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Space Knights: The Arrival

Page 12

by Gregory Samuelson

  Trance was elated that he had his own horse, given to him by the princess. He sheathed his sword and put the butcher knife back in his belt. He was sorry the ax was gone. Even as he was glad to be alive, he did notice the gentle care of some of the other Golden Griffins as they delicately laid their fallen friends on a wagon that already had the previous owner of Trance’s horse.

  Not far away from this wagon there was another wagon that was being loaded not quite so gently. Trance saw the struggle to be humane on the faces of the Althorian knights charged with this duty. He had wondered what the wagons were for, but hadn’t really paid much attention to them.

  In a few more minutes they were ready and started forward again. This time there were four more knights riding up near the princess. Trance smiled to himself. He’d accomplished part of his dream, fought in a battle, and saved a princess. What else was in his future?

  Chapter 10

  Legend of a General

  Miles away from the battle scene, in a very large, dark castle in a dense forest with a single road running through it to the castle gates, stood an anxious, dark and brooding figure. The remainder of the Boulthorian knights that had escaped from the Golden Griffins marched up to the castle and entered. They were led up into the castle and down corridors to be brought in before the figure, their king Axlor.

  “Did you get her?” Axlor demanded. His black eyes filled with anticipation for the answer.

  “No sire,” answered the officer in charge, hesitantly bowing.

  “NO! Get out of my sight!” Axlor screamed, and as they left he sat and thought about what to do next. His head rested in his left hand. He wore black and gray robes and his ebony crown. He had a tanned, scarred, and weathered face. His hair was shoulder length, slightly curly, and black as midnight.

  “Sire,” said a stout messenger just entering the throne room, “Bazar is on Boulthora at the Castle and requests your presence immediately. Something of great importance has just come up.”

  “Tell him I’ll be there soon. Get my ship ready,” Axlor said, as he rushed up and out of the room. What can it be, if the Sphinx King has sent his General Elite with a message he wondered.


  The Crown Mountains housed a large amount of wildlife. It was lush and green, supplying a large amount of food for its residents. It was here that the plans and strategies for the Griffins in their wars with the trolls, Sphinx, and gremmels were drawn up, but now it was a peaceful spot. Soon history will repeat itself, but not immediately. The circumstances were not right yet; however, an event was taking place that had the Griffins’ attention.

  On the third peak north of center, hidden very well, was a massive castle. Its towers and turrets were carefully designed to almost blend in perfectly with the surrounding area. The castle blended so well that almost every visitor to the area would miss seeing the castle unless they looked exactly at the right place, or knew where it was. Inside the castle was an elaborate labyrinth of passages that led to many rooms and chambers. The largest room by far was the Great Meeting Hall. The room was empty except for one lone Griffin, and he was standing gazing out at the surrounding peaks.

  The Griffin’s name was Faylor; his position in the Court of Griffins was Head of Court, which meant that he was in charge of the Court’s meetings and business. One of his most important duties was to study the Bible and in particular the book written by the last and greatest of the ancient Griffin kings. The book of Gravor held several prophecies, most of them relating to the return of the son of God, referred to as the only begotten, holly savior, Immanuel, prince of peace, Jeasous. On his return all of the worlds in the area would be redeemed. But before he could appear another prominent figure must appear. This figure had to appear to set in motion the events that would lead to his return.

  The prophecies concerning this figure told an interesting story and spoke of many signs that would point to his approach and then reveal the man. He would be called the Great Griffin General and would lead the war that would end the tyranny of the Sphinx. He would become a king and bring about an era of great peace for many years. There were other prophecies that followed that lead up to Jeasous’ return and ultimate peace. However, it was the first prophecy that was on Faylor’s mind at the moment.

  His eyes were anxious, for he had seen the first prophecy fulfilled. “Your warning of the General’s coming will be when all together the birds of the Crown Mountains will take wing and circle their home peaks and then group together and circle the whole range,” Gravor had written. He had written the whole book from his deathbed. Shortly after writing the book he passed on.

  And so it happened that very morning at the crack of dawn, refreshed from a good night’s sleep, when while looking out the window, Faylor saw all the birds take wing and circle their home peaks. He had looked on in shocked awe. He had checked to make sure all seven peaks were being circled by birds. As he watched they all formed one very large flock and soared around the entire mountain range. He scratched the feathers under his beak with his talon-like hand and wondered where the General was and most importantly who he was. After seeing this great sight he had summoned a meeting of the Griffin Court and relayed to them what he had seen. Some believed him and others did not. Yet in a few minutes all believed as they all spotted the birds still in flight, first circling their home peak and then forming a great flock and circling the entire range.

  After the meeting had ended the other Griffins had gone to perform their other duties and wondering where Faylor was. He had stayed behind to think and ponder about the next signs of the Griffin General. When would they be fulfilled?


  Hours later a starship is flying at absolute top speed toward the planet of Boulthora. It is noon on the planet as the ship with king Axlor aboard makes its approach and slows for its descent toward its intended landing area. The great ship soars down the sky toward the planet’s capital and main castle. After landing at the rocket port the ship lowers the boarding ramp and Axlor strides down and is greeted by a platoon commander and his platoon of three hundred knights. As if a signal was given, when the king was at a certain point, the knights instantly encircled him to escort him straight to the castle a mere two miles away. They marched a half mile to a massive stable where their horses were waiting. It only took a few minutes for all of the knights and Axlor to mount their horses and be on the move again.

  Inside the castle Axlor dismounted and dismissed his men and headed straight for his throne room where Bazar would be waiting for him. While he strode down the halls, he again wondered why the Sphinx King had sent Bazar instead of a regular messenger, and what was the hurry for him to come.

  “Axlor, it is great to see you. Thank you for coming so promptly,” said Bazar, bowing very slightly as Axlor entered the throne room.

  “Hello Bazar. Alright enough pleasantries, what was so important that I had to return here so soon and leave my current operation,” said Axlor impatiently as he strode through the room to take his seat on his royal silver throne.

  “Well, since you are so anxious to get to the point of our meeting. My master the honorable Sphinx King has sent me to see you because something of major importance has occurred. Yes, even more important than your so-called operation. By the way I didn’t see you bringing back Princess Corena,” said the Sphinx in a rather sneering voice.

  “Just so you know, she was very lucky to escape. Now what can be more important than her capture?” answered Axlor. He knew his place in the alliance with the Sphinx, yet this was his home world, and he was King. He definitely did not like being talked down to.

  “Very well, I have been sent here with very grave news. Our spies have reported that the first sign has come to pass. The General is about to appear,” said Bazar, now in a more anxious voice.

  For a moment Axlor looked at the Sphinx and tried to figure out what he’d just heard. The Sphinx King, the Great
Sphinx King who ruled nearly two-thirds of the galaxy, was worried about some general. By the way, what was this first sign and who was this general and why did he seem to worry him? Finally he asked these questions, “What sign and what general? Certainly no general could worry the great Sphinx.”

  “What, don’t you know man? This general should concern you too,” Bazar said, exasperated. Then he explained, “Don’t you remember the prophecy? The prophecy found in the book of Gravor in the Bible. Our spies on Althora have reported that the sign of the birds at the Crown Mountains has occurred. Don’t you know what that means? It means that the Great General is about to appear. Once he does, it’s only a matter of time before he will start to rally worlds to his cause.”

  Axlor took a few minutes to process this information. Slowly he started to remember the story and he started to recognize the threat that this general was. “When did this happen? Where and who is this general? We must get rid of him at once,” he said, now getting into the mode.

  “We don’t know who or where yet. Our spies just spotted the sign very early this morning on Althora and reported. Within minutes I was dispatched here to tell you. I arrived only to find you not here and still attempting to capture one girl protected by one small group of knights. I must also tell you that his Highness the Sphinx King is going to come here to find out who and where this general is. He urges that our plans move up and that you conquer Althora as soon as possible.”

  “I’ll send for all of my commanders and generals immediately and start planning our assault. By morning they will be here and ready,” said Axlor excitedly now. Now was his chance to finally get what he wanted, to capture the element-rich planet of Althora, and to remove them as the great thorn in his side. Soon the planet would be theirs.

  “One more thing, when and if you find out who the prospective general is, you are to have him killed on the spot,” Bazar said with a very slight threat in his voice. “Do you understand?”

  “Yes!” answered Axlor as he stood to get going on his attack plan.

  “Good,” replied Bazar as he strode toward the door. “I must go and report to my king immediately. I know the way out. I know we’ll be seeing each other soon, may it be when you have taken the planet.” Bazar then nodded toward Axlor and then swept out of the room and headed off toward the rocket port where his own ship was located and ready to speed him back to his home world.

  After Bazar had left, Axlor pressed a communications monitor on the right arm of his throne and said, “Commander Adler, contact all of our commanders and generals and get them here immediately. Tell them I need to see them now! And then summon Vengethor.” He sat down to mull over in his head the implications of what he’d heard. He vaguely heard Adler say, “At once your Highness.”

  Chapter 11

  Welcome Home

  The troop of Golden Griffins approached the town rather joyously. They were still elated at driving back the Boulthorian knights, and they had successfully protected the princess. They also had with them a teenage boy that may be the missing son of Dr. Sonderson. Trance was surprised at the speed the robot horses could carry them. There at the bottom of the target screen on the horse’s neck was the speedometer reading forty-five mph. While on the Markem farm he’d gotten used to the smooth motion of the robot horses. Up ahead he spotted the town they were headed for, Shandac. He remembered asking Major Marlett about how long it would take to get to the capital from Cassera.

  “A little under four hours,” Marlett had replied. Sure enough three and three quarter hours had passed since the battle and they were now entering the town.

  A few minutes later the troop turned a corner and started down a street that was familiar to some of them. Zak in particular had been here before; his friend Kyle had lived here. He rode up to the boy and encouraged him and told him that he hoped that he really was whom he thought he was.

  Trance was triple happy; one, he was happy to be going to see his family again; two, he had been given the horse he was riding by the princess as token of appreciation, since he had saved her from capture; and three, his dream could come true, here he could become an knight. He felt his excitement increase as the troop approached and stopped in front of a beige bi-level house half way down this block.

  Major Marlett signaled Zak and indicated that he go to the door. Zak dismounted and walked to the door and knocked. The door was opened and Zak began talking to someone in the doorway.

  Trance couldn’t see whom he was talking to and dismounted himself and started to lead the horse forward. He had named the horse Odin shortly after the horse had been given to him. He cautiously approached the house that might or might not be his families.

  “May I intro…” Zak was starting to say when he turned and saw Trance moving into hearing range and was interrupted by the shock of the pair who had locked eyes.

  Trance’s voice caught in his throat as soon as he saw the person talking to Zak. Memories flashed through his mind as he stared. “Mom,” he finally croaked when he found his voice.

  “Trance,” said the woman in the doorway, her eyes filling with tears of happiness. Could this be true, her eldest finally showing up alive and well?

  Trance stopped the horse and ran up to her and hugged her. As the troop and princess watched from the street, many wiping their eyes, they heard Eileen speak. “Oh Trance it is you. Thank God you’re alright.” Then she turned to Zak, “Thank you Zak for finding him and bringing him home.”

  “No problem ma’am,” he said blushing. Then he leaned close and whispered, “I didn’t tell him, I thought it would be better if you told him.”

  Eileen nodded and then waved at the troop. “Hello Major. Hello Corena. Thank you all so much for finding him. I can’t tell you how much this means.” She hugged Trance again and kissed his head.

  “It was our honor Mrs. Sonderson,” said Marlett. He bowed his head, then signaled Zak and indicated that they needed to go, and got his troop formed again and started to lead them away. Many Golden Griffins waved and said good-bye as they started away.

  “I’ll report the good news to my father,” said Corena as she had lingered. “Trance I hope to see you soon,” and then she too turned and started away.

  Eileen led Trance into the house and continued to hug him in the entry. Then Trance heard a familiar voice from the upstairs. “Honey, who was at the door?”

  Trance released from his mother and shot upstairs. Eileen trailed behind and called back to her husband, “We have a visitor Evan.”

  Trance reached the top of the stairs and looked around quickly. Right in front of him was the bathroom, and then on the left of the bathroom were two bedrooms. Opposite them were two more bedrooms and a hall closet. To his right he could look into the living room at the front of the house, and then there was the kitchen and dining room at the back of the house. Sitting at the dining room table sat Dr. Evan Sonderson, Trance’s dad.

  Evan was sitting at the table drinking coffee and relaxing, admiring the small chandelier that hung above the table. However, he immediately stood up when he saw Trance step into the room. Emotion filled him as he gazed at the son that he hadn’t thought he’d ever see again. The emotion hit hard because of the memory of his father telling him about a dream he’d had about his son.

  “Hi dad, I’m home,” was the only thing Trance could think to say.

  “Trance, look at you. I thought we’d never see you again. Where have you been? How have you been? What’s happened to you since you awoke? Forget the questions for the moment and come here,” Evan said, trying to contain the emotions flooding in him. He stepped closer and reached out and the two embraced. Evan shouted thanks to God in his head and held his son in his arms.

  They turned and released each other as they heard a sound come from behind. Eileen had gone down to two of the bedrooms when she had reached the top of the stairs. She returned with Trance’s siblings. �
��Trance you’re here!” they exclaimed excitedly as they saw and recognized him. They rushed up and hugged him also.

  “Trance, why don’t you sit down and I’ll fix you something to eat and drink and you can tell us about where you’ve been and how you are,” said his mother as she went to the open kitchen and retrieved sandwich supplies.

  Suddenly the door was opened and up the stairs came a youth about a year older than Trance in appearance. The older boy came into the dining room and stopped in his tracks at the sight of Trance. He knew him immediately; however, Trance didn’t know this youth at all. Then he slowly figured it out, this must be Kyle, Zak and Bear’s friend.

  The older boy took one look at the newcomer in his house and knew at once whom he was. He had seen enough pictures of Trance to know him by sight. “Whose war horse is outside in the drive? I was told that I had a special leave, and I should be here today. Now I know why. You must be my brother Trance. I’ve heard a lot about you,” he explained. “Oh, my name is Kyle.” He then went and hugged and kissed his mother and greeted his dad and other siblings.

  “Mom, dad, who is this?” Trance asked, still slightly confused as to who this young man was. “What happened to our ship? What and how has everyone been doing?”

  “Trance, sit down and I’ll explain,” said Eileen as she brought the sandwich supplies and set them on the table. And then she started to explain in a soothing voice. “Your father has learned what happened to our ship and how we arrived here. Apparently our ship was attacked and destroyed by a group of Boulthorian space battleships. Well, when the ship’s computers detected the danger it activated the emergency systems, which expelled us from the ship in our deep sleep chambers. So far everyone has been accounted for, except you. We were afraid that something terrible had happened to you.


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