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Love California Box Set: Books 1-3 (Love California Series Collection)

Page 9

by Jan Moran

  “Poor Ondine. They were such a love match. She went so quickly.” As she spoke, Pierre lifted his hand in a small wave, and Mia smiled in acknowledgement.

  A waiter appeared with a bottle of Veuve Clicquot. With an expert hand, Lance poured the pale bubbly champagne into two crystal glasses for them.

  Camille looked at Lance. “You’ve spent time in Europe, no? France, perhaps?”

  “I worked for the Hôtel Ritz in Paris one summer.”

  “How well I remember the Ritz,” Camille said, a wistful look crossing her face. “Did you like Paris?”

  Lance nodded. “Loved it. In fact, I’m returning soon for a special engagement.”

  “Engagement?” Mia asked. “To a lady in your life?”

  “No, I’m not that fortunate. It’s a competition among the leading chefs in the world. I’m honored to be invited.”

  Mia inclined her head. “A handsome man like you, there’s no one special in your life?”

  Lance hesitated for moment. “Let’s just say, no one who returns the sentiment.”

  Mia leaned forward with interest. “My granddaughters—the young twins—are going with me to Paris soon. Verena might even join us. Perhaps we’ll be there at the same time.”

  Lance was interested, especially if Verena was going, too. “I’m leaving in a few days.”

  “Really? Why, so are we. And where are you staying?”

  “At the Villa and Hôtel Majestic in the sixteenth arrondissement.” A friend of his managed the hotel. “And you?”

  Mia waved her hand. “I don’t recall. My travel agent takes care of those details. But it’s a small world, perhaps we’ll run into one another.” She took a sip of champagne.

  Camille slid her eyes from Lance to Mia, and pursed her lips.

  “It’s lovely to meet you, Lance,” Mia said, brightening. “I hope we’ll meet again soon.”

  Lance excused himself. He stopped at another table to say hello, but he could still see and hear Mia and Camille talking.

  Camille could barely contain herself. “What was that about?”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Mia replied nonchalantly.

  “Mia Valent, you cannot lie to me. I know you too well.” Camille sipped her champagne, studying her friend. “Are you playing matchmaker?”

  “What if I am?” Mia tilted her chin and sniffed. “He seems like a nice young man.”

  Camille shook her head. “You’re unbelievable. Isn’t she engaged?”

  “Verena had the good sense to break it off. Besides, did you see ever a ring on her finger? I didn’t, and I never liked that Derrick. If only her father were still alive, poor Joseph, and Angelica—” Mia’s voice broke. “I miss my son and his beautiful wife every day. I only want the best for their children, my grandchildren.” She pressed a hand against her chest. “Dear me, I have to watch my blood pressure. I shouldn’t interfere with Verena’s love life, but I feel so strongly that she should find a fine young man someday.”

  Lance saw Mia glance discreetly in his direction.

  Camille covered Mia’s trembling hand with her own, and said, “There now, like you, I believe in kismet. It will happen when the time is right.”

  Mia nodded, brushing tears from her eyes.

  A moment later, Lance saw another one of their elegant older guests, Pierre Chevalier, saunter toward Mia. He whisked a monogrammed linen handkerchief from his jacket and presented it to her. “I hate to see a beautiful woman in distress.”

  Mia blinked and looked up into his kind face. “Why, thank you, Pierre.” She accepted his offering and dabbed her eyes. “But I’m not crying. It’s my allergies.”

  Lance grinned at her charming mannerisms. He couldn’t help but adore Mia, and he now understood where Verena got her allure. Would Verena be like that someday?

  Pierre smiled down at Mia. “Terrible this season, aren’t they?” He touched his head in greeting to Camille. “Ladies, enjoy your brunch,” he said, and then returned to his table.

  “They don’t make men like that anymore,” Camille said, watching him go.

  Lance grinned. He could still hear every word they said. He continued watching the two women, pleased for them that they still attracted the attention they deserved.

  Mia folded his handkerchief and studied it for a moment. After that, their food arrived, and the waiters presented their plates with discreet, courteous service. Mia recovered her composure and slipped Pierre’s handkerchief into her purse.

  Camille raised her glass in a toast. “Santé, my dear, to your voyage.”

  “And to yours, and your health,” Mia said, raising her glass, too. “And may those who carry our torches into tomorrow find nothing but happiness and success.”

  A soft clink of crystal sounded, and Lance watched the two doyennes of beauty sip their champagne. He passed another table and stopped to say hello, still keeping an ear open to the conversation between Mia and Camille, an art he’d perfected after years in the restaurant business.

  Mia said, “Verena tells me you’re working from home.”

  “I was for a short time,” Camille replied. “I love my home, but I can’t bear not going to the office. Honestly, there’s nothing better than a day of good work to soothe my soul. I still have so many ideas, so much to create.” She tapped the table, her brilliant green eyes brimming with excitement. “Did I tell you about the new celebrity line we’re making? I’m blending it, but Dahlia is overseeing the deal, and she’s doing a marvelous job.”

  “She reminds me of you when you were young. Amazing that our grandchildren are taking over the businesses we began so many years ago.” Mia shook her head in amazement. “We barely had two coins to rub together when we arrived in America.”

  “We ate a lot of bread and soup in those days, too,” Camille said, nodding in agreement. “My granddaughter Dahlia is so talented. I just hope she doesn’t make the same mistakes in love that I did.”

  “I was so lucky with Emile, but I fear for Verena.”

  “Is she going with you to Europe?”

  “I wish she were, but Verena is staying here to prepare for the launch in Asia. So, it’s just me, Anika, and Bella.” She leaned over and patted Camille’s hand. “At our age, we have to make every day count. You should come, too.”

  When Lance heard that, his hopes sank. He’d hoped he might run into Verena in Paris.

  “Actually, I intend to go with Dahlia later this year, but she doesn’t know it yet. She’s quite busy right now. We’ve had to renegotiate our bank loans.” Camille gazed over Mia’s shoulder at Lance and arched a finely drawn brow.

  Lance nodded to her, feeling slightly embarrassed, and turned back to the kitchen. Had Camille realized he’d been listening to their conversation? He chuckled to himself. A man could learn a lot in a restaurant.

  Back in the hotel’s gleaming stainless steel kitchen, Lance skirted the precision dance of the sous chefs and line cooks who moved in unison to produce gastronomic delights for the daily cadre of discriminating guests.

  Even so, he couldn’t help thinking about Verena and why she had hesitated in his arms at the beach. Would he get another chance with her? He stopped and tapped his forehead.

  Of course, he thought. Mia Valent is the key.


  THE BRILLIANT STONE caught the sunlight through the window, reflecting an arc of rainbow colors against Verena’s white blouse.

  Perched on the edge of her office desk, Verena stared at the solitaire ring nestled in the robin’s egg blue jewelry box. She was utterly dumbfounded.

  “What is this?” she asked uncomfortably.

  “A perfect diamond. About three carats,” Derrick said, sliding next to her in his custom gray suit. “It’s D grade for colorless, and FL IF. That means it’s flawless. Just like you.”

  Irritated at his presumption, Verena flung up her palm. “That’s not what I meant.”

  He went on, unfazed by her anger. “I saw it in Tokyo at T
iffany’s. I want you to know my feelings for you haven’t changed.”

  “Did you feel guilty about being too busy to shop for rings when we were actually engaged?” Verena snapped the lid shut. “I can’t accept it.”

  “I wish you would.” Before she could resist, he pulled her into his arms and ran his hands over the back of her slim black skirt. “I’ve really missed you,” he murmured.

  Reflexively, Verena pushed him away and held out the small box. How dare he take her friendship toward him as an invitation to reopen their relationship? “The answer is still no.”

  Derrick lifted a corner of his mouth in a confident smile, and then shoved his hands into his pockets. “Keep it. You might change your mind.”

  Exasperated, Verena placed the box on the edge of the desk, and then walked to the other side, sat down, and steepled her hands. “Let’s get back to business. Have you spoken to Roper?”

  He took his phone out and nonchalantly tapped it. “Sure did.”


  After sending a text, he looked up. “Roper has agreed to lend the money you need after the due diligence proves satisfactory. We’ll have to review your contracts and finances.”

  “That shouldn’t take long.”

  “We’ll work as quickly as we can.” Spreading his hands on her desk, he leaned in, his dark brows drawing together. “Is there anything we should know about?”

  She shook her head. “I have no secrets, Derrick. But we do need to meet payroll soon, as well as the obligations for the marketing in Asia.”

  “Don’t worry, Verena. You’re doing the right thing.” His phone buzzed and he checked it. “Just got a message from Roper, have to go.” He paused, and then added, “I’ll have Jimmy Don send you the details that we need to begin the due diligence.”

  “Who’s Jimmy Don?”

  “Jimmy Don Herald is a twenty-four-year-old whiz kid we hired. Has degrees in business and chemical engineering. Real bright. He can help you crunch numbers.” He tapped his watch. “Got to run, Verena.” He leaned in to plant a kiss on her cheek, but Verena shifted, averting him.

  Is this what she was going to have to contend with?

  A bemused expression lit Derrick’s face. “Whatever you want, Verena. You know I can wait.”

  “You’ll be waiting a long time. Take the ring,” she said, shoving it firmly in his hand.

  A moment later, Derrick was out the door. As he rounded the corner, she heard him say good-bye to Lacey.

  Perturbed at his cocky attitude, Verena turned her attention to her computer screen. Derrick might be awfully sure of himself, but she wouldn’t give in. Not this time. Better to keep him as a friend and professional associate. That she could handle.

  Lacey walked into Verena’s office with a startled expression. In her outstretched hand, she carried the small blue box. “Derrick just left this on my desk. What does this mean?”

  Verena rolled her eyes. The temerity of that man. “Absolutely nothing.”

  Later that afternoon, Lacey showed a pasty-faced young man in an ill-fitting suit into Verena’s office. With her eyebrows arching toward her hairline, Lacey shot Verena a warning look as she spoke. “Jimmy Don Herald to see you.”

  Verena wondered what was wrong. “Good afternoon.” Verena stood to meet Derrick’s associate, and they shook hands. “I’m glad you could start so quickly.”

  “I’m here to collect financial statements and documents for Herringbone’s due diligence.” He looked around her office and sat down. “I’ll wait.”

  “I beg your pardon?” Verena gave him a tight smile, but the expression did not reach her eyes. No hello, no nice to meet you. She stared evenly at him. “I can have everything you need tomorrow.”

  “No, I need it all now.”

  Her trouble detection meter immediately soared. “My controller is off today and will be back tomorrow.”

  Jimmy Don smirked. “I’ve heard that before. I wouldn’t advise you to change any numbers.”

  “Excuse me? Are you accusing me of altering my financials?” She was incredulous. Why, the nerve of this kid.

  He shrugged. “Like I said, I’ll wait.”

  She slid a folder of financial documents across the desk to him. “You can take these now and come back tomorrow. I assure you that you will find everything in order. We have a very competent controller.”

  “Let us be the judge of that.”

  “Good day, Jimmy Don. I’ll be in touch with Derrick.” She turned her attention back to her computer screen, fuming inside. In less than a minute, he’d managed to completely alienate her. Was he being rude on purpose or was he just socially inept?

  She glanced back at him. He hadn’t budged. “What else can I help you with?”

  He whipped a piece of paper from his briefcase and tossed it across the desk.

  Verena stared at him. Correction. He’s a complete jerk. She scanned the long list. Jimmy Don had a sneer on his face that she wished she could slap off. She said evenly, “This will take quite a bit of time. Derrick said you’re going to assist me with the financials. Why don’t you start with the projections?” She slid the paper back across the desk. Lacey can show you to our meeting room. You may work there.”

  He seemed to consider this. Finally, he stood. “I’ll start by interviewing each employee.”

  She glared at him. “They’re busy with clients and cannot be interrupted.”

  “It’s necessary.”

  “I can assure you that we’re all professionals here.”

  He grunted. “Rubbing creams on old ladies’ faces? I don’t think so.”


  “I said, rubbing creams—”

  “I heard you the first time.” Verena narrowed her eyes. “I’m calling Derrick.”

  Another smirk. “Go ahead, call your boyfriend.”

  A burst of anger exploded in her chest and threatened her composure. “I will not be disrespected. Out of my office. Now. And Derrick is not my boyfriend.” She swiveled around in her chair, putting her back to him.

  Jimmy Don did not move.

  She swiveled around to face him again. “What’s the matter with you?” she snapped.

  “I have my orders. You want the money?”

  Furious, Verena marched past him into Lacey’s office. “Deal with this idiot, please. He wants to interview each employee. I’m imposing a five minute limit during their break, and do not let him interfere with guest appointments.”

  She saw Lacey’s eyes widen and travel up, and her lips parted. “Well, I never,” Lacey muttered.

  Verena whirled around. Jimmy Don was towering behind her, uncomfortably close. She shoved past him and returned to her office, slamming the door behind her. She grabbed her phone and angrily punched in Derrick’s number.

  When he answered, she blurted out, “Who is that obnoxious cretin you sent here?”

  A long pause. “That would be Jimmy Don. Didn’t he introduce himself?”

  “Get him out of here.”

  “I can’t do that, Verena. He’s in charge of due diligence for Herringbone.” Derrick’s cool voice floated over the line. “He might be a little unpleasant, but if you want to deal with Herringbone, you’ll have to deal with Jimmy Don.”

  Verena couldn’t believe what he was saying. “His behavior is completely unacceptable. I will not tolerate such belligerent, condescending, demeaning treatment in my own company.”

  Another long pause.

  “Did you hear me?”

  Derrick sighed. “Listen, we don’t have to do this deal, Verena. Honestly, we’re only doing it as a favor to you because I know you can’t get the working capital you need elsewhere. I don’t want to see your business go under. I care about you and your family.”

  Verena grew quiet. If Herringbone pulled out, she would have no other options. Panic seeped into her mind like a fog, obscuring her reasoning.

  “What’ll it be, Verena?”

  She gritted her teeth, weigh
ing her options and wishing she could tell him and Jimmy Don to go to hell. “Carry on,” she managed to say before she hung up, feeling frustrated and angry.

  Three days later, Verena leaned on the edge of Scarlett’s office desk and watched as she reviewed the Herringbone documents that her corporate attorney, Jack Epstein, had received. Jack had been counsel for Valent Swiss Skincare for many years and technically, he represented the company.

  This division was important because the company was a corporation, which existed as a separate legal entity. Verena and her family were shareholders of the company, and as chief executive officer, Verena was also an employee of the company. It was complicated, but it was simply the way corporations were run.

  Scarlett acted as Verena’s personal attorney, and negotiated Verena’s employment contract with the small board. It had always been a friendly, beneficial relationship. But now, after her initial review of the documents, Verena feared that her family’s business was going to become substantially more complex. With a major international launch underway, the timing couldn’t have been worse.

  Scarlett put her pencil down and rocked back in her chair. “If you want the money, you have to agree to their terms.”

  Concern creased Verena’s forehead. “Can’t we negotiate more?” She slumped into a chair.

  Scarlett punched a line on her phone. “Please hold my calls.” She turned back to Verena. They were in the Century City office of her law firm’s west coast partners, where she worked when she was in Los Angeles.

  “Do you have any other options, Verena? Other banks or investors?”

  “No other options. I’ve checked everywhere I can.” She pinched the bridge of her nose in thought. “A lot of our competitors are laying people off in advance of a domestic crisis.” Still, there had to be another answer. She didn’t want to lay off good people when the company was so close to its Asia launch. Preorders had been strong and all signs were pointing to a smashing debut.

  What could she do?

  Lacey always said that Verena never took no for an answer.


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