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Outcast Page 52

by Guerin Zand

  “Now my hand doesn’t look like a hand since it’s so close to your eye’s, right.” She nodded. “But as I move it away, you can see it is a hand. If I moved far enough away, like down to the surface of Taes, you wouldn’t be able to see my hand at all. It would still be there though. What I want you to understand is that your eyes can’t tell you the whole truth. What you call heaven is just a big vast space filled with other planets and stars. We call it the universe. The lights you see in the night sky on Taes are just the stars, like your sun, with other planets around them.”

  “This is very strange.”

  “Yes, it is, and it may be hard to understand now. You will see a lot of stranger things if you decide to stay with us. It’s not magic, this isn’t heaven, and we are not gods. It’s just simply your level of understanding is limited, that will change. I think you’ll enjoy learning about all of these things, but don’t let it overwhelm you.”

  “Do you come from one of these stars?”

  “Yes, we do. It is very far away, but it is also very much like Taes. One day, if you want, I will take you there.”

  “I’d like that.”

  I formally introduced her to Senri, the only other person on the bridge. She noticed that Senri looked different from the rest of the people she had met so far. I explained that was because she also came from a different star, where the people looked different. I also explained that some people looked even more different, depending on where they were from.

  We left the bridge and went up to the lounge so she could meet the rest of the crew. We went around and I made the introductions. She tried to pay attention, but I could see she was drawn to the view through the transparent ceiling in the lounge. The Ryvius was oriented with the top of the ship facing Taes. She was probably wondering why we weren’t all falling up. I thought an explanation of the whole gravity thing might confuse her, so I didn’t bother. I walked her over to the bar and I went behind it to fix us a few drinks.

  “Would you like a drink?”

  She continued to stare at the ceiling and nodded her head. I mixed up a few Manhattans and I placed the drink in front of her. I sort of understand how I must have looked to Milly and her crew when they first brought me onboard their shuttle. I don’t think Scirla had ever even seen glass before. Just about everything she saw must have boggled her mind.

  She sipped her drink, but mostly she marveled at the glass it was contained in. “This is very nice.”

  “Yes, it’s one of my favorite drinks. Are you ok?”

  “Yes. I’m very confused, but I’m ok. I don’t know if I’ll get used to all of this though.”

  “If you want to return home you just have to ask me. If you decide to stay, then you need to know that it may be a long time before you see Taes again. As soon as the Maricindi leave Taes, we’ll be leaving as well.”

  “Where will we go?”

  “Another star system. My crew and I have other responsibilities. You’ll have the chance to visit other worlds and meet the people who live there. You still have a few days before you have to decide. When you’re ready, I’ll take you to your quarters where you can get settled in for the night.”

  “Do you want me to stay with your family, Guerin?”

  “Yes, if that is what you want.”

  That wasn’t entirely true. If she stayed, it would make my life more complicated, but I didn’t want to influence her decision. I didn’t want her to feel unwelcome. I could see she was uncomfortable enough with the current situation.

  “But you don’t want to be joined with me?”

  “No, I mean, it’s a lot more complicated than that. You’re a beautiful woman, Scirla. I don’t think any man here wouldn’t want to be joined with you. I know this is all very confusing for you now. I just want you to take some time to understand us better. Then we can talk about us, alright?”


  Maria made her way over to the bar to join us. “What’s going on here?”

  “We’re just talking and having a drink.”

  “Really, Dad? That didn’t quite go the way you thought it would last time, did it?”

  “You don’t trust your own father?”

  “No. You’ve already made a mess of things.”

  “Maybe, maybe not.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “We could use her help. Our knowledge of the Taesrin is limited and she could help with that, right?”

  “I guess.”

  “And she knows a lot more about these Guides than we do. That was one of the reasons we came here.”

  “What are you thinking, Dad?”

  “I’m thinking that her being here really isn’t a mistake at all. I know you don’t believe me when I say I’m being manipulated, but I think it’s true. Why did we come here? Why did these Guides contact me? Why did the Guides tell her that her future was with our family?”

  “So, you want to keep your new wife?”

  “It’s not like that, Maria. If she wants to stay with us, then I think she should.”


  “Is it really that difficult to trust me anymore, Maria?”

  “No, that’s not what I’m saying. I just think you get yourself into situations that maybe aren’t best for you.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Nothing. Why don’t you let me help then? I can look after her. She could probably use another woman to talk to. We all know how you are with women. We don’t need to confuse her any more than is necessary.”

  “Sure. Thanks, I think?”

  We finished our drinks and Maria took Scirla to her room. It seemed funny to me that my daughter thought I needed her to watch over me. I wondered if she wasn’t actually a Bree agent. I dismissed the idea since the Collective hadn’t come to stop me from interfering on Taes. Still, when the shit hit the fan, I was sure she’d spill the beans just like she always squealed on me to her mother when she was a little girl.

  Chapter 35

  Mission Accomplished

  Kelly and I returned from the surface of Taes after having used a transit portal to send the Maricindi back to their homeworld. As a little bonus, I gave Zrill a small data package. It contained information on how they could defend themselves against the Bayru nano-weapon using their own current technology. I figured since they had been more or less cooperative that I would show my appreciation.

  Scirla was starting to get the hang of being a space babe. Maria, Prima, and Gamma had all taken her under their wings and taught her the basics. She could use the food replicators and beverage stations without any help, and she had the basics of using the viewers down. She actually spent a lot of time using the viewers to find answers on her own. The only downside was my girls taught her how to shop for clothes and other items. Personally, I thought to introduce the concept of shopping to a primitive culture could be very dangerous. Scirla could never return home now without contaminating the Taesrin society.

  We decided it was a good time for a celebration. My mission to Taes had been successful, from my standpoint at least. Sure, there was the little mix up resulting in my accidental marriage, but it wasn’t like I corrupted a civilization or anything. It was really no worse than a drunken trip to the Chapel of Love with a Vegas stripper, right? Anyways, a celebration on Ryvius called for a pizza night, and everyone loved pizza night. It would be Scirla’s first, so I made sure she got to help me out with the ovens. I thought cooking with fire would make her feel more at home.

  The drinks were flowing, people were joking around and laughing, and then, well, then shit happened. Hiromi Aoki, our Systems Officer who was on bridge watch, called me on the comms.

  “We have company, Captain.”

  “What kind of company, Hiromi?”

  “I think they’re Collective, probably Bree from the look of their Captain. She says you know her?”

  “Did she give you a name?”


  “Yea, I know her, and she is Bree for su
re. Probably here to ruin our pizza night.”

  “She said, and I quote, ‘Tell that asshole to not even try and run.’”

  I wondered why she said that? Ok, it was what I was thinking about doing. Cindy probably could disable our portal drive, but we’d still probably be able to lose them with the star drive. I thought about it for a few seconds but decided against it. I was in a good mood and I was going to try and keep Cindy from spoiling that.

  “Alright, patch me through to her.”

  “Go ahead, sir.”

  “Cindy, babe! Wassup?”

  “Don’t you Cindy babe me, you asshole. What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

  “Making pizzas. We’re having a pizza night to celebrate. Why don’t you and your crew pop on over? I’ll throw a few more pies in the oven.”

  “This isn’t a social call, Guerin. You’ve fucked up big time now. There are a lot of people who want to have a little talk with you. What made you think you could get away with this bullshit?”

  “You sound upset, Cindy. Why don’t you come on over and join the party?”

  “I’m not playing around here, Guerin, and I don’t want to join your little party.”

  “Well then, I guess I’ll say goodbye.”


  “Yes, Captain?”

  “Disable all comms onboard the ship and ignore any more calls from that young lady.”

  “Aye aye, sir.”

  I went back to making pizzas and figured Cindy would take the hint. I pulled the last few pies out of the oven, sliced them up, and made my way back up to the party in the lounge. I was at the bar talking to Scirla and Maria while I whipped up a few drinks for some of the crew. That’s when Cindy came barging in. Her face was a shade of red I’d never seen before. She appeared to be mad about something.


  The room went silent. Everyone turned to see what all the fuss was about.

  “Yes, but right now I’m a happy asshole, Cindy, and I’m not going to let you ruin that.”

  “I’m not going to give you much of a choice. How dare you cut me off. If I…”

  “Now you listen to me, Cindy. If you don’t calm down and stop spreading your negative vibes around, I’ll have a couple of my Rangers haul your ass off to the brig. That’s where you’ll stay until you calm down, or we sober up. Whichever comes first.”

  “You wouldn’t dare!”

  “What, you don’t think I’m that stupid?”

  That seemed to register with Cindy. She knew how many people had made the mistake of underestimating my stupidity and how that turned out for them. She was steamed, and if she had been a cartoon character, steam would have been blowing out of every orifice. She looked around the room, looking for someone who might take her side. Seeing no one that fit that bill, she fixed her stare on Scirla.

  “Who’s she?”

  “Oh, you two haven’t met. Excuse me, I seem to have forgotten my manners.”

  Cindy simply scowled.

  “Scirla, this is Cindy. She belongs to that boring family I told you about.”

  “The Bree?”

  “That’s the one. Cindy, this is Scirla, my wife.”


  “It’s all a big misunderstanding. I think the Guides just wanted to show me their appreciation for my coming here to help out and, well, Scirla is sort of my reward, I think. I’m not one hundred percent sure actually. Anyways, it’s a long story.”

  “Oh, I can’t wait to hear it. Maria?”


  “Why didn’t you try and stop your idiot father?”

  “Well, none of us knew what he was planning. If I tried to stop him he probably would have thrown me in the brig.”

  “You really have outdone yourself this time, Guerin.”

  A big drunken smile appeared on my face. “I know. Pretty fucking cool, huh?”

  The crew couldn’t help but laugh.

  “This isn’t funny. It’s not just the Council that’s pissed, although they most definitely are, the Collective is wanting a piece of you as well.”

  “Whatever, Cindy. I’ll straighten this all out with them later. Right now, would you mind letting us get on with our party? Come on, I’ll make you a drink and there’s plenty of pizza over there. Help yourself.”

  “You promise you’ll come back and meet with the Collective?”

  “I promise.”

  “Ok. I guess I’ll take one of those Manhattans. You really are an idiot though.”

  “Yea, but I do make this universe a lot more fun, don’t I?”

  Cindy laughed a bit and slammed down her first drink. She pushed her glass back on the bar and asked for another one. Then Cindy and Maria went off to have a little talk. I’m sure Maria was telling her everything. My daughter really enjoyed seeing her father in trouble. It didn’t matter. I knew that I’d have to face the alien inquisition sooner or later. I was ready for that. I just wanted to enjoy the party. Scirla was having fun and she was spending a lot of time mingling with the rest of the crew. She was starting to fit in, and that was good to see. Needless to say, she was extremely popular with the male members of the crew.

  I left the party for a bit to put Gamma to bed. I stayed with her for a while and performed a little song for her. When I was with her, I could just forget about all the assholes in the universe. Nothing bothered me when she smiled. After she fell asleep I still didn’t want to leave. Why couldn’t my life be as simple and happy as these moments with her I thought.

  I returned to the party and I joined Prima and Maria who were sitting back on one of the sofas. Scirla was sitting at the bar with a few men crowded around her. She seemed to enjoy the attention.

  “You probably should go over there and rescue your new wife, Dad. You’re not the only player on the Ryvius.”

  “Especially that Kevin. He’s quite the charmer, isn’t he?” Prima added.

  “I know, and that French accent of his?” Maria continued.

  “It’s so sexy.” Prima pointed out.

  “Very funny you two. Maybe she should explore her options.”

  “You really are an idiot, Dad!”


  “No, I mean it. What is wrong with you. Did you ever think how Scirla might feel? You are her husband after all, and you’re ignoring her probably is not helping.”

  “Has she said something to you, Maria?”

  “No, but she doesn’t have to. It’s obvious to those of us who aren’t idiots. You married that girl, and, well, you haven’t been living up to your husbandly duties, now have you?”

  I reached over and grabbed Prima’s hand. “I already have a wife, Maria, and I’m very happy with her. I know you think this little predicament of mine is funny, but it’s not. I can’t have two wives, it’s just not right.”

  Prima looked at me, and in all seriousness said, “Why isn’t it right?”

  “Because it isn’t, I mean, it’s disrespectful to you. You’re the one I chose to share my life with, Prima, not just my bed. I don’t understand why you two don’t understand that. Especially you, Maria.

  “I understand why you feel that way, Dad, but it is a little old fashioned, don’t you think? I know Milly tried to explain things to you, but you just seem to want to hang on to your primitive beliefs.”

  “My primitive beliefs? Maybe you’re right. You know we have room on the ship. I could build out an area for my harem. How big should I make it? Big enough for 5, 10, maybe 20 wives?”

  “Now you’re just being ridiculous, Dad.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. Maybe you can tell me what the max number of wives is the proper amount? I mean, if I can have two, I don’t see why I can’t have twenty.”

  Prima looked at me and smiled. “You need to take what we’re saying serious, Guerin.”


  “Let me finish. To Scirla, you are her husband. You need to understand how the way you’re acting toward
s her makes her feel. I don’t have a problem with you having another wife. In fact, I kind of like the idea. You know how much I miss my sister. It would be nice to have another woman I could share my feelings with.”

  “But you have Maria?”

  “But I can’t talk to her about us. She’s your daughter, and that’s just awkward.”

  “Oh, that’s awkward, but me having two wives isn’t?”

  “You’re the only one who feels that way, Guerin. You’ll get over it, I’m sure. Can you tell me that you don’t want to be with Scirla?”

  “Well, no, but there’s a lot of women I’d like to be with. I’ve even had those thoughts about Julie, and there’s no way in hell I’d ever actually do that!”

  Prima gave me a look that reminded me of one of those looks my mother used to give me. The look she’d give me when she didn’t buy one of my bullshit excuses.

  “I don’t understand why you two can’t just drop it. I’m handling this in my own way.”

  “And you’re making it even worse, Dad. Besides, the Universal Guild of Women Bent on Destroying Guerin Zand needs a new member.”

  “Ha, ha.”

  Prima took my hand in both of hers and turned up her superpower. “Go over there and have a drink with your wife. Stop trying to ignore the situation. Try and act like her husband for a change. Now go!”

  “Fine, but I just want to say that this is a mistake, and in case I don’t get another chance, I just want to say I told you so!”

  I started to walk towards the bar and I looked back, like a little boy whose mom was making him get on the school bus and he didn’t really want to go to school. They both shot me a disapproving look, so I turned back and continued on. I couldn’t figure the two of them out. My daughter, maybe. She just enjoyed messing with me, but Prima? What was the deal with this “sexy” frog, Kevin? How did they know about his charming ways? How did Prima know? Was she seeing other men? I guess, from her view of things, there was nothing wrong with that. I couldn’t really be mad at her for doing something she didn’t think was wrong, right? That was the point I was trying to make, but they didn’t get it. Maybe having a second wife wasn’t wrong. They said it was right, but I thought it was wrong, and if I did what they thought was right it would still be wrong because I thought it was wrong. Isn’t that right? I should have stayed with Gamma!


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