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Black Ruins Falls

Page 23

by Karen DuBose

  My brows come together. “Like who?”

  They both look at each other before turning back to me. “Landry and Adeen’s parents. Landry’s mom is a witch and both Adeen’s parents are sorcerers.”

  I bulk at them. “You want to bring the parents of gossip girl two and three. Have you not seen how crazy Nessa was?”

  Oceana looks me dead in the eye. “I would never bring someone here who intends to harm any of us. Landry and Adeen didn’t have a choice when it came to Nessa. You will see when they get here tomorrow. Do you trust me?”

  “Of course, I trust you. It’s the gossip girls I don’t trust. It’s hard to trust people who have been making your lifecycle a living hell for fourteen cycles.”

  She nods her head. “That is understandable. I promise they won’t be here to give you hell. Just their parent’s. I knew if I told you who I was talking about you wouldn’t know them by name. Their names are Ivy, Celine, and Miles.”

  It’s a relief to know the remaining gossip girls weren’t coming. They may not have been as bad as Nessa, but they made their own choice to follow her. For that, I’m not ready to forgive them yet.

  “Ok, now I’m going to eat before my insides eat themselves.” I give Runes back to her daddy and go search for some food. Looking on the counter, I spot some already made sandwiches and puff corns. My greedy little hands yank three sandwiches and two handfuls of puff corn off their plates.

  Mom looks at me with a menacing look. “Where is your plate?”

  I back up the few steps to the cupboard the plates are at and slowly reach for one. Placing my food on it and walk away before she decides to take my food away. Rome gets out of his chair next to Kiernan and offers it to me.

  “Thank you.”

  I plop down and start shoving food into my mouth. I don’t even pay attention to the conversations going on around me. I’m too busy making my stomach happy.

  Chapter Thirty

  The next day I woke up to Runes feeding. Kiernan must have placed her next to me while I was sleeping. I pry my eyes open to see her staring at me. I decided since I was home to sleep shirtless for this reason.

  I smile at her. “I know you don’t know what is going on. I’m sorry for bringing you into this unsafe world. Me and you kiddo are the only ones who can save this world. Are you up for the challenge?”

  She smiles at me with milk running down her chin. “I take that as a yes.”

  “Good morning beautiful.”

  I turn my head as far as I can to see a shirtless Kiernan. Just looking at him this way makes my insides turn into lava. “Good morning sexy.” I really don’t want to bring it up, but we haven’t talked about this whole thing. He hasn’t even said a word about it. I know he feels something. “So, tell me what you really feel about all of this. I know you have an opinion.”

  The smile leaves his face. “It doesn’t matter what I think about it. You made sure of that.”

  I turn with Runes and look at him. “What do you mean?”

  “You didn’t even talk to me about it before you made the announcement. I couldn’t show them that I was against it, because then they would think I’m against you in their eyes. They thought we talked about it beforehand. Why didn’t you talk to me?”

  I see the hurt in his eyes. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think. I should have.”

  “Yeah, you should’ve.” He gets out of bed.

  “Wait. We need to talk about this. I can’t have you mad at me. Not when things are going to go south here in a few hours. Please.”

  “What do you want to talk about? The decision has been made. Without me!”

  I lay Runes down in the middle of the bed and walk over to him. “If I did talk to you beforehand, what would you have said?”

  He glares at me. “That I didn’t want to risk her life. She is just a youngling. She has no business out in the field. We have no way of knowing if they can protect both of you. I can’t lose you both. It would kill me.”

  I place my hand on his cheek and he moves away. “You need to get ready. If anything happens to her. I will never forgive you.” He walks away from me.

  I fall to the ground and cry my heart out. The one person I thought would be there for us is beyond pissed. What have I done?

  I hear a soft knock at the door. I try not to sob, but it was useless. I couldn’t stop them from racking my body. I just hope whoever it is will go away, I didn’t want to see anyone.

  Curling up into a ball I let all the weight I have out. Arms wrap around me, making me cry even harder. “Let it out you will feel better,” I hear my mom’s voice say.

  How would she know what will make me feel better? My mate hates me, I don’t know what will happen today. Did I even make the right choice? What has happened to me?

  What seemed like hours, I hear the door open. “Leave me alone!” I didn’t want anyone to see me like this. Even if they can feel it through the bond.

  Another pair of arms wraps around me and carries me to the bed. Once I am laying there, I roll over and snuggle Runes. I knew it was Kiernan who put me here. I just didn’t want to face him. I couldn’t, not after everything I’ve done.

  I won’t forgive myself if something happens to Runes. I wouldn’t even be able to live with myself.

  “Dariya.” My name sounds strange coming from his mouth. Like it’s taking everything in him to say it. I don’t dare face him.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean what I said earlier.”

  This only makes me cry harder, because he just lied to me for the first time. I know when he means something and when he doesn’t. He meant every word he said earlier.

  “Didn’t you tell me you would never lie to me?”

  His sigh is all I hear for a few minutes. “Will you please look at me?”

  I debated if I should or not. Wanting to see his face made my mind up. I turn slightly in his direction. The sight I saw almost took the breath away from me. He looks haggard, like he has aged ten years. His eyes are swollen and red. The crumpled styled hair he usually wore is sticking everywhere.

  “I know what I said earlier was harsh, I will admit that. But the truth is it would take me a long time to forgive you. When you told us the plan, my heart sank. Fear like I never felt before courses through me. I just don’t understand why you wouldn’t come to me first?”

  My mouth and throat are dry and it takes me a few tries to get the words out. “Because I was scared. I still am. I’m being selfish too. I want this world to be great again. For us to live our happy ever after. To watch our younglings, grow up and have their own younglings. I don’t want to live in fear our watch this world turn dark.”

  He places his forehead on mine. “You aren't being selfish, you’re being a leader. I’m the one being selfish here. I see that now. Will you please forgive me?”

  I wrap my arms around his neck and hold on for dear life. This man means everything to me. I would be lost without him. “Yes.”

  He wraps me into his arms and holds me tight. Time seemed to stand still for a little while. Our world may not be right, but this right here is.

  The loud knock on the door startles Runes. She starts to cry, I unwrap my arms from Kiernan and scoop her up. Kiernan stands up and marches over to the door swinging it open. “Next time don’t knock so dam hard!”

  “I apologize, I didn’t mean to wake Runes up. We need to go. Pim and Oceana are waiting for you downstairs. We head out as soon as you join us,” I hear Bruno’s voice carry into the room.

  Kiernan nods and shuts the door. I wonder how the chat went with Kira. They needed their privacy. I will ask later. Kiernan turns to me and my heart stops. I can see him fighting with himself.

  “I know you are scared. If you weren’t, I would be worried. We have to have faith in the Source to get us through this. Fate didn’t put me on this path to lose now.”

  He gives me a small smile. “You have more faith than I do right now. Are you ready?”

  Hell no! “As ready
as I will ever be.” I will never be ready for this. I slowly get off the bed with Runes in my arms. I look at her beautiful, chunky face. She is perfect in every way. If we survive this, I will make sure she has the best life I can give her.

  Kiernan reaches his hand out to us. I hesitate for a moment. I know as soon as I place my hand in his it will be real. There will be no turning back and that scares the living hell out of me.

  I slowly place my hand in his. I know he sees the fear in my eyes. He brings me into his arms. “No matter what happens today or tomorrow. I love you both. Once this is done and we are still alive, I will make my promise to you come true. We all need a break before you become ruler.”

  I nod against his chest. I’m afraid if I say anything, I will end up crying. I let him go and walk toward the door. Before I got to it, I stop right as my hand touches the handle. I’m thrown into a vision. I pray Kiernan grabbed Runes. I know I dropped her.

  I look around to see I’m in a forest. There doesn’t seem to be anything out of place. Turning around, I see myself and the pack standing there waiting on something. I think I know who it is.

  Like they knew I was thinking about them all six of them come walking out of the woods like they know, they will walk away alive and all of us dead. I can feel the evil coming at me in waves, making me sick to my stomach.

  “Hello, Dariya! It’s nice to finally put a face to the maggot that has been giving us a problem.” My anger flares at this. I don’t do anything, I just stand there. I want to yell at myself to do something, anything. “Do you know what we do to maggots like you?”

  I watch myself stand taller. “The same thing I’m about to do to you.” I see the rage in their faces before they attack.

  I’m back in the room panting. What, no! I need to know how to kill them. This isn’t fair. I look up to a concerned Kiernan. “The vision has shown me nothing. Nothing at all.”

  “I think you need to take a better look. Look at all the details. There has to be something there.”

  Closing my eyes, I bring the vision back to me. I search for anything I wasn't paying attention to earlier. My eyes went to the Elders as soon as they came out of the woods. It ends again. I keep playing the vision over and over again until I catch a shimmer. Our bodies are shimmering.

  Snapping my eyes open, I straight at Kiernan. “I think I just figured out something.”

  I stand on shaky legs, he helps hold me up. “What is it?”

  “I think we are a mirage. We were all shimmering. The only reason I saw it was because I was looking for anything I could find. I think that is how we get them all in the same spot without getting killed. We were in the circle. Well a mirage of us.”

  He nods his head and smiles. “That’s brilliant. It keeps you out of harm’s way until you can do what it is you need to do.”

  I still have a sick feeling about all of this. There something I’m missing, something the vision refused to show me. I don’t dare tell Kiernan this. I need his head in the game.

  “Are you ready to go?”

  I nod my head once. I’m still lost in thought to figure things out. There is no way it will be that simple. It can’t be. I just hope this isn’t a trap. We will soon find out.

  We walk down the stairs and into the living room. Most of everyone went outside to keep an eye on things.

  My twelve dragons stand waiting for me. Rome. Bruno, Cicero, Desean, Errol, Taz, Knox, Brody, Aidian, and Brice who took the spot when Hirman died. Just thinking about that my heart squeezes tight. Kiernan and Alums. As soon as my eyes meet his, I run to him.

  He is prepared for me and opens his arms. “I’m so glad you are safe, I’m sorry I wasn’t there when they came and got you.”

  He pulls me away. “You were there in spirit. That’s all that matters.”

  My throat clogs with unshed tears. I don’t get to have the luxury to cry right now. I need to show them my strength.

  I pull back the rest of the way and walk back over to Kiernan. “When we get outside, I want you to shift. We aren’t going to wait around for them to come to find us. I want it to be in a controlled area. We will fly to the outskirts of town and set up there. The war we have been dreading and waiting for will soon come knocking on our door. I know you guys have said you are with me, but if you want to leave. Now is your chance.”

  My stomach is in knots. If they leave I will have no one left to help me. One by one they kneel and bow their heads. Bruno lifts his head just enough for me to see his eyes. “We are with you, always and forever.”

  I about fell with them sending me their confirmation of Bruno’s words through the bond. I stand a little taller. “Where are the women?”

  As soon as the words leave my mouth, they walk into the living room with battle gear on and fieriness on their faces. Kira and mom walk to my side. The others walk to the front of me. All of them kneel and bow their heads. Oceana is the only one who doesn’t kneel, but she bows her head.

  “We are with you, always and forever,” they say together. I felt them all in the bond. Somehow it is stronger than ever. I realized Gracen, Naya, and Bexley are there too.

  I walk over to the three sisters. “Please stand.”

  They do and look at me confused. “How are you bonded to me?”

  The smile that crosses their face is heartwarming. “We have always been bonded to you. We just hid it very well. The first day we saved your life is when we did it. We didn’t want to bombard you at that time.”

  A tear slides down my cheek. “Thank you.”

  Gracen grabs my shoulder. “Don’t thank us yet. If we get out of this alive. You can thank us then.”

  I nod. The elephant in the room is finally revealed. We don’t know who will survive and who won’t.

  “Alright, let’s get going. The more we wait for the better chance at them bringing themselves here, we all don’t want that. This is our home and we need to protect it.”

  We don’t waste time. Once we are outside, most of us strip and shift. I’m no longer embarrassed to be naked in front of them. I know they will show me the respect, just like I will them.

  The shift is amazing. Having her cooped up for so long was torture for her. She lets out a growl that vibrates the ground. The rest followed her. I let her take over for a few minutes. Letting her and her mate connect again. It’s been way too long and I can feel her pain wash away as soon as they touch.

  I vow from this day forward, I will never keep her locked up like that again. It’s not fair to them or to us.

  “I don’t want to reel you back so soon, but I need to take over. This is going to get messy fast. I promise if I make it out alive, I will let you take over as many times as you would like.”

  “I understand. I know you would never do it on purpose. I’m here with you and always will be. Go kill some evil today. I can feel them coming. You don’t have much time.”

  That shocks me. I don’t waste time taking flight. I know the others have as well. The ones who can’t shift are running underneath us. We are half way to the outskirts when I feel them. The pure evil is trying to drown out my light.

  I speed up to make sure I beat them there. There is no way I’m fighting in the town. It would be destroyed.

  I felt Kiernan in my head. “We can’t keep up with you. Jax is the only one fast enough. Don’t do anything until we get there.”

  “I will try not to. I’m not making any promises.”

  I felt him growl. I look down to my claws to make sure Runes is safe and hidden. She is fast asleep. This child could sleep through anything.

  I go past the woods that surround our town and fly passed them. If this is going to get ugly, I want an open field where I can see them coming. Just as I look down the field from my vision comes into view. I quickly descend.

  Oceana and Pim blink in scaring the crap out of me. “I will never get used to that.”

  “You need to shift. I have an idea. You aren’t really going to be here, but you need to make th
e circle.”

  “So, my vision is true. You are going to make us all mirages.”

  Her eyes go wide. “Yes. It’s the only way I can think of to keep you and Runes safe. We will still use our magic on you until you are ready to release yours.”

  I set Runes in Pim’s arms. I can’t shift with her in my arms. I didn’t want to drop her when I shift back.

  I take a few steps back and shift. Oceana hands me over my clothes from earlier. “Thank you.”

  “You’re quite welcome. Hurry we don’t have much time left. I can feel them getting closer. I can’t have them see me yet. I can’t reveal myself to early or the mirage will never work. They will know as soon as they see it if they see me.”

  I nod. “What do you want me to do?” I walk over to Pim and take Runes back. It’s not that I don’t trust them, I just need to know she is somewhat safe in my arms.

  The others will be here shortly. I can feel them. Jax is already here. I look up in the sky and watch him descend. He doesn’t shift. he bows his head and turns around to walk into the woods.

  “Jax, why are you hiding?”

  “They will not come if they feel me. I need to hide my essence until the right time.”

  That kind of made sense. I thought they would want his blood and come faster. But hey, what do I know?

  “The others will be here in a few seconds. I can feel the Elders getting closer. We will only have a minute or two before they show up.”

  “As soon as the others get here, I will cast the mirage. After that, it’s all you. I know you can do this. Don’t hesitate or they will win. Don’t take your anger out on them either. They will use that to kill you. Keep a cool head. Don’t think about everything they have done. It will only get us all killed.”

  Easier said than done. I nod anyway. I will try my hardest not to. The wind picks up and I look up to the sky. My smile spreads across my face. I still can’t get over how awesome my dragons are. They drop down faster than I did.


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