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Black Ruins Falls

Page 9

by Karen DuBose

  I remove myself from Taz and open my arms. “You are not the last by far.”

  That put a smile on his face. He started to lean in when Knox pushes him out of the way to steal his hug. I bust out laughing when I see Cicero’s face. First, it's shocking and now it’s bitterness.

  “That was my hug you stole!”

  Knox looks at him and grins. “I had dibs on the next hug.”

  “You did not. I didn’t hear you say a word.”

  “That’s just it, you weren’t over there when I said it.”

  “Boys! There is plenty to go around. No more bickering, I can’t handle it right now.”

  Concerned faces look at me. “Is everything ok?” Knox and Cicero ask at the same time.

  “I’m fine I’m just tired is all. Can I get a few minutes alone time please?”

  Knox’s worried voice about does me in. “Are you sure baby girl?”

  I fight back tears because I know how much they care for me. “I’m sure. Please give me a few minutes to gather up my strength.” What little do they know, I feel like I’m about to be pulled under and I don’t want them to worry.

  “Kiernan, I need you now.” I watch as the boys left to stand with the other. Kiernan rushes over to me and catches me before I pass out.

  “Love what is it? Are you ok?” Was the last thing I hear when the vision takes me to a dark place.

  I look to see where it has taken me this time. All I see is darkness. I feel around and I can feel a rock wall. Turning around, I reach out and I feel nothing but air. I keep my hands out so I don’t run into anything. I take a few steps and I fall.

  I let out a scream but there is no sound. I try to grab anything I can but there is nothing there. I’m free falling and I don’t know where I’m going or if I’m about to die.

  After what seems like forever of falling, I can see light coming from below. A few more seconds pass and I can see the waterfall. I hit the water and sink to the bottom. Swimming to the top I break through the water’s surface, I suck in a much-needed breath. When I can finally breathe again, I stop and look around. This isn’t the waterfall I just left. The colors are different, I can see the top of the waterfall, plus the water is freezing.

  I try to figure out why I am having this vision, but all I see is this peaceful place.

  I get out of the water and walk around. It looks like someone has been here, there are footprints all over the place. I follow some that lead into the woods.

  I get a bad feeling I’m not going to like what I’m about to see. I keep walking forward when I hear evil laughing. I stop walking. I know those laughs. Did they bring me into this vision? Is that why it felt different?

  Only one way to find out. I keep walking following the laughter this time. I’m coming up to an opening. I don’t dare go all the way out, I’m not that stupid. I try to see if I can see them.

  Moving a plant’s leaf out of my way, I saw them. All four of them.

  Jacey’s eerie voice is the first voice I hear. “Do you think she is smart enough to know where we are?”

  Jaelyn answers her. “She will never find us here. Have you tried to see if you can locate her yet?”

  “No, I’m making it look like we forgot about her. Let her think she is in the clear of us. That’s when we will strike.”

  “What makes you think she will forget we want her?”

  “Because she now has the demons after her. Thanks to me. I’m the one who told them who killed their precious leader,” Jacey’s crackled laugh gives me the creeps.

  “I never thought about that. Good one. Now we just sit and wait.”

  “I’m not going to sit in these woods. Why can’t we find a cabin with running water?” Nessa says with her bitchy attitude.

  Jalila stands up and gets in Nessa’s face. “You’re alive because of us. You want to go out there and get killed, go right ahead. I’m about sick of looking at you anyway or you can sit there and shut up.”

  I watch as Nessa’s eyes grow big in fear. It’s about time someone put some fear in her. She needs a big dose of it.

  Nessa stares at her not knowing what to do. “Why don’t you go see if that ass Pim still thinks he is watching us. We don’t need him to ruin our plans. The decoy of us should last a while longer before I need to refresh it, but I don’t want to take any chances.”

  Nessa nods her head and leaves. “How is she our niece again? She is less useful than her mother was.”

  Wow! I’m glad they aren’t my aunts. I need to get back and warn Pim. Closing my eyes, I will myself out of the Vision.

  “Welcome back my love. What did you see this time?”

  I open my eyes and smile up to the man I love. “It was peaceful until the hags ruined it. We need to warn Pim. That is a decoy he is watching. They are at a smaller waterfall somewhere. They are going to strike when they think I have forgotten about them. Like that’s ever going to happen and Jacey is the one who told the demons I’m the one who killed their leader.”

  He lets out a small, frustrated sigh. “I will have to ask the pack if any of them know where this other waterfall is. This just keeps getting better and better. Come on let’s go tell them.”

  He stands up and helps me up as well. I'm not used to this belly yet. “Runes you stay in there until it’s safe, you got me?”

  He leads the way into the small cabin. He turns to me and kisses my forehead. “You go inside I’m going to get everyone else.”

  I nod at him and walk up the stairs that leads into the cabin.

  When I get inside the cabin, it’s a little bigger than it looks, not by much though. I take a look around the place. There really isn’t much to it. A few couches that are worn, an old looking rug that has seen better days, and a coffee table. No pictures or anything on the walls. The fireplace looks used.

  “It may not seem like much but it does the trick. Upstairs has five bedrooms. We have been sleeping in shifts. Most of the bedrooms have five or six bunk beds in them.” I turn my head to look at Almus and give him a sad smile.

  “I’m sorry you guys have had to stay here for so long. I know about the tension here. I hope things from now on will get better. It’s time to take care of business and get these threats out of the way. I want my home back and make it safe for all of us. I don’t know how much more time I have….” I double over with pain. There is something wrong. It feels like my stomach is twisting in on itself.

  I pant through the pain. Almus picks me up and puts me on the couch. “Dariya! I need you to answer my questions ok?”

  Through gritted teeth, I answer him. “I’ll try. What’s wrong with me?”

  “Is the pain coming down at all?”

  Actually, the pain is going away. “Yes, some?”

  “Ok good and bad. You’re in labor.”

  I snap my head up at his words. “No! Not yet. It’s not safe. She can’t come to this world yet.”

  Mom spots me and runs over to me. “What’s going on? Are you ok?”

  Almus takes my mom's hands. “She in labor.”

  “It’s too soon. This can’t be. Are you sure?”

  He nods. “I’m positive.”

  I lean back on the couch. I can’t believe this is happening. “Runes wants to come into the world. Like now. I’m in labor from what Almus says.”

  “It’s too soon. Can we stop it from happening?”

  “Is Oceana with you?”

  “Yes. She is helping me gather everyone.”

  “Ask her if there is a way to stop it. I have…” The pain starts again and this time I scream. Not only does it feel like my stomach is twisting, but it also feels like it’s on fire. This can’t be right. There has to be something wrong.

  “Dariya, I’m coming hang on ok.”

  I don’t answer him. I’m in too much pain. I whither in pain on the couch. If this is how labor really feels like there is no way I’m having any more kids after this.

  “Breathe baby girl! Take a deep breath in and let
it out slowly. I need to check you really quick.”

  “I’m here my love.” I open my eyes to see him skid across the floor on his knees. He takes my hand and I squeeze it as tight as I can. This pain needs to stop.

  “Kiernan I need you to take her to one of the bedrooms. I need to examine her and see if she has dilated.”

  Oceana takes my other hand. “I can’t stop this. I wish I could. With as much pain you are in it’s too far. I will be with you every step of the way.”

  I start to cry. Runes can’t come in the middle of a war. She won’t be safe. I can’t keep her safe when I can’t even keep myself safe.

  Kiernan picks me up and Kira leads us to a bedroom upstairs. “You do have a way to make everyone heed your needs there, woman. Oh, and give us all a heart attack with your screams. I thought someone was murdering you.”

  The pain is slowly disappearing and I can answer her. “You know me too well.”

  I didn’t want anyone to hear me say this except Kiernan. “I’m scared there is something wrong; I can feel it. Please don’t let us die.”

  “You’re not going to die. I won’t allow it. You have been through too much as it is. I think it’s time you get a break.”

  “I can’t lose her, Kiernan. If it’s me or her, you better save her. Do you understand? She needs to live no matter what.”

  “I’m not losing either of you. Don’t talk like that.”

  Mom breaks our moment when she tells Kiernan to lay me on the bed. “Get as comfortable as you can. When you are let me know. Oceana is going to check to see if there is anything wrong internally. I’m going to check to see if and how much you are dilated. Ok.”

  I nod my head. I’m too exhausted to care. I just don’t want the pain to come back. I’m not exhausted enough to watch them for any signs of trouble though.

  “I need you to spread your legs and relax as much as possible. This may hurt a little.”

  “Yeah, ok how am I going to relax when this pain will come back any second?”

  She looks at me with an I know look. “Just try ok.”

  I lean back on the pillows that have been propped up I’m guessing before we got here and try to relax. Oceana lays her hands on my stomach. “I’m going to check to make sure everything is ok. I will be able to tell when a contraction starts.”

  I watch as her hands has a dim light coming out of them. She moves her hands around my belly. I keep one I eye on her for any changes to her features. I felt a sharp pain between my legs and suck in a breath.

  “Relax, I’m almost done. Keep breathing in and out slowly.”

  “Easy for you to say you’re not the one in pain,” I mumble.

  “All done. You, my dear, are going to have this baby soon. You’re five centimeters dilated and ninety percent effaced.”

  “Why Runes why now?” I guess there really is no stopping it.

  Oceana takes my hand. “I have bad news. You have a tear in your uterus. I will have to do a c-section on you now. If not, we will lose both of you.”

  My panic rises. “What are you waiting for? Do it. I won’t lose her.”

  “Let me grab some things and I will be right back. Don’t worry everything will be ok.”

  I stop listening to her when another contraction hits hard. I think I heard something crack. “Ouch, son of a bitch that hurt!” Kiernan yells. “She broke my hand. When did you get that strong?”

  I look up at him. “Never mind, I understand now.”

  Speaking between breaths I say, “What………..mean?”

  “Justice is making an appearance. I think she is trying to help you.”

  I don’t think I just speak to her. “I’m so sorry we haven’t spent that much time together. I promise once she is born and I’m healed you will have all the free time to do what you do best and that is to protect us. I’ve missed you so much.”

  “I’ve missed you as well. You are going to be a great mom. I can see it. You’re fierce when it comes to the ones you love. Go back to them and bring that beautiful little girl into this world. I’m going to miss our little talks.”

  “She talks to you?”

  “Why do you think I haven’t been forcing to see my mate? She has been keeping me company. You, sweet dear, have one special little girl. Treasure her for as long as you can. They don’t stay little for long.”

  “I can’t believe it!”

  Kiernan gives me a weird look. “You can’t believe you broke my hand. I’m pretty sure you did, love.”

  “Not that. Runes has been talking to Justice this whole time keeping her company.”

  He goes silent for a brief moment. “How is that possible?”

  “I didn’t ask questions….” Oceana walks back in with a tray full of what looks like torture supplies. She sets it down on the nightstand next to the bed. “Ok, first I’m going to let you know what I’m about to do.” She sees me eyeing the tray. “Don’t look so worried. I’ve done this many times. I need to know if you want to stay awake so you can see her when she is born or do you want to be knocked out?”

  “If I stay awake won’t I feel everything?”

  She laughs. “No sweet girl. I will numb you from the waist down. You will feel pressure but no pain.”

  “Then I would like to stay awake please.”

  “I figured you would, but I had to ask anyway. I will use magic to numb you. Let me know when you feel it working. I’m starting the numbing now.”

  “I can feel it working. My legs are tingling.”

  “Good, it’s working. You won’t feel a thing soon. I asked Gracen to join us. She will be keeping an eye on both of your vitals.”

  I nod my head in understanding. Gracen walks in with a bunch of towels in her hands. She lays them down at the end of the bed.

  “I hope that is enough. We don’t have time for me to search or go and get any more.” She walks to the head of the bed with a smile. “You’re going to be a mom really soon. I will be keeping tabs on both of you, so no worries. Ok.”

  How are they both so chipper? “I can’t stop worrying. This is all new to me.”

  Mom comes up next to Kiernan on my other side. “We won’t let anything happen to either one of you.”

  Kira is jumping up for joy. “I’m excited, I finally get to meet my niece.”

  “I’m glad one of us is excited.” I look up at Gracen. “You will let me know if something goes wrong right?”

  She smiles at me and squeezes my hand. “I will I promise.”

  “Let’s see if you are ready.” She takes a pointy roller looking thing and rolls it across my belly. “Did you feel that?”

  “No. It’s weird being numb. I know that should have hurt me.”

  “Are you ready to see your baby girl?” Oceana asks.

  I nod my head. Deep inside I’m really not ready for her to be born.

  “I need you to lay flat and relax. I know you think it’s impossible, but it’s important that you relax and stay calm. Can you do that?”

  “I will try my best.”

  “Good girl. Now lay back this will be over before you know it and will be holding Runes soon.”

  Please source keep Runes safe.

  “Gracen your up. Make sure Runes is doing ok before I start.”

  She nods her head once. “On it.” It takes her a few minutes to give the all clear. You’re good to go.” She looks down at me. “Sweet girl keep your focus on me. Ok?”

  “Ok. Let’s do this.”

  “I’m about to start. Don’t look this way and stay calm.”

  Why do they keep telling me to stay calm? Is something going to happen or worse?

  Kiernan squeezes my other hand. I want to look at him so bad. “I’m right here. I love you so much.” He brings my hand up and kisses the back of it.

  Taking a calming breath I relax as much as I can. I think of nothing but happy thoughts. The one that calms me down the most is when Kiernan first told me he loves me.

s words break through my thoughts. “Whatever that smile is for, keep thinking about it. You are completely relaxed.”

  I can definitely keep thinking about that.

  “Oceana, you need to get Runes out now. Dariya’s heart rate just dropped a lot.”

  Warning bells go off in my head. I try to talk but everything seems fuzzy and I feel weird. I know what she said, but I can’t respond. How did I not feel this happening?

  “I need to knock her out. Kiernan talk to her the way you do best. I need to get Runes out. Tell her I got this and everything will be fine. Do it now!”

  “Love. You’re going to be ok. They will get Runes out and you both will be fine. I will be here with you the whole time. I will let you know what’s going on. I love you, stay with me.”

  “What happens? Why did my heart rate drop and why do I feel so weird?”

  “I will find out, hold on.”

  I feel myself drifting away and I can’t stop it.

  “Dariya don’t you dare leave me. Do you understand? Talk to me. Tell me your favorite memory.”


  “Try baby. I need you to stay here. They almost have her out. Just a few more seconds. I promise this will be all over and you will be fine. You have to be fine. I can’t lose you. Not ever.”

  “I…love…you. I…always…have. Keep…talking.”

  I can feel panic and sadness from him. I wish I could tell him I will be fine. I don’t know if I am or not. I have no control over myself and that scares me.

  “You remember, when I told you about me stalking you when you didn’t even know? Well, there is more to it. I wasn’t just afraid you would tell me no. I wanted to be the man you deserve. I don’t deserve you. You are kind, loving, pig-headed most days, but I love that about you. Everything you did amazed me and still does. Now find the courage to survive this. You’re stronger than this. I know you are.”

  I’m about to fade into the abyss when his words cut me. I am stronger than this. I want to see my daughter. I want to live. Our daughter will not live in a world where the Elders can kill her for just being different. I refuse to let that happen.

  The angrier I got. I could feel myself becoming whole again. The fog in my mind is disappearing. I feel my strength returning.


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