Book Read Free

Black Ruins Falls

Page 19

by Karen DuBose

  “You better behave or I will hurt you in your sleep.”

  I feel him stiffen. “You know that might actually be fun.”

  I whirl around on him making him stop. “Would you like me to show you just how hurt you will be?”

  I try my hardest not to smile at him. In the end, I fail miserably.

  “There’s the smile I love. Come here, woman.” He holds his arms out to me. Who was I kidding? There is no way I could ever get mad at him for anything. I don’t even remember why I tried to be mad in the first place.

  I wrap my arms around his waist, letting him guide me to our spot. He lays down not far from Runes and her dragon. We are between them and Rome and Keva.

  I lay on him, I don’t even think a minute goes by before I’m out. This time I didn’t dream of anything. I think my body is telling me I need sleep.

  Without warning, I've whisked away from my dream world. I know the moment I’m somewhere else. The light that is blinding me even with my eyes close tells me I am not back with the others. My body is though.

  I open my eyes to see the Black Ruins Forest staring back at me. “Hi, Dad!”

  I’m too comfortable to even move. I see a shadow cross my face and I look up to see my dad smiling at me. “Sorry sweet girl. If I would have known you were this exhausted, I would have waited a few more hours.”

  “It’s ok.” I stand up so I can hug him. I wish I could hold on to him when I leave here and take him with me.

  Wrapping my arms around his waist, I give him a big squeeze. Making him laugh. “I miss those hugs. How is everything?”

  I look at him confused. “Shouldn’t you already know?”

  His wrinkles show when he smiles. “I don’t get to see everything. You know that.”

  Duh, how could I forget? I smile up at him and wink. “I figured you being the all knowing you would have seen.”

  He lets out a bellowing laugh. “I’m not all knowing, but thanks for the ego boost.”

  I get serious. “What do I need to do now?”

  He sobers up as well. “I wish these visits weren’t for that, but you’re right I do have something to tell you. The demons that have Alums are not in the Valley. That’s a trap. They want you to think they are there.”

  “How would they even think we would look there?”

  “They have been watching you. They know you are close and tend to get to you before the Valley. You need to leave as soon as you are back. Head toward Drakson. That is where they are hiding them.”

  “How did they get there so fast?”

  “They have a dark witch working with them. She has been putting clues into Bruno’s head. She thinks if she stays on their good side, they won’t kill her. Little does she know they plan on killing her soon.”

  I make a disgusting face. “How am I going to get everyone there? You said I need to get all the demons in one spot. How am I going to do that?”

  He places a hand on my shoulder. “You will figure it out. If I were you, I would take your best fighter with you first.”

  “Uggg! I thought we were so close to getting them back. What’s going to happen to them when the demons find out I’m not meeting them where they want me?”

  He doesn’t say anything for a few minutes. He is looking into the future. I know that look all too well.

  “They will chase you. They don’t want you to get to Alums and Saffron. You will have to figure out what to do once you get there. It isn’t showing me anything to help, I’m sorry.”

  I hug him tight once more before I stand on my own. “I will do what I can. We also have to get away from the Elders at the same time. We won’t survive both at the same time.”

  He nods. “No, you won’t. About that. Make sure Runes is close to you when you do face them.”

  Did I just hear him right? “You want my little girl in the midst of the fight?”

  He chuckles at me. I’m sure my brows are in my hairline. “You will understand when the time comes. I promise you she won’t get hurt. I do know if you don’t you will all die. I don’t want to see that happen.” Placing his hand on my shoulder, he squeezes it. “I’m so proud of the woman you have become. You are so much more than we could have expected.”

  A silent tear falls from my eye at his words. “Thank you.”

  He wraps me in his arms once more. I knew the minute I returned to the real world.

  I leap off Kiernan. I look all around me to see everyone asleep. I don’t want to wake them, but there is no time. I close my eyes and ease into their minds.

  “I need you to wake up now. We have to leave.”

  I don’t scream it or even let my fear into my words. I don’t like being woke up like that.

  I watch as they all wake up. I can tell they are confused by their looks. Once their eyes lay upon me, they know it was me who woke them up. I don’t know when Kiernan comes to stand by me. I lean back and he wraps his arms around me. Giving me the support I need.

  “We need to leave. Bruno, you were right that the demons are in the Valley, but that isn’t where Alums and Saffron are. They are in Drakson. It’s all a setup. We don’t have much time to get there.” I don’t want to tell him a dark witch has been messing with his head. I will have to figure out a way to stop her without him knowing about it.

  I turn to find Oceana and Pim. “I hate to ask you two to do this, but can you transport us there?”

  They both nod their heads. I turn back to the pack. “I will need, Bruno, Kira, Brody, Taz, Errol, Knox, Desean, Cicero, Rome, and Aidian to be the first to go along with me and Kiernan.” I look over at mom, Isobel, Gracen, Naya, and Bexley. “I need you five to keep Runes safe. Trust her dragon to get her out if he needs to.”

  They nod their heads. “Are you guys ready?”

  Brice takes a few steps away from the pack. “I would like to go with you.”

  I walk over to him and place my hand on his chest where his heart is. “I need you to protect the mates and the rest that will come after we leave. I’m counting on you to do that for me.”

  He places his hand over mine. “I will protect them with my lifecycle.” He bows his head at me.

  I place a kiss on his cheek. “Thank you. Be safe and we will see you when you arrive.”

  “You be safe as well. Until we meet again.”

  I walk away from him as the ones that are going with me walk forward. I know I need to say something to the remaining ones that will come after us. I don’t want them to think I don’t trust them because I do.

  Turning back to them once I’m closer to Pim. “I’m proud of every single one of you guys. I love each of you. We will see you when Oceana or Pim brings you to me. This fight will be a test. If we can survive this, we will know we can take on the Elders. Be safe and watch each other’s back. I don’t know how soon they will know we aren’t following their plans.”

  I don’t give them a chance to say anything. My heart is heavy for leaving them like this. I should be here to make sure they all make it to Drakson. But I know once I’m there the demons will attack.

  Pim takes my hand. “I will make sure they get there. So, will Oceana. When do you want Runes there or do you want one of us to take her someplace safe first.”

  I look into his worried eyes. “Take them to a safe place first. I won’t be able to think straight if I know she is here still.”

  He nods his head and walks over to them. With a blink of an eye, they are gone. My heart constricts in my chest. I sure hope this isn’t the last time I see them. Runes Dragon let’s out a loud roar. I look up into the sky and see him circling us. He doesn’t look too happy. I wonder why he didn’t follow Runes.

  Pim is back in less than a minute. He takes my hand again and I reach for Kiernan’s. We are gone in a flash. Opening my eyes again, my stomach rolls threatening to spill what’s in there.

  The town is deserted. Homes are destroyed and the landscape is dead. I spin around to see the same everywhere I look. My vision is starting to
come true. “This ends now! They will not do this anywhere else.” I hope and pray they haven’t done this anywhere else.

  I don’t even wait for the others to arrive. I go to the nearest home. Going inside, I see the people who lived here left in a hurry. Things are tossed everywhere. Clothes still lay on the floor. Pictures skewed on the walls. Furniture tossed upside down. The further I go inside the worse it looks.

  As I walk into the kitchen, I see food that has been left out like they were in the middle of cooking dinner. I sit in one of the chairs at the table, not being able to stand anymore.

  Kiernan and Bruno have followed me. Their rage is present on their faces and the way they are carrying themselves, I understand how they feel. This family nor town had a clue what was about to happen to them. I just hope they got out before the demons killed them.

  Bruno brings me out of my thoughts. “What’s the plan?”

  I shake my head. “I have no idea. I just knew we needed to get here and to bring you guys with me.”

  Aidian clears her throat. “I think you will need this.” He holds his hand out to me. I let the object fall into my hands. As soon as it does, I feel the power wrap around me.

  I can feel my soul heal itself. I look down to see my stone sitting in my palm. I glance at him and back to my stone.

  “How… Where…. When?”

  “I found it left in the dust when those hags died.”

  Dawning enters my mind. “That is what you picked up?”

  He nods. “I didn’t give it to you then, well, because you were dealing with Nessa and afterward you weren’t in your right mind. I thought now was the perfect time to give it back to you.”

  I stand up and hug him fiercely. “Thank you. Thank you for giving me myself back. My soul is finally healed.”

  He hugs me back just as tight. “Now, let’s show these demons they have messed with the wrong shifters.”

  We sit there coming up with a plan while the rest start to show up. Kira leans on me for support. “How are you holding up?”

  She looks at me. “As best I can with little sleep. I swear these asshats wanted us exhausted. It’s the only way they think they can kill us.”

  “You may be right. All I know is they are wrong. They will realize their mistake soon enough.”

  “Dariya, I think we need Pim and Oceana to scout this place out. They are the only ones who can teleport to safety.”

  Jax joins our group, making me do a double take. He hasn’t been around for a while. I have no idea where he has been either. “I will help scout.”

  My shock wears off at his words. “Where the hell have you been?” It came out harsher than I intended, but I’m a little upset with him.

  “I have been trying to find Kelso. Nanom is harder than expected to get into. I think I know who Kelso is working with. If I’m right then I know they are working with you.”

  I stand there waiting for him to tell me. When he doesn’t seem like he is going to, I let out a frustrated sigh. “Are you going to make me guess who or are you going to tell me?”

  The smirk he gives me makes me want to hit him. “Asher.”

  The gasps that echo’s in the kitchen is almost deafening. I had to sit there and figure out why I know that name. When it finally clicks my body drops in the chair I was sitting in. “Are you telling me he is alive?”

  Bruno is the one who answers my question. “No one knew if he was alive or if the Elders killed him. If he is helping us how did no one know he was a hybrid?”

  My confusion increases. “What are you talking about?”

  Kiernan lays his hand on my shoulder. “There is a Seer helping Kelso. If it’s Asher than that means he is the Seer helping him.”

  It doesn’t make sense to me. How can an Elder be a hybrid? Wouldn’t the other Elders figure it out? “I can see your confusion. He is very smart. He would know how to hide in plain sight and you wouldn’t even know he was there.”

  “If you say he is trustworthy than I will take your word on it. But that doesn’t explain Kelso. He seems really shady to me.”

  “I don’t know how Kelso plays into all of this or what he plans. All I know is Asher is helping you in a way he only knows how. I’m sure of that.”

  “I will not trust blindly. I want to talk to him before I give him my trust. You may trust him will all you have, but I don’t know him.”

  He nods his head. “I thought you would say that. He will be here in a few with Kelso in tow. You can ask him everything you want. Just don’t attack him when he gets here.”

  “Why in the world would I attack him for no reason?”

  “Because he has someone else with him you feel strongly for.”

  With the last word, Asher pops into the room. I don’t see who is with him at first because all I can do is stare at him. I can’t believe how much he looks like my father.

  Kira’s menacing growl gets me to look at her. When I look back I see Gianni in chains and bonds. Before Kira or I could act Jax and Pim jump in front of us.

  “Let him explain Dariya. He would never hurt you like this.” Jax turns his head toward Kira. “Nor you.”

  “He better explain fast before I shift and kill his ass.”

  Asher places a hand on Jax’s shoulder and gently moves him out of the way.

  “It’s nice to finally meet you.”

  I glare at him. “I wish I could say the same. Start explaining.”

  He nods. “I did not do this to him. I found him this way. I can’t break the bounds or chains off him. I was hoping bringing him here you or someone here could free him.”

  Kira snarls, “How can we trust you are telling the truth?”

  His head turns to her. “If you can see with your heart and not your mind you will see I don’t want to cause more grief or pain. All I want to do is help.”

  “Who did this to him and how did you get him away?”

  He takes a few seconds before he answers. “The Elders had him. They were going to use him to get you to go to them. They knew you would never leave him there. I have been watching them for years. Once they thought I was dead, they never thought of me again. They knew I was going to turn on them. I had Oceana fake my death.”

  Shock isn’t even a strong enough word to tell you how I feel right this minute. I thought Kira’s family was safe. If I would have known, I would have gotten him back sooner.

  “This is why I had to get him before you found out. That is what they were counting on.”

  I whip my head up. “Did you just read my mind?”

  He chuckles and shakes his head. “No, we already had this discussion in my head.” He points to his temple.

  Kira leans over to see her dad laying there not moving. It’s like he is in a coma. I hear her sob next to me. Taking her hand, I lead her to him. I know how much she loves her dad.

  I kneel down next to him and place my hands on his throat to make sure he is still alive. When I feel his steady heartbeat, I let out the breath I was holding.

  I glance back up to Asher. “Why couldn’t you take these things off him?”

  “They are enchanted with a magic I’ve never felt before. I tried everything I could.”

  I slowly turn back to Gianni. “Kira, I need you to step back. I’m going to try something. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  She shakes her head making her tears fly off her face. “I’m not leaving his side.”

  I glimpse at Bruno, begging him with my eyes to help me. He kneels next to her and wraps his arms around her. She fights him at first. She quit fighting him as he whispers in her ear. She simply collapses in his arms crying uncontrollably.

  Watching her my heart rips open and makes me determined to get those things off her father. Bruno takes her a few steps away and I place my hands on the chains.

  Closing my eyes, I feel for the power that keeps them bond to him. With a start, I feel the familiar magic that courses through the chains and bonds.

  My eyes snap open. “
This is Dragonfly magic!”

  I don’t give anyone a chance to say anything. Reaching for my own magic, I let it flood the chains and bonds. I intertwine the magic and I hear the chains and bonds snap, making them fall away from Gianni.

  Kira pushes Bruno away to get to her dad. She sobs on his chest. He hasn’t woken up yet. I’m hoping he does soon. For her sanity and mine for that matter. This is just one more reason the Elders need to go away.

  Standing up, I place my hand on her shoulder. Letting her know I’m there for her. Kiernan takes me into his arms, I let him hold me. It took more out of me than I thought. It takes me a few minutes to get my bearings again.

  “I’ve never seen that before. It’s quite amazing, if I do say so myself.”

  I don’t even look at Asher. “What are you talking about now?”

  “The magic that’s inside you is something I’ve never seen or felt before.”

  I snort my frustration. “Get used to it. We have.”

  I hear someone else snort. I look to see the person standing next to Asher, I point my finger at him. “You have no room to say a thing. How dare you do that to the members of my pack. I should lock you up for that stunt.”

  He raises his hands in surrender. “I didn’t have a choice. Asher told me if I didn’t get back to him in the time, he told me to. Things would have been a lot worse than they are now.”

  I glare at him. “You could have just said so in the first place.”

  He glares back at me. “You wouldn’t have believed me!”

  Asher gets in between us. “You’re right Dariya he should have tried to convince you and not messed with their minds.” He turns his head to look back at Kelso like he is making sure he understands. “I know without proof you would never have believed him. I take full responsibility for that.”

  “We don’t have time to make Kelso feel better about his decisions. We need to make sure the demons are here. They all need to be here to stop us. Once we take care of them, Alums and Saffron are to be found.”

  “I already know where they are. But you need to stick to your plans for this to work.”

  I tilt my head at him. “My father never once told me about you. How can I trust you when none of us know you. You are an Elder even if you are no longer with them.”


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