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The Auction Block

Page 20

by Courtney Lynn Rose

  I raise my eyebrows. Dresden and I have yet to delve into my new romantic life. "It's still strange, but I'm trying."

  "I know. We can all see it. Sammi is beside herself every time Blake touches you."

  "Well, I'm not over anything yet. Just pushing past it, I guess. I'm still fucked up enough on the inside."

  "Fucked up or not, I've noticed the changes in you since we came here. Whatever he's doing . . . I hope he keeps doing it."

  "What do you mean?"

  Dresden reaches over and puts his hand on my leg. I glance from his hand to his face. He's staring out the windshield, a stern look in his eyes.

  "What are you doing?"

  "You're not shaking. A few months ago, I’d touch you by accident and you’d go into convulsions."

  I sigh, shaking my head in resignation. Dresden removes his hand and turns on the radio. I smile, letting the music soothe me. In my off time, I play guitar and piano. It's therapeutic. The team doesn't know. That hobby is confined to my apartment in New Orleans.


  "Want me to send them in?" Dresden stops next to my desk.

  I place a large bag and manila folder down. Jax's office is now mine, though the only additions are two vases of flowers Blake had delivered.


  I sit behind the desk and run my fingers through my hair. The last thing I want to do is spoil the day, but this will give me peace of mind when I'm not able to be with them.

  Blake, his parents, Shannon, and Teresa stand outside my office door. "Come in. Shut the door."

  "Is everything okay?" Shannon's voice is high and full of panic.

  "Yes, Shannon. Calm down. Everything's fine. Sit."

  Shannon, Carmen, and Teresa sit in the chairs facing my desk while Blake and James stand behind them. I take a deep breath, steeling myself for the possible fight following this meeting. Opening the manila folder, I pull out five small pieces of paper and hand one to each of them, moving back to sit behind my desk.

  "These are Concealed and Carry permits," James says shocked. "What do we need these for?"

  "For these." I pull five 9mm handguns from the bag and lay them across my desk. "You'll each train with Rhett at least twice a week. Though, you should try to train with him as often as possible until you can actually hit a target."

  "Lily, we aren't a family that really approves of guns," Blake says, softly.

  "And I'm not a woman who can stand by and allow you to be unprotected," I snap.

  "We have you and the team. We're hardly unprotected, honey," Carmen says sweetly, eyeing the guns.

  "Mrs. Mason, with all due respect—"

  "Stop with the Mrs. Mason stuff. You're with my stepson. Call me Carmen, please," she says in a firm voice.

  "Yes, ma'am. The fact is the team and I can only do so much. There are five of you and seven of us. I don't know if that's enough considering whom we're up against."

  "Who are we up against, exactly?" James says.

  "The Taurus is the highest profiting and largest human trafficking ring in the world. Not only do they have their hands in the sex trade, but they also have interests in drug trafficking and weapons trade." I walk around and lean against the front of my desk.

  "I really think you're overreacting. They've only made threats and no actual attempts on my life," Blake says annoyed.

  "You don't know these people. The only reason they threatened you was to try and get you to stop your interference with the auctions. You've ignored them. Now, they're going to try and kill you quietly, and they'll take out everyone connected to you if they have to. That includes your family, your friends . . . and us."

  "You honestly think it's that bad?" James moves closer to my desk to see the handguns.

  "Yes. Plus, Shannon's rescue made them look weak. They won't take it lightly."

  "So, how do we stop them?" Blake says pursing his lips in a hard line.

  "You learn to shoot. Learn to protect yourselves in case we aren't there to do it. And stay the fuck away from Khoui," I say, snapping at the name.

  "What does Khoui have to do with this? Granted, the guy gives me the creeps, but he's a business rival, not a trafficker."

  "He's a hitman. The blue-flamed Taurus tattoo gave him away. He's been watching you, and waiting for the right time to put a bullet in your head or slit your throat. Stay the fuck away from him."

  "Okay," Blake concedes.

  I blink rapidly, taken back by how easily this is going. I expect him to throw a hissy fit. Reaching over, I hand each of them a handgun, snuggled tightly in a hip holster.

  "Shannon, Carmen and Teresa, I've scheduled for you all to have a session with Rhett this afternoon. He expects you in thirty. Dresden will escort you."

  They stand and leave the room. I walk to my chair, plop down, and put my head in my hands. I've never been in charge of anything. I was Jax's second in command, but he always made the decisions. I followed orders and improvised if shit got crazy.

  Movement out of the corner of my eye catches my attention. I startle, wrapping my hand around one of my guns.

  "Whoa, babe. It's me," Blake says softly.

  He walks to my side, swivels my chair to face him, and sinks to his knees in front of me. My fingers comb through his hair, his face serene, except for the tension in his jaw. The muscles south of my belly button clench in desire as his irises darken.

  "Hey," I whisper.

  He sits his gun on the edge of my desk and opens my legs to press himself against me. The breath is forced from my lungs, want and need coursing through my veins. In a flash, he grabs my face and brings his lips to mine, kissing me in fevered need. I open my mouth and allow his tongue to invade mine, frantically exploring.

  Breathless and panting, he breaks away, pressing his forehead to mine. "I don't want to carry a gun, Lily."

  I roll my eyes. "Do you think kissing me like that's going to make me change my mind?"

  "I was hoping it might," he says, laughing.

  "Not a chance, Mr. Mason. You and your father have a session with Rhett tomorrow afternoon."

  "Lily," Dresden says, loudly. I jump, snapping my head up toward the door. Dresden's eyes dart from me to Blake and back, concern flooding them.

  "What's wrong, Dres?"

  "I need to talk to you . . . privately." He holds up a brown envelope.

  Blake's head sags forward as he sighs and stands. I follow him to the door. Dresden walks into my office and takes a seat, giving us a moment of privacy.

  "I'll be done shortly, and then we can spend the afternoon together," I whisper, taking Blake's hands in mine.

  "Okay." He brings my fingers to his lips. "Try not to be too long."

  "Hey." I free one of my hands and cup the side of his face. "Stop sulking. The man I care for doesn't sulk."

  He leans in and presses his lips lightly to mine. "I love you."

  Before I can respond, he turns and walks out, closing the door. I take a deep breath, willing the nerves in my body to calm down. I amble back to my desk, stopping next to Dresden.

  "What's in the envelope?"

  "A problem," he says seriously, handing it to me. "It was left outside the door sometime within the last twenty minutes."

  I raise my eyebrows. Tearing my gaze away from his, I look down at the coarse dark brown envelope. Turning it over, my hand shakes as I run a finger over the broken seal.

  Wax . . . a blue Taurus . . . fuck me.

  Trembling, I pull a single blue piece of paper from the inside. There's a short letter, typed.

  Agent Williams—

  We owned you once. We will own you again.

  You will watch as we kill the only people you love.

  Keep them close, Agent.

  Their days are numbered.

  "Fuck," I yell, running out the door. Tearing through the living room, I pass the Masons, shock flashing across their faces. "Dresden, seal the windows, now!"

  Taking the stairs two at a time, I bust into Bl
ake's bedroom, drop to the floor and pull two guns from under the bed. I’d prepared for the worst in the wake of Jax's departure. In the closet, I grab the spare bag of ammunition.

  Only the lamps on either side of the sofa light the living room as I enter, throwing the bag and guns on the kitchen counter. The Masons sit together in the center of the sofa, wide-eyed, watching as the team moves around them. Shannon is shaking, holding Blake's hand so hard her knuckles are white.


  Dresden appears from the stairs, his assault rifle in hand. "Yes, ma'am?"

  This is a different side of us, the well-oiled machine, requiring no directions or discussions. Despite the course of my life currently, this is a familiar and welcome rush. My team's my family as much as Blake and his are, and together, I know we can get any job done as long as we stay focused.

  "Stay with Blake and the others. If anything comes through the front door, shoot it."

  He nods, moving to stand between the sofa and the door.

  "Boa!" I trudge past her office, turning into mine.

  "Yes, ma'am?"

  "What do you got?"

  "White male, late forties, strong build. I'm scanning the CCTV within a twenty block radius to see if I can find him."

  "Let me know when you have something."

  "Of course."

  I grab the letter off my desk, and hurry back to the living room. Rhett and Jameson are there, each standing by a window, peeking through the curtains every few seconds.

  "Boomslang, give me a cell phone scan for every call made within two blocks of this apartment in the last three hours."

  "You got it!"

  "This is why you need the guns." I thrust the letter at Blake and pull out my cell phone, pressing one of the speed dial buttons.


  "It's Williams. We got another threat. Directly from The Taurus this time. The apartment is on lock-down."

  "Shit. Those bastards don't waste time do they?"

  "No, sir."

  "What do you need?"

  "I'm going to have Rhett call you in fifteen. We need weapons. We can't hold this place if they storm it with what we’ve got."

  "Done. Tell him to give me a list. I'll have them sent to you."

  "Thank you, sir."

  "Viper," his tone softens.

  "Yes . . ."

  "Be careful."

  "I always am, sir." I grin.

  I end the call and walk to the kitchen. Black's gaze pulls at me as I load my sniper rifle, slinging it onto my back. Picking up my shotgun, I load it and walk into the living room.

  "You're confined to this living room for the next twenty-four hours. Stay away from the windows. If anything happens, take the fire escape stairs to the spare SUV parked next to it. Keys are in the center console. Go to Monroe in DC."

  "What about you guys?" Shannon's voice breaks.

  "If this apartment is attacked, you leave us behind and go. Our job is to keep you alive at all cost."

  I focus, trying to keep my breathing steady as tears spill over and run down her cheeks. Steeling myself from the emotions churning inside me, I trade places with Rhett. As he moves to make his phone call, I notice movement on the roof across from us.

  "Jameson," I whisper, nodding toward the assailant.

  "I see him." Jameson brings his rifle up, looking through the scope. I follow suit. "Do you see the tat?"

  "Yep. I'm going to crack my window. I don't want to shatter the glass."

  The man's neck is accented by a blue-flamed Taurus tattoo. Slowly, I open the window enough to lay the barrel of my rifle outside, focusing the crosshairs on his head.

  "I'm taking the shot," I say as he looks up, eyes locking on mine.

  I squeeze the trigger.



  I've seen Lily do a lot of things over the last few months, and heard enough about her time with Shannon. I thought I was immune to just about everything. Watching her take out another sniper, and the controlled celebration that followed, put things into perspective for me.

  I love her, but the fact is— her abilities scare the shit out of me. After she pulled the trigger, she showed no emotion other than elation. High fives went all around between her, Dresden, Vlad, and the others. Even Sammi came out, heard about it and hugged her, giving her several praises.

  Lily has moved around the apartment all day, and all I can do is sit here while she's meticulously planning the capture and murder of several people. Part of me wonders if I'll ever be able to heal her enough that she could live a normal life outside Interpol— away from all this violence and pain. I want her too, so bad. I'd give Lily the world if she'd let me, though, she'll hardly let me buy her a meal let alone her heart's desires.

  "Viper," Sammi says walking into the room. "I've searched the CCTV system continuously for the last few hours. There's nothing suspicious in the area. I think we're clear for now."

  Lily huffs, puffing out her cheeks. She pulls her brows together, etching her face with worry. It's easy to see how no one questioned her age. She looks and acts much older than her time when she's in agent mode. She's so mercurial and it's hard to keep up with her constant mood changes at times.

  "If you're sure, then I'll trust you. Let the Masons get some sleep. Vlad is looking over the apartment blueprints anyway. Said he'll have a plan by nine," she says, running her fingers through her hair.

  I grin to myself, remembering the way her hair feels in my hands— full and soft, feather light. No matter what, I can't deny the need I have for this woman. I'm so wrapped up in her spell that if I don't watch myself, I might end up in another dimension one day. Even the parts of her that scare me are lovable.

  How could you not love a woman who's willing to die to keep you safe?

  Lily walks over, stopping on the other side of the coffee table.

  "Everything's clear for now. Vlad will brief us with a better plan later this morning."

  I stay on the couch, wanting to get a moment alone with her. I can tell she's upset about tonight. Lily always thinks about the worst 'what ifs' and will continue to think about them until she's driven herself mad with worry. I need to find a way to get her to stop. It's going to be the death of her. Not a sniper or trafficker, she'll die of a heart attack.

  My stepmother rises, moving around the table to stand in front of Lily.

  "Thank you," she says in an affectionate tone.

  "Uh . . . for what, Mrs. Mason?"

  Lily shifts her weight, uncomfortable with Carmen's tone and probably closeness. She said the other night it doesn't bother her to be touched anymore, but I worry about it all the time. I do everything possible to show Lily that not everyone will hurt her, but I know her past runs deeper than any of us can or will ever understand.

  "You and your team probably saved our lives tonight. We owe you a great deal. Especially Blake," Carmen says, glancing at me.

  I narrow my eyes. She's the last person who should be telling anyone about owing others. The only reason I tolerate her or my father is for Shannon. I love my sister dearly, but my relationship with Carmen and my dad is nothing more than a beautifully crafted smoke screen. It has been for the better part of twenty-three years. Lily seems to think we're the perfect family.

  Oh, if she only knew.

  Before my mother killed herself, she made me promise to be nice to my father— to try and be a good son. I was twelve. Had I known what she'd planned . . . things might be different. I've detested Carmen since even before that moment. She'd been my father's mistress, and taken him away from us. He'd done everything for her, bought her everything she ever wanted. Yet all the time he was married to my mother, he treated her like a servant and helped her with nothing.

  I hate both of them. What they did to my mother is why my entire being is geared toward taking care of Lily. I won't be like my father and let the woman I love struggle through life. No. It's a thought that makes me grin in a sinister way. Schooling my father on how t
o be a man, how to treat a woman, and if all goes right in the future, be a real husband.

  "Blake doesn't owe me anything, Mrs. Mason. I'd say it's my job, but with him, it's more than that." She shoves her hands in her back pockets. "You guys really should get some sleep."

  Carmen nods, and I glare after her as she walks away with my father. Even after they disappear from my sight, my eyes stay glued on the hallway. I wish my mother were alive to meet Lily. To get to know the woman I want to spend my life with. I know Carmen likes Lily, since she gushes over her all the time to my father. Rolling my eyes, I huff.

  Fuck Carmen.

  "Hey," Lily says softly, startling me as she sits close to my side on the couch.

  "Hey, hon," I whisper, turning to gaze at her.

  Her eyes are the most beautiful things I've ever seen— sapphire blue with deep gray around the edges. It's the first thing I noticed about her, and I'm lost staring into them. She searches my face, a small frown forming on her lips.

  I lean forward, pressing my lips to hers. She's warm, inviting, and before I can stop myself, I reach over, running my hand up her leg. Her hand slides up my shoulder and tugs my hair roughly, sending a round of shivers down my spine. It's the same every time we touch each other. My erection stresses against my pants, and I moan into her mouth.

  I want her, right now on this couch.

  "Come to bed with me." I'm unable to control the need in my voice.

  She groans, pressing her lips quickly to mine again. "I can't right now. I need to call Hyde and finish taking care of all this," she says disappointment evident in her tone.

  "They can't handle this without you for an hour?"

  "I'm lead, Blake. It's my job. I'll meet you up there as soon as I can." She kisses me again, gently biting my bottom lip.

  Damn it, woman.

  I pull her face to mine, kissing her hard. Her body tenses as she digs her nails into my shoulder. I tilt my head, invading her mouth with my tongue. She tastes like heaven. Being with her is the one place I forget everything and everyone else. It's like plunging into a hot bath at the end of the most horrible day. The world fades away and she's all there is. Too soon, she pulls back, resting her forehead against mine.


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