in. “I’d love to try, Sir.”

  “Once you prove yourself willing to submit, would you like me to put you on a leash and make you crawl behind me?”

  He managed to get past his anxiety and croaked out a “Yes, Sir.”

  “What if I kept the door open so everyone could see you bend over for me? How would that make you feel?” Foster’s predatory smile bored a hole into Benjamin’s bag of secrets.

  “Incredible, Sir!” Now! Goddess, it was like the man had read Benjamin’s checklist of sexy that propelled him straight into subspace.

  “You’re trembling. Do you find that image arousing, a big strong man like you bent over, waiting to be fucked? Or are you just excited to help change stereotypes so people see the real yo

  Through a haze of exhilaration, Benjamin could hear the humor and sarcasm in Foster’s words, and that just hardened his dick more. “All of what you said excites me, Sir.”

  Foster’s eyes sparkled with mischief that might be out of place on any other Dom but on him, flicked all of Benjamin’s switches. “I love that if I ever take you into a back room, I’m going to need a stepstool to fuck your hungry hole. You are hungry for me, aren’t you?”

  Benjamin’s body reacted, his eyes squeezing shut, and he couldn’t prevent the moan from escaping. “Yes, Sir.”

  An all too perceptive Foster asked, “Did your ass clench in need for me, Benjamin?”

  Benjamin opened his mouth to agree, but only a gasp emerged. He licked his lips and tried again and again until “Yes, Sir,” made it out whole.

  “I’ll hold on to your hips, and I’m going to fuck into you. You want that, don’t you, Benjamin?” The casual way Foster painted dirty imagines was intriguing and filled Benjamin with craving to experience them for real.

  “Please, Sir,” Benjamin panted.

  “Ah, you delight me with your desperation. How does that make you feel?”

  Fantastic! “Fulfilled, Sir.”

  Foster considered him.

  Benjamin shifted and hoped his posture displayed him properly.

  “Your position is flawless.” Standing, Foster ran the riding crop over Benjamin’s shoulders. “You’re a stunning man, but what I really like is you’re not only a pretty package. I’ve watched you at work. You’re strategic. Your ego doesn’t stop you from being a team player. When you’re the lead, I’ve seen you build bridges, allowing you to get the assignment done regardless of what you’re up against. I’ve been impressed by you since I met you.”

  Trying to focus, Benjamin cleared his throat. “Thank you, Sir.”

  “I want to get to know you better.” Foster licked his thumb again and traced Benjamin’s lips. The move made Benjamin crave a kiss even more. “Would you like that?”

  God, he’d love nothing more. Benjamin hoped, “Yes, Sir” came out over his whimper.

  Foster grinned. “Tomorrow night, be here at seven on your knees.”

  “Sir?” Disappointment slashed through Benjamin. Hadn’t he earned the privilege of some back-room activities, right now?

  Caressing his cheek, Foster said, “Don’t frown. You’ve done nothing wrong. I’m very happy with you. Though remember I said tonight was about anticipation? I want you drowning in expectation.”

  “Yes, Sir. I am.” Benjamin tried to steady himself. Understanding seeped in. He was only meant to have unfulfilled needs, and he should be grateful for the powerful urges Foster woke within him.

  Foster reached down and cupped Benjamin’s erection. “And you may not come tonight.”

  “Sir?” He hadn’t meant that to sound like he questioned Foster’s instruction, but fuck, what a shitty command to follow. He had planned to— “I mean yes, Sir.”

  “Such a good boy, Benjamin. I’ll savor the fact you’ll deny yourself for me.”

  Happiness and satisfaction surged within him along with the joy of servitude.

  “Benjamin, if you behave and are here on your knees waiting for me, I’ll put you to good use… tomorrow. Up.” Foster held out his hand to him.

  Benjamin took the solid support and stood. He steadied himself and tried to catch his breath.

  “Sit,” Foster ordered.

  “Yes, Sir.” He slid into the chair and adjusted to the vanishing of the safe haven Foster had created for him. How he longed to sink deeper into subspace with Foster guiding him.

  “Drink your juice.” Foster fluttered his fingers toward the liquid.

  “Yes, Sir.” As he sipped the juice, the rest of the world came more into focus. The conversations around Entwined returned to their normal volume.

  Foster studied him.

  Benjamin didn’t mind the attention. He actually welcomed the concentrated interest. He couldn’t stop the grin as he finished his juice.

  Foster’s lips quirked into a crooked smile. “You seem pleased, Benjamin.”

  A rush of affection tackled Benjamin. Optimism flooded him. “I am. Thank you, Sir.”

  “You’re welcome. How are you feeling?”

  Giddy, wonderful, horny could have all worked as the answer, but the question Foster really asked was had Benjamin return to earth. “I feel good but stable, Sir.”

  “Wonderful. If you’re ready to leave, I’ll walk you to your car.”

  The feeling of being shrouded in Foster’s protection made him a little lighter. “Thank you, Sir.”

  With a hand on his lower back, Foster guided him to the lobby.

  Benjamin unlocked his locker. He pocketed his keys, wallet, and cell phone.

  In a quick move, Foster grabbed Benjamin’s shirt and held it out for him.

  Joy at the small assist made Benjamin swallow past the lump in his throat as he slipped on the shirt.

  “Allow me, honey.” Foster brushed Benjamin’s twitchy fingers away from the buttons.

  Benjamin bowed his head and choked back the sob that threatened to break loose due to the unexpected kindness and care. It was a simple gesture most might not even appreciate, but to Benjamin it spoke volumes of who Foster was as a person and as a Dominant.

  “Shhh, I got you.” Foster smoothed down the fabric after the shirt was done up to the second button. “Dark green looks good on you.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  Audrey handed him his license as Foster gathered his own items from a locker. “Looks like you had a good night.”

  Benjamin should correct her assumptions, but he had had a great night.

  She handed over Foster’s license and said, “Enjoy,” as they walked out the door together.

  Foster escorted him to his pickup truck.

  Turning to Foster, Benjamin tried to explain what was chasing around in his head. “I feel like even though we’ve known each other for a year, I don’t know you at all.”

  Smiling, Foster replied, “Is that the case, or after tonight do we know each other on a level most never reach?”

  Wheels tried to turn in Benjamin’s brain, but there probably wasn’t enough blood to really give a definite answer. “I guess that’s probably true.”

  “The more I know about you, Benjamin, the more I want to know.”

  Benjamin nodded. “I feel the same way.”

  Foster ran a finger along the front of Benjamin’s play collar. “Do yourself a favor. Only wear this if you want me to leash you.”

  Feeling daring, Benjamin said, “I’ll be wearing it tomorrow, for sure, Sir.”

  Foster groaned. “Get into your truck before we break the parking lot rule.”

  Benjamin was glad to know Foster was human too. “I guess losing our memberships by having sex out here is probably a bad idea… long-term, but I have to admit, short-term it has merit.”

  “I see I’ll have my hands full with you.” Foster pointed to Benjamin’s truck.

  Benjamin sighed at Foster’s ability to be an adult. Though he wished he could find a reason to stay a little longer, or at least do Foster’s bidding.

  As if Foster read his mind, he said, “Go to bed as soon as you get home. Anticipate tomorrow night. Don’t come, but imagine all the possibilities. I want you to get a good night’s sleep so you’re well rested.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Benjamin got into his truck and rolled down the window.

  Foster jumped onto the truck step and pressed a very sweet but chaste kiss to Benjamin’s cheek. “If you do everything I ask, I may even let you come tomorrow night.”

  Chapter 3

  DID THEY add hours to the day? Benjamin’s workday dragged.

  All he wanted was to be on his knees, following each and every instruction Foster gave him. Hell, he even made up reasons to go to the management trailer, hoping to catch a glimpse of the man who haunted his mind. It was pathetic and exciting.

; Foster’s words, if you do everything I ask, I may even let you come tomorrow night, kept running through Benjamin’s brain, driving him to imagine the possibilities.

  On his lunch break, he checked his messages. He’d gotten a text from his brother, which he didn’t open, and one from Sophia that he did.

  You looked good on your knees last night.

  He texted back, Thanks. It felt good and then finished the rest of his sandwich.

  Did you get your Yule log stroked?

  Benjamin snorted and typed, You kiss your Master with that mouth?

  I do lots of things with my mouth. Did you?

  He chuckled and typed, How do you manage to be raunchy & adorable at the same time?

  I have an impressive skill set, she texted and signed with an angel emoji followed by a smirking demon.

  A time check showed he had thirty minutes left. He had plenty of time to download the Entwined mobile app. Sophia had gotten him curious about those boards she mentioned.

  He opened the app and searched the member pages until he found Foster. God, his profile picture was hot and adorable. Browsing Foster’s interests, Benjamin found they both enjoyed reading fantasy, building things, dogs, and loved blowing-shit-up movies.

  Benjamin skimmed down to Foster’s dislike section. It read, I’m thirty-five and too old for nonsense. Bratting is fine, even fun on occasion, but I want an adult relationship with someone interested in submitting. Best case is to find someone who is open to a relationship. I’m past wasting energy on mind games.

  Then he checked out comments left by subs. All were glowing, and some might’ve been too positive, like, “If I wasn’t polyamorous, I’d be down on my knees worshipping Master Foster forever.” Or “If I weren’t leaving Upstate New York for another job, I’d make Master Foster mine.”

  Yeah, well, if wishes were horses—stop!

  Benjamin wasn’t used to being jealous. Looking on the bright side, it did seem like Foster wanted a monogamous relationship. Crushing the urge to raise his hand to volunteer, Benjamin headed back over to where the work crew was assembling. Hopefully, his afternoon would go more quickly.


  Even though Benjamin had direct deposit, he used collecting his pay stub as a last-ditch attempt to get back into the management trailer. He made sure he stood at the end of the line.


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