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Fated Mates: Paranormal Romance Series Starters Boxset

Page 27

by Hariharan, Laxmi

  The dragon brushed her head against his side, a gentle touch.

  He understood.

  She trusted him enough to let him fly on her. In return, she wanted him to trust her, too.

  Using the nearest scale for leverage, he hauled himself up and kept climbing, until he slid his leg over her back behind Mira.

  He was just in time, because Hope snapped her wings out. With another harsh cry that was torn apart by the sea breeze, she ran up the beach, and then, just like that, was airborne. Then there was only the wind tearing back his hair.

  The beach fell away as his dragon flew toward the sun. Banking a steep right, she headed toward Mauritania.

  Something crashed into them. The dragon screeched, her body shuddered.

  Panic twisted his gut. The Elysians had found them.

  Was Hope hit?

  Aaron swiveled around just in time to see a fight break out on the beach.

  Another shot rang through the air, missing them by inches.

  Zach must have stopped the other man from shooting further.

  Fear swept through Aaron. The rational part of him wondered how a bullet could have penetrated the thick scales of his dragon.

  The dragon's body shook again.

  All thought dribbled out of his head. His gut twisted with fear.

  There was a low cry of pain from Hope. She lost altitude, heading head first for the waves.

  In front of him, Mira screamed. She clung to the dragon's back.

  The sea rushed up to meet them. The dragon's shadow grew larger over the green surface as they plummeted.

  Fear skittered down his spine.

  Hope was hurt, and he was helpless. Aaron swore as they approached the water.

  If she hit the waves, she would drown.

  He had to do something, but what?

  How could he help this magnificent female who had begun to mean so much to him?

  Placing his palm on the scales, he shut his eyes. Aaron dropped into his inner mind, onto the psychic plane where the essence of his star burned cobalt blue.

  Drawing on his psychic power, he drew it down into his heart, into his hand, channeling it through his skin into the body of the dragon.

  Heat rushed through him, pulsing into his arm, and bled through his fingers. He fed it to the dragon.

  A shudder ran through her, then he felt the energy pour through him and bleed into Hope.

  His blue energy sank into her, rushing to the spot where she was injured. It numbed the pain and then began to heal, knitting the muscles back together. Aaron felt her straighten.

  Flapping her wings, Hope gained altitude again until she was flying parallel to the sea.

  All along, he didn't stop focusing, didn't stop channeling that energy. His mind, his soul, his very heart, pushing her on. There were no words needed, just the sheer will to heal her, to infuse her with his spirit, to pour his energy into her so she could keep flying.

  "Whatever you’re doing, it's helping. Don't stop." Mira gripped his shoulder.

  Aaron concentrated on keeping Hope in the sky. He just let her feed from him. He would do anything to keep her alive. Even give up his own life.

  They flew for what seemed like hours, when Mira exclaimed, "Almost there. I see Mauritania."

  The darkness closed in on him.

  Even then, he didn't stop routing his energy, continuing to fuse his spirit with hers.



  The shot had pierced her scales and plowed into her side. It was as if someone had plunged a spear of ice into her, the cold so intense it sucked up the fire inside her, freezing the water in her veins into ice crystals right then.

  There was an instant when she'd been suspended in midair, and then her body had hurtled down toward the water. The wind which had been her friend until then had torn at her wings, her eyes. The pain had burned through her in an intense wave of white noise, and she was sure she was going to crash.

  If she hit the water and went below, Hope knew her body mass would pull her under before she had any hope of righting herself.

  Not just her, but Aaron and Mira, too. No, she had to do something. She couldn't let Mira die when her life was just beginning. And Aaron…pain had speared through her at the thought of separating from him before she'd been able to know him well.


  They were so close to the water. Her breath hissed out and churned the water, steam rising off the surface where her dragon fire touched it.

  She was bleeding, the liquid gushing out, weakening her with every passing second.

  Then she'd felt his touch on her scales… Heat from his fingers sank right through the scales and bones, into her very cells.

  A whoosh of blue, and pure-unadulterated psychic energy had pulsed through her blood. It had zoomed through the furrow that the bullet had left in its wake.

  The energy had numbed the pain, gathering at the wound to net together the cells there. So powerful was it that she felt her cells fill with enough strength to keep going. Channeling it, she’d steadied herself.

  It was as if his spirit aligned itself with hers, supporting her as she pulled up. Her underbelly nicked the surface of the waves. His strength of intent helped her focus.

  With a cry, she'd drawn up and out of the dive.

  Her wings had flapped as she cut through the air, gaining enough altitude to support her body, and she rode the air currents home. All through it, she sensed him.

  His presence was pure intent, so unselfish it brought tears to her eyes. So strong she knew she could lean on him.

  He would protect her, cherish her. He'd never let any harm come to her. His psychic strength, a bright blue cobalt flame that entwined with her spirit, pushed her on.

  With grim determination, Hope winged her way back to Mauritania. She had to make it back before her strength ran out. Before his power ran out. Whatever Aaron was doing, wherever the source of the power he was tapping into, she knew he couldn't keep channeling it for much longer. She had to reach home before time ran out, for both of them.

  When the scent of green and brown, of trees and salt, all laced with the deeper fiery embers that indicated her dragon clan, brushed her nostrils, she couldn't stop the cry of delight that burst forth. A rush of energy had her gathering speed, just as the white sands of her home came into view.

  Touching down, she folded her wings.

  After Mira guided Aaron off her back and to the beach, she allowed her muscles to relax, permitting the shift to take shape.

  Piercing pain and joy, and the regret of leaving her natural animal self, poured through her. Her flesh shrank, her cells transforming into that of a woman.

  The blood still flowed from the gash in her side, splattering onto the sand, but it could have been a lot worse. If not for Aaron, she would be dead. Turning her head, she saw Aaron's body next to her.

  Hope reached out, gripping Aaron's hand.

  His skin was cold, as if he'd poured his very life into her. He was immortal; she knew that. But he was so still…so lifeless.

  Fear jerked through her, joining the pain from the wound still throbbing at her side.

  As the darkness clouded the edge of her vision, she didn't dare let go of him. "Stay with me, Aaron."

  Part III



  "Aaron, where are you?" Zayn's voice cut through the scent of pine that hung heavy in the air.

  Aaron knew he was dreaming, yet he couldn't help but let himself be pulled into his childhood memory. He ran up the slope of the Himalayan range, heart racing, laughter bubbling up as he tried to hide from his twin brother.

  Aaron bit down on his lower lip to stifle his chuckle.

  Diving into the undergrowth, he came to a stop just by the water's edge.

  Scrambling upright, he hid himself behind the flowering hibiscus tree.

  Parting the white and pink flowers, he could just make out Zayn rushing into the clearing at full tilt.

bsp; Zayn leaped over the flowering hibiscus tree.

  He sailed past Aaron, hitting the ground in a roll. Only, he'd grabbed hold of Aaron's shirt.

  With a shout, Aaron found himself rolling with his twin. They went over the side and hit the water.

  Bubbles floated up from Aaron's nose.

  He looked down to find Zayn struggling to free himself from where his leg had become entwined with a creeper.

  Aaron turned around, swam down, and tried to free his brother. His heart hammered against his ribs as he tried to tear Zayn's leg free. His hands grew tired, yet he didn't stop. Adrenaline fueled a final burst of energy into his veins, and the creeper came away in his hands.

  Holding his brother's shoulders, Aaron kicked out, taking them all the way to the top. He gasped in the cool air, and it rushed through his starved lungs.

  "You could have died. When will you learn not to be impulsive?" Aaron sputtered.

  Zayn gripped Aaron's arms, a small smile playing on his lips. "I'll always be with you."

  Aaron's eyes flew open.

  His twin would always be with him. They'd been together before birth, and death would never separate them.

  The realization of that truth had him swallowing hard. Flinging his arm over his eyes, Aaron didn't stop the tears that trickled.

  It felt good to acknowledge that he was ready to let go of Zayn. For he'd never be alone again.

  As he sank into himself, he felt Hope's dragon brush up against his senses. Its energy was faint and shadowy. The dragon was back behind the shields Hope had thrown down on it.

  Yet he was aware of the dragon. On a psychic level, he still felt connected to Hope.

  Perhaps it was the pureness of her energy that had resonated with him.

  The spirit of her dragon had flown out to meet his, drawing from him to feed her own depleting energy reserves.

  Perhaps a part of him had reached out and fused with her dragon, then.

  Her dragon had welcomed him, twining with his energy.

  There on the psychic plane, he sensed the emerging bond that tied them together. It shimmered silver and blue from their intertwined psychic energy. It was evolving, growing stronger.

  The woman she was still rejected him, but her dragon had recognized him.

  Seeing her wounded and weak had torn through any defenses he had.

  The guilt at having found his mate while Zayn wouldn't have a chance to know what it was to meet the other half of his soul…all of that was wiped aside.

  Hope had put herself in danger. She'd gone into enemy territory and almost got herself killed. He knew he couldn't stand by and just let it happen again.

  "Welcome back. How do you feel?"

  He lowered his arm to find Caleb at the door.

  Aaron swallowed, wincing when it felt like he was drawing in breath through cut glass. "Like I've crashed into the side of a mountain."

  Caleb crossed the floor. Picking up the bottle of water from the side table he offered it to Aaron.

  Aaron sipped from the straw in the bottle. The water soothed his gritty throat.

  As the images of the flight to Mauritania with Hope rose in his mind, he sat up.

  "Hope," he croaked. "How is she?"

  "In better shape than you." Caleb put down the bottle. "What you did was either very brave or very stupid."

  "What did I do?" Aaron's eyebrows snapped together.

  "You don't remember?" Caleb's features arranged themselves into a look of careful blandness.

  All Aaron had done was reach into himself and channel energy into Hope. The last he remembered, the energy had been sucked out from him in a rush, and he had let it go.

  He'd known she needed it more than him, so she could keep flying. He remembered the first glimpse of the beaches of Mauritania coming into view. Then…darkness. Aaron swung his feet over the bed and stood, only to find his legs buckle under him.

  Moving fast for a man his size, Caleb grabbed Aaron's upper arm, helping him to stay upright. "Whoa! You may be an immortal, but even you need more time to recover your strength."

  "Take me to her." Sweat broke out over Aaron's forehead with the effort of standing.

  He knew he had to go to Hope. He had to see that she was okay for himself.

  "Stubborn bastard." Caleb picked up a shirt and pants by the bed. "I had them delivered from your room."

  Nodding his thanks, Aaron slid into the pants. His muscles twanged in protest as he pulled on the shirt. With a last ounce of strength, Aaron pushed himself to his feet, following Caleb out of the room.

  They walked down the corridor.

  When he drew closer to the room at the far end, he knew she was there. The scent of vanilla and spice curled around him, hastening his steps.

  By the time they entered the room, he was abreast of Caleb.

  Light pouring in through an open window blinded him for a second. When it cleared, he saw Hope stretched out on the bed, her face as pale as the sheet she was covered with. Her dark hair fanned out over the pillow.

  He sank into the chair by the bed and gripped her hand. Lacing his fingers with hers, he laid his head back against the chair.

  Hope was safe. She was going to be fine.

  The tension drained out of his muscles, and exhaustion had his limbs going heavy.

  He allowed sleep to pull him under.



  Hope awoke to the sensation of a steady warmth seeping into her skin. Half asleep, she traced the source of the heat to her fingers held in Aaron's hand.

  He was fast asleep in the chair drawn up next to her bed.

  His dark hair flowed to his shoulders, framing a face in which his cheekbones jutted out. Dark shadows under his eyes drew attention to the long black eyelashes that swept down to hide those piercing blue eyes she was coming to know so well.

  It was the first time she’d seen him with his defenses down. Yet even in sleep, there was nothing soft about this man.

  He was all hard angles and planes.

  His body was tensed. He was a soldier, a warrior. A part of him would always be switched on in anticipation of the next threat. His vigilance and his courage had saved her life.

  That's when the full impact of what had taken place swept through her mind.

  She'd been shot through with a bullet strong enough to penetrate her thick dragon hide, by a marksman skilled enough to find the gap between her scales.

  Perhaps it had just been luck, but she doubted it.

  The Elysians were skilled warriors, a race driven by their high intelligence levels and their rational mind. Physically, the dragon shifters were superior, but the Elysians had always been at the forefront of technology. This time they had invented a weapon potent enough to harm dragons.

  Thoughts of the threat this meant to her and the rest of the dragon shifters had Hope tightening her grasp on the hand that held hers.

  A shiver ran down her back.

  She raised her gaze back to his face, steeling herself against the onslaught of those vivid blue eyes. Yet nothing had prepared her for the rage she found burning in them.

  Silver sparks flaring, jaw hardening, Aaron leaned forward.

  She couldn't look away. She was riveted by the depth of emotions she saw in them.

  They had crossed a line, but she wasn't sure what that was. No longer could she ignore this male who had swaggered his way into her life.

  "You almost died." Aaron's voice cut through the thoughts in her head. His nostrils flared as he thrust his jaw out.

  "Why are you angry with me?" When she pulled her hand from his, he let go.

  She missed his warmth at once, missed the feel of that steady pulse of his wrist.

  "I flew us to safety, didn't I?" She clamped down on the temper that bubbled up inside her.

  "Oh?" He leaned forward, close enough for the heat from his body to brush her breasts.

  Her nipples puckered at his nearness. She folded her arms over her chest.

  Biting her lips, she tried not to show how much his nearness was affecting her.

  She had to hold her own against him.

  "We rescued Mira and completed our mission. As far as I can see, everything is just fine." Mirroring his aggressive stance, she raised her chin.

  His eyes narrowed. "We broke into the home of the leader of a race more powerful than us and took Mira. You put yourself in danger. More than that, you took unnecessary risks."

  "Seriously?" Hope gritted her teeth. She wanted to reach over and shake some sense into that stupid, macho head of his. "You forget I am a dragon shifter, stronger than any other species alive. I am more than capable of protecting myself."

  "Except you were hurt. You are not as invulnerable as you thought you were. If something had happened to you—" Jumping to his feet, he turned his back to her, rubbing the nape of his neck.

  Her head fell back. She gnawed her lower lip.

  He'd been worried about her. He'd almost died for her.

  Warmth coiled in her belly, creeping up her chest. A feeling of being cherished by him snaked through her. It was so new, so strange…she wasn't sure what to make of it.

  "You are strong and brave and a powerful warrior. You are more than capable of fighting your own battles." He turned, his movements jerky.

  Hope heard a thread of admiration running through his voice. He understood the audacity of her actions. Even appreciated it.

  When he met her gaze, his was intent. "I can't bear to see you in pain. I can't lose you." Aaron ran his hand through his hair, so the thick strands rippled around his face. His fingers shook as he brought them down to his sides to curl them into fists.

  The gesture gave away his inner turmoil.

  Hope was used to taking care of herself. When she'd heard of Mira having been kidnapped by the Elysians, she hadn't thought twice before going in to rescue her. Hadn't thought about the danger she was putting herself in.

  Whatever there was between her and Aaron, it was more than just chemistry. He cared for her.


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