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The Auction Block

Page 16

by Courtney Lynn Rose

  "Doesn't feel good, does it, asshole?"

  Dropping the belt, I walk over and pick up a cane. His eyes widen, laced with fear. I crack it across his chest, his face, unrelenting. He screams, thrashing, trying to free himself from the cable ties holding him in place.

  "Lily, stop!" My breathing comes quick and heavy through my lungs. "Please . . . enough."

  The fear in Shannon's eyes is sobering. I drop the cane, leaning down to pick up the knife. My eyes lock on Bennington's as my feet shuffle forward until my body is almost touching his. I press the knife under his right ear, drawing blood.

  "This is for every girl you've ever touched," I say, running the blade along his throat to the place under his left ear. Blood squirts from his throat, soaking the front of him. I stare into his eyes until all life has left his body. His eyes close and his chin sags against his chest.

  I drop the knife on the floor, the metal clank echoing around us. Shannon holds her hand out to me. I place mine in hers, and together we run, through the house, falling out the front door, landing naked in the street.

  Several people stare as I gather her off the ground. Pulling her behind me, I run down the street, spotting a police car on the corner.

  Holy shit . . . we're in DC.

  I bang on the window. The officer forces the door open when he realizes two women are standing next to his car— naked. He places his hand on his gun, eyeing us with suspicion.

  "Ma'am . . . what happened to you? Are you two all right?"

  "Officer, my name is Agent Lily Williams. I'm with Interpol. I need you to take us to Interpol Headquarters, six blocks from here," I pant.

  "Ma'am, calm down. Stand next to the car please."

  I roll my eyes and shift Shannon. The officer reaches inside his car and pulls out two blankets. I wrap her in one as shakes overtake her body, tears streaming down her face. I settle the other one around my body, tapping my bare foot impatiently on the asphalt.

  The officer talks into his CB radio. "This is Officer Rogers. Connect me to Interpol."

  "Interpol Dispatch," a female voice says through the radio.

  "Who's your contact, ma'am?"

  I narrow my eyes at him. "Director Hyde Monroe."

  "Dispatch, I got two women here, one saying she works for your agency. Says her contact is Director Hyde Monroe."

  "One minute officer, I'll get him on the line."

  "What's your name again, ma'am?"

  "Agent Lily Williams."

  His radio kicks back on and I sigh at Hyde's voice. "Monroe. Who's the agent?"

  "She says her name is Lily Williams."

  Hyde growls. "Give her the radio, now."

  Officer Rogers hands me the radio and I wince, my ribs protesting the movement as the adrenaline finally dissipates.

  "Monroe, its Viper."

  "What the hell are you doing in DC?"

  "Side mission. Jax's orders. Got lost in the ring, sir."

  "How long have you been in?"

  "Two months."

  "Why the fuck wasn't I notified you were going in?"

  "You'll have to ask Cobra that, sir."

  "I intend to. Get your ass to Headquarters, immediately."

  "Sir, one more thing," I say, a smile forming on my lips.


  "I have Shannon Mason, sir."

  "Well, fuck me." He's silent for a moment. "Well done, Viper. Get to HQ, I'll be waiting."

  Officer Rogers swings open the back door of his cruiser. "Get in."

  I usher Shannon into the backseat and climb in beside her. She leans her head on my shoulder, her body finally calming, and reaching up, I hug her head to me, resting mine back against the seat, smiling.

  I'm coming home, Blake.


  Shannon and I sit in Hyde Monroe's office and he's pissed. Can't blame him. I'm fucking livid. I didn't realize Jax hadn't bothered to let anyone know about the auction.

  "What the in bloody hell was Jax thinking? Has he lost his mind?" Hyde paces behind his desk.

  He's well into his sixties, and the redness of his face makes me worry he might have a heart attack.

  "I'm sorry, sir. I wasn't aware that you weren't informed of this impromptu assignment," I say keeping my tone even and respectful.

  "I don't blame you, Agent Williams. That bastard knows better."

  "Sir, may I speak freely?"

  He stops pacing and eyes me in surprise. "Of course."

  "Sir, Jax intended to have me taken off the Mason assignment."


  "He doesn't approve of my relationship with Mr. Mason, sir."

  "So your relationship is official then?"

  "No, sir. We were together before I left, though not publicly. It's been two months. I have no idea what's going to happen now."

  "Do you intend to pursue a romantic relationship upon your return?"

  "If he'll still have me, yes, sir. I love him."

  "I see," Hyde mutters, tapping his fingertips against his lips. "Where do you stand on what we discussed the last time I saw you?"

  "I still believe I can do my job more effectively than anyone else, despite my feelings for him."

  "I've never met an agent who could do what you did. Two months with no back up and no hope of getting out alive. Yet, here you stand, and you found someone Interpol has been looking for over five years. I believe you're right. I think you will be more effective because of your feelings for Mr. Mason."

  "Sir, I'd like to surprise the Mason family by bringing Shannon back to them as soon as possible."

  "I need to look into this situation over the next few days," Hyde says, running his fingers across the desk.

  "What’re your orders, sir?"

  "I'll speak of this to no one yet, and you'll get to plan your surprise. Your orders are to take Shannon Mason back to her family, and you’ll remain with your team, in the protection detail for Mr. Mason until further notice. Do you understand?"

  "Yes, sir," I say trying to hide the smile forming on my face.

  "Now, let's get you looked at by a doctor, both of you, and then we'll figure out where to send you to surprise Mr. Mason."



  "You ready?" I turn in my seat to face Shannon.

  Her bruises are minimal, thankfully. Mine, well . . . they're horrific. The new wounds on my back will scar. Two ribs on my right side and three on my left are broken. My left kneecap has a chip in it, which makes walking painful. My right cheek bone is fractured, giving me a nasty black eye, and blackish-purple bruises cover the rest of my skin.

  "Yes," she says with a huge smile on her face.

  Blake, his parents, and my team are working at the halfway house today. They took in new survivors earlier this week.

  "Let's do this." I open the door and slide out, waiting for her to join me.

  Opening the first set of glass doors, Shannon stares through the second set. I move to the side, hiding myself should anyone look this way. Blake, his stepmother, and father are in the middle of the room chatting with a few of the nurses. Teresa is sitting on the arm of one of the sofas, reading a book to Sorina and a group of young girls.

  Dresden, Vlad, Jameson, Rhett, and Jax stand with their arms crossed, watching the commotion throughout the room. Sammi and Hayato sit on stools near the window, talking. I've never seen them all so miserable. Even Sorina looks defeated.

  "Go. Once you have everyone's attention, I'll slip in. Today's your day." I nod toward the door.

  Shannon takes a deep breath and slowly opens the door, stepping inside. Blake glances up, does a double take, his eyes widening as Shannon walks further into the room.


  His stepmother turns, finally taking in her daughter. She screams, running to Shannon, sweeping her into her arms. I smile at the reunion. Carmen runs her hands over her daughter's face, neck, and shoulders . . . tears streaming down her face.

  "Oh, Shannon, thank God. We thought yo
u were . . . how . . . oh my word . . . " Carmen sobs.

  Blake and his father converge on them, talking in excitement, tears running down their faces. I glance around the room. Every pair of eyes is locked on Shannon and her family.


  Slowly, I open the door and slide inside, leaning against the wall. My eyes never leave Blake. He looks thinner and as if he hasn't slept in a while, but still beautiful and breath taking. Something in me changed over the last two months. I never thought I'd see him again, but now that he's so close, I want to run to him, touch him, wrap my arms around him and never let go.

  After another few minutes, I glance around the room. A young pair of eyes is locked on me. Sorina stands just past Shannon, next to Teresa. Tears streaming down her face, she looks lost. I wink.

  'Lily,' she mouths silently.

  Wow . . . I must be beat up worse than I thought.

  I nod and wink again with my good eye. Her chest rises and falls as her breathing accelerates. A smile spreads across my face. She takes a shuffled step forward.

  "Lily!" Her voice rings out over the chatter of everyone else. The room drops to a dead silence, all eyes moving to Sorina, and then following her gaze to me. "Lily," she screams, breaking into a run.

  I push off the wall and brace myself.

  This is going to hurt.

  From the corner of my eye, Blake's gaze is on me. He staggers to the side as Dresden moves forward to steady him, Vlad stepping up on the other side, clasping his shoulder. I open my arms and Sorina launches into them, wrapping hers around my neck, sobbing uncontrollably. I squeeze her to me, wincing, swallowing a scream as pain moves through my body like wildfire.

  "Hey, kiddo," I say through gritted teeth.

  "They said . . . they said you were dead," she sobs into my neck.

  "Close, but not quite."

  I run my fingers through her hair, looking over at the Masons. Shannon's facing me, her parents standing behind her, smiles on their faces. Blake stands immobile, tears streaming down his face, his hand covering his mouth.

  "You look like you got the shit kicked out of you," Sorina says loudly, finally letting go of my neck to stand in front of me.

  "Watch your mouth," I say sternly. "Yes, I did get the shit kicked out of me, often. But, I'm still here."

  "You're my hero, Lily," she says with pride.

  "And you're mine." I reach out to run my fingers down her cheek. "Now, there's someone I need to see, sweetie."

  She smiles up at me, taking a step back. I turn and take a step toward Blake, limping slightly. I try to push through the pain and take a full step. My knee protests and I almost hit the floor. Delicate, steady hands snake under my arms supporting my weight. I look over; Shannon's face only inches from mine.

  "Thanks," I say, smiling at her.


  I glance at Sammi as we move slowly to where Blake's standing. She's covered her mouth and nose with her hands, an endless trail of tears moving down her face. Her eyes meet mine and I wink. Turning my gaze back to Blake, he straightens, steadying himself.

  "Hey," I whisper, stopping in front of him.

  His breathing's uneven, eyes burning. Lifting his hand, he gently trails his fingers over my bruised cheek and I wince.

  "Say something, Blake."

  "Please tell me this isn't a dream," he whispers, his voice low and full of pain.

  "You think I'd look this bad in a dream?"

  "Oh, baby," he breathes, his hands darting out, pulling me to him.

  His lips on mine muffle my cries. Everything hurts, but I don't care. I've waited two months to feel his kiss again. I move my hands into his hair, pulling myself tighter against him, ignoring the stabs of pain protesting the hold.

  Tilting his head, the kiss deepens and the too familiar desire he elicits courses through my veins. His hands cup my ass and he lifts me with ease, wrapping my legs around his waist, my knee protesting with sharp, shooting pains. This is where I belong.

  "Say it," he growls against my lips.

  "I love you."

  He moans, capturing my lips with his again. I pull away, looking into his eyes.

  "I love you. I should've said it before I left. I love you."

  I lean down, devouring his mouth with mine, forgetting everyone and everything else. He presses a hand into my back, and I break the kiss, screaming in pain.

  Fucking flogging.

  He stills immediately. "How bad are you hurt?"

  Slowly, he places me on my feet in front of him. Dresden and Vlad move to either side of me, pain evident on their faces, as well.


  "Take your shirt off," Dresden says.

  "Not here."

  "Lily, do it, now," Blake snaps.

  Sighing, I grab the hem of my shirt and pull, the fabric catching on the scabs.

  "Let me help," Shannon says moving behind me.

  "Thanks, Shan." I wince as she pulls the fabric away from my skin.

  We peel the shirt off, sending a round of gasps through the room. Dresden and Vlad curse under their breath, and Blake's hand flies to his mouth.

  "Turn around," Blake says, soft but stern.

  Slowly, I spin until my back faces them.

  "Sweet fucking Christ," Dresden hisses.

  "Iadsfânt!" Vlad says. Holy hell.

  "Bring her over to one of the tables," Sammi says in a strained voice.

  "Guys, I'm fine. Already been looked at by a doctor."

  "Are you sure?" Blake damn near chokes on his anger.

  "Yes, baby. I just want to go home." I spin slowly to face him.

  He reaches out, cups the side of my face, leans down, and presses a light kiss to my lips.

  "We're going home, now," Blake says loudly. "Dresden, grab any supplies we need, have Teresa help you. Carmen, Father, I'm taking Lily and Shannon home where I can take care of them."

  He steps next to me, taking my hand. Leaning down, he places a hot, needy kiss on my lips again. I smile as he straightens himself. His eyes are full of rage. Gently, I slide my shirt back on. I'm glad to be here, but I can tell it's going to be a very long night.


  Blake refuses to let me walk anywhere. He carried me in from the car. To my embarrassment, when I needed to use the bathroom, he carried me there too. As if that wasn’t annoying enough, he had to argue with Jameson over who was going to carry me. They act like I haven’t been worse off than this, which I have, more than once. I'm sitting on the sofa in the living room, situated between Blake and Dresden. Shannon's on the other side of Dres, resting her head against the back of the sofa. We're both in need of sleep.

  "A couch has never felt so good." I stifle a yawn.

  "I second that," she says.

  "Where have you all been for the last two months?" Dresden shifts and I open my eyes, staring at him.

  "Do we really have to talk about this right now?"

  "I thought about killing Jax in his sleep," he whispers, running his fingers through his hair, squeezing the back of his neck.

  "Yeah . . . That doesn't sound like a bad idea. Nothing terrible could come of a dumb ass idea like that."

  "He's serious, Lily. You have no idea how bad it's been here," Blake says, lifting my hand to his lips. "I'm just glad you're home."

  "So am I. I need sleep, though. So does your sister."

  "Oh, man. We don't have to sleep on concrete anymore," she says, excitement flooding her face.

  "I've almost forgotten how nice pillows are," I say smiling.

  "We all need to sit down and talk, Lily," Dresden says.

  "I know. It has to wait though, Python. I really need sleep."

  He nods, solemn with rage burning behind his eyes.

  "Teresa," Blake calls. She appears instantly. "Please take my sister to Lily's old room. I'll be moving her in there permanently."

  "And where will you be putting me and my belongings?" I raise my eyebrow.

  "In my bed, where yo
u belong," he says, standing.

  He leans down and sweeps me easily into his arms. I gasp as pain radiates throughout my body. Carrying me to his room, he's careful not to jostle me in any way. Slowly, he lowers me onto the bed.

  "There's so much I need to talk to you about, Lily, but it can wait. I want you to rest."

  "Stay with me," I whisper, my eyes trying to close of their own accord.

  "Lily, I don't want to accidentally hurt you," he says raking his hands through his hair.

  "This pain is nothing compared to being without you. Please, Blake."

  Admitting how much I need him hurts, but not as bad as fearing I'd never be with him again. So many nights I lay awake wishing I'd told Jax to fuck off, but bringing Shannon home is worth it in the grand scheme of things. Blake sighs and climbs in next to me, lying on his side, facing me. I reach over, pulling his arm across my stomach, wincing at the pressure. He tries to pull his arm away, but I hold it in place.


  "Stop, Blake. Just hold me so I can sleep for a while, please."

  "Okay, baby," he says, kissing my temple.

  My eyes close and I fall into a heavy sleep, aware of nothing but the warmth of Blake's body— finally next to mine again.

  "Ah!" Shannon screams as the belt connects with her back.

  I keep my eyes on her.

  He brings the belt across her stomach and I cringe as a dark red welt appears. She grimaces. I'm reminded she doesn't have any scars on her body except the brand, and I doubt she's ever really taken a beating.

  She lifts her head as our tormentor moves around her, locking her gaze on mine. Her resemblance to Blake unnerves me. Pain lances through my heart as the tears stream from her eyes, endless, slowly pulling the life from behind her deep brown irises.

  "Leave her the fuck alone!" I scream at him as he raises the belt again.

  He stops and looks around her. If I can keep his attention, I can save her from the pain. Even if it kills me, she's Blake's sister, and it would crush him if he knew she'd endured such brutality.

  He stalks toward me, the belt still raised over his head. "Excuse me?"


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