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Sex Material

Page 9

by Ashley, Victoria

  This day just needs to end already.

  * * *

  DESPITE IT BEING THREE A.M. I can’t force myself back to sleep, and as much as it hurts to admit, I miss sleeping next to Douglas.

  I’m not saying I want him back. My heart can’t help but to feel the void of him being gone after being at my side for so long. It’s a horrible feeling, and I know it’s going to take a while for it to go away completely.

  I’ve been hurt before in the past, but not like this. It’s never hurt this deeply. Betrayal sucks. “Ugh. Don’t do this, Cami.”

  I sit up and grip my hair as my eyes sting from the tears. I do my best to hold it back, but a small sob escapes, and I have to cover my mouth to hide the noise. Crying over Douglas is the last thing I want to do. It makes me feel weak and pathetic after what he did to me.

  Why should I cry over someone like him?

  Why should I miss us?

  Reaching beside me, I grip my phone in my hand. I don’t know if this is going to make me feel better or worse, but I do it anyway.

  I wipe my eyes off, so I can see the picture in front of me. It doesn’t take long to realize that seeing them together—with the way I’m feeling at the moment—is only making the ache in my chest grow. It’s making my insides want to burst with sadness.

  “I hate you!” I toss my phone across the room, unable to look at it for another second. It hits the wall hard and I immediately regret it, hoping that the noise didn’t wake Veronica and Peter.

  Once a few minutes passes without one of them knocking on the bedroom door. I think it’s safe to say I didn’t wake them.

  Taking a deep breath, I slowly exhale and crawl back under the blankets, grabbing the extra pillow and shoving it beside me, so I don’t feel alone.

  It works. Within minutes, my eyes grow heavy and I drift off to sleep.

  AFTER LOADING MY TRUCK UP with the right color gutters—the ones my crew should’ve already had—I head to the jobsite to drop them off and check on the guys.

  Austin greets me at the truck, looking just as annoyed as I feel, and that’s at the highest level. “Sorry, Man. Patrick fucked-up the color and now we’re an hour late getting to the final job. I asked Jason to pick up the correct gutters to save us some time, but he said he couldn’t.”

  Red becomes my filter over one of my guys refusing to do his job, and I have to fight not to punch my truck. “Why the fuck not?”

  Austin shrugs and begins unloading the truck in a hurry. “He didn’t say. Sounded like he was in a rush to get off the phone. Isn’t he working the warehouse now?”

  “Yup. That fucker’s job is to organize shit and make runs when needed.” I’m so pissed that I can barely get the words out. I told his giant ass last week if he couldn’t do his job I’d give it to someone that could. “Is Oliver still looking for a job?”

  He nods and closes the tailgate. “Hell yeah.”

  I pull out my phone to check the time. “Text me his number. But get this job done first. It’s almost dark. I’ll call the next job and let them know we’re going to push it to tomorrow.”

  “Gotcha, Boss.”

  After making sure the guys are good to go at their current job, I haul ass back to the warehouse in search of Jason. He better pray he’s not there, because I’m heated, and the last thing he wants is to feel my fucking wrath after the phone call I just hung up from. No one fucks with my business. I made this clear before I hired him.

  When I pull up at the warehouse, I jump out of my truck without bothering to shut it off. That’s how fucking anxious I am to get to Jason and tear him a new asshole.

  His little white car is in the driveway, so he’s still here, and there’s no good reason for him not getting those gutters to the jobsite when asked to. I was too far out of the way to come here before the job—it would’ve wasted more daylight my guys didn’t have to waste—so I had to place an order close by and pay extra for shit we already had sitting around here.

  Flicking my cigarette across the driveway, I hurry around the side of the building and step inside to find Jason sleeping in a fucking lawn chair with his cap pulled over his eyes.

  “Get the fuck up!” I seethe, yanking his hat from his head and throwing it at the wall. “I don’t pay your ass to take naps and be lazy. You’re screwing with my business. Stand up. Now.”

  Jason’s eyes go wide as he jumps to his feet to stand in front of me. He’s towering over me, and that’s not even enough to stop me from wanting to kick the shit out of him.

  “Shit,” he grunts, tiredly. “I didn’t sleep last night. It was a rough night. I stayed awake as long as I could, but—”

  “But nothing.” I flex my jaw and step up until we’re face to face. “I just lost business because of your bullshit. My clients want to know they can trust us to do our job on time. I had to call Patrick and Austin’s next appointment to let them know they can’t make it until tomorrow evening and they made it clear they won’t be using us again in the future. Some clients aren’t so fucking understanding, Jason. Got that?”

  “I was too tired. It won’t happen again. My mistake—”

  “Get the fuck out of my sight.”

  Without a word, he nods, and walks to pick up his hat.

  “And don’t bother showing up tomorrow.” I add. “You’re fucking fired.”

  “That’s bullshit. Are you serious?”

  “Dead fucking serious. Go.”

  “Whatever. I’m outta here.” He tosses his Blake Construction hat down and mutters some shit under his breath that he’s too chickenshit to say to my face. He pauses at the door as if he’s going to say something aloud, but decides against it; probably realizing nothing he has to say is going to do shit to change my mind.

  I stay at the warehouse over the next hour waiting for all of my crews to get back and take down their hours.

  Usually, I trust my shop guy to handle this before locking up, but since he moved away early this week, I made the mistake of thinking Jason could replace him.

  By the time I arrive at Cami’s rental to work, it’s already well past seven, so I don’t expect her to show up, but she steps inside shortly after I arrive with a container of food and stuff to make tacos.

  “I heard you pull up and I was about to eat a late dinner. Figured you might be hungry.” She doesn’t wait for me to respond before setting the container down and pulling out two paper plates. “I made tacos for Veronica and Peter today, and I always make too much meat.”

  I didn’t realize how hungry I was until she pulls the lid off and the scent practically slaps me in the face. “Depends.” I watch her from over the island as she scoops meat onto two taco shells.

  “On what?” she questions, scooting a plate toward me and pointing at the variety of toppings she bagged up. “Are you worried I spit in your portion?” She smiles teasingly. “I’m not saying I didn’t, by the way.”

  “No. Why would I be worried about your spit when I’ve had your pussy in my mouth, Cami?” She chokes on the bite she just took. “I was gonna say only if it tastes as good as it smells. You do, by the way.”

  Her face turns red with embarrassment and she slams her taco down. “Can we forget that happened? It seems since meeting you I’ve been making multiple mistakes, that being the biggest one.”

  I shrug. “Sure. I can forget.” I look up to meet her angry eyes when they focus on my lips as I bite into the taco. “But can you?”

  “What makes you think I haven’t already?”

  “Your eyes,” I point out. “If you don’t want me to believe you’re imagining my mouth on you again then you might want to stop looking at my lips like you want to suck them and taste yourself on them.”

  “Wow.” She stands up and wipes her hands off. “You really are full of yourself, aren’t you?”

  “Just as much as you wish you were,” I say to piss her off. My attitude is shit right now and she just happens to be around at the wrong fucking time.

  “You kn
ow what… forget it. I can’t do this. I’ve had a shitty day and I can’t handle anymore bullshit right now.” She brushes past me and heads for the door. “I’m over it.”

  “Why?” I surprise myself with my own damn question.

  She pauses, but doesn’t turn around. I don’t blame her. I’d be ready to get away from me too if I were her, but maybe I’m not ready for her to leave yet.

  “What happened at work today?”

  “It doesn’t matter,” she says softly. “I’d rather forget it ever happened just like everything that has happened since I caught Douglas cheating.”

  “Did he say something?” The idea of him hurting her again adds to my already shit mood. I wouldn’t mind taking a little drive to fuck someone up tonight.

  “It’s not what he said. It’s what he did.” She turns around, pain evident on her face. “He left after school with Susan today. He lied to my face when he told me things were over with her. I may not want him back, but it hurts to know he’s still sleeping with her. I hate that he’s having fun while I’m hurting. Why should I suffer while he enjoys himself? I’m not the one that did something wrong.”

  “Sounds like I’m not the only asshole you know.” I stand and walk across the room, stopping right in front of her. When I lean in, our mouths almost touching, she sucks in a breath. “He’s not the only one that could be having fun right now, Cami,” I say across her lips. “One night with me and you’ll forget the asshole ever existed. I can erase him. Just say the word.”

  I trail my hands down her sides, stopping to grip her hips, and pull her against me. The sexy sound that escapes her lips instantly makes my dick harden against her.

  “Jensen…” Her words trail off when I lean in and scrape my teeth across the front of her throat. “This is a bad idea. A very bad idea.”

  I growl against her throat, before running my hand up it to squeeze ever so slightly, as I speak into her ear. “Sometimes bad ideas turn out to be the best ones. I can show you.”

  Coming to her senses, she shakes her head and pushes away, her breath fast against my throat. “No. I don’t need any more complications, Jensen. I have enough to deal with.”

  “There doesn’t have to be any complications when it comes to us. Just sex,” I point out. “Let me make you come around my dick, Cami. Let me make you forget him.”

  “This is crazy. No. I… I just need to go. I never should’ve brought you dinner. So much for doing something nice for you. I was trying to make up for what I did last night. Stupid idea.”

  “I don’t have to touch you,” I say, stopping her before she can leave. When she turns around, I’m already stripping my shirt off and tossing it across the room. Her needy eyes watch as I go for my jeans to unbutton them.

  “What are you doing?” she asks, eyes wide. “Keep your pants on, Jensen.”

  “Who said I’m taking them off?”

  She swallows and backs away as I come closer to her. “It sure as hell looks like it.”

  I open my jeans and lower them, watching with satisfaction as her eyes roam over my muscular body, stopping on the outline of my hard dick through my boxer briefs. “Shut up and watch. Stop thinking. You liked it from a distance. You’ll love it up close.”

  Her throat bobs up and down as she swallows, the moment my hand trails down the front of my briefs to touch myself. Pulling my bottom lip into my mouth with a growl, I grip my dick and begin stroking it through my briefs.

  It’s so fucking hard for her, making me imagine slamming it into her wet pussy and taking her from behind. She’d scream for me, and I’d love every second.

  “Fuck.” I remember her grabbing me last night. “I’m so fucking hard for you, Cami. You have no idea how hard and deep I could fuck you. Look at it. Imagine how wide I’d stretch you.”

  She looks embarrassed watching me stroke it for her, but she doesn’t look away, her legs slowly closing in the harder I stroke myself.

  Keeping my eyes on her, I move closer, grabbing her hand and placing it on the waistband of my boxer briefs. “Lower them, Cami. Now is your chance to see it in the flesh. We both know you’ve been dying to since that night. Do it,” I demand.

  Her hand shakes as she slowly lowers the front of my briefs until my cock springs free. “Holy shit…” she breathes in surprise.

  “Touch it, Cami,” I whisper.

  She swallows again, doing her best not to look me in the eyes. She wants to touch it just as bad as I want her to, but she’s afraid to admit it, because she hates me. What she doesn’t know is that her hating me only makes this so fucking hotter.

  “Touch it,” I say again, backing her up until she’s pressed against the sheetrock. Looking down at her, I place my hands against the wall, making sure our eyes meet. “Don’t be ashamed. Douglas is probably doing the same thing with Susan right now.”

  “Fuck Douglas and fuck you.” Her eyes turn heated. She looks me over as if she wants to kick my ass.

  “Yeah,” I breathe into her ear. “I’ll let you fuck me anytime, and anywhere. But since that won’t be happening tonight…” I press my hips against her, letting her feel how hard I am. “Enjoy the fucking show, because it’s going to be what gets you off on a nightly basis.”

  Grabbing Cami’s hand, I place it around my dick and growl into her ear when she gives it a tight squeeze.

  “Think you can handle that inside you, Cami?” I place my hand over hers and move it up and down, so that we’re jerking my cock together. “Do you feel how it keeps growing in your hand?”

  She doesn’t speak. She doesn’t even look at me, because she’s ashamed to show me how much she’s enjoying my dick in her hand right now.

  “It’s not done yet. Not even fucking close.”

  I moan against her neck and move her hand over my dick again, guiding her and showing her exactly how I like it.

  Her breathing picks up when I growl against her ear, letting her know how fucking good it feels to have her touch me.

  As much as I enjoy her hands on me, though—as good as it feels—in order for me to tease her in the way I want to, I’m going to have to finish this myself.

  “Close your eyes, Cami.”

  “Why?” She shakes her head and places her arms at her sides when I remove her hand from my dick. “This is… I should go. This is insane.”

  “We both know you don’t really want to go. You know I’m right. Now close your fucking eyes.”

  Releasing a hard breath, she closes her eyes and focuses on the sound of me touching myself.

  “Fuck,” I growl out. “I’m going to come, Cami. Tell me how much you want me to come.”

  She shivers against me at the thought of me coming for her. It has her body worked up and needy. So fucking needy, and we both know it.

  “Do I have to?” she whispers, annoyed.

  “Yes,” I say stiffly. “Tell me.”

  “A lot,” she says, so quietly I can barely hear her.

  “I can’t fucking hear you, Cami.”

  “A lot, dammit. Now fucking come.”

  Pleased, I grin against her ear and wipe my thumb over the pre-cum on the head of my dick, wetting it.

  “That’s for next time. When my dick is buried deep inside your tight little pussy. But I’m not sending you home without a taste.”

  Grabbing the back of her hair, I give it a slight tug to tilt her head back. Her mouth drops open on a moan and I run my thumb over her bottom lip, wetting it.

  “Taste me,” I order.

  She hesitates for a brief moment, before running her tongue over her lip, obeying.

  “Remember what I taste like, Cami. Use me to get off, because we both know you will. Just like everyone else does.”

  With that, I back away and leave her panting against the wall, clearly trying to figure out what the hell just happened.

  “Fuck you, Jensen.” She shoves my chest and wipes her mouth off. “I don’t need you to get off and I definitely don’t want you too either. I’m
out of here.”

  Feeling like a complete ass, I watch as she stomps her way out the front door, slamming it closed behind her.

  I shouldn’t have said what I just did, but my nerves are shot tonight and I have a hard time controlling it when I’m around her.

  Minutes later, I step out front and smoke two cigarettes in a row, watching the house next door as if that’s going to tell me if she’s over there pleasuring herself to me.

  I’m half tempted to creep on her through the window like she did me, but that’s not my style. Plus, I’d probably end up at the wrong window and catch Peter jerking off inside. I’m sure she’d get a kick out of that.

  Tossing my final cigarette toward the street, I walk back inside and bury myself in work for the rest of the night. By the time I get Cami here to do some damn work, it’s going to be ready for her to move in.

  I can’t have that.

  This shit is far from over, and by the time I’m through with her she’s never going to forget the feel of me inside her.

  I RUSH ACROSS THE LAWN, my heart racing with adrenaline at what just went down with Jensen. Despite me hating him, I can’t seem to stay away when it comes to him sexually. Being around him brings something out in me that I haven’t felt in a long time. He makes me feel and think dirty thoughts. It makes me want to be dirty and daring in the bedroom, which is something I’ve never been.

  Being with Douglas for so long, I became used to a normal routine with sex. The second it was over we were falling asleep.

  He was never up for anything kinky, or even spontaneous, and what Jensen just did was definitely hot and dirty. So damn dirty.

  “Holy fuck.” I pant, closing myself inside the guest room and throwing myself down onto the bed.

  I can still taste him on my tongue. I have to admit, it has me so turned on that I can barely move without coming from the friction to my sensitized clit. When I noticed Jensen’s truck pull into the driveway next door, my intentions were to be nice and offer him dinner, since I was almost positive neither of us had eaten. I should’ve known it wouldn’t be that easy with him. It never is.


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