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The Way Back To Be A Human

Page 4

by Mustafa Kenj, Sr

  Suffers of multiple backgrounds caused by extremists

  I love you all what shall i do

  cut my self into thousands parts

  with whom to be

  my heart is for you all

  any human being is a treasure him self please contemplate the surroundings

  my heart sings when i see

  a creature has the mankind features i love you believe it or not

  for nothing just because my heart obliges me

  since in love me am with human stuff yeah don't be selfish

  please don't die before compromise with

  the ones had been seeking your help

  i wish i had thousands pieces of Gold and dollars just to buy every one what he wants and needs to get

  yet money i look after not

  but it is the only means to let

  thee needs satisfied

  i wish i had the magic stick

  to turn the world into peaceful one please please please

  think using your heart of your brothers without coming to your mind their background


  Curse out of misery

  Curse upon poverty and money

  Curse upon injustice

  Curse curse curse

  For God sake don’t leave them in need

  Lacking some thing

  Don’t let your bank account get increased

  On their own

  You have factories

  Give your workers what the really need

  They are the main factors

  Of what you eat

  See them

  Open your eyes what do they lack

  You are nothing without their muscles

  Feel their importance

  Never treat them like bugs

  They are your brothers

  Question your heart

  Listen what it tells

  When you die

  You inherit your achievement to your kids

  But do they deserve

  Let them build them selves

  Help a poor orphan child

  Feed him and see his smile We are weak inside

  We would really look strong

  But we are nothing

  A worm a disease

  would turn our lives into horrible one

  Be your self be a human

  And help

  Don’t live on their blood

  Don’t suck it

  Don’t be don’t be don’t be

  Cruel injustice person

  God bless you all rich and poor


  Benefits of the Ancestors

  why don’t we learn from our ancestors mistakes shall we fall in the same traps

  counting our selves enemies

  let us make a use of who has died not

  instead being a fuel of wars as a revenge a compromise should take place

  between all the human race wake up every one if you please see the truth in your own eyes think using your own mind

  it is not true what you had been told a black white yellow brown

  none of them had chosen his skin

  American Russian Korean

  none had taken the choice where to be born the raising generation must not suffer

  for the Dumb thoughts that Ancestors had established

  please wake up and see

  how much beautiful are we!

  God bless you all

  i love you since your ARE my Parents' sons



  The disability of freewill

  A free will to stop the fight can never stand

  It looks as if wars are fated to be around

  Is it sane to end our world?

  By our blooded red hands

  How can you face your God?

  As an awful killer destroyer man!

  Give me a name of a fighter

  That was never killed slaughtered as a bastard

  There is limited time for thee to be on thy earth Yea!Yea don’t rush to your death

  Clean your self first

  I can see so much dirt

  I feel pain to see your dumbness

  Sad to realize your mind ugliness

  It is at drugs money or women

  Wake up if you please, and look around

  No God No angels but only devils seek wars

  No triumph but always loose

  Each man is sacrificed is worthy than

  All the money the jewels you can count

  Let the devils win not

  Stop wars put the swords down

  Let the words be on

  It is wrong it has never been right

  To end some one other's life

  My soul would leave the body

  But there won't be no escape Listen

  The justice will be achieved

  Bear it in mind you are allowed

  To commits sins crimes good deeds as well There is always punishment or reward Think to be prized before being penalized


  The correct concept of justice

  They talk about heaven justice god is faire

  gave us earth to live on

  What is on this universe is for all

  Here the man greediness took role

  After starting

  Taking things

  By his strength

  god gave the justice scale it is in the brain

  What we call the mind

  Kids live so rich have all what they wish lacking some essential abstract thing

  On the contrast

  poor their parents have nothing to offer

  but love which doesn't exist in

  Such cruel atmosphere here the story goes how did they came rich and thy poor

  has not god created us human from the same ingredients clay and soul

  all what we have is by our hands steal, kill, wash money

  Have no heart

  For sure you gonna be the richest

  The richest the richest

  Work hard work hard shall be but no more than a worker

  You will be so, now and then

  They are the bosses till our death

  They get more wealth you poorer than ever it is not an invite

  It is not an urge

  For you to sell your heart by dollars

  it is the precious thing that you may still preserve

  It is to tell to suggest

  to tell thee that our Cardiologists, minds are there with them

  Contemplating the patience and suffering

  They have had been facing

  the harshness has been turned into sweetness

  like the iron by heat loses its strength to softness

  simple life no worries nothing to lose


  they exhaust their minds and sprits

  Since the devil is their leader

  the hearts come rocks

  as these get decayed by money Collecting which they come addicted no satisfaction No Thanks

  But seeking more

  no matter the number they will reach till losing every thing

  To realize how much wrong they were the main concern is

  how many their company's profits shall be dozened

  disregarding to the fact

  the business they make will turn other lives into hell Yee don’t ask to have millions but just their needs Since billions are saved in banks

  Without making use of it

  but try to satisfy the greediness

  that would never stop at a degree of wealth

  Oooh yee are going

  but in the wrong direction

  See check what you gonna do with these Nothing nothing nothing just worries

  How Yee And Shall find

  How would yee poor

  be able to get what they dream

  If the balance is not in favor of them

  To have their stomach filled with humanly life

>   Not working like donkies for the rich

  Feel others works please do so for their sake

  Appreciate the sweats they make

  Enabling you to eat

  And drink

  Feel grateful for the essential part they provide

  The farmers are the lives makers

  With no crops we would not have bread

  Without them we would have food not as well

  Yee workers in the factories

  are the golden power of daily products

  Yee thanks yee thanks now till ever

  Don’t care if you have not been appreciated

  God have seen

  And blessed thee

  Money will be gone and we will reborn Face one another bear-footed Clothless rich and poor

  In the Islam's fasting

  Muslims feel the same hunger by both

  As it is in Christianity

  they avoid eat meat and expensive stuff

  We are equal whether you accept it or not

  Love me as I do for you

  Be humble and see

  How the end will be

  Treat others they way you like to be treated

  Unless you are the loser himself


  Muslim guy consoles Americans

  With their Hard times

  here me i as a Muslim guy

  share the Christians' Jews' sorrow

  as well as their sadness in the same time who are from Oklahoma

  it is the time to stand with each other in one row disregarding to the religion we have followed

  i bet there were Muslims got damaged there as well the tornado did not differentiate between a Muslim, a Christian, or nonbeliever

  please brothers i know USA does not need support from none but let us show we are good

  the charity you would pay let it be for them we are not all binladdin and al qada

  to be a Muslim means to be peaceful in thoughts

  Islam is not to kill

  it is the image that it has been initialized ignorantly

  Islamic Crusades wars must be gone

  see what have we got out from the previous one Christians fought Muslims as Muslim did back many souls had been lost as the only result

  after people had been despaired they have just left till both gave up

  god sends these shakes to warn us we have been mistaken

  people who were fighting

  to get some money to buy extra houses

  look they are gone

  and what has been left are some men, yee stand together for once

  hand in hand

  we can

  believe it or not

  use the mind but never


  judge till you check if a rose was sick this does not mean

  that all the garden is ill

  if a man was extremist this does not mean to misjudge nation because of him

  me compassion with every one in pain i would really help

  for nothing only for my love for thee

  i hope one day you would maintain me and others

  why do we need to fight money is nothing but numbers

  especially when it is more than our needs politics are changeable

  see Britain was hostile enemy for France look now they are the best ever friends religion has to do with god

  so we are all human

  our heart is with every one has lost dear

  or his son was

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