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Tempted Heir

Page 16

by Michelle Heard

  With my gaze locked on his, I feel torn. It’s becoming too much for me to carry alone, but…

  Chapter 26


  I can see she’s starting to waver, and it has me saying, “Tell me.”

  She begins to lower her eyes, whispering, “I don’t want you looking at me differently.”

  I nudge her face back up. “That will never happen. Okay?” I press a hand to my chest. “You know me. Trust me, Dash.”

  God, just let me in.

  She brings her legs up, tucking them under her, and then she moves forward until she’s squashed against my side. I keep still until she wraps her arms around my waist, pressing her face against my chest.

  Bringing my arms up, I hold her to me, and then I wait, praying she’ll open up to me.

  “He… he,” she whispers, and I duck my head closer, so I can hear better. “He hurt me.”

  I press a kiss to her hair, then keep still again.

  “He wouldn’t give me food,” she finally begins to talk. “He wanted me to tell him… I… I… I…” She pauses, swallowing hard. “He wanted me to say things, and when I didn’t, he’d hit me, or he’d take the food away.”

  When she keeps quiet, I ask, “Would you be able to tell me what he wanted you to say, so we know which phrases to avoid?”

  Dash doesn’t say anything for a long moment, but I feel her tensing, and then her body jerks. “He… he wanted me to say I l-l-l-love… him.”

  I press another kiss to her hair, tightening my hold around her. “And?”

  “That I’m sorry for betraying him.” This time the words come easier.

  When she keeps quiet again, I ask, “What else did he say to you?”

  She gasps and shakes her head.

  Lowering my mouth to her forehead, I murmur, “Tell me.”

  Her arms tighten around me. “That I needed to lose weight.” She begins to breathe faster, and I just know we’re getting to what traumatized her most. “That he’s the best I can do. That you’d get tired of me. That you need a trophy wife.”

  When she doesn’t say anything else, I move my hand to her chin, nudging her face up until our eyes meet. “You know none of what he said is true, right?”

  She nods, but I can see in her eyes she believes the fucking words he spewed. The fucker has undone everything I did to build her back up after they broke up.

  “Dash, I want only you. I’ll only ever want you.” I’ll say the words a million times every fucking day if that’s what it takes. “You’re beautiful. You don’t need to lose weight. I don’t want a damn empty-headed trophy. I want you.”

  Tears begin to shine in her eyes, and I know I’m getting through to her. Leaning closer, I press a soft kiss to her lips. “There’s only you.”

  Knowing we’ve only begun to scratch the surface, I say, “I’ve picked up that you struggle with decisions. Why?”

  Her eyes lower to my shirt. “I’m just scared I’ll do something to upset you.”

  “I’ll never hurt you.”

  She nods. “I know.”


  A sob drifts over her lips. “Deep down, I know you won’t hurt me, but… it’s just there.” She presses her forehead to my chest, and her voice sounds fragile as she whispers, “Whenever I didn’t do what he wanted… pain followed.”

  “Would it be easier for you if I made the decisions? Just for a while?”

  Instantly Dash begins to nod. “Please.”

  With her finally opening up to me, I take a chance and push harder. “Did he touch you in any way or do anything that was sexual?”

  It’s grown dark in the apartment, and I think it’s making it easier for Dash to share her trauma with me.

  “He kissed me.” Her voice is strained as if she’s going to be sick at any moment.

  Closing my eyes, I whisper, “And?”

  She keeps quiet again, and as the minutes' pass, I just know it’s terrible.

  Everything in me stills, waiting for the final blow.

  Her voice sounds empty as she says, “He bathed me. Everywhere. He didn’t use a cloth.”


  The blow knocks the air from my lungs. I grind my teeth to keep the emotion back, but it rips through me like a destructive storm. I fight to keep my shit together for Dash.

  “I’m so sorry, Dash,” I manage to whisper. “I’m so fucking sorry I wasn’t there to stop it.”

  I’ve always been protective of Dash, but after hearing what she was forced to endure… I don’t think I’ll ever let her go anywhere without me again.

  “Are you okay with me touching you?” I ask, not wanting to bring up any of those memories for her.

  She nods while tightening her arms around me.

  “You’re okay with me kissing you?”

  She nods again, then says, “I’m just not okay with losing you.”

  Bringing my hands to her face, I nudge her back up, then I say, “That is the one thing you don’t need to worry about. You’re my everything. I died a thousand deaths during those four days, Dash. I can’t live without you.” I press a soft kiss to her lips. “My life belongs to you and only you,” I try to tell her how much I love her without using the words.

  A sob sputters over her lips. “It doesn’t feel like I deserve you.”

  “God, Dash,” I groan. “It’s the other way around. You’re so fucking perfect. You’re strong and independent. You’re gorgeous as fuck. You’re smart, funny, sexy as hell. You’re so patient and caring with me. You fit me like a second skin. There will never be anyone else for me. It’s either you or nothing.”


  Christopher’s words act as a soothing balm on my heart and soul.

  For a moment, I can only stare at him.

  I thought I’d feel less once I told him what happened. I thought he’d view me differently.

  But the opposite happened.

  The trauma doesn’t weigh so heavily on my heart anymore. It’s not gone. Far from. But it’s not as vile, not as deep, not as dark.

  Still needing reassurance, I ask, “You don’t think less of me?”

  Christopher’s features tighten as if he’s in pain. “I think you’re the strongest person I know. You went through hell, and he couldn’t break you.”

  “It feels like he did,” I admit, the words coming easier the more I share with Christopher.

  “But he didn’t. You’re here, still fighting. You’re here with me, opening up. He didn’t break you, Dash.” Christopher tilts his head, then he says, “I know this doesn’t instantly fix everything, so please tell me when things become too much. Come to me if you’re struggling. Wake me up if you have a nightmare. If you need to cry, do it against my chest. If you need to break, do it in my arms. If you need to talk about it, I don’t care if it’s all day, every day, then talk to me. Okay?”

  Nodding, I admit, “I just really need you to hold me.”

  His arms instantly tighten around me, and he presses my head back to his chest. After a while, Christopher moves, so he’s leaning back against the couch while pulling me onto his lap.

  I shift my body so I’m straddling him, and tucking my arms between us, I bury my face under his chin.

  “Better?” he asks as he places a hand behind my head.

  “Yes,” I whisper as I press as close to him as I can.

  Silence falls between us, and I begin to drift off when Christopher shudders. He tightens his hold on me, then he whispers, “God, if I had lost you, I wouldn’t have survived it. Without you, my life has no meaning.”

  Lifting my head, I press a kiss to his throat.

  He lowers his head, and I feel his breaths fan over my face until they’re over my mouth. Slowly, he closes the distance until our lips softly touch.

  His scent wraps around me like a protective cloak, and his arms keep me secure to his chest.

  His lips begin to move against mine, the kiss tentative, as if he’s more focused on my reaction than t
he actual kiss.

  When it feels like he’s going to pull back, I urgently whisper, “Don’t stop.”

  I feel his mouth curve up into a grin, and then he deepens the kiss. His tongue sweeps into my mouth, and it makes me press closer to him. The kiss goes from cautious to desperate, as if Christopher is trying to reassure me of how much I mean to him.

  It means everything to me. This is the kiss I’ll always remember. Not the first we had in his office. Not the ones when he made love to me.

  This one is everything.

  It’s healing, calming, uplifting.

  I know things won’t magically come right, and there’s still a long road of healing ahead of me, but as long as I have Christopher, I know I’ll be okay. I’ll make it back to who I once was.

  I was strong and independent because Christopher always encouraged me.

  I felt beautiful and sexy because that’s how he saw me.

  I might not deserve him, but he’s giving himself to me anyway.

  Christopher slows the kiss, and then he says, “You’re my life.”

  I bury my face against his neck, and closing my eyes, I whisper, “You’re the reason I’m still here.”

  “I just wish I found you sooner,” he murmurs.

  I shake my head. “No, I mean, you’re the reason I didn’t give up. I held out because of you.”

  “My fighter,” he whispers, his voice filled with emotion.

  Chapter 27


  Dash ducks her head into the crook of my neck, and her breath warms my skin as she says, “You’re all that matters.” Her voice hitches. “It only matters what you think. What you say.”

  It sounds like she’s trying to recondition herself, and it has me murmuring, “That’s right, beautiful. Don’t think of what he said. You’re so fucking strong. You can heal from this. Okay? If you start doubting anything, tell me. I’ll keep reassuring you until you believe it.” I press my mouth to the side of her head. “God, you’re so precious to me.”

  Her breath flutters over her lips and against my neck as if she just let out a sigh of relief.

  “You’re mine, Dash,” I whisper, my arms tightening around her. “You’ve always been mine. Feeling your body, your warmth, your arms clinging to me, it’s life. If I had lost you… there’d be no tomorrow.”

  “Only you…” her voice sounds so fucking small, “matter.”

  I keep pressing kisses to her hair, and moving a hand to behind her neck, I brush my fingers over her soft skin. After a while, her body relaxes into mine as she falls asleep.

  Finally, having Dash back in my arms, I can’t bring myself to move her to the bed.

  Burying my face in her hair, I take a deep breath of her.

  I love you so fucking much, Dash.

  God, I love you so much.

  I spent the night holding Dash, and when the sun begins to brighten the apartment, I still have no intention of letting go of her.

  Dash begins to stir, and for a moment, she stiffens before her body relaxes again. Lifting her head, she squints around us, then she presses her forehead against my shoulder. “You sat with me the whole night?” Placing her hands on my shoulders, she moves back and gets up. “You must be so tired.”

  “Not at all,” I murmur as I move to the edge of the couch. It takes a moment for life to return to my legs, and then I push to my feet. “I’ll get the coffee going.”

  Just then, my phone begins to ring. Seeing it’s the concierge downstairs, I frown. “Yes?”

  “Morning, Mr. Hayes. There’s a Miss Sebastian to see you.”

  I let out a chuckle. “Send her up.”

  “Right away, sir.”

  Ending the call, I smile as I glance at Dash. “Miss Sebastian’s here.”

  A minute later, the elevator doors slide open, and a whirlwind of color descends on Dash. “Morning, my godbaby.” Her eyes sweep over Dash, then she looks at me. “Did you stay up all night?”

  I shake my head. “We talked and fell asleep on the couch.”

  Miss Sebastian waves her hands. “Go do whatever you do first thing in the morning. I’ll fix coffee and breakfast.”

  “You don’t have to –” I begin, but she indicates for me to keep quiet with her finger over her mouth.

  “I’ve already made up my mind, and my bedazzled ass will be here every day from now on.”

  “But your work?” Dash asks.

  “Early retirement. You’re more important,” Miss Sebastian says.

  Dash’s eyes widen. “I’ll go back to work at some point. What then?”

  “You’re going to have babies, right?” Miss Sebastian asks.

  “Ahh…” Dash’s eyes dart to me, and it has me jumping in. “Are you saying I don’t have to worry about getting a nanny?”

  A wide smile spreads over Miss Sebastian’s face. “I was there the day Dash was born, and I’ll be there the day she brings my grandbabies into this world.”

  “It’s settled then,” I chuckle. “I’ll have a keycard made for you.”

  “That would be a great help. The concierge is cute and all, but I think my bedazzled sparkle is too much for him so early in the morning.” She heads to the kitchen and begins to open cupboards.

  “Let me know if you need anything. I’ll run to the store later.”

  “Oh, you can bet your bedazzled ass I’ll make a list.” A frown forms on her forehead when she opens the fridge. “Don’t you have food in this place?”

  “We usually order in,” I explain.

  Her head pops up from behind the fridge door. “I guess I’ll have to play chef as well then. There’s no way my godbaby is living on takeout.”

  Dash goes to give her godmother a hug. “Thank you.”

  “No need, my angel-girl.”

  “Let’s get cleaned up,” I say to Dash, holding my hand out to her. When she takes hold of me, I pull her after me to the bedroom. “Shower so you can get back to Miss Sebastian.”

  Dash goes into the bathroom while I walk to the closet. Opening her set of drawers, I grab some sexy lingerie. I drop it on the bed, then head back for her favorite oversized t-shirt and sweatpants.

  When she comes out of the bathroom after showering, a towel wrapped around her body, her eyes fall on the clothes before they dart to me.

  My lips curve up as I pick up the black lace thong. “I really don’t care what you wear, but this… this I insist on. It’s one hell of a turn-on knowing you’re wearing lingerie.”

  A smile curves around her mouth. “Thank God. I’m really fond of Victoria’s Secret.”

  I drop the lace back to the bed, and closing the distance between us, I let my fingers brush up her shoulder until they wrap around the side of her neck. Staring deep into her eyes, I ask, “Do you feel a little better today?”

  She nods, and then love softens her features. “Thank you, Christopher.”

  “Anything for you.” I lean down and press a kiss to her lips, then head to the bathroom.


  With Miss Sebastian here today, dragging us to the store and rearranging the kitchen, I’ve had zero time to get stuck in my mind.

  Sitting down at the dining table, the corner of my mouth lifts as I glance over the feast she prepared for lunch. Just the fact that she made a meal in itself means the world to me because I know how much she hates cooking.

  Christopher sits down next to me, and when Miss Sebastian takes a seat across from us, she says, “Good, God, let’s eat.”

  My gaze returns to the food. Biscuits with gravy, buffalo wings, creamy mashed potatoes, garlicky green beans, and roasted cauliflower.

  “It’s like Thanksgiving,” I say, a smile wavering around my lips. “Thank you.”

  Christopher reaches for the green beans and puts a huge scoop on my plate. “You should actually just take the bowl. I know how much you love them,” he teases.

  He’s been doing little things like that all day, like setting out my clothes and now encouraging m
e to eat.

  It helps. So much.

  It feels like I’ll be able to get back to the point in my life where I can make decisions for myself without worrying about the consequences.

  One day.

  Right now, I just need Christopher to take control, and he’s doing it so effortlessly.

  Moving my hand under the table, I place it on his thigh. His right hand instantly covers mine as he continues to load food onto our plates.

  If Miss Sebastian notices, she doesn’t say anything.

  When I reach for my fork, my hand begins to tremble, but I push through and pick it up. I spear a green bean. Fear begins to trickle into my veins.

  “Eat, Dash,” Christopher murmurs, his voice low and commanding.

  I instantly take a bite, and then it gets easier to eat.

  Baby steps. I’ll get there.

  After the meal, I load the plates and cutlery into the dishwasher.

  Miss Sebastian sits down in the living room, then she says, “You don’t mind if I watch Shadowhunters?”

  “Of course not,” Christopher answers. He comes to lean against the counter and crosses his arms over his chest, and then his eyes rest on my face. “How are you holding up?”

  I nod. “Better.”

  When I turn on the dishwasher, Christopher reaches for my arm and pulls me closer until I’m standing in front of him. His hands settle on my hips, and he tilts his head. “I’m so proud of you.”

  His words surprise me, hitting hard and deep.

  He tugs me closer until I’m pressed against his body. I lift my hands and rest them on his shoulders.

  His gaze drifts over my face before settling back on my eyes. “My life, fuck, you’re beautiful.”

  My mouth begins to curve up.

  Leaning down, he presses a kiss to my lips, and I close my eyes to take in the feel of him.

  “So strong,” he murmurs against my mouth. “I’m yours.” His lips tug at mine. “Only yours.” My hands move behind his neck, my fingers getting lost in his hair. “Unconditionally. Irrevocably. All-consumingly.”


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