Scars (Map of Scars Book 1)

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Scars (Map of Scars Book 1) Page 6

by A. S. Koutso

  “Do you believe in magic?” he asked very seriously

  “Magic? Like from the tales we heard as children?”

  “Yes. Magic and mythical beings like Faefolk.”

  “Sorry but no. I’ve heard the stories but how am I supposed to believe that we can sprout wings and fly around the sky.” I had to act like it was crazy talk, I didn’t want him to think I had anything to do with the Fae. Even to believe in them is dangerous.

  “Well, a lot of people do. There's supposed to be a portal hidden in the courtyard to a place called Tír na nÓg. Which is where the Fae live.”

  “You sure know a lot about these “Fae” people.” I said enthusiastically.

  “Ya, I’m a bit of a history freak. When I was young my mother used to tell me stories about the ancient war between the church and the Tuatha de Danann which are the Faefolk, I found it intriguing so when I go to a new town I ask the locals for their stories.”

  “Well that does sound fun, learning the history for all the different places you visit.”

  “Ya, it helps pass the time.” He explained with a little bit of sadness to his voice.

  “Here we are. The best tavern in town!” he proclaimed pointing toward an old wooden door.

  Music and laughter poured through as we opened the door, it was certainly a lively place. Cillian picked a table near the back where it was a tad bit quieter, though if you want a place to really talk, I wouldn't suggest coming here.

  “The food is great here.” He shouted so I could hear

  “Could you order for me I’m not sure what to get.” I replied looking around at the tables nearby to see what looked appetizing.

  It all looked pretty good, but I guess anything would look good to me after eating nothing but nuts and berries for the last few days.

  “Sure.” He said with a smile on his face.

  The barmaid walked by and Cillian whistled out to her.

  “Hey Maeve! We’re ready to order.”

  “Coming!” She shouted back

  A beautiful blonde woman came walking over with a tray in her hand.

  “Oh Cillian, I didn’t think you’d be back so soon.” She said leaning over the table showing off her unbuttoned blouse.

  “Job didn’t quite pan out.” He said as he winked at me.

  “Who's the girl?” She replied with an annoyed tone in her voice

  “Maeve meet Ash, my date.”


  “No. I’m not his date.” I said as quickly as I could.

  “I simply ruined his job so I’m trying to pay him back.”

  Ignoring me the barmaid continued.

  “What can I get you love?” She asked, leaning in closer to Cillian, she began playing with her hair while resting her arms down on the tabletop, squeezing her breasts together.

  “We will take the kitchen special with two ales please.”

  “Right away boss.” She said, getting up and making sure to push her breasts into Cillian’s face as she walked away.

  I gave a look of disgust as I watched her strut toward the bar.

  “Don’t worry about Maeve.”

  “And why would I worry?”

  “She makes her tips from the men in the building, it's her job to be flirty.”

  If you ask me that was way more than flirty.

  “Ya. I get it.”

  “So, where were we?” He asked leaning forward onto the table getting as close as possible. I’m not sure if this was done to hear me properly or just to get closer, but I could get used to the view.

  “So, I take it you come here often.”

  “Like I said it has the best food in town, and the ale is cheap.”

  “And the staff is easy.” I said under my breath

  “So, what are you doing in Laois? Looking for someone?”

  “No, nothing like that. I’m just passing through, but the city is beautiful. I might stay a little longer than expected.”

  “I could be your personal guide, if you would like?”

  He reached his arm across the table to grab my hand. I couldn't help but take it. I looked up from our tangled fingers to see him staring at me.

  “You are beautiful.” He said in a low voice, keeping his eyes locked on mine. My heart was pounding as it tried to escape my chest. I couldn't look away. The candlelight flickered against the deep green of his eyes. It was mesmerising.

  “Here you go.” Maeve said, plunging the two glasses of ale between us.

  Startled, I jumped back.

  “Food will be up in a few minutes. Try to keep your clothes on in the meantime.”

  As she walked away, I grabbed my glass with both hands and started sipping. The foam was hitting the tip of my nose. Finally, brave enough I put my mug down but kept both my hands on it.

  “You got a little something.” Cillian said reaching over with a cloth to wipe the bubbles from my face.

  The food came out rather fast. I think Maeve wanted us out of her tavern. We finished up our supper in silence. I paid the bill and we left. Music was still playing around town even though it was late into the night.

  “Do you have a room?” Cillian asked as the door closed behind us.

  “No, but I’m sure I can find one.”

  “Come stay at my inn. This way in the morning we can meet up and I can show you around.”

  “I don’t know. I was thinking maybe I should just move on. I really have to get going anyway.”

  “Oh, come on. It could be fun. Maybe we can go see if that portal is real. It could be like an adventure.”

  “I really should get going.”

  “How about this. Come with me tomorrow, until midday. If by then you still want to leave, I will walk you to the gates myself.”

  “Ok. That sounds fair.”

  He led me to the inn and got me a room.

  “I will meet you in the common room at daybreak.” he said, walking me to my door.

  “Alright. Have a good night.”

  Finally, in my room I could breath. The air between us grew so intense it was like I couldn't catch my breath. Cara told me not to trust anyone, so I know the less time I spend with him the better, but I can’t seem to stay away. I just need a proper night's sleep where my dreams aren’t filled with lust. I need to concentrate on the reason I’m on this journey. This is all about finding out who I am, not about falling for a guy that I’ll probably never see again.

  I’m Fae, he's human, not like we can be together anyway. I laid in bed staring at the ceiling, trying so hard to fall asleep.

  Chapter 9

  Cuddled up in the warm blankets with my face smooshed into a pillow, I refused to get up. I barely slept; I was up all-night thinking what to do about Cillian. I know I should keep my distance, but I do have to go check out that portal and find out more about this city. I know there's a connection between Laois and the Tuatha de Danann, the trinity knot on the flag might also have something to do with the connection. I know something is going on here. I'm just not sure what, and Cillian is willing to help me get into the top part of the city.

  I mean I could just use him to get what I need then leave. It’s not a terrible idea, he does know his way around here. That’s a great idea. Once we get across the wall and he tells me where the portal is, I’ll ditch him and find my way there myself. This way he won’t know there's a connection between me and the Fae. Sometimes I think I might be a genius. Harland would be so proud.

  I got dressed and headed down to the common room. Cillian was waiting for me by the door.

  “Took you long enough, slept in?” He said more chipper than usual

  “Not quite.” I replied

  “Alright, where too?”

  “Well I’d like to stop and pick up my new outfit from the tailor if that's alright with you.”

  “Of course!” he proclaimed gesturing to the exit.

  The market was pretty far away but the time flew by. Cillian was telling me stories of his childhood and different ci
ties he’d been to. It was all very entertaining, he told all his stories with such passion, it was hard not to enjoy listening. When we reached the market, the shops were just setting up, I noticed the tailor was still unloading pieces from his cart, so I scurried over to help him out.

  “Good morning Sir, would you like a hand unloading your wares?” I asked with a sincere smile.

  “Oh, my dear you are an early bird. Yes, please that would be a big help.”

  Cillian finally caught up and I loaded him up with some of the heavier pieces.

  “Here you go, can you place these where the other ones are.” I explained, directing him toward the large table at the back of the man's shop.

  “I take it you’re eager to see your new outfit.” The tailor said with a smile.

  “Is it that obvious?” I asked jokingly

  “Well since I’m all set up why don’t you head over to the booth I have in the back and I’ll hand you over the clothes for you to try on right away, this way if there are any adjustments to be done I can make them on the spot.”

  “Wow really? Thank you!” I said as I made my way to the changing booth.

  It was a small division of his tent blocked on all four sides with hanging fabric. I don’t think a full-grown man would fit in here so I’m assuming he uses it for his female clients.

  “Don’t be alarmed, I will slip my hand through the fabric and hand you over the three pieces. If you need any help, please don't be shy.”

  As he was explaining I saw a split in the makeshift walls and a neatly folded pile of clothes were resting on top of his hand. I grabbed them and started to put them on. It was a little dark in the room so I couldn't see the outfit properly. Once I laced up the front of the corset, I headed outside toward the large mirror he had standing at the front of the shop.

  “Aisling.” Cillian said in shock

  “You look gorgeous.” He continued

  With that I hurried over to see for myself.

  In the mirror stood a woman, long white hair braided to the side. Deep purple blouse and black leather corset and leggings.

  “But Sir, I only ordered a tunic and leggings, this is all too much.”

  “Do you like it?” He asked staring at my reflection

  “I do, but I only paid for a two piece, and this is thick leather. It's worth way more than I paid you.”

  “Please don’t worry about that, you inspired me last night. I had to make the perfect piece for you and look how amazing it looks. The leather hugs all of your curves. The blouse draws the perfect amount of attention to your neckline. And the color has the perfect contrast against your fair skin. My dear this outfit is made specifically for you; I have never made something so perfect. Please wear it with pride.”

  “I will, and I will tell everyone who made it for me. Sir what name shall I give them?”

  “Ceardaí” He said bowing to me

  “That's an odd name.” Cillian interrupted

  The tailor turned his head to me and winked

  Ceardaí. Should that mean something to me?

  “Well thank you Ceardaí, we must be on our way now.” I said breaking the silence.

  “If you are ever in Laois again please come and visit.” He said waving goodbye

  I grabbed Cillian by the hand and started walking toward the second wall.

  “I guess you want to find that portal.” He said, trying to catch up to me.

  “Yes. It sounds pretty fascinating actually, but then again maybe you're just a good storyteller. I’m still not sold on the whole Fae thing but why not check it out while we’re here. My only concern is getting across that barricade.”

  “Ah, leave that to me.” He said

  We reached the back of the city and got in the line to cross the wall.

  “What's the plan” I asked

  “Just follow my lead.” He said with a wink

  As we approached the front of the line, I noticed the guards were checking the merchants for tax papers but the highborn were just walking right through without being questioned. We were next and I still had no idea what his plan was.

  “Next” The guard shouted.

  “Looks like we're up.” He said grabbing my hand pulling me in close to him.

  “Papers please.” The guard asked before looking up from his last tax slip.

  ‘Oh, sorry Sir. Go right ahead.” The guard apologised when he saw Cillian

  “Good day.” Cillian said, giving a slight bow with his head, as we walked right through the gate.

  Before I could grasp what just happened Cillian dragged me as he started running away from the gate.

  “Wait.” I shouted trying to catch my breath.

  “What just happened?” I asked with a quizzical look on my face.

  Cillian couldn't hold his straight face any longer. He pulled me behind a building and busted out laughing.

  “I can’t believe that worked,” he said trying to control himself.

  “What did we do? I don’t get it.”

  “Well...” He still hadn't calmed his breathing

  “Did you notice that they were collecting papers from the merchants who were crossing but the noblemen walked straight through?”


  “Well look at you.”

  I looked down still not understanding, I gave him a dumbfounded look.

  “You dress like a highborn. It was honestly perfect timing to get that outfit. No one would believe you bought it from a merchant on the lower level of the city.”

  “Ok?” I said, still a little confused.

  “It doesn't matter. What matters is that we’re here finally!” He exclaimed so enthusiastically.

  “Let's get going before we get thrown out.” He said pointing toward the road we came from.

  The city was beautiful, it wasn't as lively as the lower level, but it had flowers at every corner and there were no smelly stables. Everything was so clean and well kept. There were very little guards on patrol, but the ones we did see were just as nice as the others.

  “So, where too?” I asked in excitement.

  “I’m not entirely sure, I know we should head up toward the castle and from there we need to find the courtyard.” He explained

  The castle sat at the top of the mountain looking down on the rest of the city, it was pretty easy to get there, but it looked massive. I was a little nervous we wouldn’t be able to find the courtyard without being spotted, and I really did not want to end up in a dungeon.

  “We need a plan, like if the guards spot us where we aren’t supposed to be what are we going to do? If we run, they’ll just chase us, and it’ll draw too much attention.” I explained my concerns

  “Don’t worry about that, if anything happens just follow my lead.”

  Reluctantly I agreed. Somehow his plan got us this far. Who was I to shut him down?

  We took the scenic route to the castle to not draw any attention to ourselves, I’m pretty sure if someone saw us darting for the castle it would raise some concern. The main road forked into two at the entrance, we chose to take the path to the right.

  It took us along a row of merchant tents all set up to display the most expensive pieces. We passed by jewelers and tailors all selling items made of gold and silks, things you would never see in a common market. They must have travelled the world to collect all of this.

  The main entrance to the castle was on the other path but the road we were on would take us to the back, hopefully exactly where we need to be. Before we get to close I should try to leave Cillian behind. I’m just not sure how.

  There wasn't very much around to distract him, and I don't think he would fall for me just running away. Think Aisling. Think.

  “Should we get some food before heading into the castle?” Cillian asked right as I was giving up on my plan.

  “That works for me.” I responded

  Perfect, while he is ordering food, I’ll excuse myself to use the outhouse and boom. I’m off and he’ll
never know I gave him the slip.

  “Can I have two soda breads and two boxtys please?” I heard Cillian say behind me. I turned around to see him ordering at a street vendor.

  Well there goes my plan.

  “Here you go.” He handed me a dish with a potato pancake and a soda bread.

  “It's nothing too crazy but it should keep you going until supper.”

  “Thanks.” I said taking the food.

  It actually smelled pretty good. Most street food was overly greasy, but the soda bread was on point and the boxty was well seasoned.

  Once we finished up, we headed straight for the castle. The back entrance had no guards posted at the doors, but Cillian wanted to go down the hill and watch the doors for a while just to be sure there wouldn't be any surprises.

  “Remember if anything happens when we get inside just follow my lead. There's no exits so we can’t just take off running.” He said making sure I understood.

  “Ok. Got it.”

  He held my hand as we made our way inside.

  “Act casual, pretend you’ve been here a thousand times.” he whispered to me.

  When we got inside, I couldn't help but gasp in pure amazement. It was gorgeous. The walls were covered in tapestries depicting battles and lovers. Some even had Fae dancing around the woods. The smell of fresh baked pies filled my nose.

  The kitchen and servants’ quarters were placed in the back of the castle where we entered. There were maids and servants running around carrying large platters of food. Looks like we might have come during a party or something, everyone was rushing around us, no one even noticed we were here. Cillian pointed toward the right side of the castle.

  “Let's check over there, it seems like that's where the servants are going.” he whispered to me


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