Scars (Map of Scars Book 1)

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Scars (Map of Scars Book 1) Page 5

by A. S. Koutso

  A man came out from behind a curtain at the far end of the church, he was wearing a red robe with the Celtic cross sewn on the front in.

  “Hello sir” I said as I approached him.

  “Good morning my child, how can the gods help you today?”

  “I’m a traveller from a village near the ocean and have little knowledge of the gods. Would you have the time to answer some questions for me?” I asked politely, I saw no threat in this man, he was a holy man who I’m sure would do no harm to anyone.

  “Oh of course my dear, what questions do you have?” he asked waving toward the front pew, we sat down and faced each other.

  “I’d like to know more about Goddess Danu, is she painted on your mural?”

  “No child. The Goddess Danu was corrupted long ago by the evil God Balor. She was a beautiful goddess who brought great joy to many, unfortunately we do not speak of her in the house of the gods anymore.” He said in a nasty voice

  “Oh, I see I'm very sorry to have wasted your time.” I said excusing myself

  “Wait, my child. If I could ask, why so curious?” he asked before I was able to leave, I don't want to look suspicious or anything.

  “Oh, I heard tales on my journey here from other travelers. My young mind grew fascinated, but I see now how that is wrong, Unfortunately I must be off. Again, I am very sorry to have wasted your time. Have a lovely day.” I explained as I scurried through the front door. Well I won't be asking the church anymore questions, they really believe she was corrupted by evil.

  With nothing left for me to do in the town I stopped at the market one last time to pick up some food for the road and continued off on my journey.

  Chapter 7

  Days had passed and I continued to practice my shield spell and my makeshift fire technique, and not to gloat but I was actually starting to get it. I finally got the roots to grow to about my hips, not that it would save me unless I was being attacked by a dwarf, but still it was getting there. As for the fire, well it was a work in progress, but I did manage to get some smoke out, which is a start.

  I was still a few days away from the next village, but I was in desperate need of a bath, there were forests on both sides of the path so I figured there should be a lake or river somewhere. I’ll climb up the next hill and turn off there.

  It had been rainy the last few days, so my hair was matted and full of old crunched up leaves from sleeping on the ground. I couldn't wait to jump into the water,

  but before that I'll send a message to Cara letting her know where I am and that I haven't had any issues yet. I think she would appreciate that.

  I stopped at the top of a hill and found a rock to put my map down on. Tracing down the path drawn for me I noted that I was about two days away from the next village. I let out a low cawing sound and stuck out my index finger. I waited a moment but there was nothing. No bird. Maybe they didn't hear me? I tried again but a little louder this time. Still nothing. Ok? As I was rolling up the map to put it back into my bag a bird flew onto my shoulder.

  “Well hello there.” I said to it, of course there was no response. It tilted its head to me, so I put out my finger once more and it hopped over and perched on my hand.

  “Ok bird listen up. You need to go find Cara and tell her exactly what I say. Ok?” I asked.

  The bird flicked its head back. I assumed that meant yes?

  “Cara, I will make it to the second town by daybreak three days from now. I am safe.”

  “Is that message too long for you?” I remember the druid telling me crows had an amazing memory so it would be able to take a longer message, but I have no idea for a finch. Luckily, it flicked its head back and took off heading east. I hope that worked. I packed up my bag and went down into the forest to look for somewhere to bathe.

  Thirty minutes into my walk I started to hear rushing water. I hurried my pace and found a beautiful lake with a waterfall leading right into it. That's perfect. I thought. I quickly disrobed and jumped right in. The water was freezing but I didn't care. I had dived down to see if I could reach the bottom.

  Opening my eyes under the water I saw fish of all sizes just below my feet. If only I had a net, I could catch one and cook it up for lunch. Unable to hold my breath any longer I resurfaced. Wiping the water from my eyes I looked to the shore. There was a man sitting on a rock right beside my stuff.

  “Enjoying yourself?” He said with a smirk

  He was beautiful, I'd never seen a man quite like him before. His eyes were piercing green like an emerald, his hair was brown with a kiss of blond pulled back in waves. He had a beard that shaped his perfect jawline. This must be one of my dreams.

  “Ahem” he said, clearing his throat.

  “Am I interrupting?”

  Oh shit. I’m naked. What do I do? I never thought there would be anyone here.

  “Yes, you are. Can I help you?” I responded quickly and was not amused.

  “You know you really shouldn't be out here alone. There are wild animals and dangerous creatures in this forest.”

  “That's fine. I was on my way out anyway.”

  “Well come on then, I’ll walk you out.” he said standing up from the rock with an outstretched hand.

  “I’m fine, I don’t need your help. Thank you.”

  “Alright well, if you do just shout, I'll be heading out toward the path.” He said as he started walking away.

  Finally, I better get out of there before more people show up. I ran out of the lake and toward my clothes as fast as I could, hoping he wasn't watching from somewhere.

  I was heading back toward the path when I noticed there was something watching me, this eerie feeling clouded the air. I reached down to unstrap my dagger. Holding it up toward my chest, I kept walking. Paying close attention to my surroundings I could just barely hear something approaching.

  Whatever it was, I knew I was its prey. Maybe the man had a point. Clearly there's something in these woods that don't want me here. I quickened my pace but kept my eyes and ears sharp. I thought if I can get back to the path this would all be over.

  I heard a branch snap from behind me, so I quickly turned around, but in doing so I tripped over a rock and fell to the ground. That was when I saw my stalker.

  A large grey wolf was closing in on me. I was hoping there was only one. I might stand a chance if it's alone. The beast began to lower its stance, quickly I tried to pull myself back. My body froze in fear when the wolf pounced, mouth wide open, drool dripping from its sharp teeth. I closed my eyes and tried to pull the roots from any tree that would help me. At that moment I heard a loud yelp. I opened my eyes quickly to see the man standing over me, sword in hand and the wolf running in the other direction.

  “Are you ok?” He asked while reaching out to help me off the ground.

  “Yes. Thank you for your help.” I responded while brushing the dirt off my pants.

  “I warned you, there are dangerous beasts in these forests. It's not safe to travel around here alone.”

  “I would have been just fine, had I not tripped.”

  “Alright. Sorry. Next time I’ll let the wolf eat you.” he teased shrugging his shoulders.

  “Ha ha very funny. Who are you anyway?”

  Cute boy in the middle of the forest, first he watches me bathe then he saves me from a wolf attack. What is he stalking me?

  “Names Cillian.” He said proudly

  “And who might you be? If you don't mind me asking that is.”

  “That's not important, why are you stalking me?”

  “Stalking? HA. No. I heard splashing coming from the water so I went to check it, when I saw it was a little girl I thought I should be a gentleman and warn you before you got hurt. As for the wolf, he's the reason I'm out here in the first place. I was paid to kill him because he was eating all the sheep at a local farm.”

  Ok, his alibi makes sense. Maybe he's telling the truth.

  “Oh, that reminds me, you owe me little girl. I j
ust lost my kill trying to save your clumsy ass.” He said grinning

  “First off. I’m not a little girl. My name is Aisling, and I don't owe you anything. I would have been just fine.” I said as I started to walk away.

  All of a sudden, a shooting pain coursed through my leg. I nearly fell to the ground. Luckily, Cillian reached out to grab me.

  “Ya, you can't walk on that.”

  I looked down to see a huge cut on my shin.

  “I’ll be fine, I'll just wrap it.”

  This guy needs to stop saving me. If I could just get a fern leaf, I can probably heal it.

  “Can I ask you for a favour?” I really didn't want to

  “I am not carrying you to the next town. That's not happening.” He said with a wink

  “Ugh. No. Could you just get me a fern leaf. Then you can leave and go find that wolf.”

  “A fern leaf?” he responded looking rather confused

  “Yes please.”

  “Ok whatever you say princess.” He said as he disappeared into the forest behind me.

  Not even two minutes later he came back with two leaves in hand.

  “I didn’t know which size you wanted so I brought two just in case.”

  Well that was thoughtful.

  “Thank you. I appreciate everything you've done for me.” I said with a sincere smile as I took the leaves from him.

  “You sure you’ll be ok from here?”

  “Yes. I’ll be fine.”

  “Alright well then I’ll be off.”


  “See you around Ash.” He gave me a wink and took off into the forest.

  Ash. Is that supposed to be like a nickname? It’s kind of cute, I guess.

  I waited a couple of minutes making sure he was out of site before beginning the healing spell.

  Looking around this time to make sure the coast was clear I placed the fern on top of my wound and began to chant

  In the name of the great goddess Airmend, lend me the power to heal. The power to mend this wound. The power to stitch together what is torn apart.

  The fern began to glow a warm yellow and I felt the pain subside. I left the leaf on the wound until it returned to its original color. Let’s see if it worked. I thought to myself as I began to peel it off of my skin. Shockingly enough it did. This was the first spell that I actually succeeded in. The wound was fully healed, not even a scar was left. With that done I headed back to the path and continued toward the next town; I had wasted quite a bit of daylight with my little adventure, so I better speed up my pace.

  Chapter 8

  I woke up wrapped in his arms, my face buried in his chest. He grabbed my chin to pull me toward his lips. His eyes locked with mine, as his thumb caressed my cheek. I could feel my heart begin to pound against my chest as his thumb grazed my lips. My breath met his, as our lips finally met.

  The sun blinded me as it poured through the trees. Morning already?

  I reached out to stretch. My heart still racing from my dream. The last few nights I've dreamt only of him. I really shouldn't get sidetracked. I need to concentrate on getting my wings back, or at least finding out why they were taken from me.

  I packed up camp and checked the map one last time before heading off. Looks like the next town is Laois. Making my way down the path I started to think It would be nice to see Dunamase castle. I remember hearing a bard sing songs of its beauty, one song in particular caught my attention.

  It mentioned Dunamase and Tír na nÓg being connected. I wonder if that's true. It's definitely worth taking a look. Maybe there are Fae that live in hiding there too, it would be amazing to meet more of my people. I wonder if they all look like me, or if some have horns and antlers like in the tales the puppeteer used to tell in town square. Cara told me her wings were blue and purple, I wonder what color mine would have been. The Aisling from my dreams had wings, they were like her armor, white and gold. Thinking back to the time in the market, the Aisling from my vision knew I was there; she even spoke to me. If I can open my spirit door and go back to that vision, maybe she can tell me how to save the Fae. I just need to find a safe place to leave from so no one will see me. I don't think so close to a big town would be a great idea. I’ll have to wait until I pass Laois, or maybe I can rent a room at an inn and do it there. I just hope humans can't detect the energy.

  I reached Laois just past midday; I must have been a lot closer than I thought. I noticed the guards at the town walls did not wear the same armor as the others I’ve seen. Most wear the traditional red and white, whereas these guards are wearing green and white. They also seem a lot nicer, they are actually greeting people instead of questioning them. I think I’ll like it here. I thought to myself as I passed the guards.

  The city was buzzing with street performers and merchants. There was music being played around every corner and children laughing and playing with wooden swords. Even in town the guards were smiling and asking people if they needed help. It sure seems like they are in a period of peace. A flag bearing the same colors as the guards with a trinity knot dead center was hanging from every building.

  I had yet to see the Celtic cross anywhere. It had me wondering if there was even a church in this town. Maybe they are a town of unity like the song said. I had a lot of exploring to do if I wanted my answers, it's not like I could just walk up to the next person I see and ask “Hey, where do the Fae hang out.” I’m pretty sure I could get tossed in a dungeon or even worse for asking a question like that.

  Dunamase Castle was set on top of the mountain watching over the whole city. There are two walls dividing the city, I am currently past the first one, but I think in order to get some answers I’ll have to get past the second one. I’m just not entirely sure who's allowed up there. For today I’ll find an Inn down here and ask around at a local tavern.

  While there was still daylight, I decided to take a quick look around the lower half of the city. I checked out the markets to see if I could find anything that called out to me like my dagger, unfortunately I had no luck with that.

  How ever I found an amazing tailor who made custom outfits. Mine were getting pretty torn up so I figured it was worth the coin. The man fitted me then started to ask the standard questions.

  “And what color scheme are we looking for today?”

  “Do you have any suggestions?”

  “A lovely pink dress perhaps or an elegant red?”

  “Oh. No actually sir I was looking for a tunic and leggings. I am on a journey to mid Éire. I don’t think a dress would be appropriate attire unfortunately.”

  “Oh that is too bad, with your figure I could make such a beautiful dress. Oh well instead I shall make your tunic into a work of art. You will see. Return tomorrow and I will have it all ready for you.”

  “Wow that fast? Thank you so much. How much will it be?” I asked grabbing my coin purse from my bag.

  “Well my dear it won't be cheap. I use high quality leather for my custom works. Let's price it at three silver pieces and you have to tell everyone I made it for you.”

  “Ok that sounds fair.” I said thanking him and handing him over the three coins.

  As I began to walk away, I felt a hand grab my shoulder

  “You could have bargained him down you know.” a familiar voice rang in my ear.

  My cheeks grew warm and my heart raced. I knew that voice, I’ve heard it every night since we met. I turned to face him. His emerald eyes sparkled as our gaze met.

  “Well if it isn't the creep who spies on bathing women in the middle of the woods.” I said trying to calm my nerves

  “Oh, is that how you think of me now? Not the famed hero who rescues the damsel in distress?”

  “I may be a damsel but I did not cry out in distress.”

  “Well by the time you had I'm pretty sure you would have been wolf lunch.”

  “Ha ha, you’re so funny. What are you doing here anyway? More Stalking?”

  “No. For your i
nformation the wolf got away, so I went back to the farmer to give him back his money, then made my way here to look for more work. So, I believe you owe me dinner, thanks to you I’m broke.”

  “Oh” I said apologetically

  “I’m sorry. I really didn’t mean to cost you your wages. How much did you lose? I don't have much, but I can maybe pay you back.”

  “No, I don’t want your money, but I would love to get to know you over some food and ale?” He asked in such a charming voice I wanted to melt.

  “I really don’t have time to waste but I mean, I guess we both need to eat right?”

  “You do have a point.” He said gently bumping me in a playful manner.

  We started walking side by side and got to talking

  “Is this your first time in Laois?” He asked

  “Yes, and it's very different from all the other towns I’ve been to.” I explained

  “And do you know why that is?”

  “No, not really. I noticed they wave a different flag from the others, but that's as far as my knowledge goes.” I giggled

  “Well… If you’d like I can tell you the history of this city.”

  “Actually that would be really helpful.”

  He pointed at the wall dividing the city

  “Did you notice how there is a barricade between the market and the castle?”

  I nodded

  “Well that's because they don't want all the tourists to flood the courtyard. It’s said that there is a special place there that leads to a whole otherworld. So, a lot of explorers from around the world come

  here to Laois just to find it.”

  “And what exactly is this otherworld?”


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