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Dark Swan

Page 22

by Yumoyori Wilson

  Leo chuckled and placed the last remaining shot glass back on the shelf. “Well, good luck to you my friend. And when you do come back with her, just come and find me and I will make sure you have all the accommodations you need.”

  I stood up and gave him a beaming smile. “Fantastic. You are incredible.” I reached around and shook his hand across the bar counter. “I’ll be in touch.”

  “Get home safe,” Leo said.

  “I’ll do my best,” I responded, hoping those weren’t famous last words.

  As soon as I reached the edge of the tree line again, I shifted back to my lion form. I hustled and darted through the trees, whipping and turning as I dodged low lying tree branches. I loved to feel the wind blowing through my mane.

  It was an exhilarating experience being in my lion form. I preferred it over my human form, but only for so long. I loved being able to shift and run free and wild like I was meant to.

  It didn’t take me long to reach the entrance to the bunker and when I did, I shifted back into my human form and raced to find my friends.

  “There you all are,” I said, panting hard as I tried to recover my breath.

  “Where have you been?” Blaze asked.

  “In town, talking to Leo,” I said.

  “Oh?” Blaze appeared intrigued. “What did he have to say? Are there any uprisings in Crescent Falls?”

  I shook my head. “None so far.”

  They appeared somewhat crestfallen with the news, but I had to side with my friend Leo. I didn’t want his business to suffer. More importantly, I wanted to bring Sophia there to enjoy a night of leisure and fun.

  “Well, did you at least bring back some food from his kitchen?” James asked. His eyes looked bored and tired.

  “Not this time,” I said. “But I have a proposal.”

  “What is it?” This time, I had everyone’s attention.

  “I asked Leo if we could take Sophia into the village and stay at his hotel. He said we could stay for free and that we would have the poshest accommodations that you could imagine.”

  James and Blaze were the first ones to brighten at my suggestion. “Really?”

  Cameron frowned. “Do you think that’s a good idea?”

  I gave him a sympathetic glance. “We’ll figure out how to get around your…ailment.”

  Cameron groaned. “Is that what we are calling my disease this week?”

  “It’s not a disease,” I countered. “But yes, we will figure something out.”

  Cameron grumbled and sullenly crossed his arms over his chest. “I hate being the odd one out sometimes.”

  “Don’t worry about it.” I shrugged and tried to make the event sound more casual to prevent him from feeling like the outcast. “Maybe you can do something special with her beforehand?”

  “I guess,” Cameron continued to mumble and wouldn’t look any of us in the eye.

  I felt sorry for him, and as I gauged everyone’s expression, realized that was the general consensus floating around the group.

  “When do you want to embark on this adventure?” James asked.

  “Well,” I began. “I wanted to discuss it with you all first, and then we can figure something out.”

  “Sounds good to me,” Blaze said with an excited gleam in his eye.

  “I, for one, think it’s fantastic,” I admitted. “And I’m not just saying that because it was my idea.”

  “So, if this plan goes off without a hitch, I guess you’ll be boasting about it for months to come?” Blaze laughed.

  “You bet.” I tossed him a friendly wink.

  That was the elusive thing about adventure in my opinion. I felt like I needed to keep chasing that high or else I would fizzle out, cease to exist. I may have to spend most of my days hiding in an underground bunker, but I felt like there was so much more out there to see and do. I didn’t want to just exist. I wanted to live.

  “So, does that mean I have all of your support and agreement to put the details of this little trip into place?”

  My friends each exchanged a glance with one another before looking at me and nodding in approval.

  “I know I’m in,” James said.

  “Me too,” Blaze grinned.

  I gazed at Cameron. “You?”

  “For as long as time will allow,” he said. His features looked melancholy.

  “Good.” I smiled with satisfaction. “We can discuss the details and I’ll let Leo know that we’re going to go ahead as planned.”

  Now that Sophia had entered our lives like a hurricane rushing to shore, I had never felt more alive. The tide was shifting. There was hope for us all.

  I could feel it deep in my bones.



  We stood at the edge of the tree line.

  We had ventured down the mountain, each of us surrounding Sophia in a circle of protection. If anyone wanted to come after her, they would have to get through me and my shifter friends first. We knew how to take things to the next level if anything escalated.

  Any encounter with an enemy in the woods, we would be prepared to fight back.

  Sophia glanced at us with apprehension swimming in her eyes. “Are you sure this is a good idea?” Her gaze nervously searched the rows of restaurants and houses with lights gleaming in the front windows.

  Ayden took a step forward and wrapped her hands in his. “You can trust us.”

  I was proud of Sophia. She had journeyed down the mountain without any assistance from her cane and she had been without her leg brace for a couple of days now.

  “We took steps to ensure that this trip to the village was going to be secure for you,” I said with a gentle smile. “If we didn’t think that we were going to be able to do it, then we wouldn’t be down here. We know the dangers involved, but we also knew how much you needed a break from reality.”

  Sophia’s features relaxed slightly. “Okay, if you really think that everything is going to work out and that we will be safe…” She still looked vulnerable and exposed, albeit slightly more convinced that we would make it through this night unscathed.

  “My friend Leo would never let me down,” Ayden said. “He’s been like a father to me, ever since my own father…” Ayden trailed off softly as if he didn’t want to bring up his deceased parents.

  “And my family is so rowdy and unruly that no one will bother going near us,” I said with a grin. Sometimes, it paid off to have a rambunctious reputation in the village.

  “Okay.” Sophia sighed.

  “Don’t worry,” Blaze said. “This isn’t your village. It’s not likely that your Master would be here.”

  “Yeah,” James agreed. “He and his guards are probably long gone.”

  “The uprisings are stronger than ever,” I said. “Most of the Masters are cowering in their castles, and the ones who have already been pushed out have fled elsewhere. They are in hiding. A new day is coming, one where the shifters have the upper hand.”

  Sophia looked content with my answer. She nodded and took another deep breath. She took a step forward, a gesture that proved to us that she was on a mission to conquer her fears and take charge of her life once and for all.

  I was just thrilled to be a part of her life at this point. I was drawn to adventure. I had trust issues, but Sophia was different. She was one of us, a broken shifter who was trying to make a mark in the world.

  “Let’s go,” I said as we began to walk toward the first intersection on the outskirts of Crescent Falls.

  I didn’t mind sharing Sophia with my friends. I didn’t have ownership over her, nor did anyone else. The sooner Sophia learned that and was able to let down her own barriers, the better.

  My goal was to make her feel like she was safe with us. Over the last few weeks, I had noticed a bond forming between each of us that was unique. Sophia had a ton of qualities to broaden our horizons and help us evolve into better people too.

  It was going to be a long road ahead, but as long as w
e continued to pamper her and show her that a better life was out there and ripe for the taking, she would eventually be able to have faith in a brighter future. The world didn’t have to be against us if we found subtle ways to cheat the deviousness of the system.

  The moment that Sophia came crashing into our lives, I knew that she was there to make us stronger. The quality of my life had already improved. Before, I had been an angry werewolf with a bone to pick with society. Now that Sophia was in the picture, I found myself softening up slightly. I wasn’t as hostile with others and I was having better interactions.

  My healing still had a long way to go, but I was confident that I would get there with Sophia by my side.

  “It’s just this way,” Ayden said and pointed in the direction of his friend Leo’s hotel and restaurant.

  As soon as we stood out front, Sophia’s eyes brightened with sheer delight. “This is where we’re having dinner and spending the night?”

  “Uh-huh.” Ayden grinned proudly.

  “Your friend owns this restaurant?” She pitched a perplexed eyebrow.

  “He owns the whole hotel,” Ayden declared.

  Sophia let out a breath of wonderment. “Wow.”

  “If you think this looks great, then you should see the inside,” I said with a chuckle.

  I came to the village often with Adyen, just to get a break from the bunker. I could be a normal person functioning in society when I was out there in the world. I felt so isolated all the time because I had to roam the mountains alone in the middle of the night, braving the elements and looking out for vicious hunters.

  Sophia glanced at me. “You’ve been here before?”

  “We all have,” James mentioned.

  “I can’t believe how nice it is,” she said, looking awed. “Then again, I’ve spent most of my life in the dungeon of a castle…”

  “We’ve all been there,” I said and cupped my hand over her shoulder with a tender squeeze.

  We walked inside the restaurant and Leo immediately waved and flagged us down. “I have a special table in the back for you guys. It’s inconspicuous.”

  Ayden gleamed and leaned in closer to Sophia. “I told you this guy was legit. He would never betray me. He was my father’s best friend.”

  Sophia smiled. “That’s great news.”

  We sat down at the table and Leo told us that he would be specifically serving our table tonight.

  “I just don’t want to risk getting any others involved,” he whispered over the table. “You never know if a spy might be among us…”

  “Agreed,” I said and took a sip of the water after Leo poured it into a glass of ice. It was refreshing and welcomed after a long hike through the mountainous wilderness. “You can never be too careful out there in this world, especially during these trying times.”

  Leo took our orders and set off to have his staff of renowned chefs prepare the dishes.

  “I’m really excited about my crab cakes,” Sophia admitted. “I used to eat soggy mush in the Master’s castle all the time. I practically starved because I couldn’t stand the sliminess sliding down my throat.”

  “Leo said the dinner tonight is on the house,” Ayden said. “The hotel room is also free of charge.”

  “Incredible.” Sophia’s eyes gleamed with excitement. I knew that she was impressed with the lengths we gone to help her enjoy a pleasant evening.

  I felt a little frisky, but I worried at the same time that I was going to run out of time. I was already feeling a little bitter about the fact that I wouldn’t be able to stay with them tonight. I needed to take advantage of my time with Sophia before it came grinding to an unwanted halt.

  I glanced at the clock.

  James must have sensed my paranoia. “You have some time left,” he whispered.

  “Yeah, I know,” I said and kept my gaze on the clock for a few seconds more. If there was only some way to reverse or lift the curse put upon me all those years ago…

  Just enjoy yourself. I gave myself a mental pep talk. If you show your angst on the outside, then Sophia is going to get upset.

  I took a deep breath and draped my arm over her shoulder. “You are going to really love those crab cakes.”

  I had to distract myself, and I knew the best way to do that was to get lost in deep conversation with Sophia until my time was up. There was nothing I could do about the fact that I would turn into a vicious werewolf as soon as the clock struck midnight, but there wasn’t any reason I couldn’t enjoy myself before then.

  “Have you had them before?” Sophia smiled.

  “Yes. Leo put his heart and soul into this restaurant. He really takes pride in it and his reputation. He wouldn’t serve anything that wasn’t of the best quality.”

  “Wonderful,” Sophia said and looked at me as if she wanted to get lost in my eyes. “I’m so happy that you could join us for dinner tonight.”

  “Me too,” I said. My heart thundered in my chest as I kept a watchful eye on the clock.

  “I wish that there was a way I could help you.” Sophia’s voice was kind.

  I took a deep breath and took another swig of my water. “If only.”

  Sophia studied me in a contemplative way. “I won’t give up until I find someone who can help you.”

  I chuckled. “I appreciate your motivation.”

  “No, really.” She seemed serious.

  I took her hand and squeezed it. “Thank you. But you don’t have to worry about it right now. I will be long gone before I…turn.”

  “You aren’t the only one who shifts into something unpopular.” Sophia’s eyes flickered with melancholy.

  “What do you mean?” I frowned.

  She lightly traced a circle around her plate with her fork. “Like I said before, I’m a black swan.”

  “I think black swans are far more mysterious and beautiful than white swans,” I said.

  Sophia looked at me and blinked hopefully. “Really?”

  “Absolutely.” I smiled. “White swans are boring.”

  “My parents were white swans.” Sophia seemed sad.

  “I’m sure they were beautiful, and tons of fun,” I said and tried to recover without contradicting myself. “I just meant that black swans are rare, which makes them desirable in a unique way.”

  The edges of her lips curled into a smile. “I know what you meant. I’ve always thought of white swans being somewhat…pure in comparison to the black swans.”

  “Just try to love yourself for who you are,” I said. “There’s no point in trying to be someone else to prove your worth. Once you relax and begin to appreciate yourself, the whole world will follow suit. Even if you don’t feel confident, exude confidence on the outside. You will be surprised at how fast you will begin to believe yourself. It’s almost like tricking your mind until the feeling becomes reality.”

  It was the best advice I could give her as someone who also had issue when it came to feeling like an outcast in an already cruel world.

  Sophia took my hand under the table. The organ between my legs began to throb and my pulse quickened.

  “Thank you. Your words…they help.” She looked at her water glass and then at me with a gorgeous smile.

  “Anytime.” I gave her an encouraging squeeze around her waist.

  “See?” she said. “We can have fun after all. We can forget about our problems, if only for a little while.”

  My eyes wandered back to the clock. Indeed, all I had left was a little while.

  I’d better make it count.



  The talks around the other tables buzzed about the uprisings.

  Most of the groups were formed from escaped shifter prisoners and various other fed-up citizens. I couldn’t explain it, but the conversations were taking a dark turn and it was beginning to unnerve me.

  Not because I cared anything about what happened in the end to the Masters or their guards, but because I was scared of the future if the vill
ages were left in crumbling ash and broken ruin.

  Ayden had his shoulders squared and was talking loudly over the group. “The whole point in taking down the Masters in the first place is because in the end, we have strength in numbers and when we have strength in numbers, we have the upper hand. We as shifters are far superior to the Masters and their guards.”

  “That’s why they started taking shifters in as slaves in the first place,” James mentioned. “They knew that we were the dominant race. We had the ability to shift. Some of us were even born with the ability to create specific magic. The Masters and the guards are all humans. They are jealous of us and want to control us.”

  “There is a new era rising,” Cameron said with a wild look in his eyes. “Their fire is burning out. There will be nothing left of them but dust soon enough.”

  I adjusted myself in the seat and tried not to look uncomfortable. I was enjoying the conversation, for the most part, and I felt a deep connection to all four of the guys. They were easy to talk to and there was never a dull moment. There was never any lag in the dialogue between us, and I felt safe and secure around them.

  I just didn’t like the talk of war, even if I knew it was something that was inevitable and brewing. I didn’t want anyone I cared about to get hurt. I felt free now that I was out of the grasp of Thom and his guards, but at the same time, I felt like I constantly had to glance over my shoulder. There was no viable way to brush off the paranoia that was eating me alive from the inside out.

  “I agree with you one hundred percent,” James said and wagged a finger at Cameron. “The Masters definitely have a complex when it comes to the male shifters. They feel inferior, so they think that the only way to escape that prison in their minds is to imprison us.”

  “They’re just jealous of us,” Ayden said.

  He looked noble and stately sitting there in the middle of the table. He was gorgeous and golden and full of appeal.


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